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originally posted in: Exotic Weapon Nerfs?
Edited by Lukkus The 2nd: 11/20/2014 1:31:23 PM
Unintentional...just perfectly in line with IB....riiiiiight. Takes months to buff weapons everyone's asking about, but you nerf guns by ACCIDENT? I mean, you guys are joking right? I feel like one of the following MUST be true: A) someone at Bungie is absolutely terrible at their job, or, B) Bungie as a whole thinks we are, all of us, half-retarded wombats. *small percentage of crucible players* "Vex Mythoclast is OP!" *Bungie, days later* "NERFED BY OVER 1\3 BASE DAMAGE FOR UUURVRYONE" *much larger percentage of entire Destiny community* "Thorn and Bad Juju are so bad that no one in their right mind would use them, how about a buff for these so-called top-tier weapons?" *Bungie, months later, cackling* "still in the pipeline, wombats! (Hey guys, I told them we need more time!)" *uproarious laughter*

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  • I'll have you know that wombats are extremely intelligent beings. Granted they could stop a car dead in its tracks if it makes contact with the front, they are very smart.

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  • Ha bump

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  • lol XD haha bump

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  • 0
    Nice QQs, keep em coming.

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  • I think it's B

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  • Right, couldn't have possibly been unforeseen coding bugs. The only logical conclusion is some nefarious plot. I can just imagine how it all must have went down... Evil Bungie: "Hey, know what would be a good idea? In this latest patch that's supposed to fix things that many of our customers were complaining about, let's also sneak in a few exotic weapon nerfs just for the helluva it to see how much it pisses them off. Then let's lie and say it was unintentional and then fix it right away. It'll be fun!" Yeah, sounds plausible. /sarcasm

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  • Edited by Lukkus The 2nd: 11/20/2014 8:03:41 PM
    I feel ya Nikto, its not like I think my little sarcastic dialogue there actually took place. I added that in to drive home the point hyperbolically that this is what it feels like happens every time. I guess my bottom line, more serious point is "Bungie's prioritization of various fixes is often so entirely out of line with what the community is asking for that the changes they do make seem comical, made all the more so by the spin that DeeJ tries to put on them in the insulting update notes"

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  • Thank you Jesus, some people just want shit to be wrong.

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  • Yes, unforeseen coding bugs that only effected certain legendaries and exotics. The exact legendaries and exotics that PVP players were complaining about being OP. Yep, totally a coincidence.

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  • Edited by redrum: 11/20/2014 4:23:11 PM
    You have some work to do if you'd like to convince rational people of your claims: First, provide a list of confirmed weapons that were definitely nerfed. Not just anecdotes from random people on the internets. Then provide evidence that these were the exact weapons the vast majority of PvP players were complaining are OP. (Which doesn't make much sense since PvP players would WANT OP weapons in Iron Banner). Then provide evidence that Bungie INTENTIONALLY nerfed these said weapons to appease these strange nonsensical PvP people. Then explain why they would lie about it, and then fix it. Do you really think they are stupid enough to believe people wouldn't notice and complain? That's all people do here is complain about every little thing. Good luck!

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  • If it could have been definitively proved, it would have been by now. All I am stating is what the evidence we have now seems to point to.

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  • And I'm stating the plain fact that you haven't provided any evidence that points to it.

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  • The only evidence people who don't work at bungie can get is mostly personal experience with how their weapons behaved before and after patch, and by browsing this forum you can most certainly see that the most complained about weapons for PVP are the ones that seem to be affected. I can't exactly go back in time and go to bungie headquarters and see what they planned to do, so I have to use what evidence is available to come up with a possible explanation.

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  • So in the absence of any actual evidence, why would you go with the most UNLIKELY explanation of some stupid conspiracy about appeasing PvP players? It makes no sense. One of the main reasons of the patch was to BUFF the experience of Iron Banner. Intentionally nerfing exotics and legendaries defeats that purpose and would only serve to piss people off more.

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  • They've nerfed weapons to appease PVP players before, and with this many weapons nerfed, all of them exotics or legendaries, seems a bit much to believe it was unintentional.

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  • Edited by redrum: 11/20/2014 5:19:03 PM
    No, they've nerfed for balance. Not out of some blind allegiance to PvP. But how would nerfing exotics and legendaries appease PvP players who need all the power they can get in Iron Banner? Who are these strange PvP people that want their weapons LESS effective? The whole point of the patch was to BUFF Iron Banner because of prior complaints that it was too nerfed before.

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  • They nerfed for [i]PVP[/i] balance, those nerfs ruined the weapons in PVE. And PVP players were complaining that those weapons were too OP and needed to be nerfed.

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  • I think you're being dramatic about them being ruined. So if Bungie favors PvP players, how does this exotic and legendary weapon nerf benefit them? You haven't answered that question. Who are these strange PvP players that prefer their weapons less effective, and why would Bungie cater to them above everyone else? Just to make you mad?

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  • It benefits the PVP players who don't have exotic weapons. They seem themselves getting killed by a popular exotic weapon a lot, they get upset, stop playing crucible, etc. so bungie makes the exotics less affective than other weapons so people won't use them in the Iron Banner. Therefore less complaining.

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  • Sorry, but this just doesn't follow. For instance, one of the exotics that got supposedly nerfed was Thorn. This is one everyone was complaining was underpowered, and yet Bungie then decides to nerf it even more? The pitchforks are already out for Bungie. I just don't see them intentionally and deceptively messing with exotics for no good reason, knowing full well players will notice and cause even MORE complaining.

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  • I have seen people complaining that thorn was overpowered in crucible, but you have a point. In all truth, there's no way to know for sure right now. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what actual explanations bungie offers, if any.

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  • Seems to me it was fairly unanimous that Thorn was underwhelming. Plus, Bungie went on record saying they agreed and would buff it. Makes no sense for them to then intentionally nerf it because a few people may have complained about it.

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  • It was unanimous that it was underwhelming in PVE, PVP people still complained about it, as well as other handcannons. Either way, let's just agree to disagree, cause it doesn't look like we're getting anywhere.

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  • Okay man. I just don't see the PvP conspiracy angle. I'm honestly trying to understand the chain of reasoning, but it makes no sense. Thanks for trying anyway.

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  • I like you

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