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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Ratt1eHead: 10/22/2014 11:59:45 AM

A silent gamer pushed too far.

I'm gonna come right out and say it, I love Destiny! I find everything enjoyable about it, even the lack of purple drops, Xur and the items he sells, getting my butt kicked in the Crucible, Strikes with players who are trying to get the "Complete a Strike without dying" bounty...etc. But what has pushed me too far are the players, if you can call them that, who bitch and complain about every little thing. Look, if you think the game is that bad, trade it in and buy a can of "shut the hell up". If you have such great ideas, why aren't you writing/ making games? I think it's amazing what Bungie has done with this game, yes the story is lacking a bit, but the technical stuff that's happening on the back-end is great (seamless story, patrol and public events). Are there things that I would like to see different? Sure, but it's not a big deal to me. I enjoy the game, and other games for what they are and represent. If I don't like a game I won't play it, if it aggrevates me, I won't play it. So I guess my bottom line is to those who bitch and complain is, find a new game to play and stop whining. But maybe you are this way with all games. And remember you are not entitled to anything, let Bungie do what they do best... create great games. Thanks for the time. (EDIT) It seems that some of you are missing my point. I never said to quit communicating with Bungie. Constructive criticism goes a long way. There are some great ideas here on the forum, but to me those are over shadowed by the ignorant ones; "stupid bungie, now my gun does 2% less damage or I'm entitled to my exotic because I got it from a drop, you're not because you bought it from Xur (I love Xur). Those are the whinners that I'm talking about. I'm not sure if the game needs to be "improved" or just expanded. I like the forums overall, I enjoy reading about creative ideas. I just don't understand all of the bashing and disrespect. Again, thanks for the time.

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  • I notice this post has received a wave of negativity. Personally I think that highlights and proves the foul standard of person you find on the forums, but that's my opinion. It's true that people are greedy, nonsensical and selfish when it comes to this game. It's a fantastic game, probably the best created with what it [i]does[/i] have, and it's quite sad to see that everyone is too focused on what it doesn't. "I don't give a shit if I have awesome exotics, a vast, beautiful scenery, one of the most powerful guns in the game through coming last in the crucible, and endless hours of gameplay - I wanted to see Saturn, but Bungie lied." (So that you could explore it for three hours just like the other planets, and go back to moaning about something new of course).

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    • Good to see someone on here who is positive. You're cool man.

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      • This is a game forum, its where people come in and talk about the game (with varying levels of hyperbole). Then Deej comes in, shuffles through the mess and gets an overall sense of how the community feels about the game and takes it back to Bungie so they can evolve it with some sense of what players want/like. Its how its done, nothing wrong with this. You say people who bitch to go play something else ? well, you don't like what goes on on the forums just close your browser page.

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        • Edited by TPoppaPuff: 10/22/2014 9:59:01 AM
          [quote] If you have such great ideas, why aren't you writing/ making games?[/quote]Give me 200-250 employees working for about 4-6 years with a 300 million dollar budget and I'll get back to ya. Oh you're not? Well then I guess your clever little question was rather quite foolish and childish wasn't it? How about you quit cryin'? If you don't like the people that play the game that means it aggravating you, therefore you should leave. Damn, you've been beaten by your own logic. How ironic for you.

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          • This

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          • [quote]I'm gonna come right out and say it, I love Destiny! I find everything enjoyable about it, even the lack of purple drops, Xur and the items he sells, getting my butt kicked in the Crucible, Strikes with players who are trying to get the "Complete a Strike without dying" bounty...etc. But what has pushed me too far are the players, if you can call them that, who bitch and complain about every little thing. Look, if you think the game is that bad, trade it in and buy a can of "shut the hell up". If you have such great ideas, why aren't you writing/ making games? I think it's amazing what Bungie has done with this game, yes the story is lacking a bit, but the technical stuff that's happening on the back-end is great (seamless story, patrol and public events). Are there things that I would like to see different? Sure, but it's not a big deal to me. I enjoy the game, and other games for what they are and represent. If I don't like a game I won't play it, if it aggrevates me, I won't play it. So I guess my bottom line is to those who bitch and complain is, find a new game to play and stop whining. But maybe you are this way with all games. And remember you are not entitled to anything, let Bungie do what they do best... create great games. Thanks for the time. (EDIT) It seems that some of you are missing my point. I never said to quit communicating with Bungie. Constructive criticism goes a long way. There are some great ideas here on the forum, but to me those are over shadowed by the ignorant ones; "stupid bungie, now my gun does 2% less damage or I'm entitled to my exotic because I got it from a drop, you're not because you bought it from Xur (I love Xur). Those are the whinners that I'm talking about. I'm not sure if the game needs to be "improved" or just expanded. I like the forums overall, I enjoy reading about creative ideas. I just don't understand all of the bashing and disrespect. Again, thanks for the time.[/quote] That's one long ramble... Here is what you do, break up this giant paragraph into smaller ones. Make key points. And go back to silent mode

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            5 Replies
            • If the Quartermaster sold new rope for this bunch to hang themselves with they would complain that they wanted old softer rope like they get from the last 50 games that have disappointed them.

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              • Bravo, OP... BRA-VO!

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              • Mines a digital download :(

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              • Honesty the sword of Crota mission was some of the best fun i have had in a video game in a looooong while. I love this game as a whole and look to the future for updates and more content

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                  [quote] but the technical stuff that's happening on the back-end is great (seamless story, patrol and public events)[/quote] This is the only part I really have an issue with. Yes [b]some[/b] things work great, but the major thing (network stability) seems to be on a constant decline. Every time they patch stability, people who never had errors start getting errors. Lag is still a major thing in the game (the game operates on a peer to server connection, not peer to peer). Will they probably get on a swing to start getting things patched without issues? Maybe. Will we see it within a year? Probably not.

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                • Advice: Trade ins are $35 at GameStop...or take ADHD medication and help others progress. At least your character won't get behind until they fix the game.

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                  • When can I find "a can of shut the hell up?"

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by nmendez79: 10/22/2014 1:27:07 PM
                      So, you either have to "love it or leave it"? Such a well-crafted, intelligent response. Thank YOU for your time. Edit: I do agree that the more intelligent feedback regarding Destiny is often drowned out by the commentary of idiots.

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                      • I LIKE BUTTER NUT SQUASH!!! RAWRRRR.

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                      • Edited by Zero132132: 10/22/2014 9:18:09 AM
                        This post is useless. At best, it does absolutely nothing. At worst, it discourages the kind of discussion that Bungie clearly needs. You don't need to be on these forums if you don't want to. Nobody needs you here. If you'd rather discuss the game elsewhere, then go ahead, but you can't tell a community to just stop talking and expect anything good to happen.

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                        11 Replies
                        • Let's use your logic. Enjoy the forums for what they are and represent or delete the app, stop visiting the forums and get you a can of shut it all the way up. That's just if we're using your logic of course.

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                        • Edited by Bucket of Tears: 10/22/2014 1:12:21 PM
                          I don't know why people are saying they are entitled to a specific standard of game because they paid their money for one forced you to buy the game, it was your choice. If you don't trust companies then next time wait a few days until the game is reviewed before spending your money. If you aren't satisfied provide constructive criticism to help make it better. But don't go and say you are entitled to a game, because you aren't.

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                        • Edited by DedCrow: 10/22/2014 1:29:25 PM
                          You got my support, Ratt1eHead. +1

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                        • [quote] If you have such great ideas, why aren't you writing/ making games?[/quote] Seriously ?

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                          • Edited by NoctisEverto: 10/22/2014 1:08:06 PM
                            to be honest, its because they hate themselves, and they dont even know it. So the object of their life is to make everyone elses miserable. lol issues exist yeah i agree, but nothing near gamebreaking. Hell- I use everything and I never knew any of these were "problems" until somone here labeled them as such... lol but even that doesnt make it true. Think about most of the CoD community, they hate themselves and live fast, die young, how do they play? probably run n gun, mindlessly, dying mindlessly. :) Of course, just my opinions and observations.

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                          • You do realize if you let a high end game like this get away with over promises and lack of content it paves the way for everyone else. The gaming industry is declining in quality because we let them get away with it. Destiny is pretty good for the most part but we can't let the problems they have given us slide. It's not so much bungie but more about the industry as a whole. So the people "bitching" are the people that actually care rather than let an industry drop in standard and manipulate gamers for money.

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                          • A SJW APPEARS! IT USES NICE GUY GUILT TRIP RAY..... IT'S NOT VERY EFFECTIVE..... Here's the truth about Destiny. Bread and circuses. BREAD AND CIRCUSES.

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                          • [quote]entitled[/quote] There's that word again. Why does nobody seem to understand that a [i]video game[/i] is supposed to be [i]fun[/i]. It's not supposed to feel like a chore. It's not unreasonable or unexpected to see so many people complaining about Exotic nerfs in light of the amount of work they put in to get those Exotics. No, they're not "entitled" to anything, but Bungie is not doing a very good job of supporting a fun and rewarding experience when they make changes like that to the game.

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                            3 Replies
                            • This is a joke, right... Bungie ship out a game that has not even been finished, has repetitive Campaign Mission's and an un-balance system for PvP and PvE, and you are happy with it. Further more, you are complaining about people complaining, some thing I believe they have a right to. Think of it this way, we are talking about a company that made Halo, Halo 2 and Halo 3, these are some of the best game ever made. The look at Halo 3 ODST, this would have been a great game, instead it is a good game, because Bungie did not finish it. Multiplayer Matchmaking. The we get on to Halo Reach, nothing at all like the book, it even went so far away from the book, they almost re-invented it. Whilst this was a game finished (I think, at least), Bungie still found a way to ruin it. They created a legal cheat in the game, then -blam!-ed it up even further (in my opinion) with the community map's. Instead of creating a separate play list for normal map's and Community, they put it all in to one. The reason I stopped playing Halo Reach. Then we get on to Destiny, where we all can be Legend. Or bored to death before level 30. So, what is wrong with Destiny. For me, it is the unnecessary need for farming, some thing I really hate, a solution for this would be a trade shop in the tower. Then there is the Tracker, which is a steaming pile of shit, which is almost useless, and to me ruin's PvP completely, it even make PvE tedious at time's. I am not going to rattle on here, but I will finish off with Vanguard and Crucible. I disagreed with this at first, but since the recent nerf on Auto's and Shotgun's, I am starting to lean toward's it more. PvP and PvE gear should become have/separate item's, we have serious PvP'rs and we have serious PvE'rs. Different faction's, with different Armour and Weapon's, almost like it is now. But with one big different, a levelling system for PvP. Crucible Rank's, if you will. Possibly Four, but more likely Three. Obviously Rank One is entry level, where you can buy your Armour and Weapon's, Rank Three would be for fully kitted out High end PvP'rs (the serious one's) and Rank Two can be for people with half a set, that are not too serious about PvP, Casual type.

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                            • This bungie has never created a game. You are thinking of the bungie of old. bungie is the one that told us how much the game had to offer and did not deliver

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