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Edited by strondbokken: 9/18/2014 9:03:43 PM

No Matchmaking for Endgame Raids? Buh Bye, Destiny....

Sorry, but this is the deal breaker for me and millions of others I've seen flaming this incredibly poor decision. First off, THIS IS NOT AN MMO. It lacks all the things you need to get a good judge of who you are raiding with as well and has no way to meet people. Second, even if I DID want to meet randoms, how can I? No public chat, no way to communicate at all, no way to do anything except "dance" or "wave". I've heard their lead developer "defend" this decision, as all out-of-touch executives do. "Our raids are so hard, you'll NEED 6 people that are friends blah blah blah". Sorry, but a "hard" raid doesn't always add up to an enjoyable experience. Are these raids harder than the legendary MMO raids that grouped strangers in raids for decades? Doubt it. And please stop making us sound like antisocial losers for wanting to try it with strangers. You guys at Bungie sound like an overbearing dungeon master in D&D and it's really poor form, especially since every Destiny forum is filled with "LFG" posts for VoG. Now, what you've done is put the nail in the coffin for 99% of your user base. I've been in love with this game up until yesterday, when I realized that even with my fancy legendary and exotic weapons, all I could do without 5 other "friends" was the same old lvl 24 strike for the millionth time. Not much fun. The same levels and the same bosses over and over just with higher levels? So much potential wasted by people who have no idea what people really want. 6/10 right now, just like to rest of the world is saying. Hoping for improvement. Great gameplay, but not much else to keep its hooks in you. Everything else looks like it was done by the MMO B Team. PvP needs work too, but that will come in time I'm sure. Gonna miss the game, but what's the point in playing when you are already grinding repetitively in the first week and there's no change on the horizon? ALSO, please explain to me how LFG posts on random forums are a batter way to do this than adding matchmaking? STILL random people. Not friends, just people without 5 active friends (just like me) who want to do the content. Silly if you ask me. UPDATE: So I took the advice of those saying "I have poor social skills in games" (let's ignore the irony in that for a second) and started adding random people that were good in Strikes, people I met, whatever. Added over 50 people in the past few days. And guess what? Maybe 5 of them are online at a time. Even in the clans I 'm in. And out of those 5, maybe ONE will answer when I send a message to raid. Maybe. With no social tools, no public chat, no clan management, and these "incredibly hard raids" that Bungie seems to be SO proud of, they've essentially pissed off many people instead of making this fun for anyone. First off, what is the point of making a raid THAT hard? Does it make your developer epeen stiffen up to see people wipe 1,600 times? Pandemonium was like that in FFXI and it was a laughing stock. Nobody liked it. And second, where is the other content for those of us who don't have 15+ hours to raid per week? There are no other dungeons/raids besides the ones on repeat in strikes. Boring. Even WoW had at least a half dozen random dungeons you could so between levels 40-60 at launch. They also had numerous mobs instead of 4 factions with 4 different mobs in each. I'm now level 27. More than adequately geared for a raid. Strikes are the most mundane thing ever now, since I've done them so many times. I've farmed for legendary engrams, I've gotten rep up with several factions. I've got some exotic weapons (though none of them are that great outside of pvp - shotguns, etc.). I'm literally pretty much out of stuff to do and it's only been a week. Yes, I play a lot, but come on. There should be at least something to do other than grind. Aside from Ascendant Shards, there's not much more I need to increase my gear anyway. And where's my motivation to increase it when I can easily kill everything EXCEPT what's in the raid which I can't find people for? Also, Bungie, if you're going to be this obtuse about our player abilities, then at least add some sort of clan management system in game. Why does the game with the biggest budget ever still have us posting "LFG for VoG": on random forums? Why do we need to leave game to even see what our own clan is doing? And why are we supposed to get hyped about the next xpac when we can't even enjoy this one? I bet maybe 1% of the player pop has even tried VoG. Nobody wants to even give it a shot now because it's so hard. I'm sure I'll continue to get flamed on this post by kids younger than some of the dents in my car, but the fact remains that this game, although an epic achievement, has missed the mark entirely on what it needs to keep people involved for more than a month. Sure, it's a new game, but the old "new games are always lacking, buggy, etc." argument is no longer valid. Only in the gaming industry is this acceptable and it needs to stop. You have $500,000,000 invested in this. Surely you could have taken .0001% of that to hire decent writers and some immersion? Wishful thinking I guess... I really hope a Bungie dev reads this and takes it to heart, but they won't. So, I guess I'll just hold my breath in the hopes that they are aware of how unhappy everyone is and do something about it. I love this game and I see so much potential in it. But for god's sake, PLEASE stop trying to reinvent the wheel at every turn. Some things just work. Leave them be and put more effort into decent writing and immersion. This game will never live up to its potential without it.

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  • Bye! No it does NOT need matchmaking, it's fine. What we do need is a proper communication system that makes it easier to get to know people. If you want to raid, you have to find people to do so, that's how it works. And if you don't want to do that, you just accept that you're not gonna be able to raid, simple eh? If you want matchmaking go play World of Warcraft, that game is ruined already by it (dungeon finder, raid finder, etc). I will copy and paste this comment in every single match-making thread, don't blame me for it.

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    11 Replies
    • Edited by BlackKnight04: 9/17/2014 6:30:44 PM
      You've seen millions of people rage at this? You spend too much time on the forums. Seriously though, I tried it last night and we couldn't even make it past the front gate, and we had mics and we're communicating. We mostly didn't bring the right gear and a few were underleveled. Now imagine that same scenario with a bunch of matchmaking noobs who don't have mics and don't know what the hell is going on. There would br a lot of rage quitting for sure. The difference between matchmaking and the forums is that with matchmaking you're going to get stuck with little kids or shitty players without mics or who people are too low leveled. By making a group yourself, you can screen everyone going in the raid.

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      • For all you saying its impossible to do it with randoms , you're wrong. I've attempted the raid with friends and it failed, did it with randoms and went through it with no problem and good communication

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      • Dude did you even SEE any of the raid gameplay? No WAY you'd be able to do it with 5 random ppl you've never played with before.

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        • I already have five friendS to raid with, im just waiting for them to get to 26 -.-

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        • If groups of friends or people that have played many strikes together are having a hard time what makes you think that a group with randoms will be a good time at all?

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          • Edited by Mercules904: 9/17/2014 6:35:10 PM
            Alright bye. Take your tears back to CoD which doesn't even have an endgame, or some other game. Just get off the forums. No one here cares you are leaving, you don't need to announce it.

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            • okay so you are one of those hypocrites that gets an invite from a random and refuses to join them just because you cant hear anything from them or cant see text from them so what you need to do is go to your local therapist and explain your loneliness and ignorance so they can put you into a mental institution

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            • I feel exactly the same, this was a dream game until yesterday. Bring on 2.1 d3 ros for xb1, I'm dropping this game like it never existed. Dev decisions have been getting worse and worse, aka: Jay this is happening. I won't be buying halo either, never liked it anyway so no great problem.

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              • Bye man thanks for playing.

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              • At the very least there needs to be a way to communicate with people. I've been stuck playing this game solo since I got it outside of strike matchmaking, because it's impossible to make friends when you can't talk to anybody. It's bullshit, and I really hope they patch it.

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              • I think the main reason for the absence of matchmaking in raids is because your progress is saved to the leader of the group. You MOST LIKELY won't complete it on your first try. Then your progress would be scrapped if you join another group.

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                • We need matchmaking for everything including dailys and weeklys

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                • Wait a second.... you have to other people as friends to play raids? Is it possible to play it by yourself?

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                  • Edited by Desticle: 9/17/2014 6:09:56 PM
                    Weekly heroics need MM. Normal raid needs MM. Raid on Hard should be get a fireteam togeather. Most likely you will meet good players in the normal raid MM and form a team that way. Why is there a lvl 18 strike in the playlist and not a lvl 26? The only thing that makes the stikes fun is the challenge and when your a lvl 25 there isn't much challenge in lvl 24 strikes. I understand their logic. But their logic is flawed.

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                  • I don't agree with you 100%, but you do have some points, like I've previously said a re-worked loot system would be nice and so would matchmaking, the problem with matchmaking is you most likely won't beat it and then the "Nerf the raid, its to hard!!" posts will come flooding in here and if Bungie is feeling the pressure because of return rates and bad reviews they'll fold and do it and ruin it for the rest of us...

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                  • k, goodbye, wont miss you

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                  • Gotta love the idiots that tell you its impossible with randoms so go find random people on the internet.... Its the same thing just takes longer and sometimes you don't even get to play.

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                    • I have played the raid and can say with confidence that playing this with people without mics would be a waste of time because of no coordination.

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                    • I agree with this. I turn on my PS4 and get excited to play some Destiny! Alright, I'm going to raid. Talk to my two active high enough level buddies in party chat about raiding. We're all pumped and ready to raid! Alright we need 3 other people. Let us go to "world chat" ... oh snap.. what game are we playing again? Someone go to forums.. two hours later... "I can't wait for DriveClub to come out." LOL

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                    • Whereas I love Bungie and I choose to spend and enjoy all my free time with Destiny, but not being able to do the raid because I only know 2 people high enough to raid is ridiculous. The lack of player communication and matchmaking with certain aspects of the game will end this game relatively soon. If what they say is true about needing friends to be victorious in the VoG they need to make it easier for us all to communicate with one another [b]in-game[/b]! Or we aren't going to get more friends.

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                      3 Replies
                      • This... My one complaint about the game. I grind my arse off to get to 26, just to futilely try to find a fireteam for the raid. If they're not going to do matchmaking, then a serious overhaul on communicating with strangers needs to be done in-game. This is killing me.

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                      • I bought a ps4-destiny bundle, made a new PSN, and its hard to make new friends because as you said, all your can do is wave and dance. You need friends to complete strikes, raids and weeklies. Which is rather impossible when your are new to psn. The least bungie can do is make a better way on how to communicate (example: little big planet chat) so people can get to know others and team up. PSN message system is way to slow

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                        • You can communicate with 5 people with mikes to work together (which is required). Also, you don't have to deal with people that quit out in the middle of the match (I'm looking at you strike skipping losers).

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                        • LOL "what you've done is put the nail in the coffin for 99% of your user base" The voice of the people everybody! Just because you're upset doesn't mean that 99% of the population is upset. Go whine somewhere else.

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                        • The only reason i disagree with not having match making for raids is not everyone can get 5 others with zero priorities for a couple hours. And in turn this will just end up locking many many people out simply because of that.

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