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10/8/2014 5:11:23 PM
But it's not targeted at everyone. That's what I think is misunderstood. First: I agree with you that I can't prove majority. I have to concede that. I don't want to, but I literally cannot prove it. So... lol point. ---the thicker skin thing? Absurd. There are populations who benefit from being immune to 'needing a thicker skin'. If you're not gay, all of the use of 'fag' does nothing to you. If you're not a woman, the bashing does nothing to you. If you're not...well anything but white...the racial slurs do nothing to you. If none of the commonly used insults speak to a group or stereotype of a group that you are a part of, [i]then you don't have a clue how thick of a skin it would take to endure that.[/i] And why would it be okay that some people just have to be tougher to be allowed in?

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