Did you write this with a straight face? Very cringe worthy.
Step right up folks, all of this can be yours for an additional $39.99. We will give you endless new content in the form of a new strike you can run endlessly until your fingers bleed. This also comes with new weapons not much different from the current ones. Did I mention story? Yes folks Dinklebot will take you to the far reaches of the galaxy and work as your trusted companion hacking each and every terminal as you fend off waves of baddies over and over again. And when you're done you can up the difficulty and do it all over again and again and again. Oh the fun we will have!
You sir, win the internet.
To be fair, unless you work there, you don't know what the DLC will contain. None of us can speculate if the pipeline is simply different flavoured grinds or story arc segments in themselves. If you don't like the game, feed it back, and leave - please stop with the harsh bleats. I've gone for the expansion pack as an act of faith as much as for my enjoyment of the demo, and my continued enjoyment of the release. If you choose not to, then fair enough - I guess I'm having more fun with it than you at the moment. If the DLC is rushed and not of any real substance/new features, then I might simply stop playing, but I certainly won't come on here foaming at the keyboard, spitting bile at all those people who have worked hard on what must have been one of the biggest challenges they have faced. Ultimately, each player will assign their own idea of the value they've got from the game and any content they buy. I for one will be trying it out to see. Then I'll make my decision, not before.
the dlc maps were on the.disc lol they were there for months I been all up in them bungie just sucks
Well said.
Oh so it's a trick? I never thought of it like that. They lower the bar so low the only to go is up with the DLC. I hope that's the case. I've always said the gameplay is awesome. Everything else makes me shake my head and wonder why. The silence from Bungie is deafening. Except for the pitch "coming in December, new shit you won't be disappointed with"
Angry joe lol
Anyone else read this in Corporate Commander voice? AngryJoe fans will get it lol
What is the difference between running through 20 call of duty maps for a entire year. At least I have more options in destiny. Or racing through 20 tracks for a entire year. Please tell me what's different?.
um better multiplayer nd only 15 dollars a dlc?
The difference is that's not how this was marketed or sold. This isn't the game that was promised. I didn't buy this to be another COD or a racing game. If you don't get that then you haven't been paying attention for the last 2 years.
If you played the alpha and beta you should have known what you was buying. I bought it an the basis of the alpha and beta. I did not follow it from two yeas ago. So you must of had a hard fall.
The problem is the beta was said to be 10% of the actual game. No one realized the other 90% was the exact same things just re-skinned. That is why destiny is failing.
I followed it, got what I was promised, and love it... But I know how to have reasonable expectations abd read between the lines without being retarded... Apparently a rare talent
If this is what you call reasonable expectations then I fear for the future of games. Games can still be everything they promise. Look at Shadows of Mordor...great game, no mass rage about being given a load of crap which doesn't come close to what was promised. But by all means stick with your idea of "reasonable expectations" in 10 years you'll be paying $60 for 4-6 hours of content and the corporate -blams- will be rolling with laughter while they wipe their -blams- with that money. "Create your own story" I can do that without paying $60 thank you very much.
You can't 'create your own game' in any game. I love the lore and it's growth potential, the gameplay is spectacular, it's smooth and beautiful and a ton of fun to play... But I'm not a spoiled brat so maybe that's just me.
no maybe your just made of money or have concept of work? I work hard for my money im not rich 40 bucks a dlc is fed up on top of a 60dollar game purchase maybe ur just rich?
Lol I work two jobs dick head... That is 100 dollars over basically a year if you can't afford that you shouldn't be playing Hanes abreast because you are too close to the edge. Lean to manage your money
Love how the best defense you can come up with is calling me a spoiled brat. You're really so clever. Just to touch on that for a second I'm a US veteran that served in the Marine Corps. I served 2 combat tours and have worked for everything I have in life. All that being said I only spend money when it's a worthwhile expense. The core of this game is good at best. Things said about content being taken out might have fallen on deaf ears if not for the fact that the game seems stripped down and empty. I don't expect to get something for nothing but the game was advertised entirely different than the product we were given. I paid for the Destiny i watched and saw in many videos and interviews. This is not it. Spoiled brat...lmao grow up idiot.
ahmen brother
1. thank you for your service. 2. it has absolutely nothing to do with this and isn't a shield versus insult or the impression you leave online. 3. I never called you a spoiled brat, I implied that many of the people complaining about this game are. (that isn't a defense, its an attack btw...would think someone in the military would know the difference but thats ok) If you feel the game isn't worthwhile then don't play it and next time do enough research to know what kind of game is likely to come out, they said they were taking inspirations from mmo and rpg games in some elements (yes, they are different types of games) and you probably should have guessed not everything would be available at once. this game is very much a follow up to borderlands 2 in many of its mechanics and does that very well (gameplay only bdl2 wins in story for many reasons at this point). The game is not that different than it was advertised and anyone who brings up the stupid 'see that mountain' quote is either totally naive and/or retarded, and really has no credible opinion when it comes to analyzing an entertainment product. finally, in the future, if you are given a chance to play or see footage of the beta for a very hyped game...pay attention before you buy. I got what I wanted in the game except for the story, and the story shows enough potential alongside the fun gameplay that I am satisfied with my purchase. I play games for the gameplay not to be told a story (mostly play rpgs so yes I do prefer a good story, but its not my reason for playing)...if I want a great story I will read a book because that is THEIR purpose.
Edited by Dustin1208: 10/9/2014 7:59:09 PM[quote]2. it has absolutely nothing to do with this and isn't a shield versus insult or the impression you leave online. 3. I never called you a spoiled brat, I implied that many of the people complaining about this game are. (that isn't a defense, its an attack btw...would think someone in the military would know the difference but thats ok)[/quote] 1. Not using this as a shield just a reference so you can stop using the pathetic spoiled brat defense. There is a difference between offense and defense. Calling someone a spoiled brat may seem like an offensive move to you but it is being used in defense of your argument by belittling the person disagreeing with you. The belittling you did once again by trying to claim that as a member of the military I should know better. You really can't hold an argument without the use of slander? Kinda sad really. [quote]If you feel the game isn't worthwhile then don't play it[/quote] 2. If they don't deliver on the dlc I've already purchased I will be moving on. As it stands right now the company has stated they are paying attention to feedback. For this reason I am giving it and have every right to. So in response to your "if you don't like it go away" comment I respond in kind. If you don't like that people feel cheated then stay off the forums. If Bungie shows they don't care about everyone that's upset then they will move on as I do. Right now they have every right to express their disappointment. [quote]and next time do enough research to know what kind of game is likely to come out, they said they were taking inspirations from mmo and rpg games in some elements[/quote] 3. I did research which is why I'm so upset about what was actually released. Rumors and speculation run wild on every game released but the sheer magnitude in the case of Destiny should make it clear many were misled and disappointed. This game is not what was advertised try doing some research yourself. I used to also support the game until I did even more research. [quote]The game is not that different than it was advertised and anyone who brings up the stupid 'see that mountain' quote is either totally naive and/or retarded, and really has no credible opinion when it comes to analyzing an entertainment product.[/quote] 4. Who are you to decide who is and isn't credible? That statement just destroyed your own credibility. [quote]finally, in the future, if you are given a chance to play or see footage of the beta for a very hyped game...pay attention before you buy.[/quote] Refer back to point 3. [quote]I got what I wanted in the game except for the story, and the story shows enough potential alongside the fun gameplay that I am satisfied with my purchase. I play games for the gameplay not to be told a story (mostly play rpgs so yes I do prefer a good story, but its not my reason for playing)...if I want a great story I will read a book because that is THEIR purpose.[/quote] Good for you. I'm glad you enjoy the game. As for the book thing. That is what's called an opinion...in case that wasn't clear to you. (Sorry for the belittling but you seem to be very full of yourself and have a sort of superiority complex which is very annoying. )
lol I specialize in being annoying so there is not insult taken there, but I am going to clear one thing up since neither of us really have any solid ground in this 'debate' other than our right and ability to state our own opinions. I initially said I loved the gameplay, story growth potential and mechanics I put an ellipsis there to separate my next statement as a separate thought and stated I am 'not a spoiled brat'. The first part is stating my position and why I have it, the second is an attack on the literally thousands of people on these forums bitching and moaning about 'lack of content' in a game they have a hundred hours of play in, most of them have no idea what 'content' is when it relates to a game, and they complain how they were mislead and lied to while I watched all the videos, the interviews, and saw all the hype...and got exactly what I expected. now either I have played a ton of games and have realistic expectations regardless of hype (likely to a degree) or I am some 'lame desticle who cant see the TRUTH cuz my head is up bungies ass'. the latter is obviously an exagerrated parody mocking that very response which many of the spoiled brats on here use when they can't make an actual argument. one last thing...saying I would expect someone from the military to understand the difference between an offensive and defensive position is not slander, it is pointing out that you are not using the language correctly OR you didnt understand my original position. (most likely the latter). I didn't attack you specifically or call you specifically a brat...I implied you might be because I don't know, the possibly certainly exists, and the position you took is one similar to the one that many of them have. Take away the hype and just release it as is and destiny is game of the year easily, the game is a victim of its own hype (hello activision) much more than it is actually a faulty product.
Edited by Dustin1208: 10/9/2014 8:48:44 PMFaulty, no. Lacking in every way, yes. I literally did everything one in less than 6 hours. Except the vault of glass because you HAVE to grind for hours to get good enough gear to participate. Either that or be the luckiest person alive lol. 6 hours of gameplay to me isn't worthwhile but I was ok with it because a new event was planned for the end of the month. Then that event ended up being nothing new. If that is the plan then their dlcs need to add as much content as the original game had at release otherwise it's just not worthwhile. Look at my other posts if you're interested I supported the game up until Queen's Crap was released. MMOs need new content in between big dlcs to survive. If Queen's Crap is any indicator we won't be getting that. EDIT: I would NOT place this in the game of the year category even with removing the hype and the fact that Bungie produced it. The gameplay is fun which is why I'm on the forums hoping they'll start showing us some form of care. But unlike you gameplay isn't everything to me. Not only that, there are plenty of other games that have great and fun gameplay but also have more story AND content.
If you did everything in 6 hours you must have pretty much speed ran it...which is fine to each their own. I have a feeling their DLC will be something similar to how borderlands did theirs...if it is this game will be just fine