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Edited by Jenkins: 10/28/2014 3:08:36 PM

Who else is excited about non-raid lvl 30 gear?

I like to solo and I like PvP. I solo nightfall strikes like many, and I don't like having to find a group and to set aside hours of interrupted time for a raid. I do it when I am able, but otherwise I work on a second or third character. The thought of being able to get two pieces closer to thirty without a raid is great to me. I appreciate that some people prefer raids and groups to PvP, but while I was in that boat years ago, I no longer want to set the time aside to go raid a couple of times a week. I love that multiple paths are developing. Edit: to clarify, I do raid. I just don't like having to plan my day around a video game. With missions and crucible, I can play for 30 minutes and quit if I have to, and I won't feel like jerk for leaving a group. I don't even think I'll quit trying to get all of the raid loot, but I like that there will be more than one way to get some gear soon.

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  • Edited by Gulf Coast Girl: 10/27/2014 3:13:16 PM
    I just wish that if they are going to bend over backward to please the crucible players who don't particularly care for the PvE side of the game that they might just do the same for those of us PvE folks who don't like the crucible. Two things that come to mind: 1. Don't make us do a crucible step for our exotic bounties 2. Change the faction vendors to accept Vanguard marks as well as Crucible marks for gear Seriously, we might like some of those firearms too... but we hate the crucible. So why only cater to the Crucible players? Lastly, I would hope whatever they do with the Crucible gear for level 30, they make it as painstaking as it is doing the raid. In other words... take A LOT of play and [b]not[/b] hand out the gear like it's Halloween candy! It needs to be as challenging for them as it is for us on the PvE side.

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    6 Replies
    • At first I was like damn why did I raid? Then I thought ya know... Everyone cheeses the rai anyway and I constantly see 27 players with vex myths, hard raid helms, and time why should I care? It sucked finding 5 other people on the Internet to play with at first an I'm sure they're are plenty of people who were like me in that this is my first game in a Lonnnggggg time and I didn't know if I wanted to get back into the gaming community that much. They should have a chance at 30 as well. Seriously think of how many college students are going to not be level 30 because they don't wanna spend hours every week on a mic playing a video game strategizing in a dorm room with a roommate who's prolly lookin at them like "dafuq? Hobgoblins, relics, and Templars? Get in the portal? Nerd"

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    • They need to include rng raid gear for the level 28 strikes then as well to be fair.

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      6 Replies
      • I'm excited. I don't do the raid much (or at all). The arguments on this forum is so funny. Don't want others to have gears but you can't join my VoG party, your level isn't high enough. Don't want others to have better weapon, but you can't join my party because you are still using blues. Don't want more people with lvl 30 gears running around in crucible, who still going to get 1 shotted by fusion rifle. Oh well, vex it all.

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        • Edited by MLG WeeZy08: 10/27/2014 7:58:52 PM
          Still only get 2 pieces of light +30 so if you don't have 1 exotic and 1 raid then you're still stuck at 29

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        • Yeah it's excellent. I had planned on not getting to level 30, since I don't care for the raid gear, and have a hard time getting 6 people together with a busy work schedule and 3 kids. Now I can actually do something I enjoy and know that I can get to level 30. Smart move by Bungie. It's funny to see all these guys that play PVE 24/7 knocking Atheon and the Templar off cliffs say that PVPers are the ones that suck. Exploiting game mechanics so that bosses fall and shooting at repetitive AI enemies takes no skill at all, so yeah keep telling yourself that you are awesome. Probably the same guys that ditch Exotic Bounties because they have a PVP element. Until you can actually survive against other people that can think and adjust their strategies, while also working as a team, you are just shooting practice dummies. The reality is that it was foolish to release a game where only ONE set of gear and only ONE in game activity leads to level 30. I'm more surprised that this was even released this way. Adding the level 30 Iron Banner armor was a necessity.

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          4 Replies
          • As a level 30, I look forward to the diversity. It'll be refreshing to not have to look like a vex to be max level. Plus it's nice that the PvP-only people get to participate in the high-level play as well. It is a part of the game after all.

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            13 Replies
            • I am. I love the Iron Banner gear, and am already rank 3. I am going to grind the crap out of it in order to get to level 30. Stuck on level 29 for like a month because I can't seem to get the raid gear I need.

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              6 Replies
              • I think it's a stupid idea that will just create alot of lvl 30 casuals and pvp-ers.

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                8 Replies
                • I can't do VoG solo, at least I will have a chance to get some level 30 gear without it. It likely will take me longer than a week, but a chance is better than no chance at all.

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                • I hate pvp and wish it would just die and Bungie would stop giving it heavier doses of life support. face it Bungie Crucible is was and will always be terrible

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                  3 Replies
                  • Yes please! I'm watching Guardians who were level 20's with blue gear, who I've helped learn the game, hit 30 while I sit in level 29 RNG Limbo :( Seemingly unable to progress any further due to the no skill required rng aspect of Destiny. It is very demoralising :(

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                    4 Replies
                    • This is gonna be great for two reasons...obviously those who've been unlucky in raids or unable to raid will have a chance to hit level 30 with IB gear, and second those who do have raid gear will have a chance to still be level 30 and actually have some variation in their look! I hate that everyone with the raid gear looks the same aside from shaders and class pieces. With Iron Banner two and 2 tiers or raid gear from Crota's End, we'll see some new appearance variations and that's all good with me.

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                    • I like it for the new aesthetics and that it will also serve as a different way to obtain 30. Instead of just one way.

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                    • I love it. May finally be able to hit 30 even after 16 raid completions.

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                    • It sounds great to me, I'd like to have gear that doesn't give me discipline (I have upwards of 400, with no strength or intellect)

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                    • PvP players, that is about it. I may start PvP just to get the cheese gear to hit 30.... Basically this is so PvP guys will SHUT up about HAVING to raid in PvE to hit 30, bunch of babies. But hey I will take advantage of the whiners parade....

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                    • Pvp is harder than pve. Real intelligence is far harder to beat than ai mechanics, as its so much more unpredictable ( in most cases) Pvp players deserve a way to get to 30

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                      3 Replies
                      • Great to see more ways to hit 30, but it doesn't solve the root of the problem. That problem is Light. Right now, hitting 30 is a raid reward, and soon that reward will be attainable through an event. Hence, people feel as though their reward from the raid is now being handed to others through an event, whereas they earned it through the raid. Gear should make you stronger, not level you up. Leveling to 30 should be something attainable by everyone, and gear should expand upon your strength after that. Levels shouldn't be a raid reward. It only cheapens the reward when it's added to another medium (like an event, such as Iron Banner).

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                        22 Replies
                        • You still need raid. Iron banner gear is only available in two slots (arms and chest). With those and an exotic, you're still 3 light short of 30.

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                        • PvP gets a nice rep ladder for 30 and pve is stuck working the lotto. Pve is starting to look like that jackass at the gas station wasting their money on the mega millions. While PvP looks like going to college to earn your way to an earning potential. Just my opinion

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                          5 Replies
                          • This guy

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                          • Does it really matter? level 32 is coming soon. Giving people level 30 gear (2 slots only remember) will not affect your own game. Except to make your friends stronger in PvE to help you complete objectives.

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                          • I'm assuming this 30 PvP gear will hit just before they raise the level cap to 32 with the new raid. Then right before they come out with another raid to raise it above 32, they will probably have another set of PvP gear come out to get you up to 32.

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                            3 Replies
                            • I'm not excited. I'm level 30 warlock and I have no want or need to grind Iron Banner for my other two characters when I can just raid. Raiding is much less rage-inducing.

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                            • Really confused at why this wasn't already a thing... I mean is bungie smoking crack?

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