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Edited by Jenkins: 10/28/2014 3:08:36 PM

Who else is excited about non-raid lvl 30 gear?

I like to solo and I like PvP. I solo nightfall strikes like many, and I don't like having to find a group and to set aside hours of interrupted time for a raid. I do it when I am able, but otherwise I work on a second or third character. The thought of being able to get two pieces closer to thirty without a raid is great to me. I appreciate that some people prefer raids and groups to PvP, but while I was in that boat years ago, I no longer want to set the time aside to go raid a couple of times a week. I love that multiple paths are developing. Edit: to clarify, I do raid. I just don't like having to plan my day around a video game. With missions and crucible, I can play for 30 minutes and quit if I have to, and I won't feel like jerk for leaving a group. I don't even think I'll quit trying to get all of the raid loot, but I like that there will be more than one way to get some gear soon.

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  • Only 2 pieces will be available meaning you still need raid gear to get to lvl 30 I think it's good means we have more options and all the 30s won't look the same.

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    4 Replies
    • It's pointless. What's the point of raid? Then again, level 32-will be out soon and epeeners will have no choice but to buy the DLC to become the stronger player once again. Bungie only wants $$$$$$$$$$

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      • Not the people who made 2 alts just for raiding

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      • Tbh this should have been in the game since launch...

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      • I'm just confused how bungie gives is a difficult goal that finally has guaranteed rewards at the end that everyone has been asking for and now it's the end of the world! People are screaming bloody murder over "welfare" gear! Boggles my mind! It's only a week long too! I'm way to busy to even benefit from this but I'm excited that they're putting more gear and more options into the game!

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        considering its only gloves and chest armour you still need an exotic helm and raid boots or visa versa.

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          yea just gotta wait for iron banner to come back. im already rank 3 iron banner rep. sadly only on my warlock

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          3 Replies
          • I'm happy about it because personally I don't like the raid gauntlets or chest armour for the Hunter, so having Iron Banner gear with the same light stat but better appearance is appealing to me

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          • Bungie please make level 40 pvp only gear. I'm really trying to fill a pool with these tears

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            7 Replies
            • Edited by TheLastGunslingr: 10/26/2014 3:07:29 PM
              Very disappointed. 30 should be for those who earn it. Grinding the raid for hours for my raid gear. This would be acceptable if the dlc was out, then you obviously need a way to give the filthy casuals a chance to catchup. But to render raid gear practically meaningless do soon... How many of these casuals have already "earned" their first piece of raid gear by pushing Atheon off? Completely unacceptable.

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              • I'm exicted and I am 30 lol. It came alittle too late for me but now it just means I can mix up my armor and add more variety to my builds

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              • I just hope the IB armor isn't helmet and boots cause I have raid ones

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                2 Replies
                • I'm going to get all of the IB Armor and Raid Armor (only need gloves) simply to have the variety. I am already Rank 3 IB and will grind as fast as possible. I'm guessing the level 30 armor is going to be RNG-based which won't be easy to get judging by the hand cannon and ship that dropped.

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                • Extremely excited. Already rank 3 Iron Banner, hoping they put in the boots. Also hoping that more options like this are provided. It's awesome :D

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                • Raid 6 times no armor of course I'm excited :D

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                  2 Replies
                  • I'm glad they are providing a different path other than the horrible reward system of the raid to help level our characters up...even if it means playing crucible a lot...I'm done playing the raid for armor...the rewards don't make it worth the time....but then again even with the new iron banner stuff to choose from it still makes everyone look really similar because of the lack of variety...still think they should let you rank up any piece of armor by just adding new defense/perk rings...they could make those additions available to buy with motes of light/strange coins once you reach level 28....same thing for guns....would solve a ton of problems and let people truly customize their guardians...

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                    8 Replies
                    • It's all around good for player customization. And it shows mostly who can't do raid. Which was the the whole point in the first place.

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                    • Although I am definitely happy, because I already have everything except for 2 lvl 30 armor pieces, I can see where the unhappy people are coming from. I wouldn't want someone who has no qualifications to be lvl 30.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Fck yes!

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                      • I have full raid gear now, and I'm excited. Some options and variety is welcome.

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                      • I love how competing against players who can react to your play style and fight back properly is considered welfare gear but beating an box that has just requires you to shoot a bullet sponge while dodging a special ability every so often is true skill and grants you to right to be called a hard working earner[spoiler]that throne is mine[/spoiler]

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                      • So excited.

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                      • I've been lucky enough to get full Raid gear but Im super exited about the Iron Gear!!! I want it!!

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                      • I think there should be a way for people who enjoy pvp to have full set of thirty. But should make a 3vs3 iron banner play list where you would have to make a team and your team would need to maintain a certain trueskill rating that would give you access to purchase certain weapons and level 30 pvp armor. Therefore it wouldn't be welfare you would be earning just as much as any raid group

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                      • ya the next line of welfare gear

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                      • I don't need it, but I'm happy for everyone who has been screwed by RNG thus far.

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