So the back of the box states, "rich cinematic storytelling set in huge worlds"
Can I have what I paid for before considering DLC? The Dark Below promises more story is that like, another cut scene then? Considering the amount of story telling within the full 5 hour game will is essentially like 6 cut scenes I can't imagine a small expansion pack having a sizable amount of story to care about.
I can deal without the huge open worlds if you fill in the story at least.
If you bought a game on release without finding out whether or not you would like it or not then it is your own fault not bungies. You paid for a game which you didn't know for sure was what you wanted, you only thought it was. It is your fault as it is mine for doing the same as you did. This is why review channels exist on youtube
Funny you say that when Bungie specifically told all reviewers to hold back their reviews till a few weeks after release and for gamers to take all early reviews with grain of salt. Me thinks Bungie knew a head of time the game didn't live up to it's potential and wanted to get maximum profits before the shit storm of bad reviews were published.
Its really not a consumers job to figure out if a company is telling the truth. There should be easier ways for consumers to seek out help because currently any laws in place aren't effective when it'll cost us a lot more than $60 to get our $60 back.
I'm level 23 and haven't done a single Mars mission. If I don't have a daily or bounty leading me there then what's the point? Certainly not for the "story"!
This isn't even open world. So many loading screens =(