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9/18/2014 4:19:48 AM

Bungie ... I would like to apologize ...

I apologize that I am apparently part of the most ungrateful gaming community of my lifetime. I have come to the forum for the last week thinking I would see some positive feedback along with the critical that would help your team improve upon an already great game. What I have found is a site littered with hateful comments and absolutely unreasonable requests. I appologize for being part of a community that seems to be outraged over you not creating the imaginary game we built in our heads. I appologize that we can't appreciate the hard work you did to bring us something new and exciting. That your dedication and late nights away from your families couldn't find room to perfectly cater a game to our individual needs. I am sorry for being part of a world obsessed with what number out of a 10 your game ranks as instead of deciding if it is a game for me. I truly hope when you humans read these terrible comments your are not discourage for what you have accomplished, that you know there are millions like me who are having a blast. For this I want to give a text wall of thank you's. Thank you for not forgetting us who are still on last gen and providing the game across 4 consoles. ( fingers still crossed for a PC version ) Thank you for a smooth launch with such a large project. Thank you for the smooth gameplay and mechanics. Thank you for providing an in depth beta to help me decide if I wanted this game. Thank you for providing a game that I can connect and have the best time with my friends that I have had in a long time. Thank you for your commitment to listen to what we have to say ( good or bad) and promising to commit to bringing us entertainment. I hope that many more are like me are out there and understand what it takes to tackle a project like this and thank you as well. Please keep doing what you are doing and I promise to be patient in seeing where you take us from here.

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  • Killing it

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  • You need to grow up kid. Gaming is abusiness. They make millions they dont care. They don't do nearly as much listening to the community as they should be. I paid 80 bucks and im not satisfied with my product. You better satisfy me if you want me to keep buying DLC. damn straight.

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by Matt71: 9/18/2014 10:31:16 PM
      Game is a huge letdown. No two ways about it. Bungie charged us $60 for a parital experience. This feels like an amazing prologue to what should be a much larger, much better experience. Most fun you've had in a long time? hey, that's cool for you. For me, it was mediocre game with a very shiny wrapper. This game, as it exists now, today, may be the biggest disappointment I've had as a gamer, ever. Part of that was hype - mine and others. part of that was due to this being BUNGIE and expecting more from a legendary developer that worked on this game for half a decade and put many millions into it. Beta was 25% of the entire game. That's like, 'holy crap' time. Way too small an experience. Way too little to do. End game content? Sure, the same strikes over and over sounds unawesome. To be clear, I want this game to be the greatest game ever. For me, its not. Not close.

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    • Edited by AngrySgtHartman: 9/20/2014 2:39:03 PM
      Wow, that's a lot to read through! You have some extremely valid points as well, but I might have missed what your suggestions are? Anyway, one thing you bring up is so irritating that I have to put my unrequested input out there. It's the negativity you mention. Yes some negativity about the game, but mostly how the people in here are treating one another. I'm no angel at all, and sometimes smack talk can be fun, but wow it's nasty here. Remember that kid in high school, that kid no one talked badly toward? It's cause there were CONSEQUENCES for that; he beat you badly. The internet has separated that kid from all the other people, and in this Bungie forum it seems like you can't post anything without hearing endless quips beginning with "just because you suck..."(which undoubtedly has NOTHING to do with whatever topic was originally spoken about). I digress. Point; look at how many threads in the feedback section of this forum in which the sole topic is simply the degradation of those who don't like something about the game? Here's one I actually replied to posted by TheMadToeCutter on the 18th; [quote]Whine moan whine moan. Please nerf everything. Please replace enemies with friendly teddy bears. Please replace raids with tea parties. Please replace crucible with a friendly dinner party and early bed time. SHUT UP ABOUT OP AND NERFING EVERYTHING ALREADY. Just because you suck and die all the time doesn't mean other classes and weapons are op, it just means you suck and die all the time, get over it.[/quote] Not a cool place to hang out when you just end up wanting to reach through the screen and show someone the true meaning of what they just posted to you. I don't want part of this community; I'm out. Good luck everyone, hope to face off with you in some other game! End of rant. Thanks for listening.

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      1 Reply
      • Thanks for protecting large companies and corporations from critical consumers on the internet. Truly, you are the real hero.

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        8 Replies
        • Why apologize? Bungie needs criticism to understand that they did not deliver on anything they promised. Destiny has Plus and Minus aspects, most of which are Minus. Things it does great is overshadowed by those it does horrible. Why should we apologize for their lack of creative writing? The story is garbage, characters are useless, nothing is memorable. I'm sorry, what happened at the end? Oh, right, I forgot cause it SUCKED. Why should we apologize for all the locations promised and promoted on Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars? Where is Europa? Old Chicago? Mumbai Push? The City? All the locations on the other planets/moons. We got a half-baked product that is simply a FUN game, which is great - But where is all the other things promised? Hyped? Nowhere to be seen. This business of releasing a product with cut content is only found in the AAA industry. So no, no one should apologize for anything. We got a good game, slightly shy from great, but sadly was WAY OVERHYPED and BUNGIE failed to DELIVER on PROMISES they made. So hopefully the NoVision of Eric Hirshberg and that companies DLC/Expansion abuse will allow BUNGIE to deliver on what we did not receive on launch.

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          26 Replies
          • Well said. People don't realize the blood sweat and tears that happens. Bungie came out with a well polished game that will only get better with time and updates. They executed wonderfully and I like what they did overall. I am a 40-something gamer that also has been gaming since Atari 2600. I appreciate what Bungie has brought. Now let's talk about unicorns in the game.

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          • Amazing game that has kept me hooked since release. Destiny is the greatest game I have played no other game has kept me thinking about it as long as Destiny has.

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          • Nice post. Forums could use some positivity once in a while.

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          • Thanks bungie, This game is amazing! Keep up the good work.

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          • I have nothing against the game just the servers. They are so bad it makes the game very hard to play getting booted constantly. If you are going to make an all online exclusive game then you need to think more about the servers. The game itself to me is fun. Not competitive nor this "next gen shooter we have been waiting for". I play to have fun. They just need to fix their god damn servers!!!

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            2 Replies
            • I love this game but there are a few things that need fixing

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              2 Replies
              • Thank you Bungie, your awesome!

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              • I could have said it any better myself. 👍 Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way!

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              • There are a lot of problems with the game due to bungie not meeting the expectations they set for their customers. Ya im part of those grumbling and griping but ultimately i want this game to succeed. I can see its potential even though i am alittle upset. Heres to hoping it works out. Ps. Fix the social aspect of this game. Facilitate and make it easier for people to communicate, that would be a good start. Also reasons to explore

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                1 Reply
                • Edited by Jared B: 9/20/2014 3:53:13 PM
                  Cry me a river dude! Have you ever been on another one?!?? This is mild compared to The Mass Effect forums or even the Cod Ghost forums. Also, we bought the game, we didn't get if for free so don't be calling us ungrateful.!!! [b]Go be a smartass somewhere else.[/b]

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                • Here here!!

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                  • Ok I'm really enjoying the game really really enjoying the game but when you call us ungrateful it makes it sound like bungie have GIVEN us don't forget we paid for a product here. That's why some ppl feel ripped off and seem ungrateful as you put it, I'm happy but doesn't mean everyone should be. I put a 10 point feedback in and its been lost in the fog of whining so it little wonder you don't see many ppl putting in proper feedback it just gets lost.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Amen!

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                    • Well said and I agree 100%. Unfortunately the internet is a breeding ground for negativity. I take solace in the fact that by November the CoD children will have moved on and those that are playing this for the long term will be the community. People don't know a good game anymore.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by Jayson1279: 9/20/2014 3:00:05 PM
                        I have had a great time with friends. Just yesterday I got to play with someone I haven't spoken to in over four years. So to me this is probably the best part of this game. It brings people together to have a great time and catch up in a "stress free" environment. Congrats bungie on a pretty good game.

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                      • Thank you so much for this post!! I completely agree, everyone is so close minded and don't understand what it actually takes to make a game like this and obviously these other people have no lives and sit in their parents basement with nothing better to do rather than complain about a video game...I believe this was one of the most innovative games that has come out to the gaming world. When did gamers become such babies about gameplay?? I can't imagine how Bungie feels right now with all negative feedback. I believe this game has so much more potential and everyone is discarding it so quickly..bravo to you and thank you for showing support!

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                        9 Replies
                        • Shut up.

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                          14 Replies
                          • AGREE TO THIS!!! Finally a non-hate post. I agree so much! I'm sure none of us could have pulled off such an amazing job! I don't think people realize how unique Destiny is and that it IS DIFFERENT from EVERY OTHER GAME out there. And its not even like Bungie made the game, earned the money and left it for us. They watch and update and play and help us enjoy the experience EVERY DAY. AFTER putting in years of work into it, they still don't stop. I think that is amazing. That takes an amazing passion and it takes an amazing team. Bungie is amazing for what they do!

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                          • god this is so gay

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