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Edited by spexX: 10/25/2014 9:45:18 AM

I'm going to the bathroom to take a Destiny...

Hey look something to watch while i'm here...

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  • This game makes me feel like the bungie took a 500 million dollar shit on my face.

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    • World of Warcraft, Guild wars, Diablo 3, etc. ALL of those games, at launch, are just mere shells compared to the games they have become today. Why? Because the devs kept supporting those games with patches and new nodes and areas to explore and fresh expansions. It is too early to tell if Destiny will be the great game it is meant to be but we can at least give Bungie a chance. Destiny is still a baby as far as it's genre is concerned. The game is solid enough that it deserves a shot IMO. Plenty of ppl still play all of the games listed above. Just be thankful Destiny doesn't charge a monthly subscription.

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      7 Replies
      • Uh don't buy this dlc mmmk. Dlc is bad mmmk.

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      • We demand a statement with the whole truth, no details hidden, what the hell happened?! Tell us the whole shabang please. I'm pretty sure we'll respect that much more then your very disrespectful silence.

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      • Don't tell me how to live my life. I love destiny and I'm sure as hell I'll love the DLC. (Insert "All single ladies" dance here)

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        • Let me get my tin foil hat on and watch this video

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        • The reason the lead writer left was because he saw what road this game is heading and he quit. I don't blame him! This game could have been great. Could have been revolutionary. Sadly the fat cats in charge want to get more fat rather then set the next standard of generation gaming.

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          • Watched the video and I found it interesting for sure. Not saying I agree with everything, but he makes compelling arguments, especially if you are already leaning towards a similar position. The thing I found most compelling was the part about the developer mentioning how a fellow guardian might have acquired her loot...through trading, gambling etc. RNG really makes sense with that in mind, especially the double roll with the cryptarch. I'd go one step further and say the existence of exotics supports this even more. My guess is the exotics would have been untradable items. His points about the sparrows were right in line with my thoughts on sparrows all along. Why all the stats? What's the point? Why have durability when you respawn the darn thing right away? Why have speed differences? It seems odd as a community we came up with the idea of sparrow races almost right away and it has been universally supported. Bungie had to think of this early on as well. Maybe a grander plan for the sparrows will present itself in some future update. The ships I believe were never intended for anything other than loading screen eye candy(at least at launch). Maybe also a slight way to create some individual personalization to your guardian. Unfortunately you have no idea what ship belongs to who, so that is lost.

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          • Don't buy the DLC because...World Of Warcraft expansion is out next month. Enough said. A proper gear grinding game that rewards hard work and time input. Cya Bungie. Enjoy your 10 (2) year game.

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            16 Replies
            • after seeing the advertising campaign for this game i already knew the hype was over hyped. i should have played the beta and saved my self the £30 i paid for this hope shattering game. the only reason this game will run for the 10 years that they want is because it's geared towards a much much younger audience... also $500 million dollar budget huh ? WHERE THEM DOLLAS AT DOE?

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              • Strong video for sure. A lot of this would be so much easier if they just came out and let us know what's going on.

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              • I'm not buying the dlc. Not because of some video and not because of the lack of story. I'm not buying the dlc because I stopped enjoying the game a long time ago like day 2 of playing when I had done every strike. I didn't enjoy the vog too much it felt like it was lacking something. Honestly the only time I rly got excited during this game was when I got to use the sword of crota and the first time I killed an ogre and the first time I did each strike. I understand it's a loot and shoot game but the grind is just not very rewarding. Unless that dlc includes more classes,races,mini games, a lot larger more interesting hub aka tower, about 15 more strikes and 5 raids, more end game items instead of the lack it has now. I mean I seen almost every end game item just by scrolling into ppls inventory in the hub for a few minutes. But seeing as destiny was 60 dollars and we got this much content and the dlc is going to be what 20? 30? Idk I havnt looked, I honestly expect the dlc to include one planet,4 missions, 1 strike and raid. Idk don't take my word for that I havnt looked into the dlc bkuz I'm not interested so don't bitch me out saying I'm so wrong about the dlc that's just what I expect. Sorry for the babbling I get carried away. -happy hunting

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              • Edited by LordHighfixxer: 10/24/2014 2:08:55 PM
                This is a good vid. I think he would have an even stronger voice if he had filtered his profanity in places a bit more but I took away a few points worth nothing. [b]The two fully built areas that are on your disc[/b] I had not seen that one of them was essentially done minus mobs. This changes my perspective on the locked on disc DLC significantly and personally I cannot justify purchasing The Dark Below without a truthful explanation from Bungie. Edit: That area might not be strike ready but why is it not patrol available for example? [b]Dev comments on fully customized armor and trading[/b] This was a reminder as I had seen that referenced video before. Fully customized armor? What happened to that? I also agree with the points on the random loot system being designed to support player trading or a player driven economy which was obviously removed. [b]Faction Wars/Crucible Marks[/b] While there is not specific proof offered, even in concept this makes so many things make so much more sense. The Crucible was not a training ground but a place where the factions war and that's why the faction vendors take Crucible Marks? Yeah, if that's the way it was implemented you would see so many of the critics regarding Exotic Weapon bounties requiring PvP disappear. Mine would. I would understand that Crucible is a part of the story experience. While I understand others would still want a PvE only path to those bounties[i] it would still make more sense. [/i] [b]Missions Younger Players Can Feel Good About Completing[/b] The entire T for Teen section is valid. I am a father and one of the main reasons I play (and want Destiny to succeed) is to have an activity with my two teenage sons who live 1000 miles from me. The younger of the pair is definitely not ready for the nuance and potential subterfuge of a player based economy but he does get genuinely excited about completing activities that I would comment on as commonplace around my older gaming friends. [b]Hardware/framerates/level playing field[/b] I agree on the point of the base capabilities needing to be similar cross gen/ecosystem but disagree on the level playing field simply due to exclusive DLC. I am tied to the Xbox for the above (sons) reason. I didn't get the Dust Palace Strike and content that is coming in Dark Below won't be on my Xbox until Fall 2015 which is insulting. It's completely unreasonable to effectively ask me to pay the same price as a PS4 user so that they can play content I cannot on my dime (which is supporting the infrastructure cost of Destiny). [b]We will assume the worst because that's what silence implies[/b] This single sentence rang like a church bell. It's the #1 point Bungie must remember about dealing with us, their community. In the absence of information we will assume the worst because we have not been given a reason not to.

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                54 Replies
                • That is a rather amazing amount of content cut for a story change. And what I'm also disappointed about, is having seen a shoot to loot scout rifle in the vanguard weapon guy during beta, and have not seen that perk on any legendary scout rifle anywhere in the actual game.

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                • Man I stunned this is something I would say also to the players/gamers on the world. I see his point of view very cleary and we need to make a stand because WE DONT WANNA BE SCREWED OVER by the makers! When I played the 2 days after a week release I was stunned at day 1but when I cleared at day 2 I was like wth this is bs (still playing thought). But where are the promises they made for us. Open world, customize guardians, lot of worlds to explore!? Nothing NOTHING at all just some crappy Tony Hawk 2 experience is this with walls around us if we leave off the map. But still I wont buy their DLC because its BS and we arent chickens you can easily seduce and stab us in our back. We will HUNT those who screw us and put their head on a stick as a example! Im out!

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                • Greedavision, they ruin every game they get there greedy paws on.

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                • I listened 22 minutes in. It doesn't make me happy that bungie (or Activision..but most likely both) decided in the last year of development to withhold content. Content which is right now, in the game, downloaded, ready to go, but inaccessible. I don't like it, but I understand that both the publisher and bungie make more money this way-- to the ire and disappointment of many who had great hopes for the game. But what I'm really interested in- is what batman mentions around [b]15:00[/b] about the a member of a destiny storyline test crew, that aforementioned member posted a thread on reddit about the darkness being a spawn of the Traveler, and such post being removed from Reddit shortly after. I love hearing about bungie/activision greed. What I love more is crazy theories about the destiny storyline, especially ones that make someone angry enough to delete it off reddit.

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                • I think that DLC season pass holders should get a refund and DLC price should be decreased.

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                  • 100% agree

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                    I'm a grown ass man, if i wanna buy the dlc i'll buy the damn dlc

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                  • Edited by MrKnuckleshucky: 10/24/2014 1:15:59 PM
                    BUNGIE quit hiding and respond to this! You guys are really ticking me off right now! Really?!! I knew there was more to The Queens brother than that! So what? Are you guys gonna release all the stuff in a DLC OR SOMETHING?!?!?

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                    • So little kids are ruining gaming? Little brats I didn't have games until I was a sophomore in high school. Go find a coloring book and leave games a lone. How is this game rated T? That means it's gonna keep sucking until it's rated m! Parents should be slapped in the face for allowing their kids to play games like these at young ages causing them to become spoiled little shits.

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