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Edited by Buddy: 10/25/2014 7:21:14 PM

Realistic and Appealing Exotic Weapon Ideas: [ 36 ] and counting!!! ~This is for you Bungie! <3

[b]Exotic Ideas: [ 1 -10 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 11 - 20 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 21 - 30 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 31 - 40 ]:[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are some ideas I have thought of and I have to say they are pretty good. I especially liked the "Black Hole" theme of my first Rocket Launcher idea, I hope you guys enjoy them too! (Hopefully in-game someday :D) Feel free to share your ideas! I will continuously update this with more of my ideas and edit in ideas from you guys I think are both realistic and amazing (I'll credit you of course). However, I stress that all my ideas are realistic and aren't over-powered in any way if you completely analyze its pros and cons in all its practical situations. Also, realistically, exotics have 2 perks (sometimes an initial one under damage type, making 3 [Icebreaker, Invective, Bad JuJu]) and the 1st one is always a standard perk followed by a 2nd "bizarre" one. But don't let that stop you from sharing your idea of an auto rifle that fires rockets. Just understand that that will never happen, lol. I encourage you to share any idea; I encourage you even more to share a realistic idea, as it may open an eye for Bungie and boom: a new exotic! If you see some ideas you like; PLEASE says so in the comments! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]FORMAT:[/b] [b]Name - Weapon Type ( Element [if applicable] ) ~ Credit for Idea (if idea was presented by anyone other than me)[/b] [i]"Description"[/i] [u]Perks:[/u] 0. Default Perk (only applicable on a few weapons, not all) 1. Regular Perk (available to all weapons) 2. Exotic Perk (exclusive to this weapon) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]EDIT 1:[/b] Unfortunately As I was typing up this edit, it's turns out there is a limit of like 10,000 characters. I will try to find a way to go around this: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] I am now going to add links to different posts in groups of 10 Exotic Weapon Ideas. This post will be the original; Please input all comments, suggestions, etc here as I am only going to be looking around on this post; the purpose of the other posts are to by pass the 10,000 character limit. [b]EDIT 3:[/b] Have now made separate posts for ideas. Yay! Click Links. Please try to respond only on original post as I don't want you or me to be searching other posts to look for the same ideas, lol. [b]EDIT 4:[/b] I would like to address that any weapons that increase a chance to drop loot (glimmer, engrams, etc, ) aren't realistic until Bungie makes a weapon that does something similar to that first. Increasing chance to drop ammo is ok, I guess. Also; you only need to provide the perks of your weapons, not the stats and stuff. You can if you want, but its just taking up to much room to include 7 other stats lol. [b]EDIT 5:[/b] If you are contributing an idea that you think is eligible for being added onto the Realistic and Appealing list, please use the FORMAT above so that I can do it faster :) [b]EDIT 6:[/b] To clarify; Feel free to comment on any of the posts, just post IDEAS on this main post. Also, I want to add that you do not need to write (kinetic damage) after primaries. [b]CLARIFICATION:[/b] Credit is always given where credit is due; if there is no credit, that means idea was mine (buddy72757). This had to be done due to a character limit of 10,000 characters: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 1 -10 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 11 - 20 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 21 - 30 ]:[/b] [b]Exotic Ideas: [ 31 - 40 ]:[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]ATTENTION: [/b]I'm getting less and less feedback on the weapons currently on my list ever since I placed them on separate posts with links. Of course this had to be done, because there is a word limit. So every once in a while I'll do a "weapon spotlight" and copy and paste a random weapon idea onto the comments for you guys to share feedback. Likewise, you can visit the separate posts by clicking the conveniently placed links and respond feedback there or on this post if you like. As you can see, the links will direct you to so don't worry about anything. [b]NOTE:[/b] Going to be out of town Saturday and Sunday. I'll be back to add more Sunday evening.

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  • Edited by dorothyprez: 11/24/2014 6:16:34 PM
    Exotic Nomenclature: The Singularity Weapon class: Primary Weapon type: Sniper Rifle Flavor text: [i]In a time before the Golden Age a prediction was born. "Man and machine will collide. Who so ever remains will be neither."[/i] 1st Perk: Transcendence: Due to advances in man/machine interfacing, a weapon scope is no longer required. Instead the scope zoom is now a feature of the optics in the eye. This results in a complete reduction in scope glint. 2nd Perk: Machine Sense: Advances in the field of sensor and automated response technology have given rise to this perk. While aiming down sights if a player is within a certain radius around the sniper and automated protocol triggers. This results in the sniper being automatically removed from ADS and equipping their special weapon. Increased special weapon fire rate and reload speed occur during this protocol. Let me know what you all think. Constructive criticism welcomed.

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  • Edited by SIashySIashy: 11/24/2014 4:09:05 AM
    [b]Talons of the Ahamkara[/b] Exotic heavy machine gun Void damage [i]If you wish to know the answer to life, you need only ask, oh bearer of mine.[/i] Perks: (0):Price :This weapon requires light instead of ammo. (Full light grants 100 bullets. No need to reload.) (1):Persistence: This weapon grows more accurate he longer it is fired. (2):Answer to life: Shields do not regenerate while holding this weapon. Aiming down the sights of this weapon greatly increases its damage, range and stability. [b]Stepping stone[/b] Exotic rocket launcher Arc damage [i]Stepping stone towards heaven. -written on the side of the handle.[/i] Perks: (1):Spray and play: Reloading this weapon on an empty magazine increases its reloading speed. (2):Stones of life: Rockets that miss enemies will latch onto surfaces they hit and become a proximity mine. [b]Siphon soul[/b] Exotic fusion rifle Void damage [i]Whats yours, is mine.[/i] Perks: (1): Range finder: Aiming down the sights of this weapon increases its range. (2): Siphoned: Hitting a shielded enemy with this weapon grants you a shield of the same type as the hit enemy, proportionate to the amount of damage you dealt to the shield. [b]Mass cross acceleration[/b] Exotic shotgun Solar damage [i]Newton's laws are the fundamental basis of our universe, but they never said which ones superseded the others. -unique arms guide of the armoury.[/i] Perks: (1): Shot package: Aiming down this weapon's sights decreases the spread of the shot. (2): N inverse: The amount of damage dealt by this weapon increases the further the bullets travel, and decreases greatly the less the bullets have travelled. [b]The camper[/b] Exotic sniper rifle Arc damage [i]"Really? Are you really going to be doing that against the minions of darkness?" "Yes" "..."[/i] Perks: (0): Overloaded: -3 Agility when you have this weapon equipped. (1): Take a knee: Crouching increases this weapon's stability. (2): I brought everything:Your radar remains visible when aiming down this weapon's sights, gain ammo by shooting them and improved scope with a bigger zoom. [b]Klovfosji AR 53-22 prototype[/b]. Exotic auto rifle Kinetic damage [i]"This weapon demands yet another applause for golden age technology. The excellent launching system with the perfect counter balance allows for completely uninterrupted firing while simultaneously firing your grenade."[/i] Perks: (1): Grenadier: Killing enemies with this weapon gives grenade energy. (2): Launching system: Fire your grenade by pressing L1 while firing without any interruption.(You don't stop to throw the grenade. It just fires out whilst shooting with no penalty to recoil.) [b]Tyrant Hydrant[/b] Exotic pulse rifle Solar damage [i]Lose more bullets than you wish to. Claim more souls than you hope to. -Found scratched into the barrel.[/i] Perks: (1): Reactive reload: Reloading this weapon after killing an enemy increases damage for a short time. (2): The tyrant: This weapon has vastly increased stability, and fires in five shot bursts instead. [b]Perfection[/b] Exotic handcannon Kinetic damage [i]An entire decade was dedicated to the planning of this weapon, and another decade to perfect it. Perfect counter weights at the proper edges and nodes allow this weapon to achieve the unthinkable. Even in the hands of the unskilled, it succeeds in its function admirably.[/i] Perks: (1): Range finder: Aiming down this weapon's sights increases its range. (2): Perfection: This weapon has absolutely no recoil and perfect stability. [b]Delta triframe[/b] Exotic scout rifle Kinetic damage [i]The recovery of new golden age schematics in the ishtar sink allowed for the production of this weapon, which is really difficult for me to explain in layman terms, so here it goes: Its a small sniper rifle. -Jer-16, lead scientist of the armoury production unit of golden age technology[/i] Perks: (1):Final round: The final round in the magazine deals significantly more damage. (2):Delta and alpha: Aiming down the sights vastly increases precision damage, but lowers the rate of firing. And a bonus [b]Exalted juju[/b] Exotic pulse rifle Void damage [i]Once it has murdered all of existence, and fed on their souls, will it reveal its true form. But what then, I ask, is the use, if existence does not acknowledge it? Then what will it be? -Toland the shattered.[/i] Perks: (0): Full auto: This weapon can be fired in full auto mode. (1): String of curses: Kills with this weapon instantly refills your magazine and increases damage for a short time. (10secs) (2): Nonexistent: Dying whilst string of curses is active will instantly revive you, and deal damage to surrounding enemies depending on how many enemies you have killed in that string of curses. String of curses will not be active for a while after reviving. (3 minutes) Post number 3! This is really fun to do lol. Comments are appreciated.

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  • [b]Crystalline Lotus[/b] [i]Be still[/i] Exotic fusion rifle, deals arc damage. 6 round magazine. Fastest charge time in game with max stability, but low impact stat requires at least a 2HKO in PVP. [u]Perks:[/u] 1 Increased Agility - Weapon grants +2 agility. 2 Crystallize - hits with this weapon significantly reduce target movement speed. Perk would deal a 5% movement penalty per individual impact (or 35% per charge, assuming perfect accuracy), stacking up to maximum of 70%. Lasts five seconds. Seems doable. Let me know what yall think.

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  • The Ghost - Exotic Scout Rifle "Shhhhhhhh" Quiet Killer- Firing this weapon does not alert nearby, unaware, enemies (makes almost no sound in pvp)

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  • Edited by QuincyBlaze: 11/22/2014 10:52:19 PM
    [b]"Athena"[/b] Scout Rifle [i]The mind is your greatest tool, and most powerful weapon. With it, you can achieve feats none could dream possible.[/i] Perks: - Private Eye - Hip Fire - Athena's Intuition: Rounds curve slightly towards weak spots. Minor Stat perks (the "pick one of three" ones): - Armor Piercing Rounds - Skip Rounds - Explosive rounds [b]"The Wall"[/b] [i]Bricks, bullets, if it keeps 'em out, what's the difference?[/i] Perks: - Spray and Play - Crowd Control - Stone Will: Sustained fire has a chance to reduce incoming damage and stagger. Minor Stat perks (the "pick one of three" ones): - High Caliber Rounds - Snapshot - Extended Magazine I included a link to perks for everyone to use ^^

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  • Edited by TheFrozenInferno: 11/22/2014 10:06:57 PM
    Triple Threat - Scout Rifle - Arc Damage "Third Time's The Charm" Perk 1: Third Eye (Radar On LDS) Perk 2: Perfect Balance (Low Recoil) Exotic Perk: Triple Tap (Fires three rounds in burst mode, each doing more damage than the last) Magazine Size: 30 (Upgradable to 33) Everything in threes. Aim low on an enemy, fire off a three round burst with each round increasing in damage, and the third round should hit the head with extra force for a precision kill. Perfect Balance controls the recoil enough that the three shots hit close to each other for accurate long-range bursts. Higher than average magazine size to account for ten to eleven bursts per magazine.

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  • Edited by Jumping Puzzle: 11/22/2014 9:13:55 PM
    [b]"Explosion Hazard"[/b] Description: It will destroy your enemies, but will it destroy you? Primary Auto Rifle [u]Perks: [/u] - Kinetic Damage - Firefly: Precision kills with this weapon cause the target to explode. - Explosion Hazard: This weapon will explode if you fire it too long. The explosion will kill you and nearby enemies.

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  • Dude you have some badass ideas!! The sniper with one bullet is a pretty cool idea. Bump for the hard work and good ideas

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  • Edited by BizarWolf: 11/22/2014 9:05:07 PM
    [b]Error SR[/b] A gun born from an error in its design, and gifted with a glitchy AI, this gun was deemed imperfect until she proved herself in battle. During the Battle of the 6 Fronts, the Titan who wielded her held an entire front by himself until reinforcements arrived. Machine Gun Solar Damage Perk1: Mulligan Perk2: ERRORCODESR666 - Rounds fired from this gun will almost never miss their target, moving towards it in midair.

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    3 Replies
    • My idea: "Jack of All Trades"-Exotic Scout Rifle Quote: Master of none? More like Master of all! Perks: press R3 (PS) to activate full auto (very fast rate of fire and low stability) and press again to turn back (long range high impact semi-auto)

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    • I think the Battle Rifle from Halo 2 would make an awesome exotic. It would definitely be my favorite weapon. Anyone have ideas for perks?

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      • Edited by Lousy: 11/9/2014 7:25:20 PM
        [b]The Chief's Rifle-Exotic Auto Rifle [/b] "A gun from a different time, and yet it looks oddly familiar…" [u]Perks:[/u] 1. Take a Knee- Bonus accuracy while crouched. 2. True Master- The bottom half of each magazine deals additional damage (25%), and each non-guardian critical kill regenerates super abilities quicker (15% quicker). (The gun will look like the Assault Rifle from Halo: Combat Evolved)

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      • Name - Trinity Elements: Arc, Void, Solar Type: Scout rifle "Once the elements were fused, the gun just appeared on the table" Perks: 0. Default Perk [b]Super Fast[/b] : Everytime you kill an enemy this weapon's reload time is faster 1. Regular Perk [b]The last laugh[/b] : The last bullet in your magazine deals bonus damage 2. Exotic Perk [b]Shield executioner[/b] : Your gun causes additional damage to all shields

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      • Edited by Damietriptomine: 11/11/2014 12:18:35 AM
        Sodom & Gomorrah "And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace." Genesis 19:28 special weapon Dual hand cannons Void dmg/ Arc dmg Dual fire no aiming. Perk1 Mullagan Perk2 Sodom & Gomorrah: This gun fires in full auto and reloads when an enemy is killed with a head shot.

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      • Edited by TotallyNotDrew: 11/11/2014 12:19:04 AM
        [b]Hot Knife[/b]-Sniper Rifle [i]Like a hot knife through butter[/i] Special perk Kitchen Conundrum: The more damage dealt the quicker the reload. Resets every new activity Hot Knife: Bullets penetrate walls, at a reduced damage.

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      • [b]Shingen-X - Auto-Rifle[/b] [i]"Shingen's weapons brought to the extreme"[/i] Perks: 1. Persistence: This weapon grows more accurate the longer it is fired. 2. Shingen Extreme- This weapon's fire rate extremely increases the longer it is fired. The combination of the two perks would make the gun shoot as fast as the epilogue but still as stable as the Shingen-E

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      • Edited by Anthem92: 11/16/2014 11:54:20 PM
        Ahamkara's Breath (spelling?) "The price of knowledge" Exotic machine gun Solar damage Default: this gun shoots a jet of fire instead of bullets. No recoil, no impact. Regular perk: move faster (+2 AGILITY) Unique perk: enemies take massive damage over time. Phoenix rising Warlock chest. "There was nothing but death, first mine, then theirs" Carry more primary weapon ammo. Gain overshield on spawn. Radiance has no duration. When you cast radiance, release a solar damage explosion (roughly size of nova bomb) at your location. (Should be strong but not strong enough to ohk in pvp unless they are within melee range. )

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      • Metal Gear - Sniper Rifle ( Kinetic) "A cornered Fox is more dangerous than a Jackal" Perks: 0. Gauss Cannon (This weapon requires a short charge time before firing) 1. Armor Piercing Rounds (Rounds fired from this weapon penetrate enemies) 2. Ground Zero (Kills with this weapon cause a large explosion) -This weapon does not require reloading but only holds 6 shots. Does not regen armmo over time.

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      • Enthusiasm (handcannon solar) "Going the extra mile" Perk 1. Precision kills increases stabilty and reload speed Special perk [b] Cerberus [/b] This weapon can be fired in two to three round burst.

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      • Edited by Haku: 11/18/2014 1:41:25 AM
        [b]Daytime Rush - Exotic Auto Rifle[/b] [i]Places to go, people to kill[/i] Perk 1: Hip Fire - this weapon is more accurate when firing from the hip Perk 2: Daytime Rush - This gun can fired while sprinting. While sprinting, this gun gains bonus fire rate, reload speed, and stability. ------------------------------------------------ [b]Pompeii 0 - Exotic Solar Sniper Rifle[/b] [i]A standard Pompeii platform with heavy modifications. The Pompeii 0 recreates tragedy with every pull of the trigger.[/i] Perk 1: Firefly - precision kills cause enemies to explode Perk 2: Pompeii - body shots ignite enemies. Precision kills now cause enemies to explode and ignite other nearby foes. ----------------------------------------------- [b]The Haunting - Exotic Void Fusion Rifle[/b] [i]It's not in your head, all of it is real. You can run all you want, nothing can save you.[/i] Perk 1: Terror - killing an enemy with this gun leaves a small lingering poison cloud only one at a time Perk 2: The Haunting - an additional poison cloud can be active, both clouds impair vision and reduce mobility.

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      • [b]The ascension[/b] Exotic heavy machine gun Solar damage [i]'Only when your time has come, will you shed all of your worldly possessions, and ascend. -Marked in italics on the side of the barrel[/i] Perks: (1):Spray and play: Reloading on an empty magazine increases reload speed. (2):Only you are worthy...:Rounds fired from this weapon track their targets. [b]Spectre[/b] Exotic rocket launcher Void damage [i]Just because you cannot see it, doesn't mean it isn't real, or that it isn't looking at you right now.[/i] Perks: (0):Hush:This weapon fires rockets silently. Rockets fired from this weapon are also cloaked. (1):Tracking: Rockets fired from this weapon track their target. (2):Spectre: Tracking rockets fired from this weapon passes through objects except for the target. [b]Jhofner 19-2[/b] Exotic sniper rifle Solar damage [i]Sniper cannon just doesn't have that nice ring to it, regardless of how much more appropriate it would be.[/i] (1):Final round: The last round in every magazine deals more damage. (2): Heavy calibre rounds: Rounds fired from this weapon overpenetrate targets and passes through all cover. [b]Jerry merry[/b] Exotic fusion rifle Void damage [i]Everyone deserves to be happy! Spread the joy to everyone! -Written in what looks like dried blood on the bottom of the weapon. Careful precision was taken to write out the fine thin words incursive, and all attempts to remove the markings yielded negative results.[/i] Perks: (1):Range finder: Aiming down this weapon's sights increases its range. (2):Spread it like butter!:Rounds fired overpenetrate targets, and enemies killed by this weapon bloom. [b]Posh Beggar[/b] Exotic shotgun Arc damage [i]I beg your pardon?[/i] Perks: (0):Excuse me?: This weapon only holds one round. (1):Cascade: Melee kills increases this weapon's reload speed for a short time. (2):Apologies!: Kills with this weapon instantly reloads the weapon, and drastically increases damage, range and accuracy for a very short time. (2 Secs) [b]Peruvian Pepper[/b] Exotic Auto rifle Solar damage [i]'Hot hot hot!' -Inevitable words muttered everytime this weapon is used.[/i] Perks: (0): Spicy: Firing this weapon ignites you. (1): Glass half full: The bottom half of the weapon deals increasingly increasing damage. (2): Water! Water!: Rounds fired from this weapon explode on impact and ignites enemies. [b]Optimistically Pessimistic[/b] Exotic scout rifle Void damage [i]Half empty! Half full! Half empty! Half full! [/i] Perks: (0): Full auto: This weapon can be fired in full auto mode. (1): Glass half full: The bottom half of the magazine deals increasingly increasing damage. (2): Glass half empty: The bottom half of the magazine has increasingly increasing rate of fire, range, accuracy and stability. [b]Sorceries and tricks[/b] Exotic pulse rifle Arc damage [i]Full of magic tricks! For children ages 1 to exo! [/i] Perks: (0): Daft hands and feet: +1 agility when holding this weapon (1): Secret round: Missing a shot from this weapon's burst will cause it to fire an extra round. (2): Ziz boom ba!: When this weapon's magazine is fully empty, it instantly replenishes. [b]Lotto[/b] Exotoic handcannon Void damage [i]Its not cheating even if the odds are 1/6, and even if i win every single time for the past twenty eight games. Luck mate, heard of it? - Hidden recording of Haymond Klar, during the aftermath of an unknown gambling game.[/i] Perks: (1): Luck in the chamber: A round from the magazine deals significantly more damage. (2): Skills and a hint of luck: The round dealing significantly more damage deals even more damage, and drastically more precision damage. Killing an enemy with said round returns that round back to the magazine randomly. Round two of my exotic ideas.

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      • [b]Kraken's Grasp[/b] - Exotic Fusion Rifle (Void) [i]Once she's got your scent, there is no escape...[/i] Perks: 1. Third Eye (Radar remains active while ADS) 2. Kraken's Grasp (Allows fusion charge to be held for increased damage. Holding it too long results in overheating and loss of some ammo.) [b]Shadow[/b] - Exotic Hand Cannon "Folk been speakin' of a shadow in these parts... Best watch yourself Guardian" -Cayde-6 1. Bonus accuracy while hip firing. 2. The Shadow (Dual wield with an exact copy of this weapon. No ADS and slower reload time.) [b]Heartbeat[/b] - Exotic Pulse Rifle [i]...Time is of the essence. I don't have time to wait...[/i] 1. Life Support (Recovering from near death grants ammo and faster reload time) 2. Heartbeat (Reduces health recovery delay and increases recovery rate when you have this weapon equipped)

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      • [b]Worse juju[/b] [i]"If you thought it couldn't get worse.....[/i] Perks: [b]What the....?[/b] [i]There is a 20% chance that your shot will turn you around [/i] [b]Butter Fingers[/b] [i]5% of the time reloading you will lose all your ammo[/i] Exotic Perk: [b]Worse Ju-Ju[/b] [i]50% of the time you see a blue or higher engram it will disappear[/i]

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        • so you can comment there and keep that gun up on the top of the lastest posts or if you want to read it here, Basics Rarity: Exotic Class: Heavy Type: Machine Gun Element: Kinetic Name: Trial Description: Judge, Jury, Executioner. The body of the gun is the same as Jolder's Hammer but the main color is dark grey and the secondary color is purple and has an angled part of the handgrip and a big bipod partially unfolded on the front. Statistics Rate of Fire: 59 Impact: 61 Range: 52 Stability: 43 Reload: 26 Magazine: 24 First 3 upgrades: Agressive Ballistics, Smart Drift Control and CQB Ballistics "Primary" Upgrade: Focused Fire 2nd set of 3 upgrades: Surplus, Hammer Forged and Lightweight Exotic Special Upgrade: TRIAL!: When zoomed, this weapon has an extended range and becomes very accurate.

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          • Edited by Sora Orth: 11/17/2014 4:28:40 AM
            [b]Healing heart[/b] [u]Shotgun - Arc damage[/u] [i][b]"Sometimes, your victims deaths are the only thing that will make your forget your own pains"[/i][/b] 1. Crowd Control: kills with this weapons grants increased damage for a short time. 2. Signature ability: [b][i]Healing Heart:[/b][/i] Kills with this weapon restore a slight amount of health and grants faster health regean for a short time.

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            • Or maybe an auto rifles using the Khrotov model.... an exotic ancient human weapon maybe

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