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9/21/2014 5:33:07 PM

Just did the earth engram

So I found 2 random lvl 26 players and I a lvl 27. We rolled the cave for 30 min periodically entering for engrams. I revived 2 legendary Witch rolled 1 legendary auto rifle and a rare. About 40 green engrams and a few banners and one mote of light. I can see why players are doing this but I get better gear overall from lvling up my vanguard, cryptark, strikes and patrols. Even though the drop rate is higher and I don't realy have to try more tedious than "grinding" for get and mats. For all of the players stressing that this is an exploit as long as you keep playing the game the way it was ment to they will never get the nice gear you can get. For all of the players doing the cave farm keep going as long as you like. But it might limit you in the long run and dull your skills. Keep fighting the darkness however you see fit and we shall see whose methods get them on the cover of Forbes magazine "Guardian Edition".

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