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Edited by Valkarion117: 9/20/2014 11:58:11 PM

Why aren't Titans the tank they are made out to be?

Am I The only one who reads all these Destiny Wikis about titans being "the tank" for Destiny? Like, damage sponges that can draw enemy fire and handle aggro? Well why the eff are they NOT? Many, Many times with strikes I have a fireteam of close friends me-Titan my buddies-1 warlock 1 Hunter. We are all on par with equal levels, but as a titan my defense by armor rating is the highest of us 3, my armor rating in my class and recovery are as high as the codexes allow. My plan was, defender support character to draw fire and be medic to a team full of strong abilities. But even with having the highest ratings of defense and armor, I take LESS go down than my warlock or Hunter allies. Legit, a wizard downed me in 4 hits my warlock friend took 7 to down! Same wwizard same level same spot. No buffs. They just have more agility than I do, does agility relate to toughness that I am missing? Why am I The most fragile team member, while using the "damage sponge" of.the three classes? And last but not least, that defender shield is ****, you can't shoot out of it!!!! Pvp, people just gather and wait for it to fold and gank me. Pve? The AI make it their home! The shield needs to damage the enemies while in it to discourage take over, and needs to let firepower leave it. Otherwise you trap yourself in a bright shiny bubble everyone can find you in. Bungie, please, make your tank covered in "80% armor 20% cloth" take more hits than a piece of paper.

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  • The game isn't an MMO, despite popular belief, and wasn't made to have clear cut MMORPG roles, such as tank. Titan takes a bit more damage and has a bubble shield but otherwise isn't a standard tank.

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    1 Reply
    • Just hope iron banner changes that

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    • Actually the Titans are tanky. They have an 80/20 percent armor rating. So if a titan has 1k armor, and a warlock has 1k armor, the titan will have a higher def rating than the lock because the lock has a lower armor rating than the titan. I can't remember off the top of my head exactly what it was posted as, I believe it is 40/60. I know for a fact it is lower.

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    • End game everyone has the same amount of armour which is dumb. I'm tankier than my brother and Im a Warlock and he's a Titan.

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    • Get the perk which gives you insane resistance whilst in the shield, then beat the crap outta the home invasion squads. For PVP you can do the same, or you can select the perk which gives you an over shield which lasts while you leave the bubble, allowing you to walk out and shotgun those who are waiting to 'gank' you.

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    • For pve you can melee inside the shield, for PvP you can or use it when defending a flag.

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