To be perfectly honest, I always feel like I'm playing alone when playing destiny. This is NOT a good feeling.
Without cross-platform online play, most of my friends who have the game are on different consoles and cannot play with me. while I understand the reasons for disallowing cross-platform play, they leave no options for making friends with people whom do have your console. On top of that there is literally zero communication with other players in this game and the clan/group system is ultra confusing and feels very displaced.
Because of this, overall, this is without a doubt the loneliest RPG type game I have ever played.
I sort of bought this game off of Halo's credit (my favorite game of all time) and I am super disappointed with the way they have set up this game so in the dark when Halo's communication/clan system was on point. I constantly find myself trying to find friends on the internet which I feel is something I should never have to do with a console game.
Other than the giant void that is Destiny's communication system (or lack there of), I found the game mechanics to be superb, artwork jaw-dropping, and general feel to be great.
However, those things mean very little when you can't enjoy the game with others.
If I were Bungie I would have pushed an update allowing people to at least communicate in some way long ago and I find it kind of pathetic that they have not yet.
Totally agree. I feel largely alone when I play the game.