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Edited by spexX: 10/25/2014 9:45:18 AM

I'm going to the bathroom to take a Destiny...

Hey look something to watch while i'm here...

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  • Bump

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  • bump

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  • Justice Bump! For justice!

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  • bump

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  • Couldn't agree more. These last few years I have felt this way about most titles released. It saddens me to see Destiny as another casualty to corporate greed. Developers will lose their credability and fanbase by using these marketing tactics and its upsetting to see great games with unlimited potential fall victim. Hopefully with how bad the proverbial wool has been pulled over our eyes on this one might just be enough of a slap in the face to wake up the gaming community and hopefully put a stop to this growing trend. I do enjoy playing this game, and have had fun doing so but for the money we spend and time we will are willing to invest, we deserve better.

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  • Good vid!

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  • Edited by DELETE ACCOUNT: 10/24/2014 12:44:38 PM
    Yes, because an empty map = fully completed content... You just throw enemies in the map and they work, completely balanced and already know the environment and their fight paths... A map is HALF the effort to build content, programming default AI based on the level layout, testing enemy balance and locations, balancing level difficulty and pace, bug testing and AI behavior testing, plus shit i don't know about goes into it. This video is just spreading ignorance. Content was cut, no argument there, but the videos based on assumptions and opinions of someone who obviously knows nothing about what they are talking about, having no concept of what level design is, and just keeps spreading false logic and it bugs me. The more likely situation as to why it was cut, because Activision didn't want content full enough to pull fan-base away from the new COD's initial release, but you know that's my OPINION.

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  • Opinions are OP

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  • I like the fact content is locked. Lets master Atheon without pushing him off first before we worry about this.

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  • bump

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  • ENOUGH IS ENOUGH to I just disconnected from a strike at final boss and it has happened many times before. I really wouldn't even mind if we had a friggen way of getting back into the strike! This is just careless and so easy to fix. This game is riddled with problems like this. I watched that video, thank you for sharing it sheds A TON OF LIGHT on this empty disappointing game! I feel like I played a game with the potential to be so amazing. Lately however I'm finding myself losing momentum to play this game. I for one will not be buying what I thought I already owned in the dlc's. I thought I bought a game, not its potential. Can you guys please step it up?

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    3 Replies
    • You know bungie has been very quite lately I wonder why lol I would to if the truth was flooding the forms.unlock the rest of my game and go make some real dlc

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    • Thanks for the video, sound like some interesting and solid points in there. But that's all. If you want to try to bring it one step further, put that into a legal dispute or send a letter to the companies, warn them for possible legal action. Internet justice won't do much, just some self satisfaction as an internet warrior and relief as a consumer. For me, I bought thee seasonal pass with no regret, its just a time off entertainment for me and it is a waste of cash in the first place as I can live without it. At least it has given me some fun time, so take it easy.

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    • Agreed.

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    • I will admit that I did not follow this game prior to launch. Had no idea it was coming out so my opinion is not based on what I felt the game should be, just on what is there. The game mechanics are great and the graphics really are nice. Content and story are lacking. If it is true that other maps and planets were supposed to be available at launch and a great story was supposed to unfold, then yes, we were fooled. Not a lot of exploration and the maps seem small and very linear, point A to point B. This DLC content issue is tough to determine if we were cheated or if these areas are truly not available for play. I will give Bungie the benefit of the doubt and say that they for whatever reason did not complete the content at launch. Just because you can accidentally enter a DLC area does not mean it is done. If you did enter an area and it was populated with MOB's and you collected gear and or rewards, then we were cheated. So far all I have seen is an empty environment. I have to admit that a game closer to what is speculated sounds better than what we have. My hope is that these things were either started and ready to complete for release or are in the pipeline to be released soon. I do enjoy the game but it sounds like it could have been much more.

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      • Edited by Yoshikicia: 10/24/2014 6:34:26 AM
        Very well made video. Compelling and really gets you excited to do something. He makes a good point about the advertisers playing on our emotions, like hope, to sway us, but ironically, he is doing the same. And he is doing it well, mostly cause we want to fill the silence with something that meets the level of our disappointment. As much as I enjoyed feeling like a triumphant soldier valiantly taking on the evil corporations, the whole video is very speculative, which is unfortunate because if anything is fact, the corporations get away with it due it being speculation, or not concrete enough. Once emotions die down, we'll see how things play out and if Destiny is marketed (I think it is) to a casual player base, then it's likely it'll live on and the "hardcore, more intelligent" player base won't have much impact. Anyways, kudos to the entertaining video. Btw, does that guy every take a breath? Haha

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      • Thanks for posting the vid.. lots of insight to why stuff is so warped..

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      • Agree with this video completely.

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        1 Reply
        • Made a lot of good points. I still love this game but damn, it could have been much better!

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        • bump

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        • Bump

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        • God Damn Kids...... ruining our games!! Although, its actually the "protection" of kids i guess. Either way, I blame America.

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          • This makes a lot of sense and mirrors the discussion my friends and I have been having. We've discovered several locations in game that feel like something should take place there or are strangely blocked off.

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            3 Replies
            • I completely agree with this video!

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            • bungie, you need to address this head on.

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