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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Superiority: 10/29/2014 4:21:42 PM

Deej: The truth, critical thinking, and final argument.

I have watched this video in its entirety. I realize it is long, but unlike pro Destiny/Activision rhetoric, the truth is a little more complex, and you not taking the time to understand what is going on is what they are counting on. What we have here is the ultimate anti-fanboi argument. Contained in this video is every thing we critical thinkers have been trying to express, only to be freight trained by the deluded masses. The masses: those of us who have successfully been indoctrinated by the [b]Lord of Profiteering[/b]: Activision. Why do people persist in defending what has taken place here? It could simply be lack of intelligence or the ability to critically think, but more likely it is pride: The fanboi ego cannot admit to the truths in this video, it has gone too far for him, in his mind there is no way back. Humility is not a word in his vernacular. In a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we are brainwashed via corporately owned news outlets (see: Fox News, any Murdoch newspaper) to blame each other for the situation instead of looking at those in power, those with the wealth controlling every thing. Profit is increasingly becoming a dirty word. Or at least it should be. To all the nay sayers, i give you this: You have been conditioned to disagree with the rhetoric you see here. They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. Swallow your pride and open your mind. It is time to become a critical thinker, not just a consumer, with 2D personality. For a better understanding of how corporations have become so powerful Government cannot control them, and how they are shafting us in every market we participate in, i recommend a Youtube channel called "The Trews" by a critical thinker called Russel Brand (previously a comedian). Profit has now fully infected the games market, that is why $500 million buys us a gutted husk of a game such as Destiny, Watchdogs, Titanfall and others. To Deej i say (as he is apparently reading all this): please let your bosses know that we [i]know[/i] what occurred here. [b]EDIT 1:[/b] To those saying i jumped on some sort of bandwagon with this video, here i link my previous thread, some weeks old, in which i make a weak effort in tackling this subject: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] It's a tough challenge, trying to protect people who fight to defend the system hurting them. [b]EDIT 3: [/b]All big business is owned by the 1%. And thusly they don't care where you spend your money, as long as you do. The power of consumer choice is a lie. Pick up your Destiny box and read the back, it literally says "rich cinematic story telling". Can you see the problem there? [b]EDIT 4:[/b] Best insult received: "Also, I find your username hilariously perfect. Do you refer to your house as "The Superiority Complex"?" lel [b]Final Edit:[/b] I have just read the details of The Dark Below, and it will not fix the inherent failures of this game. They are pushing forward with this hacked up iteration of Destiny. They sold us one game, delivered another, and for better or for worse this is it now. It is a game aimed at the 12yr olds, the CoD generation, and I am out. I will boost friends in the raid only until I can trade this in for GTA V. See you Manhattan-side for The Divison, Guardians!

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  • I basically agree with this whole video. The game was falsely advertised in a number of ways. I think there's a LOT of missing content. I think that It had a lot of wasted potential. I think Bungie made some awful marketing decisions, and I think it generally could've been so much better than it is. Despite all this though, I still enjoy it for some reason. I honest to God don't know why, but I love it. I'm still kinda pissed that we were directly lied to, and that the game is not as good as it could've been, but I still enjoy it! Maybe, in a future major update, they'll do something like add another story line, or just continue the old one. Maybe they'll implement some features like player trading, or the mentioned sparrow racing (That would be cool). I Hope to GOD Bungie reads and watches this and takes it into heavy consideration.

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  • Short answer - It's fun.

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  • Op sounding like a true Obama supporter.

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  • Edited by Drewseph: 10/24/2014 4:21:42 AM
    One thing for consideration, though, is that the consumers are, in part, responsible for this "corporate greed" profiteering strategy from developers. How long has the standard price for games been $60? Pretty much as long as I can remember back to N64. With the gaming standard evolving, every game is potentially more complex and takes more resources to develop. The standard $60 price tag does not even account for inflation! Not to mention, console games such as Destiny do not benefit from subscription revenue or in-game cash shops like MMO's and other games do. Hell, even facebook games have cash-shops in game. As much as we may struggle to admit it, the fans/consumers are just as -blam!-ing greedy as the developers! Destiny was supposed to be a "masterpiece". What would most people's reaction if the game's initial price were double that of the standard shitty titles? Say, $120 normal edition and $200 collectors? People would -blam!-ing bitch to no end. Spoiled/entitled gamers (consumers) don't want to spend anything more than the $60 status quo fee regardless of game QUALITY. So it was pretty much inevitable that Developers would have to resort to profiteering strategies such as those shown in Destiny to stay afloat. Sports games such as FIFA practically use the same engine and interface with minor re-skinning every -blam!-ing year. All they have to literally do is update the -blam!-ing team rosters. What do you think their production costs are compared to that of Destiny: a massive, large-scale, complex, de novo -blam!-ing production? Probably a lot -blam!-ing less. Guess what? They both retail for the same exact -blam!-ing price, and -blam!-ing consumers would -blam!-ing WHINE WHINE WHINE if Bungie tried to proportionally increase the retail cost of their marketed game.

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  • Let me just get my tinfoil hat before you tell us more!

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by iamhodges: 10/24/2014 4:00:14 AM
      Is Destiny what we want? [b]No. [/b] Is Bungivision happy with that?[b] No.[/b] Will Destiny ever be what we want, [b]probably not.[/b] Will I play what I can get (in a sea of awful games)? [b]Yes.[/b]

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    • MCC, Witcher 3, The Division.

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      3 Replies
      • Highly entertaining video !! even if it's mostly 9/11 conspiracy theory level content. It was like watching an over dramatic hollywood movie, all it needed was "the xx - Intro" playing along to it. i just wanted to grab some over salted pop corn and put my feet up while watching it. And that comment towards the end "some people say i take games too seriously, i say they don't take them seriously enough" hahaha i loved that. I think people need to remember that game developers are working for a company and it's the goal of that company to make money. They are not running a charity and they have chosen the path they felt would generate them the most profit. All the "cut content" aside i think Destiny is a good game that has left itself open to a lot of expansion in the future which i am fine with as long as it's not just rinse and repeat of what they have currently in the game.

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      • Why not just play Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor?

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        2 Replies
        • The peasants are getting rowdy with their highway robbery.

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        • Bump de bump bump, I hope someone at Bungie is watching this and -blam!-ing crying.

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        • Great argument, and I completely agree 100% (do note at time of commenting I have not yet watched video) ESPECIALLY the part about Fox News and what not. However, with the Fox News part, don't automatically assume that all the people who have mindless consumerism as a Fox News republican (asshat). Just a tip.

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          • I totally Agree but I've bought the collectors edition

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          • Unfortunately I think that a whole lot of people who would not buy the dlc now already have it because they bought the more expensive editions with the dlc included, I am one of them. Unless the quality of the dlc is higher than the rest of the game, mostly the story part in my opinion, Bungie will feel it hard when they release dlc not included in the original expansion packs sold with the game at launch and the player base drops significantly. By the end of November daily players will be very decreased only to see short lived jumps in population due to the dlc. Are daily population numbers publicly stated anywhere every day?

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          • Edited by Ezimatana: 10/24/2014 2:32:32 AM
            I will buy the DLC. Not going to pay 60 of the game and it be shit when I can pay 100 and it be great. Besides, no other good games are out. Besides MCC which comes Nov 11. Sad that Bungie is going to have to compete with their own previous work.

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          • I just wanted to pop in here to say this Don't label anyone who argues with you before they even begin to argue with you. It easily discredits you as much as you discredit them.

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          • Whatever the argument; no matter your level of passion or cynicism towards this game, one fact stands: DISCONTENT. Bungie and Activision cannot negate it. They have hurt their loyal fans. A profit is a profit.However, you are only as good as your next deal. Good luck on your next deal.....

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          • Game is average at best, I think most have realized it by now. Of course there are going to be a lot of fanboys here, it's the official forums. Just wait for the heavy hitters to come next month and this games player base will dwindle big time.

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          • I would like to say Blam! Instead of Bump..

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          • I got The Truth from Atheon. Absolutely Hate It. X_x

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          • And this IS THE FINAL ARGUMENT, bull s h i t, need i say more

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          • Wow. I am now so disappointed in myself for peordering the DLC.

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          • I agree with you and appreciate the intellectual opinion on the game. There is one other possibility about the DLC that you hadn't mentioned. The cost of the full game may have been too high to sell at $60 without narrowing profit margins down to the point of Investors saying no. You split the game up and bam, now it's available over 3 easy payments. Not saying I agree with that (I would rather just have honesty), but that could be a bit of the truth as well. Otherwise, nice job!

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          • 2
            Amazingly well put together, and I honestly agree with you. There is so much in this game that just doesn't make sense, so much missing. I go back and watch the gameplay reveals and I see just how much I've been fooled by big promises and little delivery. The game is fun, and I enjoy it. But if it stays as it is, it will not last - it will go down in history as another super-hyped up Titanfall that everyone realized in the end is just a short cut, grind session. I honestly don't think Bungie wants that for Destiny. I would say its the age old "big publisher doing what they always do, pushing game developers away from their pure creative vision and into a cheap, dirty, money game." I learned this from Battlefield 4. From launch that game was terrible. I have decided to never buy another Battlefield game again because of it. I really hope I don't have to do that to Bungie too, but that is in their hands.

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          • Bump?

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          • Edited by Synthiate: 10/24/2014 12:34:41 AM
            [quote]They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. [/quote] Really?! Effin' really?! *Sigh* Resorting to ad hominem is not a good argument. [quote]Why do people persist in defending what has taken place here? It could simply be lack of intelligence or the ability to critically think, but more likely it is pride: The fanboi ego cannot admit to the truths in this video, it has gone too far for him, in his mind there is no way back. Humility is not a word in his vernacular. [/quote] Listen here. The problem here is this: [b]NOW EVERYONE GATHER AND HEED[/b] Someone, smarter than me, tell me! [b](This situation is hypothetical, it is supposed to make people understand, not reflect reality how things happened. It is based on the assumptions that most of the ones talking about it are assuming)[/b] Bungie put out those videos about how the game works out an year ago, before everything apparently, for them, went to shit, am I right? Okay. So, think that you're in charge of informing the audience, and month by month you start hearing that all the parts in the planned game have been falling apart, one by one. It is your responsibility to tell them that something has gone awry. Okay. You still level with me? But the problem is, you cannot tell it. If you do, you lose your job. If you do, your friends may lose their jobs. Would you? Because that's the problem they were most probably facing, more or less. [b]THINK ABOUT IT[/b]. They released all these cool videos where they explained everything about their plans, but then people leave, deadline pushes on, and you have NO WAY TO STOP IT. The deadline is final, but not tomorrow. Do you tell the world that your game will not be as it was thought of years ago, losing your job and hurt the sales, and bury the dreams of EVER making that game... Or do you just try your best to talk about the things that you DO have, not obfuscating the old, but focusing on the contingency plan? So, my oh so smart friends. Do you have an answer? I know depending on emotion over facts is not fair, but if fuken Batman did it (That speech at the end was almost a new level of populism), why can't I?

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