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Edited by SalineVampire: 10/23/2014 12:26:54 PM

"Dad Gamer" Old school gamer with new school attitude

Post script: I have yet to see a single post ridiculing me for having "gamer dad" as an identifying marker in this OP. My being a gamer dad is in no way relevant to this post and adds nothing except I used it as bait. Weird..... I saw something today while browsing the forums and it bothered me….a lot. Bothered me so much and to such a core level that I am making my first OP. When did we as gamers forget who we are and what we were at one time? Does anyone remember the horrible stigma we used to have and still have to a certain degree? When did we as gamers forget that we all had our own identities? Some of us go to college. Some of us work 9-5 or 7-3 or however our schedule is. Some of us are married. Some of us are single. Some of us are black. Some of us are Hispanic or Asian or Native American or Indian or Middle Eastern or whatever. Some of us are female. Some of us are trans gendered. Some of us are gay/lesbian/bi. Some of us are Atheist/Agnostic/Christian/Catholic/Baptist/Muslim or whatever. Some of us are older. Some of us are younger. Basically we are all different and unique in our own ways. We are all gamers, but we all have our own identities. We all have life experiences and beliefs that make us….different. So when someone identifies themselves with a post (girl gamer, Muslim gamer, black gamer) and we as a COMMUNITY do not embrace the fact that we are different and instead disparage the OP for having an identity other than GAMER, it saddens me. When did we forgot who we are and allow one single identity (GAMER) define us? When did we as gamers forget the BS we have gone through or still go through for being…gamers? How does someone identifying themselves in a post negatively affect your life? Do you not want to see someone else’s views? Did we become so closed off from the world that we have one track thoughts and views? Don’t you remember being young and talking about gaming only for someone to tell you that gaming was worthless? Or better yet, because you were a gamer you’d amount to nothing? I personally enjoy the shit out of hearing other people’s views, especially when they are not in my own demographic. Who they are and what they are is so different than who and what I am that their opinions fascinate me. I may debate with them their views, but I’d never degrade them for who they are. When we as a community call people f.ags or make stupid sexist remarks or call people n.iggers or spics or retards….we are failing. The gaming community should be the one community that is embracing everyone’s differences not disparaging them. If you believe all they are doing is “seeking attention”…..ignore them. No harm will befall you for not replying to something. What you may wind up doing is pushing a fellow gamer that felt comfortable identifying themselves out of the gaming community. Why do that? What purpose does that serve? I’ve asked a lot of questions in this post. That was purposeful. Answer them to yourself….remember what it was like or still is like for you to be identified as ONLY a gamer. How did you feel? Edit: As regarding the OP that this post stemmed from. Whether it was for attention or not is a moot point. The issue is the disrespect and denigrating attitude because the OP identified as female when there is absolutely no difference between her doing that and a gamertag with gender identifying markers. The point is that people felt compelled to quash what the OP said because the OP had the -blam!-ing gall (how dare she, right? Let's put her in her place) to identify as female. Do you not see why that's asinine? [b][/b]You're allowed to be an <insert gamer sub catagory here> as long as you don't overtly advertise which catagory you fall into. We will turn a blind eye to gamertags, but keep your trap shut in the subject and post. Kthanx.[b][/b] That's ridiculous.

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  • Actually the Internet ( or the world wide web :) and MMO's like Everquest , Knight Online, Everquest 2 was all about the fact that you did not know Who the person on the other end of the line was ! you did not know if they were Male or Female, you did not know their Race or their Religion , all you knew was their Screen name , and that was what made the Web and what made MMO's so fantastic back then as you could not judge people by any of those normal identifiers Nobody use to use their real name on the Internet 10+ years ago, everyone had made up names , and the same with MMO's back then , everyone had Character names ( now games like Destiny force you to use your Playstation Name , luckily my PSN name is the Character name i have used for years in MMO's : ) and you only knew the players in the game by their character names there was no voice chat , there was only the keyboard , and it was a glorious time to be on the Web and be Gaming in MMO's back then people use to Roleplay heavily in MMO's with there keyboards they could become the Barbarian, they could become the Dark Elf ,, and nobody knew if the 300 pound muscle laden Barbarian was really a 90 pound petite indian woman in Real life, and nobody knew if the Dark elf was a grandpa or a teenager . now everyone uses their real name as their Email . and their screen name and gamertag on PSN is usually either their name or yoloswag3000 we didn't use Avatars in MMOs we Created "Characters" and played them for years those days are gone and the internet and mmo's are now drama central , everyone wants you on voice chat and you go it and you have to listen to someone crunching on potato chips and burping and cursing , another thing is the social networking that has ruined the internet , everybody needs to constantly post pictures of themselves, where they are , what they are doing, etc ,etc , PS4 next large update they are adding one of the most annoying features from facebook/twitter = "people you may know " based on your friends list it will suggest people you might know or want to know ,,,,, NO THANKS ,,, I play Games to get away from crappy Social network sites ,, i hope there is a way to turn this feature off . anyway , i dont care what you look like, i dont care if your a guy or a girl , i dont care if your white, orange , green, blue ,, i dont care what your religious beliefs are ,, if i wanted to meet people in any of those categories there is an entire internet filled with Forums on each of those classifications . I just want to play video games with anonymous people that i know nothing about and that is what use to makes MMO's so fantastic " Gralthorp the Sage" <--- Everyone thought he was a 40 year old guy living in his mothers basement gaming at his command station but it turns out that "Gralthorp" was actually 22 year old head cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys ( but nobody ever knew , and we liked it that way ) someone that Posts up " IM A GIRL GAMER " in a post in big flashing neon lights , they obviously wanted attention , and they got it , and people that seek attention don't care if its positive or negative as long as they are the center of attention, if it wasn't for the " Girl" part in the post that thread would have died away with no replies . now i miss old style MMO'ing with mouse and keyboard , with no voice chat and no clue who anyone really was, those were some great times, /pours out some Meed for the long deceased Giralus De'Gallus :( you fought well my Shadowknight , may your eternal slumber give you the peace you so deserve .

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