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9/18/2014 4:19:48 AM

Bungie ... I would like to apologize ...

I apologize that I am apparently part of the most ungrateful gaming community of my lifetime. I have come to the forum for the last week thinking I would see some positive feedback along with the critical that would help your team improve upon an already great game. What I have found is a site littered with hateful comments and absolutely unreasonable requests. I appologize for being part of a community that seems to be outraged over you not creating the imaginary game we built in our heads. I appologize that we can't appreciate the hard work you did to bring us something new and exciting. That your dedication and late nights away from your families couldn't find room to perfectly cater a game to our individual needs. I am sorry for being part of a world obsessed with what number out of a 10 your game ranks as instead of deciding if it is a game for me. I truly hope when you humans read these terrible comments your are not discourage for what you have accomplished, that you know there are millions like me who are having a blast. For this I want to give a text wall of thank you's. Thank you for not forgetting us who are still on last gen and providing the game across 4 consoles. ( fingers still crossed for a PC version ) Thank you for a smooth launch with such a large project. Thank you for the smooth gameplay and mechanics. Thank you for providing an in depth beta to help me decide if I wanted this game. Thank you for providing a game that I can connect and have the best time with my friends that I have had in a long time. Thank you for your commitment to listen to what we have to say ( good or bad) and promising to commit to bringing us entertainment. I hope that many more are like me are out there and understand what it takes to tackle a project like this and thank you as well. Please keep doing what you are doing and I promise to be patient in seeing where you take us from here.

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  • Edited by shePenguin: 9/18/2014 8:40:59 PM
    [quote]I apologize that I am apparently part of the most ungrateful gaming community of my lifetime. I have come to the forum for the last week thinking I would see some positive feedback along with the critical that would help your team improve upon an already great game. What I have found is a site littered with hateful comments and absolutely unreasonable requests. I appologize for being part of a community that seems to be outraged over you not creating the imaginary game we built in our heads. I appologize that we can't appreciate the hard work you did to bring us something new and exciting. That your dedication and late nights away from your families couldn't find room to perfectly cater a game to our individual needs. I am sorry for being part of a world obsessed with what number out of a 10 your game ranks as instead of deciding if it is a game for me. I truly hope when you humans read these terrible comments your are not discourage for what you have accomplished, that you know there are millions like me who are having a blast. For this I want to give a text wall of thank you's. Thank you for not forgetting us who are still on last gen and providing the game across 4 consoles. ( fingers still crossed for a PC version ) Thank you for a smooth launch with such a large project. Thank you for the smooth gameplay and mechanics. Thank you for providing an in depth beta to help me decide if I wanted this game. Thank you for providing a game that I can connect and have the best time with my friends that I have had in a long time. Thank you for your commitment to listen to what we have to say ( good or bad) and promising to commit to bringing us entertainment. I hope that many more are like me are out there and understand what it takes to tackle a project like this and thank you as well. Please keep doing what you are doing and I promise to be patient in seeing where you take us from here.[/quote] Perfect

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  • Freaking love this thread. My friends & I were just saying the same thing.

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  • I think this is an awesome game, just please, please put matchmaking in all the raids and strikes! An in game chat system would be super cool too. Thank you

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    3 Replies
    • Totally agree with OP. Compared to so many game launches I have been a part of, this is hands down been an awesome expeirence... *cough* brokenfield 4... Activision and partners are easily at the top of my list of gaming proffesionals. There are elements of this game that just absolutely blow me away. Hate shouldn't be the new cool. If people hate the game as much as some people seem to say they do.. um why don't they go to a different game. Constructive criticism should always be a part of any forum, but outright hate and incoherent people that obviously have not even really played is ridiculous. Not to mention, why is it always the people that can't hardly string a sentence together that are so angry. I think there might be a clue there to insight into the issue. #JS

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    • Yay, another bungie butt -blam!-er. Honestly the game has a lot of flaws, yes it is good but you have to understand the game is not perfect and is -blam!-ed in many ways.

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      1 Reply
      • We seriously must be playing a different game, or you have absolutely horrible standards for what a modern, 21st century good game should be. I'm so sorry for you.

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      • Well written and well said. There are of course glaring issues with this game, but still I just can't stop playing it. So it's definitely doing a lot of things right as well! I can't wait to see how Bungie will improve upon the experience in the months to come. Hopefully they'll release a lot of patches with fixes and tweaks that adresses a lot of the issues at hand.

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      • Are you guys forgetting bungie made this game to make money? They didn't make it because they love us so much and gave us this great game that surpasses all of our expectation. I think it's fair to say that it falls short of a lot of people's expectation due to the hype. And to call people ungrateful because they called it like it is, that's just wrong. It's got polished game mechanics, sure. But the game is not as big as they led us to believe. It's one thing to say that they made a huge game and it's all there when it's release, but it seems like it's at the end of the 10 years we'll have this huge game they kept talking about even before the game is out. If it's that way, I think they've misled people on purpose and that does not deserve a thank you.

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        2 Replies
        • This is the attitude we need to see more of, too many people lack empathy. Destiny is a project Bungie have been dreaming to do for some time, and for people like us they have accomplished that goal. How would you feel if you and your team made their dream game only to have anonymous people with too much free time go online and tell you what is wrong with it. Yes we should be critical, but we should also understand that we don't fully understand what goes into game design and why certain choices are made. Thank you bungie for the awesome universe and fun gameplay, that is what i wanted and that is what i got.

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        • Edited by CDR IRON: 9/18/2014 7:42:48 PM
          I really appreciate the time you took to thank Bungie and pointing out that it is a lot of hard work to provide something this huge. As a programmer, I myself understand as well. I too am having a great time, even with my personal issues with acquiring better gear and some of the inherent issues with the game. But, I still love this game. Thank you for being a true gentleman/lady.

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        • I have enjoyed this game myself. Is it perfect? No. Why you say? Allow me please to just scratch the surface on why. There is point in the software creation sequence where you have to setup test cases and then run them. These test cases will give you feedback to how your software is coming along. This is where devs would just run the main test cases, or minors if time allows, because there can be many test cases for just one function alone and when adding all the functions for the entire software package together you could get an unmanageable number of cases quick. There are even some software development projects where the number of test cases can run into the millions, such as operating systems. Game software test cases can have high number also. You just can't feasibly run every test case for your software without considerable time being added to the project. This is why every piece of software launches with errors. I understand the argument that they have done this before; therefore... But in the case of writing code none of that matters. Writing only makes you more efficient and has nothing to do with the test case outcomes. When you get a chance to then look it up or better yet write your own software and then run all the possible test cases. Thanks Bungie for filling the void left by Mass Effect. That is where I am at. Like the OP I hope my generation can be helpful and constructive when contributing feedback.

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        • I agree with you on this. Destiny is a great game that will be revealed over time its going to be an ever growing game and all the hate that is being spat out isn't helping any. Sure destiny is a fun great game and true it still has its kinks that need to be ironed out. No game upon release has ever been perfect and its only been two weeks. I'm sure bungie is working on all they can to help improve the game as we speak but they can only do so much at a time. Everyone needs to relax and enjoy the game the best they can until the kinks can be ironed. It'll take time people so let destiny grow into that game we all hope and believe it to be. Just be patient and remember to be brave guardians

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        • Bungie KNOWS they have created an amazing game! Keep in mind, for the most part, feedback (posts) are made by those who are unhappy. Those who are extremely satisfied with the game, which I'd like to think is 85% of the pop, are too busy playing and don't have time to post bullshit comments. :)

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        • I do find it worrying that your account hasn't played destiny tho...

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          4 Replies
          • All I have to say is bungie made halo 3 why is multiplayer an inch above trash

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          • I'd like to thank bungie for creating a game that will not allow me to play for more than 10 minutes without disconnecting, usually less than 5. I'm so happy that I have to sprint through a patrol mission just so I have the chance of completing it before I get Bee, Lion, Fly, etc. This experience has really taught me that a "$500 million budget" still is not enough money for Bungie to actually invest in servers for an always online game.

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          • [quote]I apologize that I am apparently part of the most ungrateful gaming community of my lifetime. I have come to the forum for the last week thinking I would see some positive feedback along with the critical that would help your team improve upon an already great game. What I have found is a site littered with hateful comments and absolutely unreasonable requests. I appologize for being part of a community that seems to be outraged over you not creating the imaginary game we built in our heads. I appologize that we can't appreciate the hard work you did to bring us something new and exciting. That your dedication and late nights away from your families couldn't find room to perfectly cater a game to our individual needs. I am sorry for being part of a world obsessed with what number out of a 10 your game ranks as instead of deciding if it is a game for me. I truly hope when you humans read these terrible comments your are not discourage for what you have accomplished, that you know there are millions like me who are having a blast. For this I want to give a text wall of thank you's. Thank you for not forgetting us who are still on last gen and providing the game across 4 consoles. ( fingers still crossed for a PC version ) Thank you for a smooth launch with such a large project. Thank you for the smooth gameplay and mechanics. Thank you for providing an in depth beta to help me decide if I wanted this game. Thank you for providing a game that I can connect and have the best time with my friends that I have had in a long time. Thank you for your commitment to listen to what we have to say ( good or bad) and promising to commit to bringing us entertainment. I hope that many more are like me are out there and understand what it takes to tackle a project like this and thank you as well. Please keep doing what you are doing and I promise to be patient in seeing where you take us from here.[/quote] Don't apologize. They are getting paid nonetheless.

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          • You should have seen the "Duke Nukem: Forever", and "Colonial Marines" communities!! By far the most 'ungrateful' gamers.

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            2 Replies
            • Great post, thanks

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            • What hate are you talking about? How isn't "add more social features" and "more plot plz" constructive, helpful feedback?

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            • This guy is the patron saint of good guy Destiny gamers. This long feedback message pretty much summed up my response to the hate that I saw in just 10 MINUTES of scrolling through here. I have to admit, I bought this game on a whim and was not expecting much. Instead I got a fist full of awesome game strait to the face. This game has been such a blast so far and it is still in its early stages. I truly look forward to new updates and releases. Loves you Bungie!!!!!!!

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            • I agree!!! I wasted 500 hours on a broken version of Battlefield 4 waiting for Destiny to come out and I was soooooooooooooooo happy to have a properly working game with a GREAT co-op experience at launch!!!! Few Netcode issues with the PvP multiplayer but all are fixable. Kids today dont understand or truly appreciate what true works of art look like and play like but once again Bungie delivers a AMAZING game, Thank You!!

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              3 Replies
              • I'm really enjoying the game, apart from some disconnection issues, it's been a most enjoyable experience. I initially really hated the crucible but I'm improving but really enjoying the PVE experience and all it has to offer, had a bash at the raid, didn't get too far, but just made me and my mates go back out to get better gear so we can try again. Sure a few of my friends didn't like the game but some of them of a track record of never giving new games a proper chances and missing out, their loss!!! Looking forward to whats to come;-)

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              • Edited by OG_Mac_7oh7: 9/18/2014 6:54:41 PM
                Meh...haters gonna hate

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                • Edited by I_am_Lem: 9/18/2014 2:56:01 PM
                  As long as people give constructive feedback (either positive or negative) it's cool. But Hating destiny is what happens when a game is hyped all over the world so damn much. It's an easy target. I love it and will not stop playing for a loooooong time. [i][b] <insert song "Time of my life">[/b][/i]

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                • I love this game yes it has downsides like every game on the planet apart from Metal gear and ff7 :) but I'd like to see any of you keyboard warriors do a better job and produce something that has had millions lose their week and maybe some relationships top notch bungie well played just keep surprising us players with stuff to hunt loot and accomplish an ill be a happy gamer

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