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Edited by TheNoss: 1/3/2015 5:31:44 PM

NEW Intrusion Ghost Shell

In the following days Guardians have been glitching into Kings Watch the "dlc content" that Deej claims these areas of the games simply aren't done. However following the Bungie AMA on Reddit this has popped up. Players have been getting into Kings watch. A area Bungie cut from the final game later to resell it as DLC. In Kings Watch players have been picking up a new ghost called Intrusion ghost shell. This player has it here: it doesn't stop there Bungie is Banning people who glitch into these areas, that have already been done prior to release and stripped from the final game that you paid for. Well there you have it further proof Bungie has cut Content from the actual release of Destiny to sell for DLC and is banning players who venture into these areas and picking up the new ghost shell. Like many of you im very upset with Bungie that not only did Bungie Advertise a lot features that weren't in the final game. They have also stripped content that was already done prior to release to sell as DLC. We the community have a voice let it be heard. This is inexcusable, what is your opinion? EDIT 1: I did a lot of Research on this and the guy modded his game to get the intrusion Ghost shell however people who bought the GHOST EDITION of Destiny got the Intrusion ghost shell legitly! Heres even a player during the BETA that got into Kings watch that shows it was already completed prior to the BETA!: Edit 2 New Heres a player inside the dlc level King's watch: Heres a player in the dlc Jovian complex: EDIT 3: For the Latest in Destiny Check out My Youtube here: More sources: Article about the intrusion Ghost shell: Bungie ama on reddit:
#Destiny #Ghost

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  • i single area has textures= OMG 100% OF THE DLC IS COMPLETE GHUYS OMG THEY CUT EVERHTHING

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    4 Replies
    • You get frontier shell with ghost and limited edition, check my characters my ghost is wearing it (I got limited edition)

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    • 1
      I have the ghost edition, check out my ghost shell it's called Frontier shell not intrusion

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    • So many necro-bumps these last couple of days, have the Christmas noobs finally discovered the search function?

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    • Edited by SkyWatcher2006: 3/17/2015 8:03:10 PM
      This is bull crap I got to go get the shell have not been kicked off destinys server or Xbox live please do not kick me off bungee

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    • I've glitched into that area. Not picked up any ghosts but I do like to go and explore in there and imagine how it links in with everything else in the game and what the final product will be.

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      8 Replies
      • Having worked in the games industry for many years it doesn't surprise me that there are DLC content finished and was wrapped with the vanilla release. Only a fool would think that a games company works only on one project THEN works on the DLC. A fresh project including DLC content can take up to 6 months to a year before cleared for release. They already had a projected release timelines for the game and DLC's within short time frames. Did you all think they would not distribute resources to work on those future projects? The ignorance of people is astounding.

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      • Ugh... How many times will this be posted? Bungie was done and took it out... Ok, we get it... And the Comedian killed JFK. I give you two choices: 1) suck it up, play the game and enjoy it Or 2) trade the game in, delete the app and go the -blam!- away!!! Take your pick. Otherwise just shut the -blam!- up.

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        2 Replies
        • Can I just say they have the right to release content however they like. If you do not like this then don't purchase it. They were not obligated to meet everyone's individual expectations of content and how it is delivered. Your purchase was for the original destiny game. When you buy the dlc it unlocks access to the dlc that is on the disc. Get over it. They hardly invented the concept and won't be the last to use it.

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        • No players who bought the ghost edition got the frontier shell, everything but your first edit is wrong in this post dude, please do research before you post something and say its official please. Kings watch has nothing to -blam!-ing do with intrusion shell. And yeah yeah I know this was post on January 15 but please get your shit right .

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          2 Replies
          • The ghost thing is wrong, the people who ordered the ghost edition of the game (or any special edition for that matter got the frontier she'll not the intrusion.) you can look a my profile and see it

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          • Bump

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          • To be honest, I'm getting bored of destiny. I played since launch but I can't find anything interesting to do anymore. Now that I've got all the best exotics and gear I don't see anything to motivate me. All my friends quit due to bungie's shocking treatment of its fans. I love the game but I do feel that bungie just doesn't care. There are some great games coming out this year that have nicer developers and more honest community managers than the cryptic DEEJ and his company of capitalist lackies. The game is crap compared to what it was, there are even images of people walking around the reef as a playable area for awoken. And I bet you it comes back as dlc (even though it was made). Even all their best people left for some reason and destiny is a shell of a game compared to its former iteration. We all feel it, but can't stop playing the grinding wheel. After playing several other games with friends I've noticed this model of addiction they created. Part of me doesn't want to get back into it as we all know level 32 isn't anything as the dlc will push it to 34 and you will buy armor again at level 32. What is the point? I like the game but I also don't. Graphics and gameplay is sublime, missions are boring as hell and dlc missions were non existent. We all cried for more cutscenes and story and they gave us eris ( laziest dlc choice) Sorry for the massive rant but I've been a big fan since day one and I've seen the light (finally)

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            6 Replies
            • I think the banning is just ridiculous, because it's not like they were hacking to get in there, they just took advantage of a glitch that was already there. Bungie, if you don't want people in these areas, make sure you player proof them so people cant access them. Because the more people they ban, the fewer people who will buy future dlc, sequels, ect.

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            • Wow that's cool...but if you know where I'm talking here in a sec So there is a place on the moon that is really hard to get to but pays off so once you get to this spot there is a teleporter that puts you in a huge ship and if you explore you walk into this MASSIVE room with a giant blue glowing devil walker and this ship is huge also I think that our house of wolves DLC boss will be this devil walker.

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              2 Replies
              • Edited by DuuJ: 12/24/2014 2:31:13 AM
                If they didn't want us to glitch in they wouldn't have called it the [i]intrusion[/i] shell.

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                1 Reply
                • Thank u

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                • Player glitched into the area... Player gets banned... I don't see the issue here. No player is ever entitled to go into said areas for any reason they give. You run the risk of getting banned for such actions. Take it easy...

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                  19 Replies
                  • Ghost, Limited, and Digital Guardian Edition got the Frontier Shell, not Intrusion.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Edited by Skeleton: 3/3/2015 4:16:09 PM
                      You do realize that this thread would be much better off in the feedback section, right? Honestly, where the hell are the forum moderators? This place is a mess.

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                    • Scrub

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                    • Ok i hear what u r saying. About 300 other ppl have said the exact same thing in other posts. But let's just think of this. Let's say you are building a house. A house has several room. You are close to being complete and all you have to do is put finished on every room. So three rooms are done. You look at your forth room. Hmmm there is only a light bulb in here. Should I just leave it? I need it done now though. Well I'll just close the door so ppl can't see in there. Then I'll put the rest of the stuff in there when I can. I think this is close to the issue bungie had. I'm sure I'll see some reply about houses are built completely when sold, this is a hypothetical situation. Hell I bought a brand new house with no previous owners, there's plenty of issues left behind once you're over the awe and beauty.

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                      4 Replies
                      • This is kinda jacked up. If they have reports of players getting into Kings Watch and this wasn't intended in the game then maybe they shouldn't have made this possible. I know of some who have gotten into the kw (Won't name names) and this doesn't sound to difficult to accomplish. STOP BANNING PEEPS FOR CUTTING CORNERS

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                      • It's not bungie it was activision it's just that they got stuck with all the hate. I feel bad for bungie corp. but activision is the devil so they got what they get.

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                      • All I have to say is destiny is a perfect mix of an fps mmo. Sure there's querks but what game doesn't have them. If its such a big deal then why are you playing it? I've had to game for a month and have played ever day. Finally beat crota on hard 2 days ago. Just saying there's plenty to do in the game and plenty more to come.

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