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Edited by Paralakz: 10/19/2014 2:05:14 PM

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - 10/17 Weekly Update

Firstly, let me preface this by saying that I love this game. I bought a Destiny Edition PS4 bundle EXCLUSIVELY for Destiny and figured I'd get some other games along the way, (Shadow of Mordor and Don't Starve, so far) which my fiancee laments because I never touch them and she'd have liked the money for them. I don't want this to turn into a massive flamefest where I just sit here and trash Bungie/Destiny, so I'm going to look at things I see in varying degrees of success or failure. I'd like to make this a weekly thing and hopefully it can create a bridge of communication with Bungie to allow them the opportunity to react to their own announcements before it's too late. Without further ado, let's begin. [u][b]The Good:[/b][/u] [b]Balance Philosophy[/b] - I think the quote Bungie posted on balance is perfect. The idea that they are looking at balance as a venn diagram rather than strictly linear equality makes me hopeful for the future of PVP in this game. For those of you clamoring for more options, more playlists etc, know that their outlook on balance says a lot about the way they're looking at the future of the game. This looks to mean great things for us. [b]Vex Mythoclast[/b] - The Vex never needed a PVE nerf. Not a little one, not a big one, not one at all. However, it got one. Were the game not so young I might skip this and blame Bungie for the original change, but it's going to take some working together with the players to get the kinks of balance worked out together. Allow them some growing room, guys; they're obviously trying to fix it, they just need to find the right path. [u][b]The Bad:[/b][/u] [b]Atheon[/b] - The Atheon ENCOUNTER needs no changing whatsoever. If a raid is about learning from new experiences and the final boss is about putting that all together then Atheon as he stands (NOT as he falls, currently) is perfect. You learned how deadly oracles were during the Templar Encounter and that your shield has some pretty neat abilities and solutions to the problems oracles provide. You then learned about what the shield can do in terms of melee combat during the Gatekeeper phase of the Atheon Encounter. Now you've got to put it altogether (along with the other things you've learned) and work with your team to fight Atheon. You've got your shield guy(s), your defenders, your high DPS void burn guys, you're ready and you all know what your role is. But then none of it matters because, contrary to their own design philosophy (see upcoming quote), Bungie has decided to remove those roles and add in some rolls (You see it's funny, because dice are random and you roll dice. Get it?). [quote]It's about the group dynamic. It's not just about a casual dynamic. It's about an understanding of people committed to playing the roles in raids. And preparing. With raids, you don't just jump into them. You've got to prepare before you go in, and decide, what are you doing? What am I doing? Let's all talk about it in orbit. Okay, what role are you going to play? Well, I'm an x Titan, whatever type of Titan I am, and I'm going to be defensive and hold positions. And, have you played this before? Yeah, I found success when I did it this way[/quote] - Jonty Barnes (Special thanks to redditor AudioVisualize for posting this.) Wait, what? So we're supposed to sit in orbit and discuss those roles ahead of time, but during Atheon it's all willy-nilly and you might have half the people who know the relic but all three of them could be on the outside? That's ridiculous and obtuse. In no raiding game do the roles simply get randomized. This needs to be addressed. [u][b]The Ugly:[/b][/u] [b]Communication[/b] - It would have been so easy to list the Atheon changes here and just go on-and-on about them forever and how ugly they are, because they're pretty ugly. However, I believe they're a symptom of something far uglier - a sincere gap in communication between Bungie and the player base. Your player base told you changes needed to come to the PVP, that we needed communication possibilities, raid matchmaking and more varied daily tasks. You gave us a shifty announcement that MAYBE we'd get some of that, and a whole mess of things we didn't want. Among those things are this obtuse, contrarian change to Atheon, the PVE side nerf of the Vex, the Queen's event which was just level 28 version of quests we already have to do far too often and the Iron Banner which sounded so much better than it functioned. On the topic of the raid alone, there are a few examples of the splotchy communication you guys are offering to us. [u]Message:[/u] We're so excited to see the creative ways players interact with our world and how they solve the problems presented to them. [u]Delivery:[/u] Oh, don't solve it THAT way. *Nerfs sniping platforms* Or THAT way. *Atheon now randomly selects who to send in the timestream* There is a definite communication lapse here and we need to get it fixed. If it's player side, tell us so we can communicate with you more directly and less rudely (Ya, I've seen the way some people talk to you guys). However, I think even Deej would admit at this point that the message the players are delivering is pretty clear. That's my schtick, guys. Let me know what you all think and hopefully we can get some Bungie replies in here. Edit: It seems that some people miss the point of WHY the Atheon change is bad. There are two VERY clear and concise reasons. 1. It is contrary to the design direction Bungie claimed they had for us/the game, as illustrated by the quote. 2. It's like, four weeks(?) after the raid came out. If it was a bug it should have been addressed week two and if it's a change (most believe it is) it should STILL have come week two and should NOT have been accompanied by them trying to sell it is a but fix. It is simply ridiculous to change this after groups have learned the encounter, found their roles, and worked together to make it smooth.

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  • Very good post. You omitted to mention the second horrible nerf, the one to Pocket Infinity. Not only was it not needed, it made the weapon useless. Bungie needs to seperate PvP balance from PvE. And honestly, I don't see the PvP aspect of destiny carrying this game for the projected 10 years. Balncing to PvE players' detriment is therefore a very bad mistake imho. It's also interesting how quick they are to nerf (uncalled for ones at that) versus how slow they are to buff some weapons in dire needed that they announced an upcoming buff for.

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