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10/11/2014 12:51:05 AM

Bungie Weekly Update - 10/10/2014

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12272]Bungie Weekly Update - 10/10/2014[/url]
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  • Edited by Austacker: 10/11/2014 1:12:21 PM
    Well, I've had a long think about your commentary here Derek / Deej. I did reply when you initially asked for feedback - I had nearly 200 positive replies to my thread and you ignored it. Completely. So I'm going to take another shot at it here and now, because it's getting to a point of frustration with myself that I seriously don't know how much longer I can permit myself to continue trying to keep a positive mindset that you are listening and intend to take positive action. Your PvP in Destiny is terrible. Beyond terrible, it's appallingly bad. Rather than just kick you guys in the balls and call it a day, I'm going to run through why. Firstly, let me tell you the positive. The gunplay itself in Destiny is excellent. The weapon handling and feel is terrific and gives great variety to the experience. There's weapons for all sorts of situations that have effective ranges and engagement abilities which give real variety and make the combat fun. But then it's all completely undone by the simple fact that this game is completely dominated by one shot, unavoidable, undefendable kills. Rocket Launchers, Shotguns and other 'one hit kill' weapons are bad enough but the presence of one shot, aoe radius super abilities renders the entire combat of Destiny utterly pointless. I can have the best weapons in the game hands down, only to have a super ability from someone 10+ levels lower instantly wipe me out. For no reason other than they got it off first. That's shockingly bad balance. It does NOTHING but make you feel like any sort of combat ability you have is useless. Your aim is pointless. Your use of cover, irrelevent. Your positioning, a waste of time. Having super abilities in PvP hands down is the worst form of player vs player combat in a FPS that I've ever experienced because it flat out negates 100% of the actual combat itself. The network code in your game is terrible. So many times I'll trade kill in this game it makes the first 3 months of Battlefield 4 look like quality network code. What the hell happened here? How is it that you can have the pedigree of Halo's incredible combat network code, only to create THIS in it's place? Furthermore, your network patches? Yeah, they do nothing. Bees, Catepilars and other annoying Noah's Ark of disconnection errors on a regular basis. No, it's not my connection. I'm on ADSL2+, 20MB connection, Fixed IP in my home network, in the DMZ, Open NAT type, all Xbox ports forwarded. I do this for a living, I know what I'm about. I don't disconnect - EVER - on any other multiplayer Xbox game I have unless my internet is down completely. I see and feel almost no difference to the network stability in this game from day one. What makes it even more frustrating is that when I do get disconnected every other game, there's no reconnect option. If I'm playing with Friends and try to reconnect to them via Party, it tells me nope because their game is already full or near completion. In Iron Banner where you are only rewarded for a win, I cannot begin to tell you how frustrating that is. Then we have the core design of the maps in themselves. I can see you were going for variety here and that's fine, but you clearly pulled your punches sharply on the actual number of maps to play. It's parhetically small in it's selection and uninspired. There's no big number of game modes here that's common on most FPS games out there right now. It honestly feels like the multiplayer component in Destiny was an afterthought, an addon late in development that you felt needed to be added to sell more units. Next, let's discuss the rewarding of effort for Iron Banner because it's terrible. Like Crucible, it's a completely random lottery where your efforts in no way, shape or form impact the possibility of loot. Even worse, you make the conscious effort to show everyone in the match who gets loot and who doesn't, to what end? Loot Envy? Do you honestly think as a core design decision this in any way, shape or form benefits the players at all? I can (and does) serve only one, singular purpose - to completely piss players off. To give them the constantly frustrating reminder that your loot gains here are completely random and your effort in no way, shape or form will impact your rewards for effort. And this is the underlying, core component of this game's design we see over and over again causing so much anger, frustration and angst for the player. The fact you are always reminded in this game that regardless of performance, effort or ability the rewards for participation in often frustrating, rage inducing gameplay that you can be rewarded for no reason at all, other than being present. This is sending (clearly) the wrong message to the playerbase and appealing only to the casual player. Now above all of this, we have the completely lacklustre, unrewarding reward model for effort on completion of said grind. As I mentioned in the other thread, your 'rewards' for completion of said content do not in any way, shape or form fairly correspond to the effort required to get there. If I can just do average daily bounties and at random get a new bounty which leads to an exoitc weapon - the very best weapons in the game outside of raid hardmode - then how on earth do you fathom that a stock base legendary weapon is an adequate reward for completing the Iron Banner and getting rank 3? Your incentives for effort are as random (and as frustrating) as the loot model in itself where the top tier weapons can just land at random in your lap for logging in to play, yet completion of the most gruelling grinds for faction reputation lead to boring, stock standard reskinned legend class weapons the game gives you every day with every faction, often at random for just completing content. You are missing the core premise of participation of content in this game by your playerbase. You are not engaging your players in a fashion that makes them feel like you are listening. On the one hand you lament how you notice something you released to the public didn't live up to your own promotion, you have the conceit and audacity to try and side with the frustrated playerbase (yeah, it made us sad too!) and then go on to lead a speil from one senior dev on how it was meant to be in the first instance. Not only does this clearly display the fact your design team is out of touch with the playerbase expectations and isn't actively engaging with them to get proper feeedback, but you as the community representative for Bungie is also as much in the dark as the players, leading to a fairly obvious conclusion that there's no unified vision even internally with the studio right now. I am trying to be as constructive and helpful as I can with my replies here, but it's getting to a point of frustration that I feel my words are just being ignored. Your feedback loop with the playerbase feels hand picked. The points that are shown by community response on your own forums to be main issues largely go unaddressed in these weekly responses, whilst those you do elect to respond to feel cherry picked to either present the shortcomings of your game in the best light or they align to production of content you are already working on so as to present to the public a false perception you are indeed listening and responding. I'm a patient guy. I'm passionate and I have a very long gaming history and wealth of experience in the field. I've already thrown in over 200 hours into your game to date and nearly capped all factions in the game. I've been stuck on 29 now for weeks because of RNG, but I'm stubbornly trying to hang in there because I still believe this is the game I had hoped it would be. But the more I wait and read these canned, pre-scripted replies Deej, the more I'm losing faith in your product. One month from today on Xbox one we will see your old shadow step forward. Halo, MCC. It's going to have a massive wealth of content. It's going to be 1080/60 out of the box. It's going to have tight network code. It's going to have massive support. It's going to tear the guts out of the Destiny playerbase. Time is short. You have a lot to work on. You need massive improvement. You need change. You need to actually engage your community better and respond to what they feel are the things you're either not doing correctly, or need to do better. If you have a 10 year vision for this game, this first month has been a disaster. Oh for sure the cash registers have rung loudly, but it was all based on hype, marketing and the legacy of the Bungie brand - a brand that's rapidly turning to corporate driven garbage. Bungie's Destiny has sadly shown itself to be the Waterworld of Video Games today when it never needed to be like that at all. Now we're a month in and looking at the 'improvements' to date, I'm really starting to doubt that you can actually save this game in time or at all. The commentary from your Senior Dev team here has not at all inspired me or restored any faith in the product. I don't feel hopeful and positive listening to the hype or market talk. Your team talked up Destiny like no other game in history before launch and look where that got us. You have a small window to come good Bungie, but it's no where near as big a window as you might think...

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    • Edited by cwhiterun: 10/11/2014 1:56:56 AM
      The Iron Banner was a huge lie. A level 20 shouldn't be able to do ANY damage to a level 30. A level 29 should ALWAYS lose a 1v1 with a level 30. Skill shouldn't matter in the Iron Banner (unless you're fighting people the same level as you). It should be about gear and gear only. If level 29's and below want an equal playing field, they can play the regular crucible.

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      • #1-Bungie is afraid to respond to valid criticism on the forums. A simple reply would be sufficient to a post that has 100+ responses. #2- Lets talk Crucible. Im in the top 1% of Crucible players in this game according to DT, so ive played enough and here are good and bad points of the game mode. Crucible is labeled as "competitive multiplayer". Why? Because a levl 1 can compete with a level 30 bc of skill and disabled levels. That was a correct decision by Bungie. With the release of IB, the community was misled, theres no beating around that bush. It wasnt players hyping up IB but Bungie and in extension DeeJ himself. Turns out as we all know IB is reskinned Crucible.Fact. That cant be argued with. Concerning the competitive aspect of said playlists, Supers are a twist to game play. Fine. Leave them in. Im under the belief that either they should be toned down or thr lag in game makes things ridiculous. For example, Bladedancers killing entire teams and regening health in the process. Or titans running at you while getting lit up and using FoH's well known invincible period to kill everyone. Sometimes they kill you, sometimes you kill them. Thats chance, no one wants chance in Competitve multiplayer, because of the very nature of competition you want more skill, less luck. Make sense? A personal gripe I have is with grenades. Quick question, why are there 3 different 1 shot grenades in game? Magnetic, trip mine, and Fusion. In PvP this once again needs to be toned down especially trip mine. Why do they stay active for so long? Why do they have such range on them? It breaks my heart to be on a 10 koll streak, to die by a grenade soneone threw before they died. Oh and to add to that, how are grenades thrown if I never see people arms move? Ive been killed like that a dozen times before they die they somehow get an insta nade out. This doesnt seem competitive at all right? Moving on, this game has several primary weapon types correct? The AR is to powerful. Thats just fact and the Scout rifle is underpowered. Since this is being addressed, "addressed", lets wait to see them post patch. I wont start on shotguns, or the fact you can run around with your secondary all game because of the massive ammmo provided to them. Heavy weapons I like, they seem powerful which is good, nice job Bungie. I love my Corrective Measure. With that being said,gun play is beautiful in game. Very smooth movements, aiming perfect, I have no gripes here. #3 -Loot The game is based off of RnG or random number generator. So no matter how well you do, or how much time is spent, if the activity is complete you have a shot at getting something. Lets see why this is an issue. #1- as a top crucible player I of course am on top 90% of my games. However since RnG dictates everything in PvP im not awarded accordingly. Everyone has a shot. The kid who goes 3-20 has a shot at getting an exotic. This in itself is not a problem, everyone being able to get loot is fine. However where is the incentive to do good then? Theres not a single place in game where skill is rewarded. So for players who want more, more than luck we are SoL. The raid you say? Wrong. I ran a team through VoG on normal. Have the most kills, least deaths, and receive nothing but shards. (This is just to prove RnG effects top tier content as well, I dont mind getting shards). The point is there is no where for skillful players to be rewarded and for a FPS thats wrong Bungie. Giving something for skilled players to work towards give the game longevity, why do you think people still grind away for 50's in h3 to this day? #3 Content The lore we have discovered so far is amazing. There are posts about Exo, the stranger, the VoG, that seem beautiful and thought out. However, so few know, because its not In game. Casuals won't go look at grimoire anf delve into it, so why not have a place in game for them to look? Concerning gear endgame, you can as of now only reach level 30 via raid gear which is fine. But once that happens then what? Theres literally nothingto do. Since IB is a joke, going in as a level 30 isnt especially fun. Since strikes cap at 24 they are s breeze. Since I've soloed Nightfalls since 26 a level 30 character walks through those as well. So lets run down a week for a max level character. Tuesday reset (already level 30) to do list Weekly Nightfall Daily if you want. ...... Xur comes, use strange coins from weekly and NF to purchase whatever. Weekly update, see if anythings being added Saturday/Sunday Play with some friends And thats it. Theres nothing left to do. No offense but its not fun to gear 3 characters to level 30 when its luck based. Feels like a 2nd job. So I know this is just the beginning of Bungies plan for the game, but there really isnt anything to do at the end of it all. The first journey to 20 was fun though, so minus having a no idea what's going on story wise during your first 20 levels the rpg elements of unlocking stuff was a good time. Just to touch on the rpg elements, these were done ok. Being a FPS, they add enough diversity to your build to make it how you like but not being to ridiculous. #4 -Events Now heres where the largest failure has occured so far. As a level 29 character events hold no significance for me. Queens Wrath was good for shards. Till you took it away. Now what? Try to get gear that is comparable to legendary gear? Its not unique in any way, no special perks even. A weekly event shouldnt have the same gear as a vendor thats already in tower. IB gear is no different. Use logic here. IB was sold as content for high level players yes? Only winning in IB gives you rep needed to purchase gear yes? Why the hell would a high level player want gear that doesn't improve his character in any way? It was poor, no atrocious game design concerning events so far. Not to mention Combined Arms aka First Light and Bastion with vehicles. You guys made the Banshee. You guys made flying enemies with annoying plasma pistols that are OP on legendary. Now what do we have? Shanks.... With all that being said, I dont know how to feel about this game. I play quite a bit because my license is suspended, but theres really not much bringing me back and the community as a whole will reach that point eventually. Hope someone with some sense reads this, from the point of a skilled high level character this is how many of us feel. This was all my opinion so if you disagree its fine community. Just wanted to express myself bc I had such hope for this game.

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        • Bump

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        • Please add a function to disable aim assist, adjust music/SFX volumes, broaden the look sensitivity, and add a function to adjust ADS sensitivity.

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        • First off, I love this game. I am an older RPG player. I don't really like FPS and I HATE PVP. However, this game has great potential. Just don't run away from the RPG aspects of your game. 1- Problem - my Lv 28 gets pawned by a Lv 2 dreg when I let my wife play. Solution - in any RPG my 1300+ defense would make these Lv 2 characters chip away at my health bar. NOT decimate it. If I can't use a high level character to sell this game to a novice in the first level then you are failing in the RPG aspect with levels. 2- Problem - Cryptarch sales have been useless since level 10. I'm a level 14 rank and he still only sales commons and uncommons. Pathetic since I'm geared in legendary and exotic. Solution - start adding more variety like ships and ghost and so on to his sales and up the rarity as our rank level increases. 3- Problem - legendary drops on easy and on hard are the same rate. This is essentially why you had higher levels farming the "loot cave". Solution - farming is a way of life for RPGs. Change the drop rates so lower levels only drop commons. And as you move up they start to drop higher rarities. So that level 27's aren't playing patrol with lv2 mobs and farming for hours on in. 4- Problem - post master not living up to his full potential. Solution - all players to send gifts to each other via the post master. You can even add the option where we can "invite to fire team" have another selection that says "send gift". 5- Problem - not enough space in vault and no market place to sell items. Solution - double the vault space and add a market where players can sell items for money/trade items/rare commodities. 6- Problem - cutscenes. Solution - allow us to skip them. 7- Problem - can't see shaders before I buy them. Solution - add a preview to the shaders. Even if it's showing on some random default character instead of my own. 8- Problem - no drops from bosses and mini bosses. Seriously!? Solution - you claim to be an FPS RPG so add drops to the bosses. That's the whole point in killing these guys to see what we will get. 9- Problem - patch on the queens gear. Solution - make it a possibility that dismantling them can or can't not give you ascendant items. After the patch it became useless for me to run these matches for gear weaker than my own. 10- Problem - VoG Solution - allow it to assemble players just like a strike does. Obviously those with 6 friends with mikes will do better however you are turning your game off to everyone else who wants to try. I would love to hear back from activision or bungie however I doubt I will. :(

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          • Bungie please dont nerf the last word. I know the cry babies are already saying "it kills me to quick its overpowered i cant even use my SURos!". Attention cry babies. If you are within 15 ft of me guess what. You're getting "john wayned". Dont engage in close with a last word unless you slide and have a good shotty, grenade, super, or melee OR get out of range then use your suros. Bungie im cool with all the weapon fixes this far. But to a certain extent people just complain when something kills them and they approach the situation the same everytime. If they learn to adapt to changing situations they will become better pvp players. But it you (bungie) listen to them everytime you will just spoon feed babies. Give a man a fish feed him once. Teach him to fish feed him for a lifetime. Please dont nerf the last word. Thanks!

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          • So when is #Gaming going to be fixed? I don't think I've seen a single person representing Bungie even acknowledge the atrocities in there. A major part of your site is sitting there broken beyond use and nobody that can do something does anything. The worst part is that the people now in #Gaming think it's ok and the right thing to do. Is it the right thing to do now Bungie? Is it?

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          • Where the -blam!- is our Destiny! I know many of you are ok with playing a five hundred million dollar buget game, just for it to be alright, or something fun to do when your bored. Many others including myself think, this is BULL SHIT! Here's a few reasons why?: Lack of story, Ships used just for loading screens, No soscial experiences, Lack of Character customization, B.S. Vendors, Boreing Tower with nothing to do, No galatic space exploring, bugs, errors, Worthless Factions, No diolog choices when talking to PC's, No Hero gratitude from random Pc's, Lack of Mounts, -blam!-ing Grimoure cards that arn't even included in game, No massive war drop zones with allied Pc's. Theres so much more that could of been inovated in this game. Don't you think with that kind of budget they should of gave us so much more? We have a group on Facebook called "Destiny Players on Strike" We don't play, until they make it right! Please my fellow Guardians! we need much needed support to make things right. I know the odds Are against us, but maybe we could make, just a big enough dent, that Bungie would have no other Alt. but to listen to our Destiny. who's with us? and thank you for your time.

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          • I got tired of this game. What did you spend large sum of money for? This game has too little volume. The repetition of the same thing.I was deceived. I should not have bought this.

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          • Deej please look at this. It's a players incredible list of feature expansion ideas. If you could please take a look at them, I'd be so grateful

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            • Are you serious? whoever is answering this questions on Bungies behalf please remove yourself from the company and find a new career, preferably one where you dont go near the customer. These people are asking good, serious questions and you answer with jokes? Your lack of professionalism reflects on Bungie and all it has represented. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a developer for Destiny. Think about that one for a minute. If the forum is your only responsibility, then grow up and do your job! Provide these people with the answers they clearly deserve for paying for this overpriced, faulty, unfinished excuse for an MMO. I hope Bungie turn their eyes in your direction and see the mockery you have made of their players. Good day you immature excuse of a liaison. Yours truly Christopher A. Wall

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              • Bungie, i think i am seeing something in your game that is the root to some of these complaints. No the crucible loot system does not need to be changed. No the iron banner isnt stupid. Yes more content would be cool, and always welcome, but no that isnt why this game feels unfinished. I think i found the real reason everyone complains this game is unfinished. Lack of laid back content. Let me elaborate a bit. Everything in this game points to better gear better gear light level shards shards shards hah i have better guns gotta get to level 30 right now. PvE is fine like this. In my opinion, PvE is amazing. And your PvP is very enjoyable. To those hardcore gamers. There is a gap between PvP and PvE players. The game feels unfinished and not enough content because well, its split between most people only playing one. Now that will always happen, but as i said before, i have a solution. Personally, i play about 90% PvE, and only play PvP when i get extremely bored with it and need a break. This is where i feel the disconnection. There is four/five "modes"(if you can call them that) that doesnt make this zone fun. kill everyone while getting the zones Kill everyone on the other team Kill everyone 3v3 kill everyone And the special: kill everyone with semi unbalances. This is where i feel the break is. I hate to compare this game to halo, as i feel that it is unfair to try and make this game halo, but lets look at some of halos Well i looked it up to copy and paste a list, and there were 55 in reach. So. Ill save you guys the read. I will name some of the better ones Infection Headhunter Rocketrace SWAT Mongoose races Smear the pinkie Etc etc. Here comes this main big point all of this has been leading up to. Drumline please. There are no game modes that arent complete skill based. There are no game modes that are mindless and relaxing and fun in the mindless sort of infection alpha zombie way we all loved pouring counless hours into. Why has there been no talk of racing in this game. Pikes and sparrows - think of the countless races you could make. You dont even have to make new maps, just put up some walls and call it a day. Why has there been no game mode with no shields, no supers, just scout rifles or something. Where are the game modes that have me laughing and throwing shit at my friends, where are the game modes that i dont play to get engrams, bounties, or to show skill. Where is the game modes with the SWORD OF CROTA OR RELICS. Come on guys. These things are perfect minigame material. And thats what this game needs. Not more PvP modes, PvP MINIGAMES. TL:DR The PvP needs game modes that arent kill maime and destroy. The PvP needs game modes that dont matter on skill, they just are there to have mindless fun and blow some steam away from hours of raiding or killing vex. The game has no breaks in it to mess around. We need races and weird mini games and all that to not have the game be a job to countless grind to the end. Halo had custom games, and online had 50-60 game modes. This game has 4. It doesnt need to be halo, but it should have a few more fun game modes. It would make everyone just relax and have some mindless fun. Spending more time in PvP while not having it be fully skill based kill makes people not playthrough the same strikes 10 times in a row or play 5 games of control just to get that bounty. I have been searching for those modes to blow an hour in when im not in the mood for a big hard strike or countless control or rumble matches. Lets see some of those added, it will make the game feel so much more diverse. We need minigames. It will make atleast a tenth of the time people play this game spent in a completely new environment from the rest of the game. It would be almost liberating. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and i dont know if a bungie employee will even read this. I wanted to be respectful, and clear in my point. Your game has been very fun and i have been sinking countless hours into it, i think it just needs something in it that isnt so hardcore and skill based. Thank you again for all your time, and happy hunting guardians. -Whitay 2

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                • Join our clan - Called LegendsOfTheGalaxy Lvl 29 and above Requirements- Need a mic & good communication & to speak a good level of English Search for "LegendsOfTheGalaxy" We are an active clan and on every day and at most times This is PS4 Clan

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                • バンジー様は何を考えているのか Hello ガーディアン 今日は、私の発売日からの鬱憤を吐き出しにきた。 オンラインゲームに属するにも関わらず、3週間経ってもイベントはない。今のコンテンツ数で、イベント無しでガーディアンが楽しめると思っているのか。前回のPvPイベントも誰が楽しんだのか。 レジェンダリーとエキゾチックには差をつけないと意味不明な発言をしておきながら、今やアイスブレイカー・ギャラルホルンはレイドに必須というくらい(効率主義が多い日本人は、レイド攻略組に求める基準が非常に高い)、他のレジェンダリー・エキゾチックと性能がかけ離れている。 そして6人で協力をして、やっとの思いでボスを撃破しても、6割は強化素材で終わってしまう。 きっと色々な要素を開発済みなのだろうが、10年続ける為に出し惜しみをしているのだろう。発売初日で予算分の売り上げを出したそうじゃないか。もうガーディアンには用がないのか? 今のままじゃ3年も持たない。そうやって出し惜しみをしている間に、他社ゲームメイカーは沢山のゲームを販売する。ガーディアンは他のゲームに離れていくだろう。そしてタワーには誰もいない、フォールン共に侵食された世界が待っている。 追伸:バンジー様が思っているほど、PvPの発展を期待しているガーディアンはいない。 書いたらスッキリした。ありがとう。

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                • Edited by namu000: 10/25/2014 7:53:48 AM

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                • Bungieいい感じだ!頑張れ!

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                  • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12272]Bungie Weekly Update - 10/10/2014[/url][/quote]it was voice text I can't see it before I post it to make corrections

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                  • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12272]Bungie Weekly Update - 10/10/2014[/url][/quote]so I won't be able to do the nightfall strike and enjoy a reward for that I won't be able to do Baltimore glass and enjoy a reward for that I don't see the point looks like it's time to go by borderlands

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                    • Bungie you have a great game, you can't fix everything people complain about, ignore them, and let them figure out how to play the game before they start conplaining

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