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Edited by DOJlN: 11/4/2014 8:45:22 AM

A List Of Things PvE Should Get

[u]1. I definitely think we should get the weapons of the Darkness:[/u] Fallen - Wire Rifle, Shock Pistol, Shock Rifle, Shock Dagger, Shock Blade and the Shrapnel Launcher Hive - Shredder, Boomer, and the Cleaver(like in The Sword of Crota) Vex - Slap Rifle, Line Rifle, and the Torch Hammer Cabal - Slug Thrower, and a smaller version of the Cabal Shield [EDIT: This shield could probably be a secondary weapon, or maybe a primary. Doesn't really matter. But I think it'd be nice to have a 2-part weapon which would be the shield. Shield & Weapon. You hold the shield with one arm and shoot with a lightweight weapon with the other. There could be 3 groups of weapons to choose from too. Pistols(Not handcannons. They require 2 hands), Submachine Guns, and Sawed-Off Shotguns.] These are already used by the enemies, why cant we? You can in Halo.. it made it more diverse. [u]2. Different Bosses:[/u] Why does ever boss gotta be a big version of a grunt? Ugh. The Black Garden boss fight was the most disappointing boss fight I've seen in my life. [u]3. More diverse objectives:[/u] Of course this is a given. Cant protect your ghost forever. Why not have an AI partner to help you out? A Pet? You save a civilian or wounded guardian and guide them out. You man a giant raygun machine that is required to kill a boss. Or how about the guardians hacking something for once??? Protect your team mates from enemies. [u]4. Survival/ Horde Mode:[/u] This would be nice. Every game needs a survival mode somewhere.. [u]5. Selectable Ghost Voices:[/u] It would be cool if we could choose what our ghost would sound like. What if we get tired or Dinkledge? Or.. whatever [u]6. Better Loot System:[/u] This is already needed and discussed [u]7: Unlock ALL mission areas in Patrol:[/u] Whats the point of exploring when all of the places you really go to are locked. I think it would be cool if a new player was just walking around the World's Grave and goes into the Summoning Pits just trying to explore. Then they get a rushing experience when they see Phogoth for the first time and die. For those people, there will be the fear of the unknown. If you beat him, you get gear. Not OP gear though. Just something. I wanna go to the Shrine Of Oryx in Patrol but I cant.. DLC places they locked from us can stay locked to avoid spoilers. [u]8: Make Bosses Drop loot.. Good loot:[/u] Every MMO has this. [u]9. Make the FRICKIN Golden Boxes have a purpose!:[/u] Not even a trophy though? I got a Golden Box that gave me 26 glimmer... what? I also got one that gave me a Lvl 1 Item but I'm lvl. 27. WHAT!? [u]10. Enemies Guarding For A Purpose:[/u] Make all those strong enemies on Earth actually GUARD something.. not just some silly ghost you have to turn the game off for. In The Forgotten Shores, why is the Celebrant of Oryx so strong if he guards basically nothing? ... Why are these guys even there?? DLC? And we got no reward for killing him. Just 25 glimmer. [u]11. Useful caves:[/u] I cant even tell you how irritated and disappointed I get when I find a "secret" cave that ends up having nothing in it and/or leading no where or its a DLC area. Come on.. at least create collectibles or something. Voice recordings? Concept Art? Weapons and gear that we actually want? I could go on but i'll leave it at 11. Would you add anything I may have not listed? Or remove something I have listed? Please bump. This must be seen.

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  • 12. Large Enemies in Patrol Areas. every once in a while it would be cool for an Archon to land OUTSIDE in old russia with some captains of Kell's Guard type dudes escorting. On the moon it would be cool to see an Ogre breakout above ground for once. I get tired of these little patches of grunts that aren't really doing anything (which leads to my next point. 13. Troop Movement Just what the hell are the Fallen doing in Old Russia? TBH it really doesn't seem that they have the troop presence necessary to really feel threatening when on Patrol. For the most part they are just milling around in tactically useless areas. What would be cool, is if THEY were on patrol actively looking for US! if Russia is occupied territory, they should be hunting us down. I would like to see some patrol paths running from point to point across the map with special squads looking to hunt Guardians that then call in Reinforcements when they locate us. (maybe just high level guardians) 14. NPCs Jeez, this game really has some of the most USELESS/POINTLESS NPCs...EVER. And all of them are stuck in the Tower, totally NOT affecting the in game stuff. You could make patrol missions so much more engaging and/interesting with the addition of Actual NPCs we can SEE, rather than disembodied voices ALL-THE-TIME! Just, seeing an NPC Guardian down on a Planet who needs help on a mission, or is injured and in need of rescue/exfiltration would inject so much more into the experience. I miss that from the Halo games when you Marines along with you, or to a lesser extent in Reach when you had one of the other Spartans backing you up. 14a NPCs: Vanguard Mentors Seriously, why? Why are they so incredibly under utilised? They should be a wellspring of knowledge for the player, but apart from the tiny bits of bumpf they spew just before certain missions and the gear they sell that stops being useful [i]very[/i] early in the game, what are they for? They should actively be Mentoring you. Giving you special missions that help you understand your class and Rewarding you special equipment for carrying out goals that are relevant to that class, like maybe retrieving the lost gear of a Legendary Hunter/Warlock/Titan etc, or letting you know a member of you class crashed on some planet and needs retrieval. Yes, I realise that is not much of a variety on some of the prexisting fech type quests, but that kind of context would increase engagement. 15. Orbital Weapons Something Like the Target Locator from Halo: Reach would be a great addition to this game. The technology should exist, even if it is just us trigger our ship remotely to make a strafing run and then heading back to orbit rather than a satellite weapons platform etc. 16. Obvious MORE VEHICLES The paucity of Vehicles in a game like this grinds my gears. From the first moment of driving a warthog all the way up to taking my first flight in Banshee, Bungie games have seldom been disappointing on the vehicle front, but Destiny has broken that streak. The Sparrow and that other weird thing are just not good enough. The Sparrow really does just seem as an A to B vehicle and not much else, it isn't really fast enough to be really Fun and has no weapons to speak of, which is a shame as something as nippy as a mongoose would have made for some sweeeeeeet jumps over those plane carcasses in the Mothyards. Also, being able to take down enemy dropships with powerful weapons would be very welcome. anyway just spitballing

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