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Edited by Jenkins: 10/28/2014 3:08:36 PM

Who else is excited about non-raid lvl 30 gear?

I like to solo and I like PvP. I solo nightfall strikes like many, and I don't like having to find a group and to set aside hours of interrupted time for a raid. I do it when I am able, but otherwise I work on a second or third character. The thought of being able to get two pieces closer to thirty without a raid is great to me. I appreciate that some people prefer raids and groups to PvP, but while I was in that boat years ago, I no longer want to set the time aside to go raid a couple of times a week. I love that multiple paths are developing. Edit: to clarify, I do raid. I just don't like having to plan my day around a video game. With missions and crucible, I can play for 30 minutes and quit if I have to, and I won't feel like jerk for leaving a group. I don't even think I'll quit trying to get all of the raid loot, but I like that there will be more than one way to get some gear soon.

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  • Yasssssss.

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  • The problem is, a lot of people don't like PvP. And they aren't good at it, hence why they only play PvE. So like the VoG it's limited to a certain amount of players. I myself am a great player (I'm in the top 10% worldwide for multiple categories in Destiny.)

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  • Edited by FoFo: 10/26/2014 7:42:15 PM
    Fix all bugs in VOG, make level 30 more meaningful. Are you guys think this is better?

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  • I'm happy that I will be able to swap out non raid pieces and still hit 30 because I don't like the look of some of the raid pieces. What I don't understand is why some people that admittedly DONT raid are excited about it. Its just my opinion, but hitting 30 makes no real difference over lvl 29 if you don't plan on playing in the only area in the game (to my knowledge) where you can find lvl 30 enemies. Maybe lvl 30 will actually matter in the reworked iron banner mode, but unless you raid on hard what the point of hitting 30? I'm interested to hear peoples thoughts.

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  • Same

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  • I solo 99% of the time... I was thinking of Solo Strikes or even better 1v1 battles PvE and PvP! Although this game is lacking A LOT.., I enjoy the gameplay more than I thought I would even after defeating Speiks Prime for the 100th time lol... Let's just hope that the developers stay true to this game... The possibilities over the next 3 years are limitless for the Destiny world

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  • I'm for it; if they max out raid gear to 31.

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  • I'm glad for the simple fact that after 10 full raid runs I've gotten a grand total of 0 raid armor drops.

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  • I would like the Raid to be the only way to get level 30 gear IF the Raid was fair and you were guaranteed to be rewarded, instead of just praying to the RNG gods and getting screwed. My last five raids have netted me nothing bust ascendant materials. I much prefer a system of work and reward earning to luck. As a side note, I also just prefer how IB stuff looks.

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    3 Replies
    • Hell I'd like to be able to just be able to use the HUNDREDS of weapon and armor parts taking space in my vault. Gear doesn't drop consistently enough to use those parts. Greens and blues are nothing but garbage.

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    • Seeing as the toughest challenge in this game is meant to be the raid, i think they should be rewarded over people who do not do the raid. The crucible/iron banner is not a challange in the same league as the raid, so why should they be rewarded with the same level gear. Makes raid pointless. But i dont think this is what it is....Everything at the top will be made available to everyone, but then the bar will be raised again(level 32). This then makes raiding worthwhile again, and the level 30 will have to wait for the next iron banner, and by that time, the bar will be raised again

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      1 Reply
      • I'm happy about it!

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      • Very happy about did the raid thrice on normal once on hard no gear.

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        2 Replies
        • I'm excited too. Even though I went RNGesus and got two raid pieces in one run, I have no interest in playing the raid on hard for the helmet. Being able to buy an equally awesome helm from Iron Banner will be liberating.

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          2 Replies
          • I love it. RNG has been unkind to me and I can't find that chest piece I need. If they release the same chest piece for hunters that they released last time, I will gobble that up in a heartbeat. The IB chest looks so awesome. That and I'll finally be lvl 30.

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          • I'm very excited. Raiding shouldn't be the only viable end-game option, especially when it comes to competing in the Crucible. Both sides should have equal opportunity for advancement and things to do.

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          • Something that I can work towards and earn and be proud of? Count me in.

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          • I don't know... At least people will have to work for it. I can't explain how tired I am of seeing low level players walking around with the Vex Mythoclast and what not, simply because they stole a checkpoint off of another group and cheated to beat all the bosses, God knows there infinite amounts of ways... If bungee was faster when it comes to patching all these little glitches, instead of announcing that they're "working towards it" weeks before the patch actually comes, which just reveals to more people the glitches are there, that there would be fewer level 30's out there that didn't deserve it, it's upsetting to see

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          • Im getting them but dude raid takes like 30 min on norm bro

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          • Mass respect for the guys that can do the raid on a weekly basis and get their gear through RNG. Definitely takes teamwork and patience to get through the Vault of Glass. However, I quite enjoy the competition against other human players in almost any game, so reward from that aspect of the game is nice to see. Game on fellow Guardians, cheers!

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          • Given that I avoid the crucible like the plague, and didn't touch IB the last time it was in town, I couldn't care less.

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          • Yup, me too! can't wait to get those two armor pieces. What I dont get is if the two previous armor pieces from the last event will be upgraded to lvl 30 gear or if only the two new ones are!? Anybony knows something about this?

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            3 Replies
            • Now we get to work towards gear rather than hope for RNG

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            • Agreed

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            • This is good news , too many raids now without the armour.

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            • Ultra excited, 15 raids and only 3 raid pieces (3 toons), finally I will earn my level 30, as random crap is not giving it to me, despite my effort.

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