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Edited by Scionyde: 9/18/2014 2:41:58 PM

Post Your Connection Issues/fixes Here - Home Networks

I have seen many of these threads, but it seems that most of the posts are just people ranting and complaining. I will say that I am quite guilty of that as well, and my patience is growing thin, but I think we should try to provide Bungie with more specific information so they can get our issues fixed as soon as possible. Please post your specific issues in here, and try to keep it short-ish, to the point, and present it in a professional manner so they don't have to comb through garbage to find what they could possibly need. I'll start by saying: I'm on the Xbox 360. I am on my home network. I get mostly just BEE and CENTIPEDE after entering any game zone. I can sit in orbit and stare at my ship for hours, but even entering a mission, strike, crucible match, or the tower nets me a BEE error within 2-10 minutes. I'VE HAD THESE ISSUES SINCE DAY 1. I've tried all the workarounds mentioned on this site (NAT Type, opening ports, QoS, disabling flood protection, DMZ server, static IP for router and console, hard resetting everything multiple times, deleting system cache, deleting and reinstalling the game, using a VPN, going wireless and wired, and multiple combinations of all of these) Any help/reply would be appreciated. We must keep hammering them until we are heard. Also, pass this around the forum: ^This is getting ridiculous. We are not a tiny portion of the community.

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  • Edited by Master: 9/26/2014 4:39:16 AM
    We are aware there are some players that are not having a quality experience getting or staying connected to Destiny, even after following the troubleshooting steps. We will be updating the CATTLE/CATERPILLAR, CENTIPEDE, BEE/FLY/LION and BEAVER/FLATWORM/LEOPARD help articles with updates as we investigate. Here are some links for those that want more info (scroll to the bottom of each article for updates):

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    310 Replies
    • When I first started playing 2 months ago I didn't have connections problem but after that update 2 weeks ago I'm dcing getting kick from everything I do on destiny yesterday was the only day I didn't have problems but today it's back. Late at night after 11pm I can without many problems or if I join other ppl but it's starting annoy me now 😒

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    • Edited by scrylite: 11/21/2014 4:08:47 AM
      Ok... First of all start with your connection device. Is it a RAW modem or a combo (modem/router) unit? If it's a RAW modem then try connecting only your Xbox directly to the modem and be certain it's getting a public IP, not a 192.168 number. This will at least allow you to isolate your own stand alone router as a culprit if you maintain connection fine. If you have a combo unit (modem/router) you need to put it into bridged mode and go buy a decent router that supports UPNP and preferably DD-WRT firmware which you can google. I'd recommend Linksys/Cisco E1200 unit. if you can't afford a router or won't buy one, then unfortunately your at the whim of the crappy device combo your ISP gave you. The problem with using these devices is that typically they are running some modified version of firmware that either removes options, disables them or worse makes them irrelevant given that most use a script upon boot from your ISP to designate all the settings back to what they want them as. One other thing to check is that you disabled port scan detection and ip flood detection. Also do not use UPNP, DMZ, and port forwarding together. It's one or the other not all three. Also many routers prefer that you use DHCP rather than static with services like UPNP and port forwarding but be sure that you reserve a static IP through DHCP reservation tables (done by MAC address; this is also on the router usually in "advanced or routing section). This is a way of ensuring a static IP while maintaining transparency to the gateway through the DHCP server of the router. Many devices if given a static IP on said device will not be seen by the router in UPNP SERVIces. One final note be sure your home network is on IPv4 protocol unless you have some significant reason to use IPv6. It should work regardless but in my personal experiences I've run it to many anomalies with the tunneling from ipv4 to ipv6. If you personally want some assistance or have a question regarding networking the Xbox feel free to send me a message in Live!.

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      3 Replies
      • Change your modem to another brand. That's what worked for me.

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      • Hey this is John from that crazy huge thread that was published on gamespot and stuff. So I helped get my commenters on the map and many of the universities I listed got fixed but the home users are still getting absolutely reamed in the ass. It is not on your end. My university didn't do anything and mine is working fine now. It's them. They are delaying until they know how to fix it if it's even possible. Networking issues like this are just insanely difficult but usually the company fixes it. This time they didn't. And the consensus on my thread is a P2P compatibility issue but it could be really anything. Sorry you guys, this sucks. We all deserve better. But it's what we got so press on mates!

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      • Dear Bungie, This means a lot to me. The Vault of Glass is very fun. Hell the best thing to do is the raid. Today we got together the best raid team I have ever seen. Thats a lot coming from me. Not too often I see such fine team working together. Every death led us closer to victory. We kept going at it, getting back up learning from our mistakes. Organized and prepared for the next round and the next. But our deaths were not the issues. As I saw my team mate keep bashing the pretorian it kept regaining its health. Atheon froze and the battle just became a glitch fess. Atheon only sending 1, to 2 players and players being sent into the portal had the bubble around them. Close to killing him and glitches became so common. Getting killed in the relic holder bubble shield when in the middle. The oracles dying, but yet no times vengeance. Bungie yes I understand pushing off a boss is wrong I prefer to do it legit and get my rewards by true victory. But this is just so wrong and frustrating how the most funnest thing in the game is so buggy. Please take this into consideration. Take down the raid until you fix it. There was times were yes it was our faults of failing. But when the game breaks itself to stop us from winning. Thats where this issue needs to stop. Please anyone having any other issues with the raid itself let yourself be heard. I know we all don’t want a buggy raid.

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      • I fixed my hare/rabbit/centipede/cattle/caterpillar errors that rendered the game literally unplayable by removing the double NAT in my home network - put my modem into bridge mode. You might have a double NAT if you have a modem and a separate router/wireless gateway combo. The modem does one NAT and then the router performs a second NAT. Even if you forward ports, enable UPNP or configure DMZ mode on both (I had) it could still prevent everything from working. Also, if you have an Xbox one then run the multiplayer network diagnostic under the settings menu - it helps to ID where the problem lies very well. If you post it with your bungie error code it will make things easier for all.

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        • Bump

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        • bump

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        • This is the exact same thing that has happened to me, and it's really, extraordinarily annoying.

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        • Edited by Mr Liberal: 9/23/2014 1:54:52 AM
          Peak time connection issues (Xbox 360) A little background about my connection first, (according to speedtest, pingtest, and my router). Download speeds hovering around 45 mbps - ping avg is about 14 – 0 packets loss – jitter avg is 4 – all necessary ports opened according to bungie and Microsoft – I don't live on a college campus, with all of that being said why can't I play Destiny during peak times!! When I attempt to play Destiny when I get home from work at around 3:30 pm cst I run into pretty much zero connectivity issues but at around 4:30 pm my frustrations begins and they don't end until around 11:30ish. I receive a biblical level of animal errors, from caterpillar to hawk and everything in-between. This mainly happens during story missions or patrols, I was lvl 16 before I finished 1 mission on the Moon because of all of the times I had to restart missions from the beginning, and don't get me started on the tower, it's a 100% disconnect zone. For all of those areas above I'll get anywhere form 5sec to 25min of playtime . Surprising I have had only small issues with strikes or the crucible stuff regardless of when I play, don't get me wrong I still get dropped from these but it's more of a once or twice per hr type of thing. Long story short I'm confident the error is not on my end as I can literally do anything else with my 360 from Netflix to COD to other Bungie games with no issue regardless of when I play Bungie Please Please FIX THIS...I'm way more frustrated then my post would have u believe... your game is unplayable for a lot of people, some sort of acknowledgement that you guys hear us and are working on.....SOMETHING....ANYTHING would be AWESOME -Frustrated Warlock (who still hasn't been able to beat the story)

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          1 Reply
          • Trying to do the Thorn exotic bounty (500 void damage point/kills in crucible) I can go great 15/4 and at the last second, I get kicked with error code Bee and I lose all my points. Really starting to piss me off

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          • Edited by NeoMaverick1982: 11/12/2014 2:45:06 AM
            Saying Bee/Fly/Centipede is our problem is Bungie just trying to shirk responsibility for poorly written MP code. I have had hardly an issue until a couple of weeks ago, now I can't stay in a lobby for more than 2 minutes. I can stare at my ship in orbit for hours if I wanted to, but no play time for me. I played half the day, then got off to do some homework, then tried to get back on and was continuously booted for the next hour. I don't want to rant, but do not tell us it is our fault when everything used to work just fine. I run FiOS 50/50 and I plug my PS4 directly into the router by CAT 5e wire. There is no more stable connection than that. I have run numerous network tests and am consistently getting a 40/35 connection, so Bungie please tell me how it is my network that is causing me to be removed from game lobbies. There is no need to port forward, I'm not going to go through that ridiculous nonsense. Fix it on your end.

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          • Recently trouble shooted my home network...I'm hardwired through a new net gear r7000, anyway I noticed I had high packet loss thanks to the Xbox one networking tools so I bypassed my router and plugged my Xbox directly into my cable modem and my packet loss dropped down to 0-1% and I never got disconnects or "contacting destiny server" so obviously something is wrong with my router, does anyone know any networking fixes for packet loss occurring at the router because net gear customer support doesn't know a thing obviously...

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          • I'm having trouble logging in on ps4 I'm getting the weasel error

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          • WEASEL ERROR PS4

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          • Weasal

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          • Edited by scrylite: 11/13/2014 11:10:27 PM
            Unfortunately for many of you what your witnessing is the side effects of an exploding industry with no regulation. The days of plug in the red wire to the red port and go are drifting away, and many will have to take it upon themselves to self educate. I'm not at all suggesting that BUNGIE isn't largely to blame here. Just remarking on the problems inherent in resolving such complicated issues with an ill-advised public.

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          • Had the same weasel errors as everyone else (before that previously known as centipede) to be honest been getting problems pretty much since launch although not as often as I once did it's still bloody annoying Few things I have noticed though other might find helpful!! 1. Achievement lag seems to cause a boot 2. Tuesday reset day where players seem to on different versions causes issues I.e cannot join parties through friends etc. try getting all of party to restart the game especially for raids 3. Xb1 and ps4 maintenance periods always hurts destiny more than other games 4. Those resetting their routers in frustration be aware of dynamic line management aka DLM (uk anyway) this won't be helping your connection stability I was doing this it's a ball-ache for days after (until I researched its impact) go easy on your ISP Beucause in UK all ISPs use BTs exchange, with exception of Virgin. DLM is run through BT most ISPs have no control over it!!! 5. I requested my isp to turn my interleaving switch off my ping is 10 to London. I now get a consistent 74 Mbps down and 19 Mbps up although this might not be an option for most unless you have a pro package. 6. If you are on xb1 take the detailed network stats with a pinch of salt, it's getting data from the Microsoft Seattle centre not one from the local azure server to you 7. Port forwarding did nothing for me and to be honest The standard UPNP should be enough for most especially if you have a few devices connected! This should be reserved for people on campus or some other shared site most domestic users need not apply! 8. Obviously a no brainer but if you can connect to your router via Ethernet cable rather than wirelessly do so. If it's the latter play around with the channels using until you find the best channel. Most routers set this to auto which might pick up interference. 9. I have found a hard reset(holding xbox button for 8 seconds) helps also before turned off kinect which also seemed to stabilise for a time 10. Most routers have detailed network statistics check for noise margin and attenuation stats. Below a 6 is not good for noise... again research both of these, if anything you might squeeze a bit more speed out of your line when you do, will also give you ammunition with your isp 11. In uk those using fibre or adsl who are non virgin and wired to their router, look into using a splitter faceplate rather than filter with the master socket. You should see a more reliable connection. BT have just released mk3 VDSL filtered faceplate look this up as a first starting point and go from there. 12. My ISP is sky don't for a second Believe the bullshit they come out with, its clear after week or so of research I am now able to have a full debate and break down their poor scripting arguments with ease, and this is with their supposed "pro team" (I don't profess to be an expert in any sense). They also have very little in the way of diagnostics tools to help you, again the monopoly BT have in the uk by owning pretty much everything! Now if it's none of these sorry boys and girls your shafted like me :) ..... can it be anything other than bungie servers? Although some of these have seen me get fewer errors. Whether that's a result of my antics or Bungie who knows? The silver lining though is you might have learnt a bit along the way like I have:)

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          • I'm getting bee, baboon, anteater over and over, ps4

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            • I keep getting the error codes "Baboon" and "Cloudbarry" when I'm playing story or a strike. I get the error code "Bee" when I play crucible

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            • Greetings I am here in the hopes of finding help. You see the problem is I have so much trouble getting to the tower. . Why you ask ? Beaver, leopard, Flatworm, Caterpillar, Apple, Eel, Rabbit, Fly, Centipede, Jackrabbit, Anteater, Quail, Baboon, Impala, Gopher, Jellyfish. Canary, Newt, Bee, Cat, Stinkbug, Zebra, Bass, Wessel, Pineapple, Kingfisher, Elk, Chicken, Currant, Marion berry, Beetle. These are most of the error codes I have come across in my time playing destiny. I believe a lot of these errors have been solved as I do not see most of them any more, But the problem still persists. When I play destiny in takes me on average 4 - 6 attempts to get into the tower. and when I do finally get there I could be there for a minute or an hour. Sometimes I get in first times other times I just give up and walk away. This is very frustrating for me as I really enjoy playing destiny but I can not take the anguish any more. Now I am not here to point fingers name names or call people out, Nor am I here to abuse or go on a tyrannical rant. I am here seeking help so I can once again enjoy my destiny experience. Here is what I no because I have try to work this problem out and fix it myself and although I have had success the problem is getting worse. I have a PS4 It has a static IP and DMZ I have opened all the ports according to the bungie help section. And when I first did this (opening the ports the rest was in place) I had immediate success and had the most solid connection. not one error code and one drop off I was ecstatic. Then along came Hotfix - 10/14/2014 and it undid all the work from my end and the error codes came back to haunt me. It started with taking multiple attempts to get to the tower, Then I started getting kicked from activities not very often but as time has progressed the error codes the drop offs have steadily increased. for example yesterday it took me 3 attempt's to do the daily event on one character and I have 3 characters ( and no its not because I don't have thumbs ) I have try doing activities with friends and solo it makes little to no difference. The main error code I am getting now are Beaver, Leopard, Flatworm, Rabbit and Quail. Please someone. . . anyone can you help me fix this issues I am having or point me in the direction of the problem ? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for time and energy.

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            • Check it. Better than any faq or whatever bungie has.

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