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Edited by Superiority: 10/23/2014 8:42:21 AM

"it's all playable terrain"

The title and vid are just a starting point for the larger discussion. Read all the Edits for the big picture. We were told this (title), in direct commentary from Bungie. "It's all playable terrain". All the people that like the game and hate the whiners, that's fine. But we were sold an open world to explore, and that's a -blam!-ing fact. It is the reason I preordered the game. I love sandbox games (Fallout4 woo). This is false advertising, and the vocal majority of us (the whiners) have a right to whine until it's fixed. There are kill walls EVERYWHERE. [b]EDIT 1:[/b] a lot of you are commenting about how people are reading too much into the sandbox promise. Well... There are loot chests spawning on visibly walkable areas right in front of you, behind kill walls. This game was intended to be much bigger and more free roam. That is what I preordered. Not this pseudo borderlands [b]maze of kill walls[/b]. [b]EDIT 2:[/b] Loot chests behind kill walls is just one example, that players can go see for them selves. A lot has come out the past few days supporting this aswell. Place holders on the Disc, AMA, the game tester. These are the most famous ones. But just [i]look[/i] at the game. These guys made [b]Halo[/b], and you think this is what the game was supposed to be? [b]EDIT 3:[/b] people seemed to want even [i]more[/i] "proof". There are secret areas of the game you can glitch into and walk around in. [b]BIG[/b] areas. If that's not proof of an intended bigger more open world then I don't know what is guys. [b]EDIT 4:[/b] Theory: we know now Bungie made this amazing open world with Halo levels of story. But perhaps it wasn't ready in time. And instead of an extention/delay being granted, Activision used a contract clause about deadlines to seize control and butcher Destiny up into little pieces for max profit. [b]Updating Edit:[/b] 23/10/14: Watch this (long) video in its entirety and you will have your mind blown. Wake up people. Person: [quote]I dont think there are kill areas[/quote] me: [quote] You don't think there are any kill zones!!??!! Jesus titty -blam!-ing Christ they are EVERYWHERE. [i]Especially [/i]on the Moon and Mars. Bloody hell squire...[/quote] [b]Final thought:[/b] So what's to be done? How do we get our sandbox? We need to pressure them into working on a full redeploy of the original concept. We don't [i]want[/i] your DLC, spend that money on the original concept being redeployed instead. There is precedence here, with big games such as SWTOR, RIFT, Star Trek online, the ending of Mass Effect 3, all getting redeployed or receiving a massive overhaul within 18 months of release. We will happily grind the loot cave until then, if we know it's coming. See you star side, Guardians.

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  • What i/s this

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  • Watch and listen carefully at 2:20 and on. "All of this, is playable space. We hope to send you there ONE DAY. it is playable geometry that you COULD go to. We COULD go there right now. " You are blatantly misquoting him in your thread and making him out to be a liar. The above is his EXACT statement from the video, which mind you is being said as he is on the spot on stage while playing a scripted demo designed to show certain mechanics of the game. He very well may have been able to step off that cliff, as that demo may not have had an invisible wall installed yet. Maybe it was there, and he was referencing their intent to remove some/all of the constraints one day. His point was from a development perspective: what you see is made of playable geometry. If they needed to open the world more, we could go there without any additional installation of new areas or space. Everything you see has surfaces a player can move on, walk over, has texture and isn't some sprite painted picture. It COULD be played on, and they HOPE to send us to those areas one day. I've got a whole thread going about this exact misquote and how people are up in arms about something they haven't taken the time to understand in context. Much of this community is letting their experience with the game become ruined over a "lie" that never happened. [url][/url] As to loot chests spawning behind kill walls well, those loot chests are going to have spawning rules within specific zone radii. If they are near the edge of a map, they may spawn on the other side of a kill wall because that surface is still solid and viable solid space. Some of the kill walls may have been added after some of the spawning rules. You don't know, I don't know what the creative decision making process was behind some of those walls. However that happened, is no indication that this guy lied. I feel sorry for this dude and how the community is portraying him. For anyone who played WoW... what the heck was the point of Silithus, The Blasted Lands, Ungoro Crater, The Maelstrom, I could go on and on... what was that area between Azhara and Felwood and Ashenvale that never even had a name but was still on the map.... until content was developed for those areas, they were useless and meant nothing. Developing areas that are already "there" for later use is nothing new. Just be patient.

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    • bump

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    • Edited by ThatVenomousCat: 10/25/2014 2:20:34 PM
      the killwalls.. they are retarded. i've found some in areas you should be able to explore that they are developed already where its not like you can do a special gamebreaking glitch there or anything so it shouldn't be blocked off. like in the area between the devils lair and the divide i was on one of the cranes and was gonna jump to the roof but there was a bungiewall keeping you from getting on the roof of the building (the one that pushes you back like a rubberband) what if i wanted to be like ezio or something and divebomb a knight into the floor from the roof, eh? there are just toomany killwalls. there are some areas i remember being able to go to during the beta but now there are killwalls there too. i understand why there some in the borders of the map but the buildings and area's within the borders i don't get

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      • Have clips of leaving the cosmodrome with a friend. Recently had a chest on the moon that almost killed me. In an area you're supposed to be able to walk on. Not like its way out the map or sight.

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        • Bump for boredom.

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          There's just kill walls EVERYWHERE!!!!!

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          • The thing that pisses me off about it, is that the promise could not have been true, and was never walked back. The way the architecture of the game is set up, we will never get a open-world sandbox. The private corridors and public commons are brilliant design, but they require chokepoints as transition zones. This is fundamentally incompatible with open-world exploration. But here's the thing, with an open-world sandbox, we're busy exploring and making our own stories. I was expecting an open-world sandbox, so I didn't expect a whole lot in the way of story. If we're confined to running through a maze (no matter how pretty) there needs to be a driving story. And there isn't.

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            • Hey remember that time you didn't die from a kill wall? Me either :(

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            • Got a little Poll going about the state of Bungie as a company, considering we didn't get our sandbox as promise: Go and vote please :)

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            • Bump for sandbox.

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            • STOP THE GREED!!!!!! Hail to the gamers!

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            • This is the shit it have been rolling my eyes at since i saw the demo... they explicitly say its all playable regions but nope...

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            • Here is what i have been trying to do though... i want to get back into the starting area some how... by doing that there maybe a way to see once and for all whether that is real terrain.

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            • I would MUCH rather have a series of expansive, carefully crafted, explorable areas than a huge empty wasteland like Fallout. But that's just me.

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              • Bump for revolution!

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              • Bump for what destiny should'v been.

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              • Bump for:

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              • bump for sandbox

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              • Omg STAHP I still can't get over how you can't roam around anywhere.

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              • I really!!! Want too explore everything on old Russia not just walk around and collect chests... That's no fun (( if u take a sniper and look beyond the playable area u will nearly cry that u can get too that point. So please bungie stop making people cry :.(and let use explore your great work not just look at it we must feel what u have made not fear the kill walls that keep us in. The actual game is named destiny how can we find it within the oppression of the kill walls?! Please bungie help us find our destiny!!.

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                • It's almost like they changed what Destiny was supposed to be last second. On one of the earlier trailers, it has a legendary kind of feel to it no? And a few days before release they throw out this cod style bs trailer The first one reminds me of the kickass halo 3 trailers and the second one reminds me of this crap This game still shows promise. Basically has 10 years to improve lol Kinda like battlefield 4, when it launched it was broken as hell but with the recent update it's waaaay better

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                  • I believe one of the biggest bits of proof is in fact the invisible walls...some areas are so random if you walk along paths on the sides of cliffs and go off course a bit random walls appear or countdowns to return. This could be due to 3 reasons: A) they were lazy and instead of building actual terrain obstacles from preventing us from going places they put the barriers there B) they cut off these areas from the game and put the Barriers there to stop us C)they left large areas for dlc and will open up these areas up later on

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                    • Edited by StrikeSudden: 10/15/2014 7:27:22 PM
                      Ooopppps you have been bungied again. Critics just as much to blame on this. They gave raving reviews and not the truth.

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                    • You want sandbox? Go play minecraft.

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                      10 Replies
                      • The funnest thing left to do out side the crucible is seeing how far into the "playable" terrain you can get in your allotted 4 seconds ^.^

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