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Edited by Zucchinilicios : 10/20/2014 2:09:16 AM





Do you want to pay for content that's already in the game? If you already bought it you would get a refund. To clarify this is not about buying new DLC, this is about the content that is already on the disc. For example : The Jovian Complex, Kings Watch, The Seraphim Vault, The Citadel, and others. All of these areas are accessible and most have dead ghosts, some even have killable enemies making the only thing stopping you from playing in these areas is a last minute slapped on $35 barrier. This is not [b]downloadable content[/b], it's already there. Edit 1: Thanks to Rexlucem I was able to clarify some things. Edit 2: This is not about my income and how I'm "Broke" because I'm not. I bought the season pass when I preordered the game. I'm just angry that the "downloadable content" is already on the disc and ready to be played. The only thing stopping us is a hastily placed barrier. Edit 3: Added YouTube example.
#Destiny #dlc #Raid

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  • No one cares, all games do it now because of the huge size of data, putting placeholders and basic designs allows the DLC to just go on top and not require such a huge data increase/download for the update. There is features on any system that are not included when you get a device/software, some of it scrapped and never finished, others as stated above. Learn a bit more about how coding and designing are done and this all makes perfect sense. (and the ghosts were thrown in there for Bungie to track who is going into said areas btw)

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    • You're going to pay regardless of your opinion. It's Activision.

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      3 Replies
      • I'm sure if they opened those areas up right now they'd be real playable....smh...

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        • This is done all of the time, its not hard to understand.

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          • Because having an area with a few unaccessable area's in the game means they're entirely 100% entirely finished area's, complete with activities, AI pathing, Missions, gear, etc.

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            • Dude seriously? Dlc and dlc in game content is the same. There is no difference. The areas are not completed man. You may be able to enter them but that doesn't mean that's their final form. Or maybe it is. But obviously you haven't seen that they said it's not finished and they are still working on it. What's the difference between disc locked content and dlc that you download. Either way you pay for it.

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              • Here is your license agreement. [i]"Bungie may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Program at any time. Bungie may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Program without notice or liability. You have no interest, monetary or otherwise, in any feature or content contained in the Program."[/i] You agreed to it. Yes, you did. Read the first paragraph.

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                9 Replies
                • DeeJ said the content was't ready yet, and I believe him.They set the groundwork for the DLC areas and have been fleshing them out since the game came out.That's why the expansion is coming out so soon.The developers finished the game, got bored, and decided to start working on DLC to make sure it was smooth and ready for launch when it was time.

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                  4 Replies
                  • So where are the strikes and raids in these areas? Have they found out how to start them yet? Because I'd like to get a head start on everyone else. Oh wait you can't? Because they are just [b]placeholders[/b] that will be filled later by dlc? So they are just empty areas with no purpose? Wow! I'd really like access to those right now because I paid for those empty areas that have nothing to do in them!

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                    • Its not ready to play, its ready to explore and move around, but not ready like the other missions are.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Your poll makes no sense... DLC: yes/no? What about the DLC? Do I answer the question in your first sentence? Or second? It's just very confusing. I'm not buying the DLC tho. (As of now)

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                        • The blam-ing content is already on the disc. Why pay 30$ or whatever for something that's already on the disc? This is the reason why there are so many pirates out there. Most people stop supporting video game companies because of this. Others are blind and say "shut up and take my money"

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                          • Sadly I already payed for it with my Guardian edition, if I hadn't I wouldn't pay for something twice.

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                            2 Replies
                            • I put NO but technically I already bought it with the Digital Guardian Edition :( If I had only bought a physical copy of the game I wouldn't even be playing anymore let alone buying DLC.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Edited by Rexlucem: 10/20/2014 10:51:49 AM
                                Do I want dlc and more content added to this game? Yes, absolutely I do, and I am willing to pay for it. Am I upset that I paid $60 for a game that has additional content on the disk that I am unable to access without paying more? Yes, if I buy a game I want access to all the content on the disk, period.

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                                5 Replies
                                • brewtal is a moron..... Bungie released an unfinished game and had us pay 60 for it... thats a lemon law issue...

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                                  15 Replies
                                  • As i've already stated multiple times, if their $20 DLC is small ass areas we currently have on the disk plus a raid then they can go f*ck themselves. If we get a new planet, 6+ new strikes, 1-2 raids, a new sub class then i'd be okay with it and probably buy that thing day one

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                                    • Edited by Jebus Kreist: 10/20/2014 9:44:45 AM
                                      It's on the disk in incomplete fragments and partially coded/incomplete. If you feel like playing in an early playstation 2 modeled area of the game, or an area that has no coding or enemy AI/tactics coded onto it be my guest. They already stated that they are placeholders, or incomplete. How about you go up the Terminus gravlift and complete that strike...[i] oh wait it's not complete...[/i] I'll just pay for them to finish all this nice content and have access to it while you run the same 5 strikes hoping to get an exotic with that 0.5% chance to get one, and then nothing to do with it.

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                                      • If it gets me another 100 hours of fun, IDGAF if its on disc or not

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • So all of this content is on the disc already? Wow.. here I was thinking there would be new Raids, strikes, Raid Gear, Crucible ranks, Vanguard Ranks, and crucible maps to be enjoyed... Man it's crazy how much information I missed while I was trolling/ not thinking....oh wait that was just you.. whew I guess I'm good. I'll enjoy the DLC while you don't bother with it cause you don't pay any attention.

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                                        • Edited by Zucchinilicios : 10/20/2014 2:53:49 AM
                                          More YouTube examples. Props to Adoptionism, Nowise10, and HOGVtv. Seraphim Vault [url][/url] Terminus [url][/url] Chamber of Night [url][/url] Dusk Warrens & Traitors Ketch [url][/url]

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                                          • I just dont understand why its such a big deal when they started doing this back in 2012 with Bf3 release and even before that. Did people just now realize this?

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                                          • Is "The Junction " on venus part of any of this?

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                                            3 Replies
                                            • 1
                                              Wow 35$? If only I had the time to bitch about the value of my 35$ dollars.

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                                              15 Replies
                                              • These locations were obviously not finished. See any mobs? Any material or chest spawns? Complete terrain, textures, objects? No.

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                                                4 Replies
                                                • They do not owe you the dlc for free no matter if it was made before the release of the game at all or locked on the disc. You do realize that this is not the first game to do this, nor will be the last game to do it either. And yes it is still dlc, dlc does not mean that every piece of the content has to be only downloaded. dlc is now really means paid for content. Not just downloaded only content. Not their fault if you dont like it.

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