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Edited by OohaPieceaCandy: 10/9/2014 4:06:40 AM

(Edited) Absolute proof Iron Banner is complete bullsh*t!

I was making a new warlock and got through the 4th mission or so. I was level 4 with my friends who are all high level like my main. I decided to test Iron Banner because last night I really didn't see much of a difference playing with my lvl 30, it felt like regular crucible. So I joined up with my friends to play some Iron Banner. I was expecting to walk in and get one shotted with an ankle shot, instead I was baffled at what happened. Watch the video, and let me know what you think. Edit- Here is my second video as well, this was my third game and did even better than my first. Check it out and let me know what you think! Also thanks Deej for replying at least, I was not expecting that. Although you did leave us with your usual vague wait till the update answer. Please don't just address it, please actually fix it! A big shout out to my fireteam, thanks for helping me make this video ClearVue, AssasiNinja187x, ojndeath1, DukeNukem786, and xxKunntryxx

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  • Honestly, I agree 100% with the OP. He's right, this game is complete BS. Deej I'm sorry but nothing you say in the weekly update will make me come back to this broken POS game. Iron banner is not "Iron Banner". I will not be coming back to destiny unless they fix all the glaring issues that come with basic game development. I will say this, I did have fun playing regular crucible and I thought the PvP was decent. But the Iron Banner just put me over the edge for the exact reason the OP explains.

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  • 2
    haha wonder what bungie have to say about this…. they need to get sued over this game… bf4 got sued over its bugs and server problems, aliens colonial marines got sued over its lies… destiny is all of those combined

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    12 Replies
    • Go see a shrink for your abandonment issues. :-p

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      • Edited by Professor Goat: 10/9/2014 7:23:30 PM
        iron banner is a complete joke..casual game-type in disguise. typical pull-the-wool-over-our-eyes bllsht. we're not all casual console gamers, here...

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        4 Replies
        • Well you just hiding in the same spot team up on guys and killing the left over enemy and it is taking you awhile to kill a guy 1v1 and also those guys just sucked too lol

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        • Edited by G0JIRA-90s: 10/9/2014 9:21:07 PM
          In Iron Banner i can survive a sticky gernade. In crucible i cannot. Soooo yeah this post is BS

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        • [quote]I was making a new warlock and got through the 4th mission or so. I was level 4 with my friends who are all high level like my main. I decided to test Iron Banner because last night I really didn't see much of a difference playing with my lvl 30, it felt like regular crucible. So I joined up with my friends to play some Iron Banner. I was expecting to walk in and get one shotted with an ankle shot, instead I was baffled at what happened. Watch the video, and let me know what you think. Edit- Here is my second video as well, this was my third game and did even better than my first. Check it out and let me know what you think! Also thanks Deej for replying at least, I was not expecting that. Although you did leave us with your usual vague wait till the update answer. Please don't just address it, please actually fix it! A big shout out to my fireteam, thanks for helping me make this video ClearVue, AssasiNinja187x, ojndeath1, DukeNukem786, and xxKunntryxx[/quote] One ?, how do you have the sub-class available when you have to be lvl 15 to first try it?

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          2 Replies
          • There is a difference. All the videos I've seen with lvl 4s are the other team being terrible or the lvl 4 barely getting hit. Personally my HC with 242 att can 2-3 hit people with body shots when in reg crucible it takes 3-5 so in that regard I noticed a big difference. Another was arc blade doesn't always one hit. I've had to slash people twice on more then one occasion.

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            3 Replies
            • [quote]I was making a new warlock and got through the 4th mission or so. I was level 4 with my friends who are all high level like my main. I decided to test Iron Banner because last night I really didn't see much of a difference playing with my lvl 30, it felt like regular crucible. So I joined up with my friends to play some Iron Banner. I was expecting to walk in and get one shotted with an ankle shot, instead I was baffled at what happened. Watch the video, and let me know what you think. Edit- Here is my second video as well, this was my third game and did even better than my first. Check it out and let me know what you think! Also thanks Deej for replying at least, I was not expecting that. Although you did leave us with your usual vague wait till the update answer. Please don't just address it, please actually fix it! A big shout out to my fireteam, thanks for helping me make this video ClearVue, AssasiNinja187x, ojndeath1, DukeNukem786, and xxKunntryxx[/quote]

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            • wtf gay wepon. bungie r retard

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              2 Replies
              • You guys would complain either way. Here some things to remember. 1. There are bounties that you have to play the iron banner to complete. This means they can't make it too unfair or normal people would never be able to complete them. Only the people that grind the game for 10 hours a day would get them. 2. matchmaking. If a lower level player could not survive in this mode, they wouldn't play it at all. That would make the pool smaller, and you guys would complain that games take for ever to find. Or you would not get connected a all. 3. a smaller pool of available players always makes for horrible connection problems. look at COD Ghosts for an example.

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                5 Replies
                • Calm down everyone. Remember Destiny is on a 10 year plan, they still have 9 years and 11 months to fix Iron banner. Let's just be patient mkay?

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                  2 Replies
                  • This is another massive flop. I'm sure Bungie will talk around it but anyone who is decent in the crucible and has played it more than a dozen times will tell you that the IB is the same but with a different name and bounties.

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                    • Edited by BREWER117: 10/9/2014 8:27:19 PM
                      is just lazyness from bungie because if they want they could set up a sistem to match players acording their level like in halo 3, we need a better matchmaking, we need competitive for hard core gamers and social for casual gamers, stop playing the silence game and lisent to your clients step up and BECOME LEGEND yourselfs.

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                    • Perhaps a level requirement should bo on the IB just like normal bounties are lvl 5 maybe IB should be 25?

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                    • I think Iron Banner is ok. The gear advantages are about right. Anything more would make matches pointless. However, it's all a moot point when i still have friends that can't play any 12 man Crucible modes without disconnections happening every single game.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I agree 100%

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                      • For those who haven't figured it out the level difference is capped at a hard 40% damage reduction. Otherwise a lvl 20 couldn't damage a lvl 26 at all. The lvl certainly does make a difference, but it is about as subtle as doing a lvl 20 mission at lvl 18. I'm lvl 27 and I notice that most lvl 29 people can out gun my by about 1 shot. Its not much, but it makes a difference.

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                        13 Replies
                        • You were playing noobs so it's level field

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                        • I like Iron Banner. More fun than regular Crucible. Or maybe I just have better understanding of the maps now?

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                        • Edited by Some Lucky Dude: 10/9/2014 2:45:30 PM
                          I didn't really read the replies. I wanted to have a non-tainted opinion on this... In normal Crucible, everything is level balanced. Per example: Your exotic Sniper will deal as much damage as a common one. Iron Banner is different in that the level balance is gone. This means that if you use a common sniper, you might just get rid of their shields? Maybe? After a full clip? While a fully leveled exotic sniper can, and will, destroy everything it hits. I personally have a legendary sniper for Crucible, which has explosive rounds. Usually I can take out the whole shield, and half their health, no matter where I hit a person. And I rarely even have to connect again, because the rounds deal AoE damage. If my sniper didn't have those level restrictions, then I would kill almost anyone in one shot. No matter where I hit. I don't know if you knew any of that, and most of that was example (except for my sniper). I have yet to play Iron Banner. (Internet is out.) I'm not trolling. I'm not trying to be a bad guy. I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just letting you know that the rules in IB are different. Edit: I really fluffed up there. I misread the post a bit, and assumed a bit more. XD what I would like to do, so as to avoid the whole community calling me an idiot, is apologize. This has never really happened before, but I guess I've gotten used to the idea that people just don't like the game, and just make my assumptions based on skimming and titles. I will use this as an opportunity to grow, and I accept full responsibility for my actions. Thank you. And I apologize to anybody who reads the post above, because... It is a little idiotic. XD

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                          7 Replies
                          • Guys your levels DO make a difference. I have taken shoulder charge from a level 26 Titan and lived and my burn damage from thorn does 6 instead of 7 damage against lvl 30's. I'm pretty sure I also took three punches to die from one guy but I was in a turret when he got me from behind. I'm lvl 29.

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                          • LOL apologists are being overwhelmed.

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                          • Did anyone actually watch the video or did you all just read the title and ragesplooge everywhere? Everyone he kills in that game is a -blam!-ing idiot or he lucks out on the 50/50 of killing a guy a teammate is already shooting. He points the guns at heads and leaves them pointing there when firing, and it takes him a long time to kill people when he doesn't have help. You can't die if nobody is shooting back at you, though, so he is afforded the massive time handicap and gets an unimpressive number of kills while playing conservatively and everybody gets to cry fowl.

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                            34 Replies
                            • Dude try capping a point and getting multi kills, you would most likely get wrecked! I mean your obviously good at the game but I bet if you played like that with your level thirty you'd kill a lot faster and get multi kills like crazy Looks like a lucky lobby

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                              • I mean, is anyone really surprised? Bungie still hasn't dislodged their heads from their asses yet and it shows.

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