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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/29/2014 6:09:19 PM

It seems I'm having a very different experience with the game than most...

I'm a software developer in my 30s. I work all day, come home, hit the gym or go for a bike ride, make dinner, and take care of the dog. After dinner, I boot up the PS4, create a party with 4 to 6 of my friends... work friends, childhood friends, friends I've just met... We hop in a PS4 party, then we all load up the game. We battle through all of the game's missions together. We take on the strikes. We take on the queens wrath missions. We're working on building up our light levels. We do patrols and bounties, and we all enter the Crucible together. I am having an absolute blast playing Destiny with my friends. Maybe the difference is that I have a dedicated set of friends whom I can play the game with that make it so much fun, but reading through this board is very interesting to me. It seems that many of the people writing here are having a very different experience than I am having. Is it simply because I'm playing with my friends that I find what the developers at Bungie have given us so entertaining?

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  • Man, I've been having a lot of fun on this game. I do dislike the connection problems I'm having and even the lack of public voice chat. However, as a game, Destiny is almost exactly what I expected it to be; an FPS with MMO elements. I wasn't expecting an awesome story that rivals games like The Last of Us or Beyond: Two Souls, I wasn't expecting a world that rivals Skyrim in size (even though Destiny's explorable areas are actually quite vast, and I often get lost because I do not recognize a lot of the places I end up in), and I wasn't expecting everything to make sense right off the bat. Anybody who knows anything about Activision knows that they love pushing DLC on us. I do like Bungie's approach, though. They made the events not require insane updates that rival Battlefield's in size (I hate downloading Battlefield's updates, they're ridiculously large). Everything just flows so seamlessly. I appreciate that. I think people expected something that wasn't actually advertised. Big world? Check. A lot of endgame activities? Check. MMO-like elements (classes, leveling, grinding, farming, grinding, loot, grinding)? Check. Beautiful world with a lot of backstory? Check. I think the marjority of people misinterpreted Bungie's idea at the reveal. However, it should have been very clear when the beta came around. The beta was grind-heavy and repetitive too. I'm not sure why they expected a huge change. The game is exactly what it was advertised to be. People also misinterpreted the "playable" areas assertion. All they meant was that Destiny doesn't have "backdrops." Everything you see is able to be touched and explored if Bungie removes invisible walls, which they probably won't. However, even if those parts of the world were available to us, people would just find something else to complain about. This game was just subject to far too much hype. No game in the history of mankind could ever live up to that kind of hype. Hell, ESO has this same problem. Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, and Titanfall all have the exact same problem. Gamers hype the crap out of games, and then they cry when the game isn't what the created in their minds.

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