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Edited by The Cryptard: 11/15/2014 9:18:18 AM

The daily grind of a Dreg..

0030 hours - I ran out from a corner I was hiding behind in a rusty old plane... Next thing I knew I was laying unconscious on the ground and my forehead was burnt... 0120 hours - I was minding my own business jumping from the second story of a large abandoned ship to the first repeatedly when I heard the unmistakable sound of sniper bullets whistling by my head... I jumped behind a wall and watched as my fallen comrades heads exploded. 0342 hours - I decided today was the day I would gather enough courage to melee attack that stupid hunter that always takes my spinmetal from the cool chest my father gave me. I saw him enter my cave dwelling and jumped forward to smack him down. He turned invisible and I woke up 3 hours later... My spinmetal is gone. 0651 hours - I was riding my pike around trying to get some breeze and take some time away from all the pressure that butthole captain has been putting on me... 3 guys ambushed me from an old building and took my pike... I barely remember seeing one of them tea bag me while the others danced before I slipped into unconsciousness yet again. 0912 hours - I was shooting some Hive scum that tried to recently invade our recreational area, they smell bad and kinda look like walking crabs with poop smeared on them. Little did I know there was a Titan trying to fulfill some mission given to him... He ran in and punched us all in the face, when we woke up the Hive had stolen our pizzas and video game consoles... 1203 hours - I can't take it anymore... I have mild brain trauma from the repeated concussions given to me throughout my stay here... It's time to head to Venus! I hear it's pretty awesome. 1646 hours - arrived at Venus, was checking out some cool old abandoned vehicles. All I remember is flashes of tea bags and dances while several guys farmed spirit blooms around our lifeless bodies... Shoulda never left the cosmodrome.... A new day begins... 0531 hours - I woke up after hiding in a random cave in Venus all night, guardians are starting to get more aggressive every time I encounter them... 0709 hours - I managed to pick off a guardian today!! I smacked him in the back while a few of my vandal buddies sniped him over and over! Chalk this one up as a win, to celebrate we shot his ghost orb for like a solid 10 seconds until he respawned and ran away like a punk. DREG - 1 GUARDIANS - 18361819381615 0955 hours - I was staring off into space, minding my own business, when I saw a few titans pull up in the distance on their sparrows! I started strafing back and forth as hard as I could since I was out in the open... It wasn't long before one of them shot me with a rocket launcher though... The part that made me upset was he said "haha, overkill" like I was no big deal!!! I crawled away, a little burnt and bruised, but I'll be back!! 1241 hours - I've decided to listen to my dad and see what the moon has to offer! I heard these guys get easy shifts and the food is amazing.. Only problem is I'm pretty sure I heard someone say the place is infested by those crab guys... You know, the HIVE idiots. -here's to new experiences!! 1639 hours - welp, I'm on the moon... Guess what? 142 tea bags, 8 fights with HIVE, 431 punches to the face, 28 rockets fired at me, 177 people danced when they killed my friends, and now I just stubbed my toe on a crater... When will it ever end? The moon, what a wonderful place!! 0731 hours - I've been hiding in a remote section of the moon base we established. Guardians tend to stray from here and there's no Hive things in sight! Last night we played poker (it's alien poker... So you wouldn't understand) and I won 50 glimmer!! 0912 hours - well, turns out the "remote place" I was staying in was actually the opening to a strike the guardians frequent... I managed to play dumb and hid behind a large generator when they came in swarms!! I just acted dead and threw a green engram on the ground in hopes to distract them. It took me a few hours to put that piece of junk gun in all of that snot... 1047 hours - I managed to find a semi-peaceful spot. There's a servitor near by that sounds like a half broke 80's Mac computer with gas. It's hard to focus on my daily workouts of jumping on and off of platforms with all of its weird sounding fart noises. Everyone else seems to worship those guys!! Well, I just heard it explode and now guardians are coming.... That didn't last long. 1255 hours - the captain called for reinforcements earlier, they sent in a devil walker... It lasted a total of 12.3 seconds before exploding into a fiery mess. We all ran in fear as we watched a wizard even come back from the dead! What are these guys!? I'm starting to believe it's just not safe in this solar system. 1342 hours - a human tried to hug me today... I punched her in the face and ran away, they do realize they smell like that, right? It's so pungent and lingering... It's like they are a bunch of zombies brought back from the dead after a few hundred years of decay by some unexplained force in the cosmos!... Wait... 1633 hours - there's this new assignment my captain wanted me to take, he says it'll give me the experience I need to get to that next level!! I think he wants to see me become a fallen major some day!! He mentioned the vex and Venus though... I really didn't like that place at all... Oh well, the show must go on!!... This look like a job for.... (Dramatic pause) Dreg! The Dreg... (Were you expecting something cool?) Dreg update - I found a burrito in an old abandoned room today. It was just sitting in a refrigerator, looking at me with such intensity that I had to reach out and touch it. This human food may be the answer to an alliance, if only everyone could just dive into the beauty that is a burrito... Well peace is an understatement. I enjoyed the burrito, every bite was a tip-toe dance towards ecstasy. I farted so hard later that day I knocked another Dreg off his pike. He threw up too. Epic. Updated!! Oct21 Updated!! Oct22 [b]Dreg the Dreg lost his comms!! Now he needs you to find him in the Destiny world!! Dreg's challenge - take a snapshot of your guardian with a Dreg in game and post it to raise awareness for Dreg's everywhere![/b] Find more cool posts like this by joining our [u]Xbox ONE clan! NewMonarchs![/u]

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  • 1950 hours: Arrived back on Earth after passing out on Venus. I was happy to be back in a familiar place, even if I do get shot at and t-bagged on a daily basis. The one thing I didn't miss was the captain, he chewed me out so hard for leaving Earth that I was actually praying for that hunter to slice me open. In the midst of getting verbally abused, the sky darkened and a notification popped up in the sky. "Public event inbound," eliminate extraction crews it said. "What is going on captain?" "It seems that our reinforcements are here." said the captain. "Why does it say to defeat them?" I was about to finish that sentence when a pulse grenade landed by my feet. Unable to react, I desperately shot my shock pistol at nothing for a few seconds and was sent flying from the explosion. As I recovered, I looked up and saw a multitude of guardians slaying our reinforcements. That pesky hunter was here again- slicing open my fellow brothers at lightning speed. The captain, being the dutiful Fallen he is, charged at the hunter- only to be flattened by a nova bomb from the level 30 voidwalker. "We're doomed" I thought as I witnessed my species get annihilated by 3 guardians. Then I got ran over by a sparrow. [spoiler]to be continued...[/spoiler]

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