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10/8/2014 5:11:23 PM
But it's not targeted at everyone. That's what I think is misunderstood. First: I agree with you that I can't prove majority. I have to concede that. I don't want to, but I literally cannot prove it. So... lol point. ---the thicker skin thing? Absurd. There are populations who benefit from being immune to 'needing a thicker skin'. If you're not gay, all of the use of 'fag' does nothing to you. If you're not a woman, the bashing does nothing to you. If you're not...well anything but white...the racial slurs do nothing to you. If none of the commonly used insults speak to a group or stereotype of a group that you are a part of, [i]then you don't have a clue how thick of a skin it would take to endure that.[/i] And why would it be okay that some people just have to be tougher to be allowed in?

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  • Edited by kermit81: 10/8/2014 8:23:28 PM
    Pretty much everyone gets bulied at some point in there life, for being blonde for being ginger for being fat for being skinny for being a woman for being gay for being clever for being dumb. No one is immune from needing a thicker skin in every area of their life, the ones you think are more than likely are just those that grew up when they became adults and realised that for the most part other peoples opinions are worthless . I got bullied a huge amount at school for example for being a tall fatso with glasses that was smart and nerdy and crap at footy. The world isnt a place that stops just because someone got their feelings hurt and nor should it be so why should the internet be any different? There will always be trolls online and they wont pay any attention to threads such as this other than to feel satisfaction at their job being well done. Hell what you are basically doing in your posts is saying if you are white straight and male kindly shut up and speak only in the manner you are allowed to by anyone that may find what you say offensive and quite frankly that is ridiculous. If someone is misandrist, misogynist, homophobic, heterophobic, racist against any colour skin including white or anything else then quite honestly they have the right to be and to speak their mind about it. I don't agree with any of those positions at all but that doesn't mean I get to tell those people to shut up and go away because once you make free speech only apply to nice speech then it isn't free anymore. So if someone wants to be an idiot and spout off that a woman should be in the kitchen then I will defend their right to do so. I will also then exercise my right to call them a sexist idiot and potentially block them (They have the right to say what they want not the right to have everyone be forced to listen to them). People shouldnt be treat with kid gloves and if they are gay, female or the current group that it is seen as perfectly fine to slag off with impunity - white straight men they should ignore people or answer them back as they see fit or simply leave the area, unless they own/run the area they don't get the right to tell those people to leave. The people being spoken to are after all for the most part adults, maybe they should grow the hell up and stop letting words upset them so much especially when it is highly likely that its a vocal minority that are doing it and most white straight men are just getting n with playing the fecking game

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