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Edited by Ex3cUtIoN11: 4/6/2015 5:56:45 PM

From the Bottom of Our Hearts: A Guide to Exercising Common Courtesy in Destiny

Destiny is a social game where we fight alongside our friends and other Guardians we have never met. With that being said, why is it that we treat our allies like our worst enemy? This list is for everyone who plays Destiny: both in PVP and PVE. —PVP - With the newly added team voice, use it. - Hunter’s Tripmines, Titan’s Lightning and Spike grenades can be destroyed. Simply shoot the spike from which the light is emitting and it will explode. If a teammate is approaching a Tripmine, alert them and proceed to destroy it. Likewise, if you are stuck with a grenade and around allies, distance yourself from them to avoid hurting teammates and potentially giving the enemy a multi-kill. - Heavy ammo is rare and happens three times per match—The times are 9:00, 6:50, and 3:00 (game timers will occasionally be off by a few seconds) and alert you with a ten second announcement before it arrives. Heavy ammo has the ability to turn the tides of entire matches if used correctly. When ammo arrives or is about to arrive, call out to teammates by simply saying “A/B/C heavy.” Pay attention to teammates around you and who is coming to get the heavy. You must be within about 16 meters for the crate to drop ammo. If you cannot call out to teammates due to a lack of mic or other causes, simply wait as long as enemies are not around. A team of six enemies with four rocket launchers and two machine guns against your team where only one Guardian took the heavy ammo for his machine gun isn’t going to end well for your team. - If you have an offensive super ready and an enemy blade dancer is approaching your group of four Guardians, use your super to get that one measly kill and prevent the two-thirds of your team from dying. If you have a Defender Titan’s Ward of Dawn ready and a rocket is going towards nearby teammates and you have enough time, run to them and provide a shield against the imminent death. - Assists are not a bad thing and do not mean that your teammates are out to steal all your kills. Get assists when possible to help your team. To put it into perspective, if the score goes to 20,000 points and assuming there are no modifiers to scores granted from kills or other sources of points incoming; if a team gets an assist on every kill, each kill is worth 150 points as opposed to the regular 100. This means that the team will require only 134 kills to win instead of 200. That’s 66 fewer kills. - In a similar sense to assists, 3v3 adds the ability to revive fallen teammates. Due to the nature of this small team based game mode, stick tightly with teammates and revive them when possible. Also, for the Guardian who is dead, don’t respawn as soon as it says you can, wait for an ally to revive you. Waiting until your team is dead gives you the advantage of respawning together in one spot instead of getting killed one by one. —PVE - With the newly added team/fireteam voice, use it where applicable. - The main issue to address with PVE is patrolling. Many people go into patrols to acquire those 13 more Spirit Bloom they need to upgrade that piece of gear and finally hit level 25. If you are also patrolling and see that another lonely soul is looking for chests and material nodes, stop putting the “trolling” into “patrolling,” and help each other. When you find a node or chest, note your discoveries with a simple point to alert nearby players that you have found something. If it is the first time a specific person did this for you, thank them with a wave. - If a public event comes up, don’t be that guy/girl that runs over there, participates for a few seconds, and runs off to go finish their bounty or collect more materials to reap the rewards with no effort. Join the fight and finish the event. - Similar to public events, if Eris has the bounty for killing the Sword of Crota on Earth and the Moon and you see people hanging around an area waiting for it, try to let others join in to finish the bounty. If she has the bounty for killing Hive with the sword, be courteous to those who were present first and don't just sword-jack (thats a term now) and run with it. The same goes for Urzok in Skywatch on Earth. Some people still need to kill him for their urn bounty. - If you are doing a strike playlist, do the strike. If you have the bounty to do a strike without dying, do the strike without dying. All your teammates ask of you here is that you actually do the strike. Do not sit back and collect resources or sit at the spawn until the rest of your fireteam completes the strike. If you are attempting this in my strike, I can’t promise I won’t use my sparrow to smash you into a wall or push you off the map to prohibit you from getting the bounty. Likewise, if you die during the bounty, tough it out and help your allies finish the strike. - The rest of the people that do not fall into the previously listed point join the strike playlist to actually do the strike. The reason someone goes into a strike is entirely their own and should be respected. If you have a goal to beat your previous time on the Summoning Pits, find a fireteam that shares your goal; otherwise, people may be joining the strike to complete a Grimoire card. Some Guardians join the strike because they have to kill Hive enemies for their new Thorn Exotic Bounty. With voice chat, you can now communicate your particular objective with the rest of the team. - When you die, do not immediately respawn. Use the directional pad and check the locations of nearby teammates. If allies are working towards your position, give them time to get to you as it will give both people a shield. Manually respawning while a Guardian is trying to revive you will often put them in a bad position and they could potentially die there as well. I’m not sure if this was everything I had in mind when starting this or not, but if I remember anything else, I will add it. Feel free to comment with your own additions. Thank you! Please consider sharing this post with friends and strangers alike. Help promote and maintain a good gaming community in all games. After adding these lines to the post, I went to the tower to visit Xür. As some of us know, finding this illusive vendor can be tricky from time to time. Upon entering the Tower, I saw a Guardian dressed up with one of the pumpkin heads and a Bad Juju on his back running up the stairs. Flashy and attention grabbing in the empty Tower, this individual proceeded to wave at me and turn around to point down the steps. I had to visit Xür for the Super Good Advice bounty so I had a green emblem above his head; however, this made me more aware of this Guardians attempt to help direct the flow of traffic towards our otherworldly Friday visit. This person is a prime example of the great community we strive for. Guardian, we thank you for your services. It is fantastic to see so many people that already do many of these things and continue to promote it despite the fruitless attempts. Thanks to everyone who has liked and commented to keep this post going. It is much appreciated!

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  • I would also add for PvE -When doing a Strike, SLOW DOWN. It's pretty rude to just speed through the whole thing and kill enemies before your teammates get a chance to do so. You prevent your teammates from getting experience or loot drops, and just make it harder on yourself to beat the enemy. It's especially rude if a teammate is trying to complete a bounty that involves killing enemies. If you just stick with your team, everyone your kill also counts as their kill, everyone shares the experience, gets a chance for a loot drop, and it becomes much easier to take down mobs. It's called a "Strike", not a "Race." It's also rude to just speed past mobs and leave your teammates to fight off enemies with one less guy.

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