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Edited by wtf mfw o______O: 10/26/2014 5:53:13 AM

"I WILL SUE YOU!" more desticle hate mail. (5 pages so far)

This one was so lengthy, I could not fit it into the hate mail topic. This guy goes through great lengths to either impress me and/or scare me. It's kind of sad and I genuinely feel sorry for him. I removed his name for fear of a lawsuit. [spoiler][redacted] 1h 26m ago If you had a decent education and a life, you'd have something better to do than troll the same forum constantly. Guess low life trailer trash will always be trailer trash. wtf mfw o______O 44m ago I am getting a decent education, unfortunately the classes I am currently taking require a lot of time utilizing the computer. I often get my assignments done and am left with nothing else to do. But don't you fret, once next semester starts, I doubt I'll have time to grace the forums with my presence. In fact, I'll probably have to quit my job in order to keep up. Engineering degrees usually call for many sacrifices to be made. [redacted] 18m ago It's unfortunate that all the money your spending on college is worthless. I spent 12 years in the military and now clear 120k yearly working in private security. Sad that your degree will never get you close to that. I can speak from experience, my mom has an engineering degree and clears around 70k, enjoy paying those students loans. Still hasn't given you an intelligence level high enough to realize trolling shows your not mature enough for forum access. [redacted] 18m ago Especially when your not even playing the game associated with the forum. wtf mfw o______O 10m ago First of all, let me start out by saying that if what you say is true about the military, then you have my thanks for serving our country. I do not believe you about the private security salary. Fortunately, I have an advantage over other people. I will not have to pay any loans because of a grant I am receiving. So I don't have to worry about paying off debts. By the way, I don't consider my topics to be trolling, but satire. My goal is to provide amusement for other people, which I do. Only some insecure users take offense to them. Some are so desperate that they take to messaging me in an attempt to convince me of my inadequacy. When that happens, I usually feel as if they are reflecting what they see in themselves. wtf mfw o______O 9m ago By the way, is attacking users you don't like through PMs a thing for you? [redacted] 1h 23m ago I have the right to message anyone I choose, deal with it. Secondly, there are NO grants that cover the full cost of tuition. You should do some research into private security. When you are fortunate enough to get a job with a large ocean cargo company, you tend to get paid extremely well. I can tell that your low class mentality cause you to think private security means mall cop or bank security. wtf mfw o______O 1h 0m ago I'm not denying your right to message anybody you choose, I'm just saying you seem rather obsessed. If you have such a well-paying job, why do you care about what a supposedly low-class degenerate such as myself thinks? It's why I think you are trying to impress me. But instead I feel kind of bad for you, which is a shame because those who serve in our military deserve our admiration, not our pity. [redacted] 19m ago Trying to n impress you? The lowlife who's posting on the forums for a game he doesn't even play? Keep your pity dumb ass, I'd beat you to death if we met in person, simply based on your complete ignorance as to why people would message you. You have NO right to post on the forums when your just trolling. [redacted] 17m ago And if you knew anything, you know that both Playstation network and Xbox live, along with all the developers consider trolling a violation of their respective user agreements, I've already blocked messages from you, so I know your doing something to continue messaging me which means I can report you. Enjoy your ignorance, it will get you killed. *after switching to one of my main accounts* o______________o 4m ago The fact that you would enact violence upon somebody for something they said on the internet is unsettling, and I haven't even attacked you. It speaks volumes about your psyche. Are you experience PSTD? There is help for that. I know you do not believe me, but I am not attempting to troll you. I am simply trying to help you. Also, Bungie is not in charge of Xbox live or PSN. You can report me all you want, but they will not ban people for PMs unless they are threatening in nature. In fact, DeeJ famously refused to ban somebody who was threatening to r@pe a user's child, simply because his message was in a PM. Sick isn't it? It seems like Bungie is not the company I once loved. But, I digress, I'm getting off-topic. I have no hostility towards you and I really wish you wouldn't show hostility towards me or other users. Your temper is a serious problem and you should get help. I saw that your paranoia has already spread to PSN, where you are seeing hackers everywhere: (The next part was copied using my phone, so the timestamps are missing.) [Redacted]Keep analyzing people, that's guaranteed to get you nowhere, except maybe a good old fashioned ass beating. o______________o:  I think we are getting off on the wrong foot. Perhaps we could settle this hostility in the crucible? [Redacted] And you do realize that I have a lawsuit filed that YouTube account. It is a violation of federal to post videos containing audio that does not belong to you. That user has also been Permanently banned from PSN. o______________o: Strange, he was in my party earlier. I added him after seeing the video. Do you think he hacked psn's ban system? Anyway, how about my crucible offer? I suck at crucible, so you should be satisfied after kicking my ass. I know it's not the same as violently beating somebody to death, as you would like to do, but it's the next best thing right? [Redacted] Really? So I'm supposed to believe you'd play legit, but you refuse to use your online profile account for the forums? And you claim to have played with an individual who has violated Playstation user agreement and YouTube policy, wow, your probably the dumbest person on these forums. o______________o: My psn handle is explodingpiglets. I do have a linked account, it's the longface account with 14 underscores. And define legit. I know not the first thing about hacking. [Redacted] Anyone who spends their free time trolling online forums certainly isn't to be respected or trusted. But, like I said, I already muted your account and blocked you, which means your harassing me and obviously don't possess a legit account. So, I'm just supposed to believe that's your account, but you use this one so people can't see your stats?99% of the people with multiple accounts for 1 service are usually guilty of violating some part of the user agreements. o______________o:Hold on, I'll sign into it. Better yet, get on psn and I'll invite you. And to be fair, do you blame me for taking measures to protect myself against people who threaten to kill me? [Redacted]I think you take those measures to try and avoid being banned for hacking or harassment. o______________o: Seriously though, why are you so hostile? [Redacted]Keep harassing me, guess your too ignorant to realize what your doing. Try reading the messages. And hostile? When someone like you doesn't actually play the game yet you feel obligated to post on the forums and I should be polite? Or should I ignore the fact that you further violated federal law and Bungie user agreements when you shared an illegal video from YouTube?Like said, your account couldn't be legit since I blocked messages from you. Clearly you have found a way around those settings, just makes it clear how eager you are for a prison sentence. o______________o: Ok, now you are just a common troll. On the off chance that you are serious, then that's downright sad. [Redacted]You really think it works like that huh?It's pretty easy, I've already proven to Bungie that I blocked you and your still managing to message me. Obviously, you have no life. I feel sorry for pieces of shit like you who will never be truly debt free. o______________o: Btw, if you are so concerned about my debt, can you send some money my way? I think you owe it to me, you hurt my low-class mwntality and caused psychological stress. So it's only fair that you pay for the damages. o______________o: See look, I'm so upset, it's affecting my ability to spell. [Redacted]I wouldn't pay you to clean up dog shit, you don't deserve it. Keep proving you can't handle when people know what you really are. o______________o: I can't handle anymore. Sorry man, I may have to take you to cybercourt. (there's more but I don't have time to post it now.) [/spoiler] [url=]part 2[/url] [url=]Part 3.[/url] [url=]part 4[/url] [url=]Part 5[/url]

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  • .... This really makes me want a PS3/PS4

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    Blam, keep this brilliance coming!

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    • Lol, whats this dude's name? I wanna message him

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    • What is a desticle?

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    • Part 7?

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      • Lol just lol

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      • >Security Company >120,000 salary He's so full of shit I can smell it from here >Engineering degree >70,000 salary Because that's soooo much money.

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      • Doesn't muting just disable notifications? I had a guy spamming me on here so i muted him. I still got messages, they just didn't constantly spam my phone notifications

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      • >opens spoiler in mobile app >app crashes I think the pure stupidity in those posts broke my phone.

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      • Well guys, it appears our resident sangheili dominatrix got a whiff of this guy's scent and she went after him. [spoiler] Jane: You are a feisty human aren't you? tell me, how would you like to -blam!- a female sangheili such as myself? I'm in heat and my eggs need to be fertilized. [Redacted]:Thanks for the harassing message. Considering I didn't post my user on the public forum, another user did, Bungie is aware of the post all messages I receive are considered harassment. Enjoy being banned for failing to be it intelligent and mature enough to act like an adult.: Jane:  I'm not harassing you human, I am seducing you. Don't bother hiding, a female sangehieli and sense a fertile male from thousands of miles away. I will be coming for you, then your seed is mine, even if I have to chain you up. [Redacted]: These are harassing messages. Did I ask you to message me? No, I didn't. And you've already been reported to bungie. Enjoy remaining an ignorant, ghetto dwelling piece of shit. Jane:  You will change your tune once I shove my slimy reptilian breasts into your face. [/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Thanatos: 1/6/2015 2:29:24 AM
          Ignore post

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        • *murica

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        • Part 6: The downfall of pontiac [spoiler]o______________o Sun I think you need some love. [redacted] Sun I think you need to read a few books on behaving like a mature adult. I highly doubt you'd understand some of the more complicated words they would use but, you could at least try to be good at something for once in your life. o______________o Sun What are your favorite books? My favorite series is Twilight. It's such a great story! o______________o Sun Awww, you unlinked your account. [redacted] Sun Actually I didn't. Bungie didn't enjoy hearing that you claim to have permission to harass players from 2 bungie employees [redacted] Sun They were real quick to take action after seeing your repeated harassment. o______________o Sun Bungie employees don't unlink users' accounts. :P BTW, people are laughing at you again. [redacted] Sun Let them laugh. My account must have been unlined by you or one of your fellow lowlife scumbags. [redacted] Sun Am I supposed to care that members of Obama nation are laughing at the actions of a mature, educated adult? [redacted] Sun What's really funny is finding out that Deej isn't aware of your multiple, unlinked accounts that you use to harass people. Guess I'll be gather personal information on several more people this week. o______________o Sun Tell me my name. :) o______________o Sun Btw, DeeJ one told me "Don't change". I took that to heart. [redacted] Sun Do you honestly think I would disclose anything I've learned from you? I guess you would, since your dumb enough to post private messages and my personal information on the off site. That off site btw isn't protected by the constitution and deleting anything you posted there doesn't permanently remove it. [redacted] Sun Do you know what happened to the last company, person or group of people to harass a current or former military member? [redacted] Sun That company was Pontiac motors, who shut down in early 2010. Keep thinking your untouchable, it will just be much more satisfying when I watch you being led away in handcuffs. o______________o Sun Let me guess: you took them to court and won? Got them jailed? some other fabricated victory? Btw, I cannot delete posts on the offsite. I believe I mentioned this already, but I guess I should compensate for your deficit of reading comprehension. Unrelated question: what do you think of farming? o______________o Sun (farming as in the context of video games) [redacted] Sun In regards to Pontiac, they repeatedly refused to honor their vehicle warranties and then harassed military members who filed complaints. The United States government revoked their business license and tax license, making it impossible to maintain an operational company. Kind of hard to sell cars and run dealerships in that situation. o______________o Sun You are really good at this, I am impressed.(If you ARE trolling...) [redacted] Sun Like I've said before, I'm far more intelligent and educated than you. o______________o Sun Clearly. Dude, we should seriously play on Destiny sometime and see how many players fall for this. [redacted] Sun Fall for what? Your ignorance and willingness to constantly harass other users? Or your scumbag attitude? Either way, your just a piece of shit that will never accomplish anything worthwhile in your miserable little life. o______________o Sun You're right.....I'm a miserable failure. Can you teach me how to be successful like you? Add me on psn! o______________o Sun You can analyze the timbre of my voice abd use your high tech voice recognition to identify me. :D o______________o Sun Btw, nchunter90 is on psn right now, talking to me about you.[/spoiler]

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          • Bump

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            • You sir, have been friend requested.

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            • This is the best thing I have read in a very long time. Mr. Longface, I wish I had a playstation so we could be friends.

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            • I know that this is an old post, but an you please PM me this guy's name? I wanna say hello.

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            • Edited by Chryspii: 1/6/2015 2:35:31 AM
              So old... So great :P

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            • Can someone please, for the love of god, teach this brainless crotch pheasant the difference between "your" and "you're". Seeing him misuse those words over and over and over again really makes me want to kiss hands and shake babies. That is all.

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            • I read this all. I -blam!-ing love you.

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            • This post will be forever saved in my bookmarks.

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            • Didnt read topkek

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            • Fear of lawsuit? Since when can you be sued for posting on the Internet?

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            • ? :D

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            • That was gold.

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            • By any means could I get his username?

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