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11/18/2014 2:39:31 PM
I tried reading most of this post in my head in an Al Pacino motivation speech voice. I realized you're post was too polite in sections, so I had to give you props for actually taking the time to help others. Some sections the Pacino voice worked great though! In seriousness, follow this guys' advice if you struggle. Maybe jump into regular Crucible first to test out some of these practices. Here's a few more: 1) Inspect the player's who are topping the scorecards, see what they are equipping. Maybe you have the same weapon, but the way they have arranged their perks is working better. 2) I normally say use what you're comfortable with, but there is a reason "most people" are using a build or running a certain way. Understand it and see if works better for you. Also, just because you may be the Angel of Death with a sniper in PVE, Totenswinder is right - there is a learning curve to Crucible. If you want to snipe/camp, learn the spots where others are doing it from. 3) Listen to the voice, Stay Together! You have much better odds running with the pack than trying to Rambo. Occasionally, if you're good and once you know the maps, hitting the flanks is an excellent way to take pressure off of your team at control points. Even if you die, just drawing attention to another area of the map can help. 4) Enjoy it, have fun. If you're not, or you don't have the patience, don't worry about it. Walk away. Don't build animosity to a game you normally otherwise enjoy over some loot. Hope that helps Guardians!

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