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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Superiority: 10/29/2014 4:21:42 PM

Deej: The truth, critical thinking, and final argument.

I have watched this video in its entirety. I realize it is long, but unlike pro Destiny/Activision rhetoric, the truth is a little more complex, and you not taking the time to understand what is going on is what they are counting on. What we have here is the ultimate anti-fanboi argument. Contained in this video is every thing we critical thinkers have been trying to express, only to be freight trained by the deluded masses. The masses: those of us who have successfully been indoctrinated by the [b]Lord of Profiteering[/b]: Activision. Why do people persist in defending what has taken place here? It could simply be lack of intelligence or the ability to critically think, but more likely it is pride: The fanboi ego cannot admit to the truths in this video, it has gone too far for him, in his mind there is no way back. Humility is not a word in his vernacular. In a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we are brainwashed via corporately owned news outlets (see: Fox News, any Murdoch newspaper) to blame each other for the situation instead of looking at those in power, those with the wealth controlling every thing. Profit is increasingly becoming a dirty word. Or at least it should be. To all the nay sayers, i give you this: You have been conditioned to disagree with the rhetoric you see here. They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. Swallow your pride and open your mind. It is time to become a critical thinker, not just a consumer, with 2D personality. For a better understanding of how corporations have become so powerful Government cannot control them, and how they are shafting us in every market we participate in, i recommend a Youtube channel called "The Trews" by a critical thinker called Russel Brand (previously a comedian). Profit has now fully infected the games market, that is why $500 million buys us a gutted husk of a game such as Destiny, Watchdogs, Titanfall and others. To Deej i say (as he is apparently reading all this): please let your bosses know that we [i]know[/i] what occurred here. [b]EDIT 1:[/b] To those saying i jumped on some sort of bandwagon with this video, here i link my previous thread, some weeks old, in which i make a weak effort in tackling this subject: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] It's a tough challenge, trying to protect people who fight to defend the system hurting them. [b]EDIT 3: [/b]All big business is owned by the 1%. And thusly they don't care where you spend your money, as long as you do. The power of consumer choice is a lie. Pick up your Destiny box and read the back, it literally says "rich cinematic story telling". Can you see the problem there? [b]EDIT 4:[/b] Best insult received: "Also, I find your username hilariously perfect. Do you refer to your house as "The Superiority Complex"?" lel [b]Final Edit:[/b] I have just read the details of The Dark Below, and it will not fix the inherent failures of this game. They are pushing forward with this hacked up iteration of Destiny. They sold us one game, delivered another, and for better or for worse this is it now. It is a game aimed at the 12yr olds, the CoD generation, and I am out. I will boost friends in the raid only until I can trade this in for GTA V. See you Manhattan-side for The Divison, Guardians!

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  • I don't know what's dumber, spelling it "fanboi" or all the other "corporations are evil bro" rhetoric that's dribbling down your chin.

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    2 Replies
    • I'd be interested to know exactly how many of the hostile, and frankly rude, pro profiteering commenters here actually watch the entire video, with an open mind, before commencing their sneer fest. Interested indeed.

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      9 Replies
      • Edited by Malovi: 10/23/2014 1:38:44 PM
        The level of assumption that is in that video is astounding, its author looks at a lot of 'evidence' and draws conclusions about the intent of the developer and publisher that he simply cannot know regardless of the amount of 'critical thinking' he applies to it. To use an assumption with little or no grounds in reality to then platform to other assumptions that follow is silly at best, and if you 'critically think' about it then you already know that. I also love how you begin your well thought out and rational argument with (paraphrase:) 'if you don't agree with me you're stupid, a corporate lemming and a non-critical-thinker.'. Some would say a 'critical thinker' should welcome challenging ideas from people with different perspectives rather than throw implied insults in his first breath. News flash - this will clearly be a surprise to you based on your position - this is a 10-year franchise that will have semi-regular content releases.. not a single-serving game that may or may not get DLC down the road. The developer has been spending the last 5 years (their own admission) doing a combination of things with a 'work smart, not hard' mentality - (note: I cannot know that for sure but if they've been in business as long as they have it can be assumed they know their ass from their elbow when making games.) They've built the engine and the tools with which they will construct the game from the ground up and then looked at their planned release schedule to commit [b]several teams[/b] (the full studio is 500 friggen people) to work on chunks of the game so that - A: the chunks fit together as they are released and B: the studio isn't constantly in crunch mode because the next release is months away and they haven't even started on it So for the author of the video to bitch about Bungie working on planned DLC during the time that (in his [u]uneducated[/u] [i]opinion[/i]) should have been spent on the original release is plain ignorance and entitlement in action. If you dislike how this game is being handled then thats a shame, some of us enjoy Destiny and look forward to where they take us. I've no doubt that most if not all of the cool things the developers and us gamers alike were excited about a year ago will end up in the game as it grows. But how selective is your memory that you knew all along (if you followed this game) that it was planned to be a long project (10 years) and then bitch a month after release that they are going to sell you additional content? There was never a promise of how much of what was showcased in a [b]marketing campaign for the franchise[/b] would ship with the original game.

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        5 Replies
        • Companies are there to make money. Reputation of a company is equaled to quality of product vs price. In destiny, their rep takes a hit due to quality. This may lose them money in the future. Rep equals continued and future business. So the way they handled this product may be construed as very short sighted of them.

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        • Russel Brand a critical thinker??? You are a complete idiot. I suppose you were indoctrinated and brainwashed by your sad confused liberal friends and teachers in college lol. You shouldn't have attempted to draw a comparison to politics to this current situation in Destiny because it really makes you look stupid. I agree with alot of the stuff in the youtube video about Destiny and how it all played out but you are the brainwashed one when it comes to thinking you have it all figured out. Do a little research of your own instead of being a mouthpiece of your socialist buddies you really are past the point of no return most likely though as I look forward to reading your clueless response about how the real world operates. You are very misguided man, so so sad.

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        • Do you work? Make a paycheck? Where do you think that money comes from? Profits. It's how the world goes round my friend. Do I wish (and wish is a key word) we could all live in utopia where everyone worked hard and had what they needed to live? Yes. But that's not reality and that's not life. Life is a struggle, a competition. Like life business is a struggle and competition too. Companies have to make money to exist and employ people. In turn those people make money, spend money, buy houses, and start families just like yours. If you don't like this circle jerk we call an economy then remove yourself from it by living off the grid. I have relatives that do this and they are quite happy (I may join them one day). But until then I'm part of the system and no matter how -blam!-ed up I see the system I refuse to be one of those occupy wall street hipster wanna be activists professional complainers. If you don't like it change what your doing ie. Don't buy the dlc, own your own business etc etc. but don't be one of those whiners that complains about everything but does nothing to change their situation. PS #offtopic

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          10 Replies
          • i hoped so much you are talking about the rocket launcher "truth" but nope, just another whining post *yawn*

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            3 Replies
            • Edited by M37h3w3: 10/23/2014 10:18:51 AM
              [quote]I have watched this video in its entirety. I realize it is long, but unlike pro Destiny/Activision rhetoric, the truth is a little more complex, and you not taking the time to understand what is going on is what they are counting on. What we have here is the ultimate anti-fanboi argument. Contained in this video is every thing we critical thinkers have been trying to express, only to be freight trained by the deluded masses. The masses: those of us who have successfully been indoctrinated by the Lord of Profiteering: Activision.[/quote] Glad to see there wasn't any inherent bias prejudicing your opinion before hand, driving you to seek confirmation of your preconceived notions. Edit: Watched the first minute. Excessive hyperbole and straight up lies. Not going to bother refuting, much less watching the other 34 minutes.

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              12 Replies
              • Edited by RagingPheonix00: 10/23/2014 10:21:22 AM
                And i am to ASSUME as you are the one brainwashed by the numerous posts that have incorperated this degenerat view of the game. Especially coming from some one that has about 223 hrs across 3 characters invested in the game to fall to the attention starved few who feel just because they named an extension in the game and blocked of a little bit of content made readily available for future content. There is always a reason for something. Instead of having the option of having somethng to look forward to these players jump the gune to Assume that they were.ment to have the accessibility at their disposal, maybe there is.some event coming up soon that will involve these kept secrets. But until that happens people will still ASSUME that they have been lied to and cheated. That they will make an ASS of U but not ME. I still plan on playing this and not one of you degenerate attension seekers will convince me otherwise. Am i brainwashed by these profiteering individuals, far from it.

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                6 Replies
                • "We critical thinkers". So because people like the game, they aren't critical thinkers? Get over yourself.

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                • Wow. Communist much? Just do not buy the game. Bad companies go out of business. Except banks :(

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                  13 Replies
                  • Don t buy those games then, it s sad to see that somehow you think a video game is as important as any kind of political matter . I m not happy either with big corps taking over video games, but nothing force you to buy their shit, there are tons of indie games out there that are awesome. Just give your approval (read : your money) to what you think is good

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                    4 Replies
                    • Also, the guys first sentence and I quote " compared to other games out right now for 60 dollars this game is pretty good." That's how much money you spent on the game. You aren't forced to buy the DLC. It's a full game. Stop trying to make it something it isn't.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Why is it anytime someone has an opinion favoring Destiny, they're called a brainwashed sheep or something of that nature. Maybe we just enjoy the game for what it is... No doubt there are flaws, some pretty big flaws, but I still have fun every time I play it.

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                        1 Reply
                        • TL;DR: You are a mindless drone. I see the conspiracy because I am smarter than you. The society as we know it is coming to an end because you bought a 60$ video game. Am I close?

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                          1 Reply
                          • It's really funny how you think you guys know everything over a YouTube video or from some imposter on reddit. No, I am not saying I know everything, but what I do know, is that, yes, though activision is greedy, they are still a great company. After all, you wouldn't pay your top dollar for some hole in the wall restaurant. And honestly, why do you guys feel entitled to shit? If you like the game, then play it, if not, then don't play it. Losers like you just whine over and over. I've had many games I bought that I didn't like. And guess what, I stopped playing them. I didn't rant about it online and downplay or insult those who liked it. Because they have their own opinions.

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                            1 Reply
                            • Or the other option is that people don't get so emotionally involved in video games, they literally buy a game, play it, have fun and when they stop having fun 60+ hours into a £50 game they go and have real life experiences, or play other games, or log on to Raid and Nightfall, have fun, rinse, repeat. Some of you people literally make it sound like Destiny should constantly fill 10+ hours of your day, every single day for the next 20 years. You spend your free time searching YouTube for reasons to be annoyed. Do you realise how much of a Sap you sound? I'm sure if you put this much effort into researching conspiracy theories and looking for reasons to feel cheated irl, you would be mildly successful in life and therefor not need to post this absolute shit.

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                              6 Replies
                              • Bump

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                              • Edited by Fletch360: 10/23/2014 1:16:20 PM
                                Im sorry. Can you explain in summary (less than an essay) what precisely your complaint is about ? And I'd prefer specifics. Like , they said I could do XYZ and I can't. (Playable terrain obviously being one good example. )

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                                11 Replies
                                • came for the video stayed for the kick ass kill reel

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                                • Either play the game or don't. If you're still playing just stay quiet.

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                                • Whatever did or didn't happen during the development of this game aside, you ruined your credibility by forming a semi-political stance in your OP. I think the only things that gets accomplished out of all this is developers stop releasing so much/any information during development. After games like Titanfall, Watch Dogs, and now Destiny have been absolutely shit on (by a vocal minority, but a VERY vocal minority) there is no reason for them to do so.

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Who misses the days when there was no online community? Games were released and people either liked them or didn't. There were no expectations or sense of entitlement by the masses.

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                                    7 Replies
                                    • I'm not defending what happened here, i just don't care. I (and MOST people bitching about the game) got my money's worth, and then some. Still enjoying it to this day.

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                                      5 Replies
                                      • Didn't watch and tl;dr but I will tell you this - I'm sorry your experience of the game is anything less than stellar. Besides some small pvp imbalances an the lack of a few features they've addressed, I have no complaints. I'm loving the game and have been utterly Hooked since I got it.

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