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Edited by BrotherWalker: 10/23/2014 7:27:21 PM

Thread for Honest Critical Feedback

This game is obviously not perfect. We want it to be improved. In order to do that we need honest, specific and feasible criticism and suggestions. So I'm going to offer feedback and ideas that I have and encourage others to offer similar feedback, or to ask questions about the ideas I have. 1. One of the big problems with Destiny in my opinion is that we're 'Guardians' but we don't have a very clear or palpable idea of who and what we are guarding. The closest we get to that in the current story is the Speaker referring to the children who are frightened in the city. I think what we need in order to add emotional connection for the players is to have more interaction and dialogue with citizens of the city and to see what their stories and lives are like in order to have motivation to protect them from the darkness. This could take many forms; ideally it would be a fully opened City with NPC's with dialogue options or short monologues that give us an idea of who they are and what their lives are like. This could also take the form of a Lobby at the base of the Tower where people from the city congregate to hear from the Speaker and to admire the some of the legendary guardians. This area could even be a weekend event that occurs where players with the best crucible or PVE stats are recognized and celebrated in the Tower lobby by citizens and other (jealous) Guardians. 2. Easier ways to form fire teams "in the wild". My idea for this is that chaining together the D-pad actions of waving and pointing at another player will automatically send them a fire team request. Then the other player could quickly respond just by waving back and the game would recognize this as an acceptance of the request and now this random encounter has fostered a chance for teamwork, which right now is in my opinion the most gratifying and enjoyable aspect of destiny. 3. We have some very cool looking guardians. I think we need another page in our character menu where we can see all of our fire team members standing together, similar to how we all look during the starting animation of a crucible match. 4. Faction armor. I've posted about this before but it's a pretty frustrating problem for me that every faction essentially has the same kind of armor aside from some minor decals on each one. For the most part the 3 factions all have the same 'style' of armor. I think that the earlier lower level armor styles can be reused for factions, so each different faction also has an entirely different look, from colors, to design, to symbols. So Dead Orbit armor for hunters might have a legendary version of that one helmet with a bandana, and that bandana might have some kind of dead orbit symbol on it as well. And then FWC might have a legendary version of the Argus styled armor with FWC colors and symbols. 5. Faction NPC's, I think dialogue options would go a long way with these guys; just being able to ask them about their faction and what it stands for and why you should join them would give players much more motivation to join them and work for them. 6. Patrol; we need a LOT more stuff to do on patrols. Multi-step patrol missions with short self contained stories that deliver some info about the lore as you play through each step of it would be ideal. As well as having NPC's that aren't just more enemies. Perhaps finding a child that is hiding in a building with Fallen nearby and you have to escort him/her back to the city. Or being able to get a group together and destroy drop ships for materials and other loot. There's a lot of room for new and more in depth patrol objectives. 7. While I don't think Aerial combat would be that enjoyable or easy to make, I would enjoy just seeing more of a connection between my character and his ship. So having a short cutscenes that is possible to skip where you see your character actually in the cockpit of the ship rather than only ever seeing it from 3rd person as an object. Similar to how we could see Shepard get inside of and walk around the interior of the Normandy before he started directing it. We have on scene in the story for the Reef where we see our character actually flying the ship and I think it would be interesting to see more interaction with your ships. 8. Vanguard and Shaxx dialogue. These would probably be expensive additions but I feel they are really necessary. They have the random remarks they make as we pass by them or purchase items but that's not really interaction. I'm very interested in getting to know these characters better and the best way to do that is just to let us talk to them; have cutscenes with us actually face to face with them rather than just voice overs as we load up a mission. I'll be editing and adding more that I think of; I very much encourage others to comment with critiques of my suggestions or additional ideas of their own. I'm happy with my experience so far but I really want Destiny to grow and get better.

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