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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Superiority: 10/29/2014 4:21:42 PM

Deej: The truth, critical thinking, and final argument.

I have watched this video in its entirety. I realize it is long, but unlike pro Destiny/Activision rhetoric, the truth is a little more complex, and you not taking the time to understand what is going on is what they are counting on. What we have here is the ultimate anti-fanboi argument. Contained in this video is every thing we critical thinkers have been trying to express, only to be freight trained by the deluded masses. The masses: those of us who have successfully been indoctrinated by the [b]Lord of Profiteering[/b]: Activision. Why do people persist in defending what has taken place here? It could simply be lack of intelligence or the ability to critically think, but more likely it is pride: The fanboi ego cannot admit to the truths in this video, it has gone too far for him, in his mind there is no way back. Humility is not a word in his vernacular. In a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we are brainwashed via corporately owned news outlets (see: Fox News, any Murdoch newspaper) to blame each other for the situation instead of looking at those in power, those with the wealth controlling every thing. Profit is increasingly becoming a dirty word. Or at least it should be. To all the nay sayers, i give you this: You have been conditioned to disagree with the rhetoric you see here. They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. Swallow your pride and open your mind. It is time to become a critical thinker, not just a consumer, with 2D personality. For a better understanding of how corporations have become so powerful Government cannot control them, and how they are shafting us in every market we participate in, i recommend a Youtube channel called "The Trews" by a critical thinker called Russel Brand (previously a comedian). Profit has now fully infected the games market, that is why $500 million buys us a gutted husk of a game such as Destiny, Watchdogs, Titanfall and others. To Deej i say (as he is apparently reading all this): please let your bosses know that we [i]know[/i] what occurred here. [b]EDIT 1:[/b] To those saying i jumped on some sort of bandwagon with this video, here i link my previous thread, some weeks old, in which i make a weak effort in tackling this subject: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] It's a tough challenge, trying to protect people who fight to defend the system hurting them. [b]EDIT 3: [/b]All big business is owned by the 1%. And thusly they don't care where you spend your money, as long as you do. The power of consumer choice is a lie. Pick up your Destiny box and read the back, it literally says "rich cinematic story telling". Can you see the problem there? [b]EDIT 4:[/b] Best insult received: "Also, I find your username hilariously perfect. Do you refer to your house as "The Superiority Complex"?" lel [b]Final Edit:[/b] I have just read the details of The Dark Below, and it will not fix the inherent failures of this game. They are pushing forward with this hacked up iteration of Destiny. They sold us one game, delivered another, and for better or for worse this is it now. It is a game aimed at the 12yr olds, the CoD generation, and I am out. I will boost friends in the raid only until I can trade this in for GTA V. See you Manhattan-side for The Divison, Guardians!

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  • When your a Hammer... ...everything looks like a nail.

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  • its amazing how many hate comments are here it just shows how brainwashed these ppl are i havent seen the vid u posted but everything u said is completly true and thats the reason im not buying the dlc that dlc should be free and it surprises me how ppl dont care that they got played and ripped off. they say well u put this many hours into a game shut up n b happy yhea i put that many hours in it but it was nothing but 4 to 6 hour content that was being replayed over and over and over just to try to get a god damn understanding of this game and to get sumthing off a broken random loot system. all im saying is that the dlc should be free for how poorly this game is aand maybe later they can sell us some dlc but im not throwing any more money at them even if its just $20

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    13 Replies
    • Not a fanboi. Never played Halo or any Bungie games before. I like the game it's fun lol.

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    • while the majority of the video is valid, I believe that much of the same information and point could have been made just as effectively (if not more so) without adding in the political opinion pieces. That may resonate with the young who don't have their own opinions for the world yet, just what they've been fed, but it makes it much less professional and impacting to get a point across by mixing the two worlds. The same goes for the OP, I could say you are as equally brainwashed to believe what you typed. But that's not what this thread is about. Leaving out the politics, it's completely and totally obvious that Bungie & Activision, lets not forget them! screwed the pooch on this game pretty badly. Also I've been calling it since this time last year. As long as devs continue to make games cross platform they are going to be disappointing. I wanted all the new games to be new console only and people will catch up eventually, happened with Halo 2. But I also understand business so my hopes are futile. Lastly can we drop the DLC on disc thing. It's not new, it's kinda been standard practice now for years. But for obvious cut content and obvious dev woes after a project lead left, light em up! No one shows DLC prior to release, no one!

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      3 Replies
      • Edited by Superiority: 10/23/2014 4:04:56 PM
        I have endured quite a lot of hate today from this post. But rest assured comrades, my resolve remains intact. The game that was advertised was gutted for profiteering. That is the reality, and i'm pissed.

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        5 Replies
        • Dang, this sucks.

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        • It only took me 3 hours to see the game was not for me (or fun for me). After that I have not gone back. I don't spend time with or play games I find a waste of my time because they are not what they should or could have been. Destiny is like the Alien Colonial Marines for the fps genre in my books.

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        • Everyone bashing OP is just funny. It's amazing how blind people really. For example, even cod fan boys realized that ghosts sucked. That means you guys are worse than what you make fun of.

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          • This guy has no clue about game development. I'm not saying that there wasn't issues regarding content change during development that the community feels they were mislead. What I am saying is that development requires specialized employees. When you get to the end of a cycle, artists and programmers are used less and less as the final version approaches manufacturing. This is why DLC is a huge part of the industry, it allows companies to keep talented employees employed longer than they normally would. Without DLC, those designers, artists and engineers would more than likely find work at another company. This means as the project comes closer to going gold less and less artists and programmers are needed as less and less bugs are needing to be fixed. With DLC, those would be unemployed employees get shifted from the final game and to DLC. The design of the DLC was finalized before the final game was done, because design is the first thing done. Those artists and engineers then get moved on to DLC. While the work of the engineers could be ready to be implemented on the disc even if the content wasn't complete yet, it is usually not just in case it causes some unknown behavior. Art however, gets included in on disc if it's done. Why? Because literally the bandwidth needed for art grossly out ways code. Period. Imagine, if you will, that you had purchased season pass and DLC is released. You log in and get ready to play and you have 10-20 gigs of DLC to download. Sure if your connection is good not a big deal, but games aren't made with the top tier of internet subscribers only in mind. If your on a crappy connection, that could be a whle day of just downloading DLC. Companies mitigate this by including the art files dropping the download by 50% or more. TL;DR DLC art is included on disc because it saves on bandwidth allowing you to play DLC sooner. P.S. Guess what, if you ever played Pokemon, than you bought content that was behind a content lock long before the past two generations of consoles. All pokemon games have locked content. How do you think they do the red/blue monster differences yet allow you to see them on the opposite version?

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            • I make enough money to not give a shit about buying extra content, but maybe that's just me. And if the game comes out with additional DLC and they charge $120 for it, I'll spend that, too. Hell, if they come out with more DLC next year and charge $200, I might just spend that, too. I guess I'm part of the machine. Good thing I make enough money to not give a shit. You guys should try making money. It's super fun.

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              21 Replies
              • Shut up.

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              • Dude your are a Dumbass Liberal and your just one of these lazy dumbasses that don't know how to take care of yourself and congrats because you my friend are a part of the problem and so far from the solution you can't even see it. Every person in this country has the same freedom to pursue there dreams. I was a homeless man on the streets of Atlanta and relied on the government to feed and sometimes house me. But guess what? It wasn't because my government betrayed me it was because I was lazy and no good. I was a looser plain and simple. But I WOKE UP and now in the past 2 years I have made over 150,000.00 and yes legally. And my most proud achievement is that I got my son back. So if I can go from stealing food from the back of restaurants to buying new cars and almost anything me or my son wants then where is your unfairness? Why don't you stop bitching and being a dumbass and just live your life? And one thing that every single person reading your post can agree on is that you are no where near as smart as you think you are.

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                19 Replies
                • Edited by Dizman7: 10/23/2014 2:15:21 PM
                  You come off sounding like some sort of religious fanatic or something. And any post with "maybe it's just intelligence", is a weak argument, you might as well be name calling at that point. I watched about a minute of that video and stopped. In that time the narrator already ruins his argument and shows his true colors with his quote of: "Destiny, compared to any other $60 game is pretty good.....but compared to what we were promised it's a complete failure" You and this narrator (or maybe it is you and you just want hits on your YouTube page) clearly have no idea how the game industry or any other works. And are clearly of a younger generation with your absurd sense of entitlement. You weren't promised or guaranteed anything other than a FPS game. Things change over YEARS, ideas don't pan out, or others simply can't be completed as planned. Look at Mass Effect 3, definitely not the ending I, or most fans were expecting. But it wasn't because of anything EA did, that was completely Bioware's fault, it wasn't persuaded by money or time. My point is that was a big unexpected thing that fans reacted to negatively, and Bioware had said in the past that their "vision" was to have many different endings and branching conclusions, but clearly that didn't happen. I was greatly disappointed in the ending, but I got over it as the 50hrs I took to get there were great! I remember watching the VGX trailer for Destiny last year and I thought it looked terrible, and wasn't impressed by any of the trailers before that even. I only preorder because I'm a sucker for betas and it was Bungie, though what I saw at that time did not impress me. It wasn't till the last one or two trailers right before launch that I thought it actually started to look good, and playing the beta sealed the deal for me. Is the game great? Eh, debatable. Is it good? Yeah. Is it fun? Definitely! It has a lot of room for improvement, and since it was marketed as an MMO-ish of sorts then to me that means on-going development and improvements. So in a year it won't even look like the same game (for the better), just look at Diablo 3 as one example of that. And you sir sound just like Fox News with your "if you don't agree with this then YOU are dumb/naive/only fooling yourself" tactics. Present one side, then blame the viewer/reader if they don't agree with that one side, yeah sounds like Fox News to me. In short, the gameplay is fun and that's the main reason many like it, and will support it. But no one is saying its a perfect game, nor does such a thing exist.

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                  9 Replies
                  • The easiest way to "confirm" your own argument is to make a flimsy accusation; telling the people that disagree with you that they are being deceived. Hell, religion does it all the time. What other conspiracy theories have you jumped on board with? Just because you throw around the term [i]critical thinker[/i], does not mean you are one. You may be in other circumstances, but surely not now. You're surely not skeptical about this. If you knew the inner-workings of game development, perhaps you'd be able to separate yourself from a desperate attempt to rationalize the product you've been given. So, please, do us all a favor and cease your attempts at insulting intelligence. For your own sake.

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                  • I agree. This is disgraceful

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                  • Lol ur dumb

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                  • PFFFFF I want to know why people waste their time with this stuff. Just stop playing Destiny if its bothering you that much.

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                    8 Replies
                    • I love how like 70% of you people on the forums are acting like you've been so betrayed and like its the end of the world simply because a VIDEO GAME didnt turn out to be as great as you had expected. Quit wasting all your energy "critically thinking" about a game that really dosnt matter. There are much worse things going on in the world to worry about.

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                    • And yet here are the sheep defending this game again. You guys seriously do not understand getting value for your money. As our standards get lower and lower and we're still willing to pay for un-finished products, companies will continue to do this because they know we'll buy it anyway. I have fun playing this game, no doubt. However, it is not worth the price of a full game. The game looks beautiful and handles exceptionally well but that's where it ends. Peoples' defense is always "But you have 100s of hours into it, you got your money worth". No not when at least 3/4 of those hours are from going to the tower and running around or repeating the same strike for the 30th time. That's not VALUE content, it's filler content. This game is created to make you grind the same repetitive things over and over to cover for lack of content. Bungie claims this is not an MMO but they're trying to follow the outline of an MMO... This is essentially the worlds smallest MMO.

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                    • Are you still here? And since your argument denotes value taken or lost, you owe me 5 minutes of my life back I wasted trying to watch your video and reading your illogical train of thought.

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                    • Solution: stop playing and do more research before buying a game. I know for a fact you didnt base your purchase by looking at the box and read "rich story content". You were on the hype train and pre ordered it bc you watched a trailer and most likely even played the beta.

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                    • It is amazing what people will invest emotionally on this... Having a blast with the game I have and that is all that matters to me. I would never suggest someone who does not like it is wrong, it is an opinion. I would suggest that people on a crusade over a video game need to go to GameStop and find another distraction for this luxury hobby. But that is just it..... Anger, bitterness and hate have BECOME the hobby of gaming for SOME folks. A true new sub genre of gamer.... Eh, it is fun to watch. :P

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                      3 Replies
                      • Love how everyone complains and tries to join togeAther to get free Dlc and this this this and that when the American government is so -blam!-ed it's crazy...we should be joining togeather for a fight against the government not a video game...there's bigger and far worse things in the world that people seem to look the other way about...smh

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                      • I honestly feel bad for people who viciously crusade both for and against products. Sounds like you guys are getting so much enjoyment out of it.

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                      • The guy in the video makes some very interesting and eyebrow raising points, surely we can all agree on that? but for me, BUNGIE have numerous questions that need answering, then with it should come a radical change that's going to make people love the game again, whether or not this game has been put through a blender and juiced down to piss so it lasts the 10 year expectancy wouldn't be a bad shout. My question now how many of the fans have already left the game? due to it not delivering as show with all the hype, trailers and commentaries.

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                      • I feel like I just watched Blackfish again. The video was good, and thankfully he sped it up/edited out the breathing or that would've taken a lot longer than the already long 35 minutes. I don't agree with many of his argued points or opinions but that doesn't make them any less valid. I will disagree with his rant in the last 5 minutes, however. He says that some accuse him of taking video games too seriously, but he doesn't think others take it seriously enough. It's [b]my[/b] hobby, I'll take it however serious I see fit, just as he is entitled to take it as serious as he would like to. Should you settle for a bad product? Nope, I don't believe you should, but my opinion on what is bad isn't the next person's opinion on the same. I enjoy Destiny, the way it is presented. I didn't follow this game for 2 years, I didn't watch Alpha or E3 footage, I participated in the pre-order beta and that's pretty much exactly the game I am given. I log on for a few hours every night and a few before work each morning and I genuinely enjoy playing the game. Is it a grind? Sure it is. I am not an FPS gamer, I am an MMO gamer. I don't really see this as either of those, but it gives you a background on me that I don't mind grinding most things. I've had to grind endlessly for gear (the gear treadmill), I've had to grind faction rep to the point my head was numb, for months on end even in some games. I'm not sure if I enjoy the grind of most things at this point, but it certainly doesn't bother me. It's what I've come to expect as a way companies extend their game life. I enjoy completing the bounties, even if they are the same bounties every day, it gives me a sense of accomplishment every time I do them. I enjoy replaying old story missions. Is the story hollow? Sure, but I tend to see it as I'm on Chapter 1 of Pride and Prejudice. A long way to go. Could I be entirely wrong about what the future of this game holds? Absolutely, and I would be disappointed, but that won't stop me from enjoying the game that is presented to me now. It was a $60 well spent, TO ME. I can understand why people who spent plenty of time waiting for this game can be disappointed with what they are given. I can also understand why people are having fun. What I don't understand is why the people that are having fun can't leave the people that don't enjoy this game alone, and vice versa. Why aren't people allowed to have fun with a hobby they enjoy with money they spent? If they think they will enjoy the forthcoming DLCs why should they be shamed for buying them by others that can't understand why they enjoy it? TL;DR Can't we all just get along?

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