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10/5/2014 7:53:11 PM

Return to the Raid:The Reckoning Part II.....Again

I have to say the Raid was one of the most enjoyable aspects of this game and of any shooter game I have played simply because it was rather tricky. We managed to clear it for the first time yesterday evening with a team composed to two gaming buddies I am used to playing with and three players we only just met who went in blind. Now I respect the statement that you need something of a higher level of teamwork, we certainly did after the first 5 runs and first 5 failures against Atheon. Initially we were fumbling over everything, who carried the relic, how to use it efficiently while keeping the oracle shooters alive, how to react to deaths and sudden teleportations, and how the 3 on defensive duty outside the time streams dealt with the Supplicants and Atheon. We put in 3.5 hours of slow grinding progression, each hall mark being something small like surviving the first Timestream, or taking Atheon to half health, or reviving a series of downed members from both Timestream and Glass Throne. Finally we emerged victorious having a well refined strategy relying on specific actions at predetermined times. Relic Shield up, time streamers plus me fire, titan shield up, escape, reset. But I have to say the feeling of taking down Atheon....was fricking great. 53 Deaths against this single boss, 4 outside (one against the Gorgons, Two jumping across the chasm after the Gorgons, and one against the Minotaurs during Templar's well) the Raid was done and sentiments radiated through the party. Best thing was that I didn't know these guys, they didn't know me, but at the end of the whole thing we were laughing away at the invincible Minotaurs, missing jumps, splash damage chains, and glitch Throne of Glass rooms...... Much fun..... all the wins. I never want to fight another Vex again.

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