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Edited by wtf mfw o______O: 10/26/2014 5:53:13 AM

"I WILL SUE YOU!" more desticle hate mail. (5 pages so far)

This one was so lengthy, I could not fit it into the hate mail topic. This guy goes through great lengths to either impress me and/or scare me. It's kind of sad and I genuinely feel sorry for him. I removed his name for fear of a lawsuit. [spoiler][redacted] 1h 26m ago If you had a decent education and a life, you'd have something better to do than troll the same forum constantly. Guess low life trailer trash will always be trailer trash. wtf mfw o______O 44m ago I am getting a decent education, unfortunately the classes I am currently taking require a lot of time utilizing the computer. I often get my assignments done and am left with nothing else to do. But don't you fret, once next semester starts, I doubt I'll have time to grace the forums with my presence. In fact, I'll probably have to quit my job in order to keep up. Engineering degrees usually call for many sacrifices to be made. [redacted] 18m ago It's unfortunate that all the money your spending on college is worthless. I spent 12 years in the military and now clear 120k yearly working in private security. Sad that your degree will never get you close to that. I can speak from experience, my mom has an engineering degree and clears around 70k, enjoy paying those students loans. Still hasn't given you an intelligence level high enough to realize trolling shows your not mature enough for forum access. [redacted] 18m ago Especially when your not even playing the game associated with the forum. wtf mfw o______O 10m ago First of all, let me start out by saying that if what you say is true about the military, then you have my thanks for serving our country. I do not believe you about the private security salary. Fortunately, I have an advantage over other people. I will not have to pay any loans because of a grant I am receiving. So I don't have to worry about paying off debts. By the way, I don't consider my topics to be trolling, but satire. My goal is to provide amusement for other people, which I do. Only some insecure users take offense to them. Some are so desperate that they take to messaging me in an attempt to convince me of my inadequacy. When that happens, I usually feel as if they are reflecting what they see in themselves. wtf mfw o______O 9m ago By the way, is attacking users you don't like through PMs a thing for you? [redacted] 1h 23m ago I have the right to message anyone I choose, deal with it. Secondly, there are NO grants that cover the full cost of tuition. You should do some research into private security. When you are fortunate enough to get a job with a large ocean cargo company, you tend to get paid extremely well. I can tell that your low class mentality cause you to think private security means mall cop or bank security. wtf mfw o______O 1h 0m ago I'm not denying your right to message anybody you choose, I'm just saying you seem rather obsessed. If you have such a well-paying job, why do you care about what a supposedly low-class degenerate such as myself thinks? It's why I think you are trying to impress me. But instead I feel kind of bad for you, which is a shame because those who serve in our military deserve our admiration, not our pity. [redacted] 19m ago Trying to n impress you? The lowlife who's posting on the forums for a game he doesn't even play? Keep your pity dumb ass, I'd beat you to death if we met in person, simply based on your complete ignorance as to why people would message you. You have NO right to post on the forums when your just trolling. [redacted] 17m ago And if you knew anything, you know that both Playstation network and Xbox live, along with all the developers consider trolling a violation of their respective user agreements, I've already blocked messages from you, so I know your doing something to continue messaging me which means I can report you. Enjoy your ignorance, it will get you killed. *after switching to one of my main accounts* o______________o 4m ago The fact that you would enact violence upon somebody for something they said on the internet is unsettling, and I haven't even attacked you. It speaks volumes about your psyche. Are you experience PSTD? There is help for that. I know you do not believe me, but I am not attempting to troll you. I am simply trying to help you. Also, Bungie is not in charge of Xbox live or PSN. You can report me all you want, but they will not ban people for PMs unless they are threatening in nature. In fact, DeeJ famously refused to ban somebody who was threatening to r@pe a user's child, simply because his message was in a PM. Sick isn't it? It seems like Bungie is not the company I once loved. But, I digress, I'm getting off-topic. I have no hostility towards you and I really wish you wouldn't show hostility towards me or other users. Your temper is a serious problem and you should get help. I saw that your paranoia has already spread to PSN, where you are seeing hackers everywhere: (The next part was copied using my phone, so the timestamps are missing.) [Redacted]Keep analyzing people, that's guaranteed to get you nowhere, except maybe a good old fashioned ass beating. o______________o:  I think we are getting off on the wrong foot. Perhaps we could settle this hostility in the crucible? [Redacted] And you do realize that I have a lawsuit filed that YouTube account. It is a violation of federal to post videos containing audio that does not belong to you. That user has also been Permanently banned from PSN. o______________o: Strange, he was in my party earlier. I added him after seeing the video. Do you think he hacked psn's ban system? Anyway, how about my crucible offer? I suck at crucible, so you should be satisfied after kicking my ass. I know it's not the same as violently beating somebody to death, as you would like to do, but it's the next best thing right? [Redacted] Really? So I'm supposed to believe you'd play legit, but you refuse to use your online profile account for the forums? And you claim to have played with an individual who has violated Playstation user agreement and YouTube policy, wow, your probably the dumbest person on these forums. o______________o: My psn handle is explodingpiglets. I do have a linked account, it's the longface account with 14 underscores. And define legit. I know not the first thing about hacking. [Redacted] Anyone who spends their free time trolling online forums certainly isn't to be respected or trusted. But, like I said, I already muted your account and blocked you, which means your harassing me and obviously don't possess a legit account. So, I'm just supposed to believe that's your account, but you use this one so people can't see your stats?99% of the people with multiple accounts for 1 service are usually guilty of violating some part of the user agreements. o______________o:Hold on, I'll sign into it. Better yet, get on psn and I'll invite you. And to be fair, do you blame me for taking measures to protect myself against people who threaten to kill me? [Redacted]I think you take those measures to try and avoid being banned for hacking or harassment. o______________o: Seriously though, why are you so hostile? [Redacted]Keep harassing me, guess your too ignorant to realize what your doing. Try reading the messages. And hostile? When someone like you doesn't actually play the game yet you feel obligated to post on the forums and I should be polite? Or should I ignore the fact that you further violated federal law and Bungie user agreements when you shared an illegal video from YouTube?Like said, your account couldn't be legit since I blocked messages from you. Clearly you have found a way around those settings, just makes it clear how eager you are for a prison sentence. o______________o: Ok, now you are just a common troll. On the off chance that you are serious, then that's downright sad. [Redacted]You really think it works like that huh?It's pretty easy, I've already proven to Bungie that I blocked you and your still managing to message me. Obviously, you have no life. I feel sorry for pieces of shit like you who will never be truly debt free. o______________o: Btw, if you are so concerned about my debt, can you send some money my way? I think you owe it to me, you hurt my low-class mwntality and caused psychological stress. So it's only fair that you pay for the damages. o______________o: See look, I'm so upset, it's affecting my ability to spell. [Redacted]I wouldn't pay you to clean up dog shit, you don't deserve it. Keep proving you can't handle when people know what you really are. o______________o: I can't handle anymore. Sorry man, I may have to take you to cybercourt. (there's more but I don't have time to post it now.) [/spoiler] [url=]part 2[/url] [url=]Part 3.[/url] [url=]part 4[/url] [url=]Part 5[/url]

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  • By any means could I get his username?

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    • Wtf???? Why are you arguing with some dude about salary and your education? Who gives a -blam!- what he think of you or you think of him. Why would you waste your time even typing all that out and explaining it and one upping each other? -blam!-in people. Oh and one more thing. Someone immature enough to go back and forth with a stranger, knocking there education and occupation and one upping the whole time, I seriously doubt is mature enough to hold down a good job. But who knows in our wack society these days. But I could be wrong. Jeez people suck.

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      • TL;DR [spoiler]op* = fgt( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler][spoiler]* = [redacted][/spoiler]

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      • Bump because why not :3

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      • With a threatening attitude like that it's scary he's in a position of power with a gun.(probably)

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      • This is hilarious

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      • Densitards...

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      • I actually think I just lost brain cells

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      • So it starts with a K.... Can someone just pm me the user so i can hopefully re-educate him

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        5 Replies
        • That dudes a piece of shit. Just because he says he served the army doesn't mean he isn't a loser.

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        • I need his name.

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        • Lmao. We could be great friends.

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        • This thread is full of gay.

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          • I love our military and our soldiers, but a good portion of soldiers, and no offense here, are quite stupid. If this man really is military (which he isn't, if he was he would have more discipline) he is one of those.

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            • I seem to have gained a rather large amount of new found respect for you

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            • Well. This is interesting. Although, sadly, not the first time on the forums I've seen people claim neutral conversation to be harassment.

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            • Better than twiling

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            • This is amazing lmao

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            • And this is why I hate people

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            • Edited by Thanatos: 10/28/2014 3:46:00 AM
              So he contacted me as well. Here's the conversation. [spoiler] (Him)Are you referring to the offtopic army that is currently under investigation. How many pussies does it take to attack 1 user? Obviously, quite a few. But, none of them are mature enough to say anything if we meet in person. (Him)You do understand that the conversations that have occurred on offtopic against me, are considered acts of terrorism. Hahaha, you little kids are -blam!-ing pathetically ignorant. (Me)Currently under investigation? I am unaware of anything of the sort. Also, I have no idea how any (possibly imagined) conversations against you specifically can in any way be considered acts of terrorism. Maybe you could enlighten me to these things, as well as what I specifically said, since I've said a lot of things recently. Oh, and if you are the person that Longface has been talking about, you may want to quit now, you'll find me far less friendly. (Him)Are you really that -blam!-ing stupid? A post containing my username, illegally, receives dozens of comments in an harassment manner and you think that's appropriate? And until charges are filed you won't be notified of anything. But I guess after my attorney looked at all the information available, he chose to pursue the case without any reason huh? Stupid -blam!-ing douchebag. (Him)Sad that it takes several dozen people to attack 1 person online but, I guarantee not one of you little pussies would step up and say a god damn word to my face. Pussy ass trailer trash. (Me)Attack you? I have said nothing against you, except for the fact that you say stupid things. Also, I noticed that you contacted me. I was just going to watch with amusement, but you've prompted me to be a little more involved in teaching you a little respect. Also, I highly doubt that you have any of a case, so you either are lying about a lawsuit or are being strung along by an attorney who wants your money (sadly a common thing these days). (Him)You attacked me by commenting on an illegal produced forum post. Huh, then it will suck for little ignorant -blam!- like you, especially when the lawyer is a family member who destroying people who are too ignorant to behave according to the laws in place. Continue being ignorant, people like you elected Obama and people like will set that mistake right. ( Glitched out, I gave him the actual definition of terrorism here) (Him)See, your ignorance causes you to only read the literal definition. Domestic terrorism can be anything situation where a group of individuals seeks out and attacks another group or individual. Guess they don't really teach anything in the inner city schools, except maybe how to roll a joint and rob liquor stores. (Me)You really are a moron. You make false inflammatory statements toward me (that qualifies as harassment btw, good luck with your case), a person who is clearly far more intelligent than you. Go ahead and bitch, I'm not going to believe any of the shit spewing from your mouth (or, in this case, your fingers). Go harass someone who gives a damn about a neckbeard living in his mom's basement. (Him)Inflammatory statements? So you actually think it's illegal for me to respond and defend myself? Ignorant ghetto trash, just keep showing me what kind of -blam!- ass bitch you are. (Me)You call me ghetto trash, and I clearly have a far better grasp on the English language than you do. If I may ask, what does that make you? (Him)How do you have a better grasp of the English language? Because, you the ignorant mother -blam!-er who thinks it's appropriate to harass someone. I guess your parents failed to raise an intelligent individual, capable of learning right from wrong. (Me)I'm sorry, I don't speak retard. None of what you said makes any sense whatsoever. Please translate all of that to standard English. (Him)Sarcasm now? Weak minded little -blam!-. Guess you better have a lawyer ready to translate when the judge reads the charges to you bitch. (Me)Please explain to me specifically what I'm being charged with. No, wait, in the highly unlikely scenario that you actually find a judge willing to take that "case," I'd rather receive the information from him/her. I'm sure that they would be able to explain your retarded babbling far better than you have. And I'm not being sarcastic, absolutely none of what you said follows in any logical manner. If you want sarcasm, I'd be happy to oblige. (Him)Obviously, your ignorant enough to think it's legal to harass and attack someone online. But, it's not, keep thinking it is though, means I'll have a good laugh when you find out how -blam!-ed you are. (Me) Must... resist...urge... to... correct... your... grammar... In other news, you have killed the last hope I had in humanity. Everything you have said is wildly inaccurate. (Him)Inaccurate? Guess I should believe the words of a lowlife piece of shit. Guess somehow my attorney is less educated than you. Then I guess, Bungie doesn't know their own user agreement but, If that's true, then they would be looking into the situation would they? (Him)The fact that you feel qualified to correct someone's grammar tells me just how little self-esteem you have. Try to get out more often and meet some friends. Might help you mature and learn to act like an adult. (Me)They have too many problems as it is. Also, since you contacted me first, and attacked me with false statements, either you are the only one committing harassment, or we both are. Good luck selling your stupidity to a judge. (Me)That is, if there is any validity to your "I will sue you" crap. (Me) And I doubt there is. (Him) Dumb -blam!-. I have a right to defend myself, you posted comments on a forum post that was discussing my account and was illegally posted. Bungie has already verified that it was illegally posted. I guess a lawyer wouldn't investigate a case if he didn't see any value in it. Stupid bitch. (Me) I fail to see how commenting on a (highly accurate) post about your stupidity is harassment. Please clarify. Also, the right to defend yourself only applies so far as is necessary. I don't see how calling me an ignorant -blam!- is necessary. (Him)So you don't understand that it is illegal to post another person's username? You do understand that my username is protected under Bungie's user agreement and federal law as intellectual property right. That means it was illegal for longface to post it. (Him)But, I guess bungie doesn't know anything about their own user agreement. (Me) Longface didn't post it. That was someone else who created an alt. And I had nothing to do with his decision to post it. Most likely, he got it from the YouTube video . (Him) Ahh, the YouTube video, which was removed when the op found out he was wrong, it's seeing so many ignorant children online, pretty obvious what will happen in this country when your generation is in charge. (Him) And I don't care what his name is, longface has nearly a dozen accounts on this site, all which are being monitored by Bungie. (Him) Clearly your account exist for the sole purpose of harassing other users, considering that it's not linked to an active game account. (Him) I bet you created this account so you could harass me, since you clear have low self-esteem and wouldn't do such a thing in person. [/spoiler] [spoiler] (Me)This account exists because the mods have no sense of humor. I was banned for a satirical thread titled "My Dick is a Desticle." Your generation clearly isn't running the country well, so I don't think you have much room to talk. And let me say it again: The person who posted your username is NOT Longface. It was created by SOMEONE ELSE as an alt. Some people create IMPOSTER accounts for personal amusement. (Him)So, you just proved my point. You don't have the ability to behave like a mature adult and deserve no respect. Thanks for the info. I'll make sure the mods are aware that you have returned after being banned. (Me)Finally, I find it hilarious that you think you are important enough for me to create an account just for you. YOU DO NOT MATTER. YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A FORM OF AMUSEMENT TO ME. DO I HAVE TO KEEP USING ALL CAPS FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING? (Me)They already know. Bobcast knows, Zoob knows, I even admitted it in response to DeeJ. (Me)And I'm posting all of this in Longface's thread, so even more people are laughing at you. (Him) So your admitting to more harassing behavior. And I guarantee Deej and Bungie would not allow you to harass other users. Not unless they want to write me a fat check when I sue them for allowing harassment. (Him) Just another message from you that proves how -blam!-ing worthless you are. People that laugh about harassment are the same sad little pieces of shit that think Treyvon Martin and Michael Brown were wrongfully murdered. Ignorance led to Obama's election and REAL Americans will set things right. There's no room for ignorant pieces of shit like you in this country. (Me) Again, it's not harassment. The definition of harassment: aggressive behavior or intimidation. This is just funny shit said by a complete dumbass. (Him) Dumbass? That's defamation of character, way to add another charge to your growing case. Keep proving how -blam!-ing retarded you are. (Him) Nothing you've said makes me believe your an educated individual. Wouldn't be surprised if every member of your family has never worked for more than minimum wage. [/spoiler] I'll add more.

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              • autolock prevention

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                • Tell this feckin loser to message me too, I'm bored

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                  • Edited by Alduin: 3/9/2015 8:54:12 AM
                    Hand this guy a medal for "Best Threat Maker 2015"

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                  • This is the best thing ever

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                  • Real edgi this is

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                  • Ok guys, he stopped replying. This could mean several things: 1. He suffered cardiac arrest from extreme butthurt. 2. He is currently tracking me down to kill me. 3. He gave up. I'm going to wait another day before I post his last replies.

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