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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Superiority: 10/29/2014 4:21:42 PM

Deej: The truth, critical thinking, and final argument.

I have watched this video in its entirety. I realize it is long, but unlike pro Destiny/Activision rhetoric, the truth is a little more complex, and you not taking the time to understand what is going on is what they are counting on. What we have here is the ultimate anti-fanboi argument. Contained in this video is every thing we critical thinkers have been trying to express, only to be freight trained by the deluded masses. The masses: those of us who have successfully been indoctrinated by the [b]Lord of Profiteering[/b]: Activision. Why do people persist in defending what has taken place here? It could simply be lack of intelligence or the ability to critically think, but more likely it is pride: The fanboi ego cannot admit to the truths in this video, it has gone too far for him, in his mind there is no way back. Humility is not a word in his vernacular. In a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we are brainwashed via corporately owned news outlets (see: Fox News, any Murdoch newspaper) to blame each other for the situation instead of looking at those in power, those with the wealth controlling every thing. Profit is increasingly becoming a dirty word. Or at least it should be. To all the nay sayers, i give you this: You have been conditioned to disagree with the rhetoric you see here. They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. Swallow your pride and open your mind. It is time to become a critical thinker, not just a consumer, with 2D personality. For a better understanding of how corporations have become so powerful Government cannot control them, and how they are shafting us in every market we participate in, i recommend a Youtube channel called "The Trews" by a critical thinker called Russel Brand (previously a comedian). Profit has now fully infected the games market, that is why $500 million buys us a gutted husk of a game such as Destiny, Watchdogs, Titanfall and others. To Deej i say (as he is apparently reading all this): please let your bosses know that we [i]know[/i] what occurred here. [b]EDIT 1:[/b] To those saying i jumped on some sort of bandwagon with this video, here i link my previous thread, some weeks old, in which i make a weak effort in tackling this subject: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] It's a tough challenge, trying to protect people who fight to defend the system hurting them. [b]EDIT 3: [/b]All big business is owned by the 1%. And thusly they don't care where you spend your money, as long as you do. The power of consumer choice is a lie. Pick up your Destiny box and read the back, it literally says "rich cinematic story telling". Can you see the problem there? [b]EDIT 4:[/b] Best insult received: "Also, I find your username hilariously perfect. Do you refer to your house as "The Superiority Complex"?" lel [b]Final Edit:[/b] I have just read the details of The Dark Below, and it will not fix the inherent failures of this game. They are pushing forward with this hacked up iteration of Destiny. They sold us one game, delivered another, and for better or for worse this is it now. It is a game aimed at the 12yr olds, the CoD generation, and I am out. I will boost friends in the raid only until I can trade this in for GTA V. See you Manhattan-side for The Divison, Guardians!

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  • Edited by Synthiate: 10/24/2014 12:34:41 AM
    [quote]They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. [/quote] Really?! Effin' really?! *Sigh* Resorting to ad hominem is not a good argument. [quote]Why do people persist in defending what has taken place here? It could simply be lack of intelligence or the ability to critically think, but more likely it is pride: The fanboi ego cannot admit to the truths in this video, it has gone too far for him, in his mind there is no way back. Humility is not a word in his vernacular. [/quote] Listen here. The problem here is this: [b]NOW EVERYONE GATHER AND HEED[/b] Someone, smarter than me, tell me! [b](This situation is hypothetical, it is supposed to make people understand, not reflect reality how things happened. It is based on the assumptions that most of the ones talking about it are assuming)[/b] Bungie put out those videos about how the game works out an year ago, before everything apparently, for them, went to shit, am I right? Okay. So, think that you're in charge of informing the audience, and month by month you start hearing that all the parts in the planned game have been falling apart, one by one. It is your responsibility to tell them that something has gone awry. Okay. You still level with me? But the problem is, you cannot tell it. If you do, you lose your job. If you do, your friends may lose their jobs. Would you? Because that's the problem they were most probably facing, more or less. [b]THINK ABOUT IT[/b]. They released all these cool videos where they explained everything about their plans, but then people leave, deadline pushes on, and you have NO WAY TO STOP IT. The deadline is final, but not tomorrow. Do you tell the world that your game will not be as it was thought of years ago, losing your job and hurt the sales, and bury the dreams of EVER making that game... Or do you just try your best to talk about the things that you DO have, not obfuscating the old, but focusing on the contingency plan? So, my oh so smart friends. Do you have an answer? I know depending on emotion over facts is not fair, but if fuken Batman did it (That speech at the end was almost a new level of populism), why can't I?

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    1 Reply
    • Heaven forbid someone makes a profit right? Geez. TiberSeptim96 below has the perfect response to this BS post. I can add nothing more.

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      • It seems he is more against business and the market than anything...

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        20 Replies
        • Conspiracy theories much? Making quality video game is amazing expensive. And if it wasn't profitable, the companies that develop them wouldn't bother. While you wear tin foil hats and write manifestos, I think i will play and enjoy the game and see how the structure the dlc. If it doesn't appeal to me, I'll play something else.

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          • If you hate the game, why are you on the forum..

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            • "lel" everything is now invalid.

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            • I like you, and your opinion. Here, have my bump.

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            • We got what we got. You didn't have to be a day one consumer. You take a lot of risk when you do that. This game wasn't what you expected. OK. Does everyone here wish there was MORE story? Probably.

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            • Destiny sucks. Dont buy the next one if you hate it but i will because of my pride. Dont buy any CoD either because nothing new ever happens. If youre a CoD fanboy then buy the game. Not gonna reply to comments so dont bother

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              3 Replies
              • Edited by Swoochi: 10/23/2014 9:52:23 PM
                its nice to know that no one reads "Content is subject to change in final product" i mean come on are you retarded? none of this was promised. it was said that it could but never said that it would be in the game. ALL CONTENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. it happens in every single video game and even in movies!!! so why dont you go complain to those guys about cut content? i swear if you children only had half of your brain cells you wouldnt be making 400+ posts about something that has been happening in gaming for YEARS

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                6 Replies
                • Why is it so hard to "like this game" while also accepting that there is truth in the video?

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                • Peace, Nature already won <3

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                • Edited by IgnorantSolid: 10/23/2014 11:28:32 PM
                  I googled how many -blam!-s I should give and kept getting "404 not found" every single time...

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                • Something is really wrong with this generation of people. First off I played this game and liked it a lot. but I have quickly come to realize what this game really is. All of you saying that we should put down Destiny if we don't like it, to you I say, it's not just about Destiny. It's about these big companies as a whole that continue to release 1/2 a product for full price and make us pay extra for DLCs. Have none of you ever wonder why are DLCs being release with a game or soon after? That should not be the case, but yet it happens all the time. BF4 came with the China Rising DLC when I bought it. These companies work half ass on their product and try to make money off DLC at release and all these DLC pre-orders. Like I was telling someone when word got out that players were able to see the DLC on the maps. These companies put the full game and send it to you, and when you buy the DLC all they do is unlock it with a file that's a few KB in size. All the other files you download are basically placebo pills. And that's what the game industry has become now. And because gamers are too blind to open their eyes and just respond, "If you don't like it then stop playing," the companies keep taking advantage of us and that's because there aren't enough gamers boycotting the products to make a change. You have the few that see the problem and try to make a change, but the majority don't care or stuck in their ways to even want to change and will defend their "oppression" tooth and nail (that's everyone of you crying put down the game if you don't like it). Such a shame too... Destiny was going to be a great game. I keep checking the news hoping that a miracle will happen because it has great potential. Alas!

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                  • bump

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                  • I have always loved BDobbins's content

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                  • Edited by GigaChrome: 10/23/2014 11:20:36 PM
                    Destiny is a fun game to play, hell I'm playing it right now, I most likely will get all DLC's. But, hell yea it pisses me off. I remember seeing trailer, small clips, devs talking about, and thinking it would be outstanding and fill me up with joy for atleast a month strait and not just when putting in the disc to play it for the first time besides the beta. I also remember having a group of friends and not just me feel the same way, talking about it getting all nerdy and jittery to play it. But, as I said before thats not what actually happened, and yea Im guessing the only living human bye now to still have this feeling is someone probably less than 10 to 5 when they dont even know what there doing. All in all, for the love of -blam!-ing god just give me another Skyrim. When the beta was out and before the full game released I was one of the ones defending it. Now ive seen the light, sorry for back then on trying to prove you wrong guys. True Disclaimer, this is sad but true, you were right.

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                  • bump

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                  • Dude, listen. It's a game. Just a game. That being said, if you don't like it simply play another. Wasting time on the forums just to insult others is beyond ridiculous. This game isn't amazing and it isn't awful. If you were looking for a perfect game, I can see how you were disappointed. As for anyone that knows better, you shouldn't have expected that. Go play another game.

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                    8 Replies
                    • [quote]To all the nay sayers, i give you this: You have been conditioned to disagree with the rhetoric you see here. They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. Swallow your pride and open your mind. It is time to become a critical thinker, not just a consumer, with 2D personality.[/quote] Interesting how you promote critical thinking yet if someone disagrees with you at all, they are all idiotic sheep. You ever consider that it would be easier to change someone's mind if you don't start with "Hey, idiot, here's what you need to think"? :D Just so you know, this is coming from someone who agrees that there are problems in the game. Although I didn't watch the video I have seen some discussion on it's topic, and from what I gather it's mostly about the storyline

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                    • Insert opinionated wall of text here.

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                    • 1. Your entire post is riddled with insults. (that's called being mean) 2. Your complaining to others because you don't like the choices you made rather then facing the fact that you made a mistake. (thats called being a scrub) 3. If you wanted to to insult others and cry about your own mistakes without being called out on it you should have never posted in a public forum. 4. You talk about being a critical thinker while it's extremely obvious that you didn't think at all! First about buying a game that you might not like and second about posting this rant in the forums. 5. Lastly if you were a critical thinker you would have waited for the reviews on the game, tried it out either at gamestop, best buy or a buddies house and then made your decision after getting all the facts.

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                      3 Replies
                      • It is clear from your statements that this entire post is not relevant to criticizing the game, but rather a political statement. You refer to the "brainwashing" of people by corporately owned media, but you only list two examples, both of which are conservative leaning. You also state that profit "should" be a dirty word. These statements show a left-leaning, anti-capitalism position and subsequent opinions that you are presenting as fact. While it makes no difference to me what your political or social views are, they do not have anything to do with Destiny, Bungie, Deej, or this community. You are certainly well within your rights to hold whatever opinions you wish, and express them as you wish, but presenting those opinions as facts without any real evidence just invalidates your argument. Corporately owned media (of any political flavor) did not have anything to do with the development or distribution of Destiny, nor did they have any influence on your experience with the game. Paid DLC is a standard business model in today's gaming world, especially with large scale AAA titles. These expansion packs were a part of the Destiny 10 year plan from the beginning, and none of the "evidence" you have presented shows any malice, misconduct, or misrepresentation. The existence of supposedly playable area on the disc, but locked out of current normal player accessibility, shows only that Bungie has possible additional areas that are connected to the current play space. Nothing about their existence is proof that Bungie or Activision cheated you out of these areas, only that they possibly intended on these areas being playable at some point. Whether that point in time was supposed to be at launch and was removed to be "pay locked" for future DLC is pure conjecture. Lastly, you refer to Activision as the Lords of Profiteering. Activision is part of Activision/Blizzard, which is a publicly traded company. The only responsibility that they have is to generate revenue and profit for their shareholders. They are not required to produce products, in this case video games, that meet your expectations, or mine for that matter. The theory is simple and holds true for any company: produce good products that people will buy and you will gain revenue and profit. The opposite is also true, so if you as the consumer feel that Activision is responsible for what your perceive as a bad product, then simply do not purchase any of their products in the future. The pros and cons with large corporate game publishers and the DLC business model are philosophical debates that I for one am happy to have, but they again do not have anything to do with your experience with the game. You made the choice to purchase Destiny. Activision and Fox News did not force you to buy it. As has been said many times on many similar threads, if you are not happy with the game, then don't play. If you are not happy with the producer/publisher, then do not purchase their products in the future. And please, keep your politics out of a gaming forum. There are plenty of places on the internet where you can argue politics, far away from

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                        29 Replies
                        • I will make the distinction that it's the publisher not the developer that is the problem here. But I suppose that's what Bungie gets for making a deal with a soulless corporate entity only concerned with profit and not the product. IE, the evident dicing up of the game into two separate expansion packs, and probably because Bungie couldn't finish the content in time for the unrealistic release deadline that the Dark Lords of Activision demanded. Game release deadlines being unrealistic is a major industry problem, just ask ZeniMax Online Studios or Bioware (Mass Effect 3 and SW:TOR).

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                        • Why the -blam!- did you turn this into class warfare?

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                        • Edited by FighterFajitas: 10/23/2014 10:48:41 PM
                          Bla bla bla. edit : bla edit : bla edit : bla

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