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Edited by jmart83: 12/3/2014 3:56:49 PM

Ideas for Bad Juju?

Final update: I made this thread quite a while ago. I decided to add one last piece of opinion as of December 4th, post patch. With bad juju maxed, it still completely blows in pvp. In pve, it's only ok. Legendary pulse rifles still outperform it by a decent amount. The low damage takes a good amount of time to kill trash mobs unless scoring consecutive head shots on the same enemy. Additional super energy from kills let's me use weapons of light to increase the damage, kill more often, raise super energy faster, and make another weapons of light bubble before the first one is gone. However, there is a good amount of down time in between each kill. The only practical situation I can think of to use this gun is for patrols and clearing trash mobs in boss fights only to activate a super. In that respect, Titans and warlocks would benefit somewhat from the new ability whereas hunters would not as much. Again, thanks for reading and posting. Read on to see what it should have been and good luck. Special thanks: the response to this thread has been more than I thought it would have been. Much gratitude to all who post, read, and like this thread. When it comes to Bad Juju there are 3 kinds of people. A few who like it, a few who want to like it, and a few million people that hate it. This gun has potential and here is what I think should be changed for its update. First off, the smoke animation coming from the barrel. It looks cool but kind of blocks the shooter's field of vision. It's not overwhelming though. My idea for this is to tone it down while aiming down the sights and for it to disappear after the first burst fired with a return after 5 seconds of not firing. Animate it in such a way that the skull smoke appears to be infused into the rounds being fired so you feel like you're shooting something with curse-infused bullets. Next, put impact on par with legendary pulse rifles. The choice between using an exotic or its legendary counterpart should be a "no-brainer." Everyone seems to agree with increasing the magazine size, and I do too. Mag should be at least 21 rounds, or 18 depending on the alterations made by the devs. There is only one solution I can think of to put this in a more competitive league with the other exotics worth using. Increase the precision damage of the gun. This will make it a more viable solution to use on strong enemies that can take a lot of punishment without overpowering it in pvp. Scoring head shots is not always easy in pvp since players move around much more than A.I. do, but landing head shots will reward players with patience and accuracy which is what pulse rifles are really all about. This should effectively alleviate the issue since pulse rifles are good for close to mid range. The extra precision damage will give people a reason to want to use this gun in addition to my other recommendations. Lastly, the secondary ability of hip fire accuracy is kind of bad for this gun and would be even more useless of the devs made the changes I recommend. I think that a few other abilities would work better, but the best one for this specific gun would have to be Final Round. The last burst does bonus damage. You're probably thinking, "that's too much damage and the gun will be OP, noob." Let's rethink this. The only real damage buff is the increased impact, the rest is circumstantial. On low level enemies string of curses will negate final round. On strong enemies and bosses where string of curses is useless, extra precision damage and final round will make it more of a solution than a problem. In pvp, you will get either/or, but none all at once unless firing at a group of people in which case the chances of you dying are pretty much guaranteed anyway. All of these buffs will be checked and balanced all the while making the gun more practical and still fun to use. If you like this then check out my other post Ideas for Thorn? Coming next, Fix Pocket Infinity. Edit 1: Thanks to all for your feedback. I had a feeling I knew what I was talking about with this post, and judging by the responses, the majority of you completely agree. DeeJ, I hope you and the devs read this one because it is pretty legit. Update: Tried playing with this gun more and gave it a real chance, but damn this thing is just lacking at nearly every turn. I stand by what I said in my original post. I would also like to add this thing needs to have its recoil reduced and a range boost. Even with the upgrades it either has no range or kicks like a mule. It's basically on par with a white hand cannon but with less damage. This gun handles like a Camaro without tires on black ice going downhill. P.S. Keep the comments and likes coming. Again, thanks to those who have spoken up!

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  • Gud idea

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  • Tldr

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    • It needs more damage or more range and control but it really needs both. String of curses should. Also give you ammo if its a percision kill.

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    • It is now a great weapon @ 8 bursts per mag & more super energy. Less than 15 kills gets you a full super. It also does 3x crit dmg vs 1.5x for everything else. It's not a bad weapon at all. Not nearly as bad as people make it out to be & once you max it it is great. I got mine Sunday morning 2am & it's got perfect balance unlocked already & I plan for it to be my first 2.0 maxed just for all the places I can use it. I kill lvl 30 majors @ lvl 30 all day so it isn't weak. Did anyone stop to think maybe the majority of players that are using it that don't like it are bad? Because from what I've seen everyone in the know knows how good this weapon is. Especially in crota's end or anywhere you face hordes of enemies. Also I am picking up pulse rifle reload gloves from new monarchy for the times when I have to manual reload. It's already got a fast manual reload speed it just drops its mag out and slaps a new one in so anything faster is just icing on the cake. I used this weapon for everything outside of tiger strikes at the time & VOG. It's a beast in the hands of a skilled player. Any weapon will be no more effective than a butter knife in the hands of a bad player.

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      • Revert bad juju to beta juju with void damage and way more impact.

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      • I got the new version of the bad juju a couple days ago. Where the damage maxes out at 331 now

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      • I now use it regularly in strikes and pve in general. I don't even have string of curses yet, and I really like it, it destroys mobs fast, and isn't bad on larger enemies if you just send headshots, which isn't hard with the excellent stability. I take this over my vex in pve any day

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      • I hope it's on the exotic upgrade list..It's a hord killer and belongs in TDB..even at 300 max out I destroy hords..with hunter gunslinger and chain of woe..I think all it needs is the upgrade and slight impact..

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      • More damage or stability both are bad...

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      • I like it. I especially like how it increases your super now.

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      • Works well in tiger strikes. Can Titan defender and set myself up as weapons of light/orb supplies. Everyones almost constantly supered

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      • More ammo capacity better starting damage

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      • Well for starters it's still the worst gun. It barely does any damage.

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        • MOAR IMPACT

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        • I'd take anything they decided to give us as far as a buff goes.. That being said .. I'm a crap PVP player and I used the JUJU yesterday.. Each time I got consistently better and my last match I had 20 kills. It is markedly better in PVP now and killing guardians brings up your super even faster than PVE mobs do .. It could use more tweaking but I think Bungie is on the right track with this gun

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        • It's better since the update at least, only thing I've found is for me it's better used in the same way as a scout rifle, single bursts ignore the auto, keeps recoil down. Hopefully at fully upgraded it is the gun it should be. Some kind of DoT would be awesome and go with the theme

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          • I would like to see bad juju do poison like thorn. Add more impact as well as more mag capacity. That would make it one bad ass weapon. Oh yeah and give us the ability to choose an elemental damage ie void, solar, or arch

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            • Edited by khatiya: 12/8/2014 6:49:36 AM
              Finally just got it couple of nights ago. I really want to love it but my Super Pox VLO beats it hands down right now. I doubt I will use BJJ again until it is leveled up fully or at least until I get perfect balance perk. Without it, firing with full auto is just a waste of ammo. I fully agree with you about a buff for the impact stats. To me it's really is pathetic for an exotic weapon. I understand that once you have a string of curses this would negate the need for larger magazine but it's hell annoying that it reload every 2-3 sec. Sorry, that sounded like a rant. I definitely looking forward to use it once it's maxed. Edit. What about a 5 round burst. The mag will need to be compensated to 40 for 8 burst per mag. Remove hip fire and replace with explosive rounds.

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            • It needs a lot more impact/damage. It's still horrible compared to the other exotics.

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              • Bungie did you dirty and give ya'll a whopping 24 mag

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              • The gun is true to Destiny: a massive disappointment you have to try to like.

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                • I would like to point out now that it has been buffed I really enjoy it. :)

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                • Too powerful. Must nerf. #satire

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                • Extended mags.

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                • All it needs is 21 rounds.

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                • Final round? With instant reload perk? Might as well keep hip fire.

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