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10/30/2014 3:38:30 PM
I've been trying to think of some witty way to reply to this.. but, I just can't. I don't care enough to write out some long-winded, drawn-out thing about this and that.. so, I'll make it brief. You played the game for a ton of time. Cool, that's great. But, if you knew you were going to end up hating it, and you could see the future, why did you bother? Why didn't you just find something else? Writing a forum post on, that's probably copied from that shithole Reddit, doesn't really help anyone's situation at all. It isn't [b]your[/b] game. It's Bungie's game. They worked hard to craft it, build it, and design it. All threads of this variety can be boiled down to the following: [i]"I played your game a lot, even though I knew I wasn't going to like it. This shit is a joke, so give me all of your held-back content, Bungie. Right -blam!-ing now before rivers of tears gush from my eyes."[/i] You don't know what they held back. Heck, you don't know anything - not even anything about how the DLC is going to turn out. There's so many people complaining about how the DLC isn't going to add very much content at all.. yet, we're getting several missions, a strike or two, a raid, and a TON of new stuff to wear. Plus, we're getting new Crucible maps as well. In the history of every other shooter ever, the most you get is new maps, and maybe new guns, with Battlefield as the only shooter to really add any new guns at all. I guess CoD adds a few from time to time.. but I don't play those recycled piles of yard trash. So, when compared to what I'd get for $20 in other games, I think that this is a decent deal and I'm pretty excited to make the purchase just before it arrives. Why? Because I like this game, and I think it's fun. I haven't had any other game hook it's teeth into me for a very long time. Since I'm here, though, and this post is turning out way longer than I intended, let's all take a step back and look at one other extremely noteworthy game that Destiny heavily resembles in world, design, and gameplay - PSO. More specifically, PSO Episodes 1+2. Even the plus version if you had it on Gamecube or Xbox. PSO is a very similar game - it starts you off by letting you select one of three core classes - the "Hunter," melee supreme - "Ranger," ranged weapon supreme - and "Force", space wizard supreme. From selecting a class, you select a race, of which there are several more - humans, space elves (Newmans), and Casts (robits). Sounds similar already, right? Well, it doesn't stop there. From a gameplay perspective, Phantasy Star Online places you on a colony ship - your old world was lost, and the people onboard have already founded a colony on a new planet with the help of an advanced party. When you arrive, however, the colony itself is in shambles and there's nobody around.. at all. They're all gone. From there, the game plays as follows: There are four core explorable areas - Forest, Caves, Mine, and Ruins. You can explore each area to kill enemies, break boxes, wander around and find loot. Loot is a big focus of this game, with your specific loot pool in each area determined by a value assigned to your character's name at the start. This forms their ID, which decides what drops you get from certain enemies, and how easily. Each area also has a boss, and the boss drops loot, obviously. Exploring the main areas and defeating the main bosses advances your story - but, you can also get missions from the Hunter's guild to get some money, learn more about individual NPCs and their stories, and things of that nature. PSO is one of the only games in my history of playing games, that ever hooked me forever and ever. And that was back before the days of Xbox live, and PSN - where I'd invite my friend over, and we'd play PSO for hours and hours, because it was fun and we loved to find loot, even if the game was highly repetitive in design. I feel the exact same way about Destiny. The world is colorful. I love being able to explore huge maps, put some bullets into some aliens, and just have fun at my own leisure - and it's even more fun when getting my hands on some phat lootz, I think it's wonderful. As a result, I'm going to buy both of the expansions, and whatever other DLC comes out of the pipeline. And I'm probably not alone, either. Bungie isn't going to hear your cries for free stuff, and they're not going to give you anything.. so, there's really no point in trying to whine about it. People will come, they will play, and they will be unhappy and probably leave - while other people will come, play, and enjoy, and probably stick around. That's just how it works. Me? I love this game, though. I think it's great, and awesome, even if it does feel somewhat repetitive at times.

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  • Stopped reading when you called Reddit a shit hole. It's obvious you've never been to r/destinythegame.

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  • Aside from a few subreddits, like Destiny and Dark Souls, a lot of it reminds me of 4chan. That's not a good thing. :|

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  • that's brief?

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  • right?!?!

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  • Actually bro, that was about as long-winded as it gets. It wasn't "witty" though so good job on that! The fact is, yeah some people complain and communicate their feelings in the wrong way, they still ahve very valid points(If you care to dig through and find them). This game is a watered down shell of what it should have been and at least in part, what we KNOW it was. Also, no one is asking for "free stuff". I paid for my copy of Destiny. So I want the full game. If you are so blind you can't see that this game is chopped and cut to the point that it makes no sense, then I hope you don't drive the same roads that I do.

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  • Another thing id like to add. It DOES seem cut up and chopped up regardless of what these bungie fanboys are trying to say. I also agree with you on that. If bungie was honest and was like "you know what, we had to cut the game up and remove a lot of stuff because of corporate issues and what not, itll get more content in the future" then id be fine. But its NOT okay for bungie to be ignoring all the problems with the game and still advertise it as a huge immense game with a plethora of content. Because its not. #BeHonestToYourFansBungie

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  • I agree with you whodey. Im not mad, just disappointed. Bungie shouldnt have said a bunch of things destiny wasnt going to be. If they told me it WASNT going to be open world. The missions are all extremely limited and repetitive. There is little to no customization(at 30 everybody is wearing the same shit pretty much). The story mode is bland, random, and extremely short. And all the "specials events" were the same thing as stuff already in the game except with a different name. Then i WOULDNT have bought the game. Its not false advertising its just straight up lieing lol. Yeah i got my moneys worth so i cant be mad but.. i am pretty disappointed. Bungie should have been honest from the start and described the game how it ACTUALLY is. Now its gonna be hard to believe them when they are advertising the next game they come out with.

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  • I'm not missing anything in my game.... did you check your disc for scratches?

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  • Brother Bungie loves people like you. I'm not here to sway your opinion or to try to make you agree with me. As I just told someone else, if you feel like you got your $60 game that Bungie said they would deliver then that's great! I am really glad you are enjoying it. I enjoy it as well. I have played it alot, mainly with friends because they all play it. It is fun, I won't say otherwise. I just believe it to be watered down and chopped up.

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  • You paid for your copy of Destiny.. and, well, you got Destiny. It's a game, that comes on a disc, and you put it into your system to play it.. yeah. That's how games work, lol. See, here's the issue; you don't [b]know[/b] if it was chopped up, or cut up, and they're holding the content back for the sake of turning it into DLC or not. All of those things, I believe, are still pure speculation and rumors that for some reason, people believe is the truth. Why do people interpret these as fact, rather than what they actually are, which is fiction? It's because they're looking for some way to try and justify the fact that the game isn't what they thought it would be. Game development is a very, VERY fickle pipeline. From start to finish, a game's development can either go incredibly smooth - hitting all the deadlines, accomplishing things that all the devs wanted to implement - or, it can go horribly wrong. Staff can leave, the game can drop certain platforms.. deadlines can be missed, and eventually a game can even be shut down, or put into purgatory. As such, the "developer vidocs" are a glimpse into what the game MIGHT be. Nothing you see in those vidocs is EVER final. Do you remember the Watch_Dogs debacle, and how people cried over the graphics being toned down? Well, the E3 demo had a very, very clearly written disclaimer at the bottom that said something along the lines of "What you see is not final, and is subject to change." Along the way, Ubisoft decided to tune the graphics down. Why? Nobody really knows. But they did, and their video showing those graphics had the damn disclaimer on it. Maybe Bungie's vidocs never have that disclaimer.. or maybe they do, I haven't watched any of them in awhile.. but, you're misleading yourself if you think you were promised something, or guaranteed something. The fact of the matter is, that you weren't, and somewhere along the line the game changed. And, the other fact is that you DO NOT know whether or not the DLC has been complete prior to release and they're just holding it back because they want to make an extra buck. For all you know, the DLC was originally content going to be implemented before the game shipped.. but, they couldn't finish it in time, so they held back their incomplete stuff to work on it, and actually finish it later. That stuff happens literally ALL the time. It's one of many realities in the video game industry. Whether you choose to understand it or not, however, is up to you.~

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  • My man no disrespect but I just don't want to read through all that. But heres a reply to the first section I read: Yeah your right, that's the definition of a game. That was hilarious and really contributed to the conversation, thanks for that. Also, yes I DO know it has been chopped and there are things that were taken out of the game. Just go watch the ViDoc or listen to people that formerly or even currently work there. If you want to believe that you got what you paid for that's great and I mean it. I am happy for you. I wish I felt the same but obviously, I do not.

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  • Dude, with all due respect, haven't you ever seen a movie preview with scenes that aren't in the actual movie? It happens all the time. A scene is cut because it wasn't good enough. Or it is edited in a different manner in which it is portrayed in the actual movie, etc. There's lots of things like that. It's not any sort of false advertisement, it's just part of marketing, some things make final cuts, some don't, etc. I am sorry you feel cheated like you say, but you've already said you still have fun in the game, so why focus on the negative? I for one wouldn't give a damn if I watched a trailer right now that had something in the game that I haven't done or will not do. Will that make my last couple hundred hours in the game feel any less fun? Hell no! I've been having a blast. I think some people (not necessarily you) just look for what negative topics are trending and jump on the bandwagon. They've been having fun, then they see somebody say "oh, this content was cut out". Now the weak minded think, "forget the fact I've been really enjoying this game, because apparently I've been ripped off... this is an outrage!" And it snowballs from there. I don't buy into all the hate, NOR the hype. I am immensely enjoying my game, and that's all that matters. For your sake, I hope things get more fun, or you find a game you enjoy more. Farewell bro.

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  • If you can't be bothered to read what I said, which I wrote with a fair amount of respect towards you, then our conversation is done. lol Whether you like your purchase or not, the thing you did in fact purchase WAS a copy of Destiny's retail build.. That's how it goes, regardless of what in-progress or in-development footage they showed you. :)

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  • I was always told that conciseness is the mark of a strong argument.

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  • Edited by WhoDey9769: 10/30/2014 6:36:04 PM
    I literally meant no disrespect, I just generally don't like to read long-winded posts. I have a headache and was just replying since you seemed level headed. I am having a hard time grasping what your trying to say though. Enough with you trying(or succeeding depending who you ask I guess) to be funny. I am again simply stating that the retail copy of Destiny is not what Bungie said they would deliver. It is a mess. Again, FUN game but severely lacking in content. The guys who brought us the Halo series are better than this. If you truly feel like it's ok for them to sell you what they did and you are happy you spent your money on it then for the third time, THAT'S GREAT! I am just not a pushover I guess. We all know nothing will come of complaints on these forums anyway. And if "that's how it goes" is your approach to things, I wish you luck.

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  • Fair is fair. I meant no disrespect to you either, brother. Funny thing is, I have a migraine right now. ): Sorry you didn't like your purchase more. :) I like mine a lot, but to each their own. Hopefully down the line, maybe with the next iteration of the game, it'll be more worth your while. This forum needs more level-headed people. I hope you get through your headache. Mine hurts like hell right now. lol

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  • Great job on a good argument, even if you couldn't agree on something in the end! This forum needs more people like you guys, levelheaded, and not insulting each other if another person disagrees with them!

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  • Thank you very much. :)

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  • Agreed favorite game I've played this year so far. Will for sure be buying the dlc

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  • I find posts like this to be of the most irritating variety as they almost excuse everything wrong with this game simply because Bungie made it so they can do what they want. What they really want is a happy playerbase that enjoys their game and would be more than willing to purchase future installments as well, so pretending that valid complaints shouldn't count is just plain wrong. This games story is abysmal and felt as if no real effort was put into it. The grimoire cards are interesting but are a pathetic attempt to replace the complete lack of anything in-game. Level design is repetitive as it gets and every single thing minus the raid is "defend" Dinklebot. And by defend we just mean horde mode. Vehicles are so poorly tacked on it's like they forgot about them until they realized they wanted them in Crucible, then haphazardly put them into two story missions and figured that was good enough. The UI and basic interface is lacking in so many areas where just random people are creating designs which would be huge improvements for the game. Simple things such as being able to check your rep are impossible from anywhere but tower with this game in it's current state. Several exotics feel completely untested (Bad Juju) and multiple other facets just feel like Bungie didn't have the time or didn't care to make sure things worked how they were supposed to. The Raid, which is the only actual PvE endgame content, is littered with bugs and oversights that Bungie has still yet to fix. The changes they have made are either completely asinine or end up causing even more bugs within the raid. For the players who don't raid, there is nothing other than forcing people to replay the same repetitive missions over and over again. If this was a typical FPS, that would be fine as people would finish the "story" then move on to the next game. But this is a game that is supposed to actually HAVE an endgame. As the OP states, the game is supposed to START at 20. Please tell me what part of the game begins at 20, other than the raid. That strike you did when you were level 10? The story from level 14? Crucible is fun but lacking and this complaint has been said often. So many features are missing that were staples from Halo when really there is no excuse. Some modes (Salvage) are limited for whatever reason while other modes (Iron Banner) were the essentially identical to the normal Crucible. This is being changed, but it's being changed due to the vast amount of complaints that occurred about it, so don't pretend complaints are ever invalid. All of this is in addition to how Bungie has treated the community. Calling the Atheon teleport system a "bug" is a flat out lie. The changes they said the made to auto rifles and the Vex have had FAR more drastic effects than the 2% or 36% damage decrease that they stated. Deej often comes across as a patronizing dick, pretending that he's always on our side and agrees with the community wholeheartedly with their complaints. (See the weekly update about the original Iron Banner where he had "no idea" how the system works which either means 1) He's lying or 2) There is so little communication going on within Bungie that it's no wonder so many things don't work) Now, the game does have a solid foundation and it has so much potential. But this is why people are so upset, because everyone knows how great this game could be but there are just so so so so many flaws with it. We all played beta and enjoyed and thought we couldn't wait to see what was in store. Little did we know that we had essentially played the entire game back then.

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  • Youre right on point. Just give the rest of the playerbase another month to REALLY see whats going on. The intial hype and excitement will eventually fade away as they realize the game is NOTHING like what bungie advertised/promised it would be. Everybody was promised applewood smoked bacon wrapped around filet mignon and what they actually got was a big mac that fell on the floor.

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  • @Story: You're right, the story can feel disjointed at many points because of lack of explanation. But, there are some people able to decipher what the story is about, despite the lack of details as to what's going on. I'd post a plot synopsis I wrote over on GFAQs.. but you'd probably glaze over it and ignore it entirely anyway. @Level design: The design only feels repetitive because most parts of the story have you going through the same chunks of maps over and over. Other than that, the design of each open area is fairly interesting, and there's a lot of neat sights to be seen, and spied. As for Dinklebot and defending him, that's.. kinda what shooters do. You get to a point that's blocked on your route, and you need to fight enemies who are trying to stop you, while something or someone gets it open. It can get stale for some, so I'll give you that. @Vehicles: I'm not even sure why there's vehicles in this game, myself. I don't particularly like anything besides the Pike. The Pike is awesome.. dem barrel rolls doe. @UI: The UI is actually very good for a shooter. It's smooth, sleek, and doesn't lag at all, really. Aside from being able to check rep in your main menu, and MAYBE access your vault from Orbit, what else would you honestly add? There's not a lot missing.. @Raids: They're following the MMO formula.. but, since Destiny isn't really an MMO, in spite of it's obvious influences, how many raids would the game sorely need at release? There's still a ton of people that haven't so much as ventured into the Vault of Glass. Adding more raids, and more end-game stuff PvE-wise would probably end up as content that 95% of people end up not interacting with. You're right on the bug front, however; they should fix bugs more, and worry less about exploits. @Endgame: Raiding is the epitome of endgame. If people aren't raiding, that's their choice.. but, the main reason there isn't a lot of endgame content - which, why should there be if people don't raid? - is because it's NOT an MMORPG. People are merely treating it that way because it makes the most sense in their minds. It's merely an FPS, with RPG and MMO influences - hence raids, and some minor endgame. You can get to level 28 just fine without any raid gear - and if you're not raiding, you don't NEED to hit the level cap. Aside from the raid, there's tuned-up strikes, tuned-up story, a daily story, weekly/nightfall, and plenty of Crucible. Seems like more than enough content to me. @Crucible: You're right. Those were staples in HALO. Destiny isn't Halo anymore. You know how copyrighting works, right? Anything that belongs to the Halo IP can't simply be re-used by another company that has no access to it anymore, lol. They need time to develop their own stuff. The only thing that's really missing from Crucible is private matches. I have no problems with the rest of it. @Balance changes: Sure, Atheon teleporting people by selection wasn't a bug. But let's be honest here; if you've beaten the raid legitimately, as many times as the constant raiders who have, the random teleports will not be an impediment for more than a half-hour, or maybe even an hour. After you get some time with it, and get the hang of it, it'll be easy. I did the raid 3 times this week on all my characters with the random teleports.. And Atheon STILL went down in a half-hour. It wasn't worth all the crying and tears that people shed. The AR changes? Aside from precision damage, those had NO effect on auto rifle users whatsoever. It's why so many people still sport their Suros, their Vanquisher, or their Shadow Price. The Mythoclast thing may have been a bit much, but you know what? That was a byproduct of Bungie listening to the community. So, complaining is a two way street, my friend. ;) As for Iron Banner, we'll see how the changes for it's next rendition turn out.

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  • I've read over a lof the story and it is interesting, but it's a joke that none of this is in game. The story in game makes very little sense to me and most of it is Dinklebot discovering something amazing then telling the cryptarch about it. For level design, horde mode is not the only thing shooters can do. Actual defense sequences, vehicle sequences and escapes are a few examples of viable level designs they could have used. Hell, they could throw in some NPC guardians for the more important missions (Like the mission that is vital to the travelers resurrection yet the tower can only spare three people). Agreed sadly. Vehicles are a huge let down and you can tell they were tacked on for crucible. For UI there was a post made that had at least 7 or 8 changes that were all spectacular. Can't recall them all offhand but for every change I just wondered why this wasn't already in game. Bungie was the one who said the raid would be an exclusive activity only meant for the elite, then did not create any alternative for those who enjoy PvE. There was a poll on here recently that showed there was a huge majority of players who fit into this category, so it doesn't make sense to ostracize anyone who doesn't partake in the raid. There could easily be some other PvE endgame content (Survival Mode for example) that could help fill that void. As for what type of game Destiny is, I dislike how everyone seems to say Destiny isn't this or it isn't that. Endgame is a staple from MMO's, so like it or not it's going to be compared to that genre of games. In general, any endgame for any other game is competitive multiplayer and that's it. You can't try and hide under the veil of saying "Well, technically this isn't that type of game, so they shouldn't have to worry about any of the vital aspects to make those games work". If they actually want to include everything else that's a staple in those games, they better expect to be treated like those games. Uh... Bungie created Halo? And even if they didn't take everything over from Halo, those are ideas that they used and ideas that worked. It's akin to someone baking a cake to perfection once, and then the next time they try it they leave out half the ingredients and say they didn't want to copy themselves from before. The Atheon change is negatable for the experienced, but it's an unnecessary change for the inexperienced. The bugs created by the change though are god awful. The complaint about the situation is how Bungie handled it, how they've been contradicting themselves, and really how the change is entirely pointless when there are so many other things in game that actually NEED to be addressed. For Auto Rifle's my Grim Citizen went from doing 29(44) per hit to 22(27) per hit(crit), quite a bit bigger than 2%. I believe Vex was nerfed approximately 50% so this speaks more how Bungie isn't being transparent with their changes.

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  • Okay, so you said, and I quote "Please tell me what part of the game begins at 20, other than the raid. That strike you did when you were level 10? The story from level 14?" Hmm, let's see. Rare gear with light opens up. Lengendary gear becomes available. Weekly heroic and nightfall strikes become available. The ability to do the daily mission on level 28 for extra materials becomes available. Upgrade materials become useful and you will spend a lot of time searching for and collecting these materials to slowly but surely level up your best guns and gear. You already mentioned the Raid, which is a blast, especially with the right group. And some guns feel like a whole new experience. Ever since I got Fatebringer, every enemy is now basically a walking grenade. Headshot a Vandal, and the two injured dregs next to him explode when he does. It's so awesome, lol. I ran around for a couple hours patrolling yesterday and gathering Spirit Bloom while having fun with my Fatebringer and Plan C, just to break them in some more. After level 20 this game really got more fun and interesting for me. Once both of my level 29s hit level 30, I will start a Hunter, for a whole new experience in this game, since I've only used Warlocks thus far. I could go on and on, but I feel this answer should be more than sufficient.

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  • Please tell me how rare and legendary gear makes the game any different compared to wearing uncommon? Weekly/Nightfall strikes and Daily missions are literally the same thing we have already done, just with a modifier. The Raid is awesome, but buggy as hell. However, this has been stated that it was not for everyone, and there are many people who do not raid yet want to play PvE content. I would hardly call a few gun abilities equal to the game "starting at 20". When you start a new character, yes, it will be a new experience but, again, that is not something that happens after 20.

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