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Edited by Buddy: 10/25/2014 7:21:14 PM

Realistic and Appealing Exotic Weapon Ideas: [ 36 ] and counting!!! ~This is for you Bungie! <3

[b]Exotic Ideas: [ 1 -10 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 11 - 20 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 21 - 30 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 31 - 40 ]:[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are some ideas I have thought of and I have to say they are pretty good. I especially liked the "Black Hole" theme of my first Rocket Launcher idea, I hope you guys enjoy them too! (Hopefully in-game someday :D) Feel free to share your ideas! I will continuously update this with more of my ideas and edit in ideas from you guys I think are both realistic and amazing (I'll credit you of course). However, I stress that all my ideas are realistic and aren't over-powered in any way if you completely analyze its pros and cons in all its practical situations. Also, realistically, exotics have 2 perks (sometimes an initial one under damage type, making 3 [Icebreaker, Invective, Bad JuJu]) and the 1st one is always a standard perk followed by a 2nd "bizarre" one. But don't let that stop you from sharing your idea of an auto rifle that fires rockets. Just understand that that will never happen, lol. I encourage you to share any idea; I encourage you even more to share a realistic idea, as it may open an eye for Bungie and boom: a new exotic! If you see some ideas you like; PLEASE says so in the comments! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]FORMAT:[/b] [b]Name - Weapon Type ( Element [if applicable] ) ~ Credit for Idea (if idea was presented by anyone other than me)[/b] [i]"Description"[/i] [u]Perks:[/u] 0. Default Perk (only applicable on a few weapons, not all) 1. Regular Perk (available to all weapons) 2. Exotic Perk (exclusive to this weapon) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]EDIT 1:[/b] Unfortunately As I was typing up this edit, it's turns out there is a limit of like 10,000 characters. I will try to find a way to go around this: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] I am now going to add links to different posts in groups of 10 Exotic Weapon Ideas. This post will be the original; Please input all comments, suggestions, etc here as I am only going to be looking around on this post; the purpose of the other posts are to by pass the 10,000 character limit. [b]EDIT 3:[/b] Have now made separate posts for ideas. Yay! Click Links. Please try to respond only on original post as I don't want you or me to be searching other posts to look for the same ideas, lol. [b]EDIT 4:[/b] I would like to address that any weapons that increase a chance to drop loot (glimmer, engrams, etc, ) aren't realistic until Bungie makes a weapon that does something similar to that first. Increasing chance to drop ammo is ok, I guess. Also; you only need to provide the perks of your weapons, not the stats and stuff. You can if you want, but its just taking up to much room to include 7 other stats lol. [b]EDIT 5:[/b] If you are contributing an idea that you think is eligible for being added onto the Realistic and Appealing list, please use the FORMAT above so that I can do it faster :) [b]EDIT 6:[/b] To clarify; Feel free to comment on any of the posts, just post IDEAS on this main post. Also, I want to add that you do not need to write (kinetic damage) after primaries. [b]CLARIFICATION:[/b] Credit is always given where credit is due; if there is no credit, that means idea was mine (buddy72757). This had to be done due to a character limit of 10,000 characters: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 1 -10 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 11 - 20 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 21 - 30 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 31 - 40 ]:[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]ATTENTION: [/b]I'm getting less and less feedback on the weapons currently on my list ever since I placed them on separate posts with links. Of course this had to be done, because there is a word limit. So every once in a while I'll do a "weapon spotlight" and copy and paste a random weapon idea onto the comments for you guys to share feedback. Likewise, you can visit the separate posts by clicking the conveniently placed links and respond feedback there or on this post if you like. As you can see, the links will direct you to so don't worry about anything. [b]NOTE:[/b] Going to be out of town Saturday and Sunday. I'll be back to add more Sunday evening.

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  • Or maybe an auto rifles using the Khrotov model.... an exotic ancient human weapon maybe

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    • Edited by AisuDjin: 11/11/2014 1:54:51 AM
      Zephyr - Hand cannon "Must have been The Wind... " Perks: 1.~Outlaw~ Extremely fast reload after precision kill. 2.~The Wind~ Shots pierce though enemies.

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      • Luck in the chamber - hand cannon "This would make an interesting game of Russian roulette." Perk 1 - clown cartridge, reloading this weapon had a chance to grant a larger magazine Perk 2 - Luck in the chamber, this weapon will fire random elemental rounds (33% arc 33% void 33% solar 1% kinetic)

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      • New Heavy weapon type - Blast Ray! This weapon has a short charge time, then channels a beam of energy (like a Ghostbuster gun). Sort of a mix between a fusion rifle and a rocket launcher. Upgrades would be increased channel duration, recoil/charge time reduction, range, impact, etc. [b]Event Horizon - Blast Ray (Void)[/b] "The point of no return." 1. Longevity - Kills with this weapon slightly increase channel duration. 2. Event Horizon - Your channeled ray creates a black hole on impact, pulling nearby enemies into its singularity. [b]Solar Flare - Blast Ray (Solar)[/b] "It is not clear how the magnetic energy is transformed into the particle kinetic energy, nor is it known how the particles are accelerated to high energies..." 1. Explosive rounds - Kills with this weapon cause the target to explode. 2. Solar Flare - Your enemies are ignited by the power of the Sun. They receive lingering damage, and their armor is slightly reduced for a short time. [b]Ghostbuster - Blast Ray (Arc)[/b] - "Ghostbusters" “Don’t. Cross. The streams. It would be bad.” 1. Proton Accelerator - Charge time significantly reduced. 2. Ghostbuster - Causing damage with this weapon has a chance to blind the target. Also, crossing the streams with another Ghostbuster creates a massive shock-wave which deals area damage and disorients nearby enemies. This effect stacks up to four times.

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      • Edited by AlexanderSolomon: 11/17/2014 4:26:49 AM
        [b]Evolution-(scout rife type) (variable element) [/b] [i]The strong are beaten by the fast, and the fast by the clever, and the clever by strong...[/i] This weapon has All stats at 5/10 but it's two perks fix this 1 and 2. Basic evolution: Upgrade any 2 stats (RoF, impact etc.) 3. Radiant evolution: choose damage type 4. Perfect evolution: this gun deals damage based off impact to all targets regardless of armor or level.

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      • [The Boomerang] - Auto Rifle - Void Damage - The Boomerang, 100% ammo return for missed shots but damage is significantly reduced. - Killing enemies increases reload speed

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      • Edited by DragonLTD: 11/17/2014 3:24:16 AM
        Starless Night. Void fusion rifle [i]look up at the stars and there is nothing to see...[/i] Has max impact decent range and stability. Slow charge. Like a77 wizard. Aiming down sights increases range Field scout/ stability/ over penetrate. "Too Bright" Kills with this weapon cause void explosions. Those caught in the blast are suppressed. (Like the defenders grenade) That is all

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      • Requiem Blaster Scout Rifle-Arc Damage "One who views the stars as a weapon, may wield them," Kabr the Legionless Perks. 0. This weapon can be fired in full auto. 1. Zen Moment - Causing damage with this weapon increases it's stability. 2. Star Blaster - Shots over penetrate targets and cause chain lightening damage to nearby enemies.

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      • [b]The One-Shot[/b] - Exotic Rocket Launcher ( Solar Damage ) ~ Dogma White [i]"A veteran Titan once carried with him this weapon, on his hunts to kill champions of the Darkness. Naught but ashes remained in his wake."[/i] Perk 0: [b]One Shot[/b]: This weapon can only carry one rocket. [b]Solar Damage[/b]: This weapon deals Solar Damage. Perk 1: [b]Flared Magwell[/b]: Increases reload speed. [b]Cratering Impact[/b]: Increases impact. Perk 2: [b]Breath of the Sun[/b]: When this weapon's rockets explode against a solid surface, a wave of fire is sent out 4 feet in all directions. Enemies caught in this wave take Solar damage, and enemies who die from this effect turn to ash.

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      • bungie please hire this person.

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      • I had a post like this last month with over 600 posts, check it to get some more ideas

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      • Delirium Exotic rocket launcher Arc burn Perk 1- increased range with penelty to velocity Perk 2- zap - arc bolts jump to surrounding enemys Perk 3- delirium- zap range incresed with less damage dealt, but stuns ememys momentarily

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      • [b][i][u]Exotic[/u][/i][/b] [b]The Trinity[/b] [b]Pulse Rifle[/b] "The elite will tremble..." - This weapon alternately uses Arc, Solar, and Void damage -(basic pulse rifle upgrades) -[b][i][u]exotic upgrade: The Trinity - If a full burst from this gun strikes a shield, the next burst will become the damage type of the shield hit. [/u][/i][/b] -(basic damage upgrades) Similarly LMGs or auto rifles that fire all three damage types in random order with similar exotic upgrades. Could be named [i]Unicorns and Rainbows[/i] with the description "Cute has never been so deadly"

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        • [i]The Zephyr[/i]-exotic hand cannon, solar damage "Brace yourselves, for tonight the world shall burn" -this weapon regenerates ammo overtime (9 round magazine) -luck in the chamber: one random bullet in the magazine will do extra damage specail perk: Zephyr This weapon's bullets ignite enemies, precision kills cause targets to explode

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        • Caedes X-7 -shotgun (void) *Caedes means carnage in latin "Veni, Vidi, Vici (We came, we saw, we conquered) -Alexander the Great special perk- Conqueror: killing an enemy instantly regains all of your health

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        • Dirty Deeds - Hand cannon "Someone has to do them... right?" Special Perk Dirty Deeds - missed shots will grant bonus precision damage. stacks 3 times, lost on precision hit. Khaos Incarnate - Pulse rifle "Even it's creator trembled at its might." 15 round magazine Special Perk Unrelenting Destruction - Each precision kill grants a double magazine size upon the next reload. Does not attack.

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        • Bungie... This man has great ideas. Give Him a job.

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        • Edited by k4karnage: 11/10/2014 12:06:20 AM
          GILDED KHVOSTOV 7G-21 Exotic Scout Rifle "An elegant weapon for a more civilized age" Attack: 260 base, 300 max D M1 P A A1 U A A M2 A2 A M3 A3 A Magazine: 18 shots D-Kinetic Damage M1-CQB Ballistics; Greatly reduced recoil, penalty to Range. M2-Aggresive Ballistics; More predictable recoil, enhanced Impact, shorter Range and more recoil. M3-Accurized Ballistics; Enhanced Range, penalty to Stability. P-Who's Next?; A kill with the final round in the magazine increases reload speed. A-Damage Upgrade A1-Fitted Stock; Increases this weapons Stability. A2-Skip Rounds; Ceramic-jacketed rounds ricochet on hard surfaces. Their extreme density lets you carry more rounds in reserve. Added mass slows down weapon handling. A3-Snapshot; Aiming this weapon is incredibly fast. U-Gilded Trigger Job; This weapon gains a hair trigger and can fire in three-round bursts. Penalty to Stability. A-Damage Upgrade A x3-Damage Upgrade Materiel Requirements: Relic Iron, Weapon Parts, Ascendant Energy, Glimmer I had this idea of a SR after seeing Vision of Confluence's Full Auto perk, and I thought automatic fire was a bit wasted on a SR cause that's what my Auto Rifle is for. So this SR is intended for people like me who like to wield a SR like a longsword, weaving in and out of midrange engagements into close-quarters encounters. The hair trigger allows quick fire on target and the three round burst allows you to have a decent chance against big mo-blam!-as like Phalanx or Reaver Captains who come up on you. The gun model would be essentially a longer barrel Khvostov model with gold inlay engraving of Russian design with Red Dot ORS1 precision red dot optic and would reload like the AR it's based on, kinda like how Strangers Rifle is a PR yet reloads like an AR.[i](Revised)[/i]

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          • [b]Shadow Seeker - Sniper Rifle[/b] [i]"Normal headhunters hide and wait, but if you are one that searches for the shadows, you seek and hunt." - Unknown[/i] 0. Bolt Action - This weapon goes out of aim down sights after every shot and has a slight delay before it can be aimed again. 1. Fan Fire - Allows the weapon to be fired quickly and continuously. //OR Hair Trigger - Weapon fires as soon as trigger pressure is detected. 2. Shadow Hop - This weapon maximizes agility and grants invisibility sporadically while sprinting. Damage is increased the closer you are to your target. All 3 ADS sights are short/midrange. A very strange sniper I thought up while sitting there, but yeah. Intended to be a weapon that contends in short-range, a very selective weapon, so it requires a bit of finesse to handle and perform well. As for other info: Ammo: 5/20 or 25 should suffice. RoF: The main limiter on this weapon, slower than Ice Breaker atleast. Impact: Varies with Shadow Hop, a headshot at close-range is a one shot kill. Range: Varies with Shadow Hop.

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          • Edited by b e a n: 10/26/2014 10:57:52 PM
            I'm bored, so I'm adding more. [b] The Grave - Exotic Rocket Launcher (Void Damage)[/b] [i]"Your grave, not ours."[/i] [u]Perks:[/u] 1. Mulligan - Missing a shot has a chance to return ammo directly to the magazine. 2. Harbinger Rounds - Rockets fired from this weapon travel much slower. Blast radius is expanded and projectiles deal moderate area of effect damage in a small radius while travelling. [b] GR8-A55A551N - Exotic Sniper Rifle (Arc Damage)[/b] [i]"A curious weapon designed by a young Hunter. He had the strange tenancy of commenting on the effectiveness of his enemy's 'bait' in battle."[/i] [u]Perks:[/u] 1. Unflinching - It is easier to aim under fire with this weapon. 2. GR8 B8 M8 - This weapon has increased stability and draw speed when coming out of sprint. [b] Solution-42 - Exotic Machine Gun (Arc Damage)[/b] [i]"Some things simply cannot be explained nor understood. This weapon will be your answer, and your salvation."[/i] [u]Perks:[/u] 1. Spray and Play - Increases the reload speed of this weapon when its mag is empty. 2. The Answer is Simple - Reloading after a precision kill grants clarity, increasing precision damage modifier and lowering fire rate for a short time. [b] A Dark Eternity - Exotic Fusion Rifle (Solar Damage)[/b] [i]"We have existed for so very long. We have endured hardships that could have crippled us at any moment. For this reason, we will endure this dark fate, and usher in the next Golden Age. This weapon will be our light in the darkness." - Ikora Rey.[/i] [u]Perks:[/u] 0. Endless Light - This weapon charges blindingly fast, but deals notably reduced damage. 1. Hip Fire - This weapon has bonus accuracy while firing from the hip 2. Shine Bright - Kills with this weapon have a 33% chance to blind and disorient nearby targets.

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            • Edited by Dyoza: 11/11/2014 1:10:44 AM
              [b]The Piano - Auto Rifle[/b] [i]"The player doesn't decide the fate of the song, the music does." - Unkown[/i] 0. Piano Keys - This weapon holds 88 bullets in a magazine and cannot be reloaded before the magazine is empty. 1. Glass Half Full - The bottom half of the magazine does significantly more damage. 2. The Piano - This weapon will change its rate of fire at random, with the DPS becoming greater with slower speed and becoming lesser with a faster speed. [b]Edit: [/b]The impact would be comparable to guns such as [i]Atheon's Epilogue[/i] or [i]Doctor Nope[/i]

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            • Edited by TheWinchester4: 10/24/2014 8:28:09 PM
              [b]Cupid's Arrow - Auto Rifle[/b] [i]The fastest way to a man's heart is through his sternum[/i] Perks: 1. GLASS HALF FULL - The bottom half of each magazine causes additional damage. 2. HEARTSEEKER - This weapon's Stability and Rate of Fire increases for every shot landed on a target. Buff from Exotic perk would reset upon missing a shot, so it's still optimized for mid-to-close range combat, similar to the original version. Range would still affect the weapon's damage, so I'd expect that this weapon would have a rather short Range to counteract it's Exotic perk.

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              • [b]A Dreaming God[/b] We know the old gods sleep. But do they dream? Primary Weapon Scout Rifle Solar damage Perk 1: Outlaw Perk 2: Revelations - Headshots have a chance of causing solar fire to spread to nearby enemies, causing reduced headshot damage. and its sister gun [b]Nightmares of a God[/b] Not all dreams are good, even if you are a god. Auto Rifle Void Damage Perk 1: Zen Moment Perk 2: Crushing Fear - In dark areas, there is a chance for an enemy damaged by this gun to cower in fear and be unable to move, and an even smaller chance for them to simply die from it.

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              • Edited by Mars3099: 11/10/2014 10:44:59 PM
                these are great ideas (applause)

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              • [b] The Unknown - primary fusion rifle(kenetic)[/b] " If the Mythoclast was made to stop the vex, then who or what was this intended for? What else lies beyond the darkness? " 0. A warp in the universe( this weapon has no charge time. This weapon can be fire in any mode from full auto to burst and single fire. ) 1.endless barrage ( has an extremely short reload time with a chance to warp ammo back to the mag ) 2. [b][u]Unknown circumstances[/u][/b] (it changes its damage type depending on its environment but looses 50% of its stability. Does not apply to guardian shields but has a 25% damage increase when dropping guardian shields for a short time. Sorry if the exotic perk seems a bit wordy but I wanted to express that this weapon can be used in any circumstances and not be overpowered. If someone can reword the exotic perk it would greatly be appreciated. I also wanted to add some lore behind bcs if you've finished the story, you saw the finale cut scene and heard what the stranger said hinting that there might be new enemies in the future. The unknown. I wanted to give this weapon an extremely unique set of perks especially the fire mode selection so that anyone can use it. it seems a bit overpowered in all situation but the element damage and stability debuff only applies to PvE and the increase damage only for PvP. the damage increase is only for a short time. To reset you need to recharge the perk by shooting down more guardian shield.

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              • Edited by metallicaNLC: 11/10/2014 12:36:29 AM
                I want an exotic bolt action sniper with a full impact bar. Dont really care how much recoil or reload time it has (within reason)

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