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originally posted in: New Classes?
10/8/2014 2:33:06 PM
I like your ideas but, Bungie has specifically said they do not want to go towards the traditional tank, Healer, DPS setup. On the other hand...since this is hypothetical. I would have fun with a class that could summon minions ( This is warlockish but sounds cool )of some sort. Or a class that can slow down and debuff bosses while buffing the group ( Shaman like ) I think the Shaman would be more likely to happen over all suggested classes.

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  • Really? Seems like a missed opportunity by Destiny. Once everyone has got to grips with the mechanics it would be nice to specialize. I do like the idea of a shaman (way better name for my illusionist!). Be good to see some AoE buffs for high level raids.

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  • Yeah I enjoy specialization a lot. But with a FPS it will be hard to bend peoples minds around the concept of not doing DPS to do other things. This does already exist in small doses in the raid and some strikes. Example : I sacrifice kill counts by doing Oracle duty on Atheon. Which I don't care about but, many want to be at the top of the kill list. They think it makes them better. So getting people in a FPS to bend to that Healer/Tank role I think would be a hard thing to accomplish. I love your ideas.....just doubt it would work in this community. Also, it would have needed to be implemented fromt he start. Introducing it now ( or in the near future ) would change the game drastically.

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  • It's a great point. Generally people perceive an FPS as go and shoot stuff. It would be a brave developer to alter the formula too much. There is also a danger that something like a healer class would be next to useless in a PVP environment. That K/D is too far instilled in what we view out personal successes to be in a shooter. Also thanks for posting. Always nice to vent ideas and have a good conversation about them!

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  • Yeah it is hard to change the norm. Thinking back, I do remember GoW 4 ( Judgement ) had a healer aspect to Horde mode...which was renamed something else. There was not a "Tank". But that was replaced with an engineer that rebuilt or repaired the blockades and turrets. Still not saying it would work in Destiny, just figured I would throw that in since it is on topicish. The comment on the healer in PvP...not many would use it as intended, but if you were good at it your entire team would love you! A team with a good healer vs. a team with no healer or a bad one would win everytime. I completly agree with the K/D comment's burned into peoples brains.

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