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Edited by DeeJ: 10/28/2014 3:38:45 PM

Thoughts and Opinions about Atheon's Revenge.

So, the update just went live. Atheon can no longer be pushed off his platform. He'll also select people at random to be thrown across time. He's a real bastard, eh? I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy." At that point, I recalled all the times I stood and delivered the line "...the most challenging encounter we've ever created." It was hard to disagree. As a veteran of Cairo Station on Legendary in Halo, I had to admit that I had been carried through the Raid like luggage assigned to my clan. I did my own carrying later, but carrying had been done. This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions. Like the moment when the Templar shields random players, the Final Boss was supposed to be extremely dangerous. While we've been working on some of the other things for which you've been asking (i.e. better exotics, voice chat in matchmaking, more bounties), the designers who made the Raid have plugged the holes that you showed them. If you got in on the ground floor of this thing, we thank you. If you understand the mechanics for how to beat Atheon, it's still a thing you can teach your friends. If you're all up to the challenge, the Raid is waiting for you. Let's talk about it. Please sound off in this thread, and know that I'll be reading.

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  • Edited by Necrotik: 10/31/2014 1:36:12 AM
    It now seems like every time Bungie releases content they go back and either have to changed it or make excuses much to the chagrin of players. When players who did the QB mission, get the same crappy armor and break it down for shards they removed the shards breakdown. Iron Banner - essentially another false marketing line only outdone by how grand and great the game was suppose to be at luanch. Now the Raid. Templar fix I understand. Knocking Final boss of ledge fix I understand. But this random bullshit has got to go. It's not so much difficult as it is frustrating and just a tactic to piss players off. Cap that with a 20 DLC cough "cash grab" that adds a few story missions that may suck as bad as the current missions and be just a less memorable. Some strikes and a raid of 2....maybe a 10 to 15 dollar purchase but I have a feeling it won't warrant another 20 bucks on top of a sub pat product. I love the game but Damn it if it haven't been bungled. And now with other stuff coming out I doubt that Destiny will keep me locked. And by the way 3.9 something millions players is a nice figure but spread that across 4 consoles and it's a bit less impressive. I pray in the coming weeks and months Bungie proves me wrong on all fronts. The game looks, feels, and plays great but so much of the backbone of this game is lacking in such a brazen way I'm surprise it was shipped and not delayed. Please Bungie prove me wrong. I know you guys gave gotta be coming through a lot of crap but I have yet to feel like my purchase was justified. Had I not fell for the hype of Destiny and waited a week after its release I have a distinct feeling I would not even be on these forums right now.

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  • Edited by AsscheeksGalore: 10/31/2014 2:25:36 AM
    relying on each other, teamwork, and how do you marry that with a game where you jump, shoot, have abilities, supers, grenades that you activate? How do we bring those things together, and then, on top of all that, [b]create an activity where everyone in the activity has a job, they have a role[/b]?” [u][b]create an activity where everyone in the activity has a job, they have a role[/b][/u] THIS DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID!!! do what you wish with this

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  • Edited by Two Strains: 10/31/2014 3:00:10 PM
    The majority of ppl are ready to stop playing destiny. To late to start making all these threads wanting to chit-chat with the community. That new dlc is a joke. Rated T rating is for games like TMNT, transformers, etc. not the most hyped game of 2014. I will not be purchasing another disc full of content to only have access to less than half of it. Sunset overdrive deserves more sales than destiny, sunset is GOTY material, destiny couldn't walk away with one award a week or two ago. Not one award for the one of the top selling games of opening day? Something's wrong with that. deej your job is pointless. Must be nice getting paid to be worthless because I mean really... What have you done for us?? Besides give a vague response and an indirect yes to the guy from reddit explaining the real story of destiny. Longface does your job on these forums better than you and he's half troll.

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  • What bothers me is that this is the only time I've ever seen anyone (especially a Bungie representative) refer to it as 'easy mode' and not 'normal mode' which makes it the perfect setup to the clever "The raid is never supposed to be easy." response by the developers. Had it been referred to as normal mode, they couldn't respond by saying "The raid is never supposed to be normal." The developers would actually have to justify their choice by saying something along the lines of "The raid was not as difficult as we wanted it to be" or "Too many players are able to beat the raid" which, god forbid, would imply they made a mistake or weren't as good as they thought they were at making a difficult raid. This leads me to believe that once again this is some more PR fluff scripted to make it seem like you are on our side trying to fight for the interests of the gaming community against the detached developers when in reality you fight for the interests of the detached developers against the gaming community. I sincerely doubt this discussion you've transcribed ever took place and to be honest it's a little insulting to our intelligence that you would think we would just blindly believe this sort of thing.

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  • Edited by SirTheProper: 10/31/2014 2:16:40 PM
    I want to keep this succinct, and hopefully to the point, but I am not known for being short on words. Fix loot engagement. Random Amazing weapons/gear should not fall off of trash mobs. It is what causes loot cave-itis. Add resources to trash mobs instead, that prevents endless chest farming, and makes use of your resource sinks. Give the Loot to your content and special named mobs during events. I know, you know what I am talking about. "Radiant Clocker" Your content should be where the loot is from. Patrol missions need to be more rewarding. Strikes should be more valuable. Heroic weekly and nightfall content should not be loot locked, there should be some reward for completing those every time. Stop loot locking the content. The Raid should not be giving out loot the way it does. I was lucky enough to get almost all my gear early on. My raid mates have not, guess who doesn't want to raid...All of us. Drops can be random, but there should be something that stacks the odds in your favor the further you go on. If level 30 gear is not attainable from multiple sources, then it becomes a wall to prevent us from experiencing your next content. Thanks for fixing some of that in the iron banner. How about more quests like the exotic bounties. Let us earn our gear, oh and FIX THE STUPID EXOTIC BOUNTY distribution. Put all of them up EVERY TIME. Fix the guns you said you would fix. Also fix the Monte Carlo it is trash. Fix Xur. Duplicates should never happen from week to week. A simple if last same value then reroll, if same value then reroll. I don't care if the stuff eventually comes back up and people get more than one chance at it, but this more often the same then not means your RNG is done -blam-ed up. I guess I am in a lucky seed, and for that I think you, but seriously what the hell is wrong with your RNG it seems to biased to certain values. Fix defender. Add timers. Make it less one dimensional. Shield should be granted on hit not on kill. Too many times it gets "bugged" out and you still die. Lastly. You want to know why people are breaking your raid? a few reasons. The loot mechanics are trash, so we want the chance for loot faster. Bugs. We break things because if given the choice to do it the "right way" only to be defeated by bugs not the boss, most people will break that shit and say, "so long and thanks for all the fish." It is more tedious than fun. I can do it. I have done it. I have done it the legit way and the "cheese" way. It was WAY more fun to figure out how to use the AI against itself then to tediously be crushed under heel by non working mechanics. Also you can blast the Psion flayers off the tower for instant death too. This is fun. You should try it sometime. You know those death barriers you put everywhere? they work on enemies too. A game works best when the rules are all the same. Maybe thats why we like killing aethon by dropping him. You know because there is a ton of issues with "slick" spots in the environment that shove us to our doom. I also agree with RockPasta. I do have some coding experience albeit older stuff, but there is some issues that seem like just bad coding more than anything else.

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  • Well sometimes he will only teleport 1 person. Or he will teleport 2 people and a dead guy. Or he will detain you then teleport you causing you to die. Or he will teleport you then detain you. Or one time he didn't teleport anybody and we all died to the relic not being picked up. Sometime you kill all the oracles and still die to the oracles. some of these were present before the patch, most were not. Not to mention that Atheon can still be pushed off the front ledge. The simple way to have fixed this disaster would have just been to delete the line of his AI code that makes him walk out of AoE. Not like the Aoe really does that much anyway. Boom no more cliff kills.

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    2 Replies
    • the one thing i hate is that ur forced to do some upgrades in ur weapon to continue upgrading it. why not include an option to deselect an specific upgrade? example: i want more range in my suros, my i dont want to it shoot slower when i aim

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    • It's unanimous. Players hate how Atheon now teleports 3 random guardians for a bunch of reasons. The most practical one seems to be because players need to have specific gear already equipped for their designated roles in the raid. A few seconds late, usually means a wipe on hard mode. One reasonable solution is for the 3 random guardians who will get teleported would get marked a few seconds before they actually get teleported. This would give them a few seconds to switch gears. I think this is a reasonable compromise. If not, oh well. We'll deal with it.

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    • To bad his revenge only lasted a day now every one is pushing him off in the mid ((

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    • Edited by NinoMH: 10/31/2014 3:14:26 AM
      I don't care about the Atheon change. I do care about the next patch with weapon balancing and whatever else. WHEN are we getting the mentioned buffs to Thorn/Bad Juju/Vex Mythoclast? It's been weeks already. How hard is it to tweak and balance some numbers? Seriously. Your patching schedule is borderline ridiculous. I love the game, play it any chance I get. But I want to use my Vex in the raid and other PvE activities, I want to feel its power and enjoy it, before the next freaking raid comes out in a month. GET TO IT ALREADY.

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    • If we are no longer allowed to strategise, then we should be able to have a match making system for the Raid.

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      1 Reply
      • I have a few thing to say deej some good and some bad ill start with the good. Destiny is awesome! I love the game and play it everyday and i appreciate the work you guys put into patches. I have always been a fan of bungie since i first played combat evolved at the age of 8 and fell in love. Ive also always defended you guys when people would say all game companys are evil and want your money usually about EA or rockstar or ubisoft. Id always say not bungie the craft universes, art, they tell stories, and most of all they love and listen to they community of diehard fans like me. Now for the bad... Now you have disappointed me time and time again with this story that was cut last minute, this crazy overpriced dlc, and this almost obvious crave for money. And not only am i disappointed i also feel betrayed and yes i know i sound like another "stupid xbox fan crybaby" but really a year to wait for content that sony is getting in a couple months really who does that? A f**king year. It feels as if now that u have sony in your pocket your army of loyal xbox fans are being abandoned. Im sorry bungie ive lost a bit of respect for you.

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      • I just want to say that I felt cheated for my $60 when I found out the big bad boss was super easy to kill with a push. I am so glad we are now presented the way the game was designed to be.

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      • Edited by RockPasta: 10/30/2014 11:46:06 PM
        YOU refers to bungie: The loot system in your game encourages making 3 of the same characters. If you're going to keep items account-wide, expand character storage so i can have 3 titans, 3 warlocks, and 3 hunters. Protip: You should never have allowed a duplicate class on a single account.

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      • At least your trying dj that's all we can ask for

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      • Dear bungie, Can we have 'Crota's End' raid now? please? looking forward to it... Bye

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      • It's really disappointing that the whole atheon fight is so buggy. Is this what you meant when you said the raid is supposed to be hard?

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      • Screw you People I know who were enjoying this game have quit because you won't -blam!-ING let them play the way they want Not to mention that you have -blam!-ed up the atheon fight completely by shoehorning that God awful piece of Shit code into the game to "fix" something that wasn't broken

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      • My only real problem with the patch is that it caused more issues... Atheon now walks out on air directly onto the center platform, enemies are getting to no health than goes back up to full health and shield and during the time gates it's at times only sending 1 or 2. Now don't get me started with the RNG giving me multiples of items so I'm still not able to get what I really want. Fix the glitches before you modify the the gameplay, I've spent too much time playing this game with glitches when I payed for a fully functioning game which has yet to be delivered

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      • We have roles and strategies all the way to atheon. Then it becomes a Scooby doo episode with everyone running out of different doors.

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        • You can still push him off

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        • The random teleporting wouldn't be nearly as awful if you fixed the bug where only two (or horrifyingly one) people get teleported. Or is that another challenge too? Let's also not forget how the portals don't always work. Sometimes I'm confused on if the challenge is defeating Atheon or defeating the bugs and glitches that don't get fixed.

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        • Deej, I really wanted to love this game. I really did. I was obsessed with it from the announcement up through the first week of launch to the point where my friends were telling me to stop talking about it. But the game is simply heartbreakingly frustrating. I can put up with a surprising amount of shit. No story? No problem. I'll happily read the grimoire cards...but on another site that has sorted them so it's not a pain in the ass to access them. Nearly identical classes? Fine. Still fun. But the loot system? I mean, c'mon, even Ninja Gaiden awarded your struggles with some kind of worthy upgrade. Playing your game is like crawling through the desert toward a mirage of an oasis that never gets any closer. It's simply not fun to play. I'm probably going to play the expansions because I got the -blam!-ing ghost edition because I was just SO excited for this game, but I'm not looking toward it as much as I could be. I'm not hyping it up to my friends, and I really just couldn't give less of a -blam!-. Do you understand? Your game (and your updates) take everything fun and strangle it to death. I'm never pre-ordering another bungie game ever again. I shouldn't feel disappointed after I work hard to complete something in game and am subsequently rewarded with...nothing.

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        • First off Atheon can still be pushed off. I really like the random teleportation. Makes the fight a lot more interesting and fun. Even like how you can only have 2 teleported sometimes. Not sure if that's by design but it should be. There are still a lot of glitches that can ruin a good run though. Some can be overcome but some cant. Please prioritize fixing these glitches before addressing the new exploit.

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        • Edited by heartbreakermac: 10/30/2014 6:15:13 PM
          Lol there is already videos of new ways to push atheon off.

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        • The raid is meant to be difficult, eh? No it isn't difficult. 6 people can complete it easily in 45 minutes with only 2/3 wipes. Its not difficult at all, it just takes time. What could you do to make it difficult? You know the Supplicants? Yeh, the suicide things. Instead of making them attack you, why not make them attack the portals? If maybe 4 supplicants explode next to it, it shuts down and you all wipe. Why not send a praetorian to the portal plates? There's 3 people defending it, and right now they have NOTHING to do. Honestly I think the supplicants trying to blow up the portal and a praetorian trying to control it would make the raid a helluva lot harder than it is now...

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