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originally posted in:Decoding Destiny
originally posted in: Rasputin
10/13/2014 10:08:53 PM
I can't believe for the life of me, that people are this attached to this game's awful story line lol Why are you folks wasting your time? Genuine question here. Why?

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  • Ever play Marathon? Halo? there is so much more lore to be found for those games than what most people see in the game. Theories abound for the story and back story, there are so many clues left in the game that a person who puts some thought into them can find so much story just by connecting the dots. Bungie has always hidden story inside the "lack" of story in their games. I see no reason that Destiny would be any different.

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  • What sets destiny apart for me from Halo is that I feel compelled to find mor out about the story. They give me just enough in the campaign to raise more questions and prompt me to go to the grimore to find out more. I was surprised when after starting to read and talk with other on the forums that the story goes so much deeper. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds. Just with the vex, the exotic stranger, and Rasputin there is so much to go into that they could keep going with the story for a long time. That doesn't even include going farther into the awoken, the nine, other planets, the darkness, etc. if they do it right, this story will be epic.

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  • You see no difference? Well I'll give you one: there's no hidden story here. There's literally NO story in the game, and then there's a website companion that tries to compensate by telling you something lame. How do we know this? A game THIS expensive and THIS long in development, not having an in-game Grimoire reader? Lol. Yeah that's not good. This story isn't hidden. It was gutted, thrown away, and then a second story was so hastily put together that they couldn't put it in the game ? LOL. Jeez

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  • Edited by fledrel: 10/21/2014 3:03:11 PM
    You are a long dead person who has an innate ability/affinity for the Light. You are brought back to life to fight for the light. You are attacked by a group called the fallen. Your ghost tells you that you need to get a ship and get to tha last city. After obtaining your ship you find out about a being called the traveler and that it is dieing. You were brought back to be a guardian and fight the darkness. after getting your new ship and warp drive you complete some missions for people in the tower only to discover a Warmind AI. After following the missions you were given you let the warmind loose on the solar system. During the course of this you discover the Hive on earth and find out that they haven't been seen for generations. You are then sent to the moon to investigate. You find that the hive has been preparing for an assault on earth for some time and discover a ritual that has been draining the Traveler of its light. During the course of these events you are contacted by a third party from Venus. You travel to Venus to investigate and discover another being that was not forged in light. And you are met with the Vex. A new enemy that attacks you. You are now fighting against the vex and learn about the Black Garden and also find out about the Awoken on the edge of the travelers Light. After contacting them you find you must kill a Gate lord to prove yourself to the awoken in exchange for information on the Black Garden. Eventually leading you to Mars where you discover the Cabal who also want to kill you, and stand in your way for getting to the Black Garden. After fighting your way into the Garden you discover the Heart of the garden which is stopping the traveler from healing. After defeating it you find out the travel is starting to heal and that there are darker things moving closer to us that you will have to face in the future. NOW, if you can honestly say that that is not a story then you are either blind or ignorant or just hate bungie no matter what. AND that wasn't even all the story that you have access to in the game, that was a glossed over version. Now if you include the Grimore lore then you can flesh that story out so much more. I almost want to apologize that you are too stupid to understand the story or even notice it, but you must be if you continue saying there is no story. Also this story is far more in depth than most games on the market today.

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  • Or, said in another way... [b]BORING![/b]

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  • Pathetic. If this story is boring then you must have a shitty time watching TV or movies.

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  • Do you play games other than Destiny with great stories? I don't. Except Mass Effect. Or Assassins Creed Or Halo. Or Far Cry Or even Titanfall's MP campaign Or about a dozen other games with superior story. Or any CoD that has a bland story but is still better than Destiny

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  • Edited by fledrel: 10/21/2014 5:49:31 PM
    In what way are those stories better? Length? Depth? Halo was a good story, but again there is way more to that story than the surface shows. Plus it is rather linear. The extra added stuff from the terminals shows just how much story they didn't even start with in the game just had clues to it all till they added them. This story which you say is great had less than destiny provides. Assassin creed was a pretty stupid story, while original it wasn't enough to be called great. DNA memories that you act out as a decendant of an assassin. Any COD is just the same weak story with some different backgrounds. Which isn't supriseing considering they focus on multiplayer. Mass effect... Lmao. It seemed to have a massive story based on your decisions but ultimately it was just Red, Green, Blue. Not to mention that story was way more complex than anything else. I'm surprised you could follow it. Titanfall and story just don't mix. I never played farcry but I doubt the story was anything more than just survive and escape. I am not trying to justify the destiny story but it is better than most on the market now.

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  • Oh wow... can't believe I'm even going to divulge you here, but here we go: 1 - Halo less than Destiny provides? Halo provided more context and background and even let you play as a member of the enemy, clearly explained the prophets, their beliefs, their religion, and their lore, but provides less than Destiny? No chance. 2 - Assassin's Creed; purely subjective. You might not like the games, but the stories are deep, intricate, complex, and a joy to follow. 3 - Mass Effect - if you have come to the conclusion that Mass Effect as a story series boils down to red versus blue, then it's pretty clear you haven't played the Mass Effect series. You should try. My guess is that it will blow you away. Also, let's not forget that most people complaining about the story felt that they were getting an MMO Mass Effect story - hence the disappointment, because people know how highly regarded the Mass Effect story is. 4 - Titanfall had a bland, linear story, but it was easy to follow, made sense within the confines of the game, and regarded no external information for basic levels of context and comprehension. Not trying to justify the Destiny story? lmfao - that's all you've been doing in this thread. You are a Destiny apologist, and can continue to make excuses for it in 2 weeks when majority of the people stop caring. There's a reason why Bungie released the 3.2 million unique players a day stat when they did - because they realized that the number was declining, badly. Why? BEcause the world, the mythos, and the lore just isn't enough to keep people sucked in and interested. /discussion.

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  • [quote]1 - Halo less than Destiny provides? Halo provided more context and background and even let you play as a member of the enemy, clearly explained the prophets, their beliefs, their religion, and their lore, but provides less than Destiny? No chance. [/quote] Halo: Combat Evolved provided much, much less background and context than Destiny did. We wake up from Cryo-Sleep, and are shoved into a battle against aliens invading our ship. We learn that they are called the Covenant, and that's it. Nothing else was explained about them until Halo 2.

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  • Ok so the Halo story you are talking about is the Halo series not just Halo. so your comparing the story or 6 games to one. "2 - Assassin's Creed; purely subjective. You might not like the games, but the stories are deep, intricate, complex, and a joy to follow." Purely subjective(same could be said for destiny I suppose)... none of the stories were deep or intricate. Same shit different city. Mass effect literally comes down to three choices. Obviously you haven't played it. NONE of your choices up to that point even matter. If you think titanfall had an easy to follow story then why are you complaining about Destiny story? Simple question, are you still playing the game? If then I guess the sroty doesn't matter much does it?

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  • Hey - I'm not the one that proclaimed that Destiny was a 10-year project. They did. The foundation for the story in a 10-year project should at least keep people hooked for, say, 1 year? 2 years? 5 years even? Destiny's story couldn't keep people affiliated with it's world for [b]TWO. WHOLE. MONTHS. [/b] TWO MONTHS! 8 WEEKS! 60 days!!!! I know you can see that. I know you aren't ignorant or stupid. I know that you see what's happening in 2 weeks time, and what will happen to this player base, and you'll know why. I've played Mass Effect 2 so many times that I can't even remember now, and each time I've had a different ending each time. Blue vs Red? You having a laugh.

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  • You have obviously never played mass effect 3. All the choices you make in all three games comes down to litterly three choices. You compare the entirety of the halo story to destiny but only pick part of the mass effect story to compare... Wow. Even if you played the game so many times is not proof of a good story, it is only proof of good gameplay, just like destiny.

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  • Man, please don't even compare the travesty of a story Destiny has to the one in Mass Effect. Just, just don't. You can't be taken seriously afterwards.

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  • Edited by fledrel: 10/21/2014 8:25:36 PM
    The story in mass effect boiled down to three choices period. After an epic adventure, lots of censequenses for every choice you make spanning three full content games. Every decision changing the course of the game and altering future choices. It all culminates in a boss named "Marauder Shields" and three choices that nothing up to that point affected. So yeah, sucked.

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  • OK so you boil down the three-game story line into last 10 minutes. (yes it sucked, that we can agree on) A game with hundreds of IN-GAME codex entries, story with fantastic characters, well structured main story line and expansive side missions. And get this: Actual interaction in the conversations when Destiny has... wait for it... zero conversations, no in-game codex, slim to none story to begin with. Mass effect ended it's story in an unsatisfying way. Destiny didn't even know how to begin. But that's my opinion of course and I respect yours even if I strongly disagree.

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  • If Destiny had half the story ME had, people would love Destiny's story.

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  • Not really, everyone complaing right now about the story would be complaing about something else. People just want to hate destiny for one thing or another because it did not live up to the expectations that everyone had built up in there heads long before it launched. The story Is just an excuse.

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  • If that's what you believe. I would suggest that you get out of your little internet bubble and actually listen to the criticism. Every single game review knocked the story. The majority of the game's unique players knocked the story. Bungie came out with releases clarifying what's in their DLC to combat attacks on their lack of story. Deej NEVER mentions the story in his weeklies because he knows the backlash it would cause. Any Destiny-related video / article / media piece / discussion / podcast has some comments about people knocking the story. Now, is that because people like to complain? Or... could there......actuallly....BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE STORY !?! lol. Carry on making excuse after excuse for the story man. Your diatribe is getting lame, predictable, and boring.

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  • Lol TL; DR. I think you are missing the point. Now we have to rely on forum posts to comprehend a story lol? Nice one, Bungie. And it's not a question of stupidity. We aren't "stupid" for not understanding the story. Far from it. If I wanted to, I could sit through your mindless shitty post learning about it, or I could read up on Grimoire. The real truth? The in game story is so poor, and the optics of Bungie's internal tension so pathetic, that people DO NOT CARE about the story lol. Good on you for wasting time learning it. You are the minority. The rest ? Couldn't care less about the lore and context now. Will care even less in 2 weeks when no one feels an affinity to this world and leaves for other games

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  • You are stupid if you think my post is how you learn the story. My entire post was the story from the game. You don't need the forums or even the grimore to learn the story. If you had listened when you played the game you would know the story. The only reason you would think there is no story or that it is bad is if you are unable to comprehend or just don't care what the story is. So you must be stupid. Also the tldr is just more proof of you not careing about anything other than your opinion even if it is wrong. If you don't care to pay attention then you have no right to complain about something that is handed to you.

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  • As others have mentioned, your question is very bias. This is the only way to answer it for me. I don't believe Destiny has an awful story line. It has the potential to be very exciting with many different twists and turns. The fact that there is so much speculation as to which direction the story will take further emphasizes to me how good it is. If the story was so straight forward and "boring", it wouldn't insight so much speculation and discussion as a good story should. Refer to my above response - I don't find discussing an intricate and vexing story to be a waste of my time. I enjoy it. So, therefore I am not wasting my time. Your last question (why?) now doesn't make sense, because I have nothing to explain since your question is not relevant to me, or most people, on this forum topic. Your time would be better spent commiserating with people who feel the same way as you asking why do lore driven people (like the people in this forum) feel like they are not wasting their time. Or, commiserate on how bad you think the story is with other people who feel the same way.

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  • I'm not wasting my time I am enjoying my time spent grinding away, I really want a legendary AR. Secondly, I think therefore I AM.

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  • Continue grinding. Get those crucible marks. Buy a legendary AR Realize they are average weapons Look at the vanguard weapons Realize you've wasted your time in crucible for a legendary AR when you should have been focusing on vanguard marks Remember this thread Tell yourself "he was right..."

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  • Wait, you really think there's a difference between the reskinned crucible guns and the reskinned vanguard guns? god, no wonder you think destiny doesn't have a story.

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