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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/29/2014 4:55:27 PM


Bungie, A lot of people are whining because they can't get loot or shards to upgrade armor. That's understandable because it's not supposed to be easy to reach level the maximum level of 30. It should take an average person well of 100 hours to reach 30 in my opinion. It's supposed to be an mmo and they have done a decent job for a first person shooter. It's fun. I'm not a campiagn player at all. I started with combat evolved, then halo 2 and Xbox live came into my life and I never played another campaign since. I've been playing halo for over 10 years now and my best gaming moments were with halo 2 and 3. The rank system made it competitive and gave people a reason to play competitive. I love this games multiplayer but am tired of destroying random because they aren't on my level and there is no real objective. The fan base that will stick with you for the long run are those who want to be competitive. Not those that complain because they spent 78 hours and are stuck at level 27. If your trying to please EVERYONE and make everyone a winner, then I am done with this. Not everyone can be a winner and not everyone deserves rewards. It should be worked hard for. Add a mlg section where there is only standardized weapons, a standarized class, no supers, and one heavy ammo location that both sides should fight for. Then add a unranked and ranked for this type of play list. That way people that want to play for fun can do just that, and let us competitive people be competive and try to get a "50" or whatever new rank you want to add. Add a private lobbby for gamebattles. Again, from all the posts there is no real endgame.. you grind to reach 30 and then what? Might as well quit because the crucible is so far from competitive it might as well not even be there. I'm grown now, have a wife and kid, and work in the USAF. And I'm still with you bungie. Probably one last time before I hang it up if there is never a competitive feature added to this game. I'll buy masterchief collection and play my halo 2 and 3 until they go offline again and be done. Don't let us down bungie, I hope somebody reads this and pushes the issue up that chain because this is where the diehard fans are that play for years lie. v/r, JoE GT - INS0MNlA

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