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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Ratt1eHead: 10/22/2014 11:59:45 AM

A silent gamer pushed too far.

I'm gonna come right out and say it, I love Destiny! I find everything enjoyable about it, even the lack of purple drops, Xur and the items he sells, getting my butt kicked in the Crucible, Strikes with players who are trying to get the "Complete a Strike without dying" bounty...etc. But what has pushed me too far are the players, if you can call them that, who bitch and complain about every little thing. Look, if you think the game is that bad, trade it in and buy a can of "shut the hell up". If you have such great ideas, why aren't you writing/ making games? I think it's amazing what Bungie has done with this game, yes the story is lacking a bit, but the technical stuff that's happening on the back-end is great (seamless story, patrol and public events). Are there things that I would like to see different? Sure, but it's not a big deal to me. I enjoy the game, and other games for what they are and represent. If I don't like a game I won't play it, if it aggrevates me, I won't play it. So I guess my bottom line is to those who bitch and complain is, find a new game to play and stop whining. But maybe you are this way with all games. And remember you are not entitled to anything, let Bungie do what they do best... create great games. Thanks for the time. (EDIT) It seems that some of you are missing my point. I never said to quit communicating with Bungie. Constructive criticism goes a long way. There are some great ideas here on the forum, but to me those are over shadowed by the ignorant ones; "stupid bungie, now my gun does 2% less damage or I'm entitled to my exotic because I got it from a drop, you're not because you bought it from Xur (I love Xur). Those are the whinners that I'm talking about. I'm not sure if the game needs to be "improved" or just expanded. I like the forums overall, I enjoy reading about creative ideas. I just don't understand all of the bashing and disrespect. Again, thanks for the time.

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  • Meh, shut em out. They're not worth your time

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  • Oh no guys I think Rattlehead is mad. At least your anger isn't from the result of losing $65.00

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    • Finally, someone with the same mindset as me. Thank you for speaking up.

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    • While much of your argument is valid, a lot of people bring things up because they have passion for the game and want it to be better. And you can't deny, it could be a lot better. And there are enough clues out there to see that it was better, and was changed. I still like it, but damn it has so much more potential.

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      3 Replies
      • Oh man I thought you killed someone for bullying you. This is better..

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        • I agree bro!

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        • Aren't you whining about the whiners and doesn't that make you the same as them?

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by ORANGEDRONE: 10/22/2014 2:39:39 AM
            The game is cool and I've played the hell out of it since 9/9 (162 hours) but, it's starting to get dull. We need new content.

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            • With as much money as this game has made since launch, they sure as hell better get their shit together and pull us back in with a GREAT story. I give Destiny a pass because they nailed the co-op and did a pretty good job with PvP, (even though I suck at it), but we need a good story. I've been playing through SWTOR's stories coming up on 3 years now and I'm still drawn in. We need this from Destiny and I hope they deliver in the future.

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            • you know how you are bothered so deeply by the way you perceive the community to be acting that you had to come on the forums and tell us about it? well... that's how a lot of us feel about the game bungie delivered, especially when compared to what they told us we were gonna get was much different, and they still are doing it with the way they talked about the queens bounty and iron banner and what they ended up being... so you're fine with the product you bought... that's great! enjoy it! many of us are not so thrilled... many of us feel let down by a company we had huge respect for. many of us pre ordered the game based on what they were showing us all the way up to beta, and then when some of us had concerns about the scope of destiny like how small the cosmodrom seemed, we were assured it is much bigger... for a lot of us the final straw was discovering the dlc we pre ordered.... IS ON THE EFFING DISC WE ALREADY PAID 60$ FOR! would have been nice to know before buying it.... aside from all the big issues there are tons of small issues that are magnified by the colossal screw up destiny already is. sure we can trade it in, maybe get half our money back, many of us still play because we agree with "the other side" of the community that it is a fun game, but regardless of this we still feel cheated, because destiny isn't the game we were supposed to get, that game was displayed in bits over a year in demos and leaked information, all by bungie! maybe you are just this passionate about your contempt for the community because you simply don't understand where we're coming from. do some research into the content of my post, tell me then we don't have a right to be angry and vocal about it.

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              9 Replies
              • Couldn't have said it better myself good on ya.

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              • Agreed and thank you for the great post.

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              • Amen

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              • The community is the only reason I still play this sad excuse of the supposed next generation experience.

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              • Don't play it is great advice. Except that in the environment we have today, where games are preordered there is a responsibility on the part of the game makers to be truthful about the the product they are putting on the market. Sure a little exaggeration on the part of advertisers is expected, but Bungie flat out lied. They knew a year ago that this project was not going to be what they had been preaching. Yet they kept on selling it as this great thing THEY ALL KNEW IT WASN'T. That's why they waiting so long before releasing it to the game reviewers, so it wouldn't hurt sales. This is all deliberate. Taking money for a game they know they don't have is deliberate. Read the back of the frakkin Destiny box. Bungie sold a lie with the reputation they once had.

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                4 Replies
                • I want Destiny to succeed though. I want to see it become the game we always hoped for!

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                • Ok I ll find a new game, tell Bungie to give me my money back.

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                • Depends what's being b!tched about. Some complaints are called for, and were PART of the PLAN. Here's a great example of the plan. ARs, and vex myth gun. Lots of shit came up for that...and cry babies were calling each other cry babies as you forum goers call Em here. Well....let's take a trip down memory lane...and find out...why this happened...who's responsible...and if he was an idiot..or a genius. - Destiny will never reach a final level of balance. "We have an evolving understanding of balance. In the past you might have characterized our idea of successful balance as getting it to the point where we could [stop working on the game] and it would be perfect. Nobody had to touch it anymore and it would just be a shining gem for all time[spoiler]I'm adding this in, halo is a great example of a shining gem, as far as competitive MP goes once it reached that pinnacle point, became a timeless experience [/spoiler]. But the problem is, those games don't hold a community the same way as a living game like League of Legends or Dota 2. Those games can build these amazing communities around them[spoiler]like destiny?[/spoiler] because they're changing and evolving. There's a metagame that develops over time. The thing that was awesome before is not so awesome now. The thing that you didn't think about before is suddenly the best idea you ever had." "That kind of dynamic balance where the game is ebbing and flowing, changing and circulating, we understand that and want more of that now. We want to build a game that's always exciting and entertaining, and not just exciting and entertaining because it achieved a final singularity point." Tyson Green, lead investment designer - Emphasis on "That thing that was awesome before [spoiler]vex myth, AR[/spoiler] is not so awesome now" And "The thing you didn't think about before[spoiler]hand cannon, now coming up on scouts soon[/spoiler] is suddenly the best idea you've ever had" [spoiler]sure, some already used those all along. Now, it's much more popular[/spoiler] Now look at this. "these amazing communities around them because they're changing and evolving. There's a metagame that develops over time. " Mission accomplished? Mission failed? Genious? Or idiot? Every one should stop talking shit to each other and realize all this shit was intended to happen. Blame Tyson green if you hate the game. Link Article dates back to February 26 this year. All this shit that surprising the community shouldn't be a surprise as far as balancing shit out goes. Fun fact. I like this game, and will continue to play it because it's going to continue to get support. Just shedding some light on the subject for the many new corners to this game.

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                  3 Replies
                  • great post. good to see there are people out there who are actually enjoying the game.

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                  • Hang in there bro, Nov 11 should wash away most of the problems.

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                    1 Reply
                    • i love the game, (im an actual player >:P), i play it all the time to be honest lol now then, the Cryptarchs would bestow you with lots of Rare Engrams that will become Toasters!

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                    • *farts*

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                    • These lips are sealed. Now if only I could seal my eyes to prevent myself from looking upon the mountain of troll/whining posts.

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                    • You learn to tune these people out they are the fools missing out let them go back to their original community...COD

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                    • Its a great game and a big world. But not open. And the shooter black hawk down was an open world shooter lol. You could walk intil the map was empty lol.

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                      3 Replies
                      • I hear you. Power to the silent gamers! Who play instead of unproductive crying.

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