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Edited by Capt Explodabob: 9/17/2014 6:36:49 PM

The Raid Needs Matchmaking!

It's all well and good to have five friends who play Destiny--most of us do--, but having five friends who also made it through the tedious and boring grind through lvl 24 - 26 is another thing. I also find it funny that Bungies' excuse for the lack of Raid matchmaking is that they only want dedicated raiders, when anyone from the public can enter the start of your Raid session from Patrol. So, I ask that we are at the very least give the option to MM for Raids. If you're dedicated to raiding, you're going to be using the dedicated Raid lobby. A lot of Bungie's decisions don't make any sense.

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  • Edited by Goggles007: 9/19/2014 4:03:23 PM
    I agree! Because there is no matchmaking and i don't have 6 friends who are online at the same time, and i don't have time to arrange a "play date", I and many, many others are being excluded from the higher content!! There are many excellent games coming out soon Bungie, I would suggest that you do sommething about this or quite likely people are gonna walk!!! I refuse to do pvp mostly because i don't enjoy it, however i have no vanguard bounties left and can't do the raids/strikes. The game is basically over for me, other than grind away for mats to improve my gear. If i'm not getting into the raids etc, then there is no reason to improve my gear!! The game is pretty much over for me, unless i want to grind the same strike, the Tiger, oh! I forgot, i've reached my limit of 100 marks so i can't even get the gun i want for like 3 weeks. "blam" this crap!! If MM isn't opened up for all soon Bungie, i'm gone!!! and don't kid yourselves, many others will be gone too!

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  • Have you guys even seen what you have to do for the raid? I wouldn't want some random people who have no idea why they're doing on in my raid group. The raids are meant to be hard, that's what you people don't get. And your supposed to find people who are just a passionate and willing to dedicate most of their day trying to complete this. And what if someone has to leave? Be social. That's what bungie is trying to get people to do.

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    • I so wish they did, I won't enjoy them until they have MM, my own stubborn rebellion, but I don't like being part of a party.

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    • Bungie seems to have developed this game to attract the largest possible audience; including those who need protecting from naughty words (kids, their parents, and the easily offended). I think that's why there's no public chat, no ability to chat to those you're randomly paired with, and why there's no matchmaking for raids: They require chat.

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      • Agree +1

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      • Agreed chat and matchmaking is most definitely needed.

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      • If anyone has actually played a Raid you would know why this would never work. There is no way a team of you and 5 randoms would even Open the first door. You need to talk, coordinate and most of all not argue. It is extremely difficult and is more so than any other Puzzle I have ever tried to tackle. You will all literally die 10 thousand times before you even get to the boss. The first team to complete it died more then 10 thousand times. If you think any random will stay in the game after 1000's deaths and 12 hours of playing through the raid you are on Drugs. If you want to do Raids, join a Raid clan. I made one myself and we are at the last boss. We all realized many times how blatantly obvious it was why there is no matchmaking. Try sneaking through the gorgons labrynth with 5 Leeroy Jenkins on your fireteam, it isnt gonna happen. ever. Stop being anti-social and join a clan.

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        7 Replies
        • yes, give us match making! All this does is keep most of the players from even attempting the raid.

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        • I can see Bungies point but we should have the option to play with randoms. Any strikes I play with randoms all end up perfect as we all want the same thing. I guess the problem might be the checkpoint system so maybe including that into matchmaking also, like say if you reach checkpoint 2 and quit for a day or 2 your next matchmaking starts their with anyone else at that stage.

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        • I agree whit you matchmaking would be great for the raid cause wee nearly never see high levels in the game

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        • I agree mm should be brought in but they need to change the be with the same 5 through the entire raid. I'm going to my swtor days but their raids let u mm to a point and had a lock out system that let u keep progress and join in with other ppl at the same stage. So if they did a mm service for raids there needs to be the option to re match in players say if a person leaves or something so people can go at it all at once or one stage at a time. Also I have seen a lot of people like 24 and 25 looking for groups but I'm sorry they can't they raid said needs to be 26 or above so mm would have to be very specific when to let people in.

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          • I agree that there should be matchmaking for the raids, it needs to be easier to play them than it is now. Im sure there's a million people out there who are happy to try and work with strangers to complete them. If we're honest that is all that people are doing now, joining random others so they can have a go! Not everybody wants to talk whilst playing games but I think everyone should get the chance to try a raid. If you've bought the game why can't you have a go at all the levels??? If u had a place at the tower where you could matchmake and have 2 lobby options, 1 for people who have mics and wanna talk and 1 for people who don't wanna talk. Granted the ones who don't wanna talk will no doubt get slaughtered but at least they will get to try! It might even convince them to try it again communicating!!

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            • Knowing Raids would require online friends to play, my PC buddies laughed at me when I got this game. There needs to be a better way to meet people and get fireteams together. Especially on Xbox 360. No one plays on there.

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            • Hey, brother. I am new to the PS4 platform, so having a real Fireteam is a distant dream, but even I can respect that Bungie designed Raids to be a team/group/clan activity. The probably got the idea when they noticed how many folks teamed up beginning with Halo 3. They made a bunch of changes to Wars and ODST to limit such team efforts, but by the release of Reach they were forced to embrace it. It only makes sense for them to find away to beat entire clans the way said clans beat down independent gamers. I applaud their innovation, because now clans have something to challenge them, versus turning the loose on solo gamers.

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            • Edited by Hippo_Legacy: 9/18/2014 3:55:48 AM
              If they did implement MM there would need to be severe penalties for leaving, also you'd need to be able to talk to people in your group not just your fireteam. I can't got more than 2-3 strikes without ending up a man short because somebody leaves after we die once or they get disconnected, or just decide to bounce at the start. The numbers I saw showed one guy has 1111 kills and 281 deaths, just that one guy from the raid, I can't see people staying around for something like that, when they won't even stay after a single death in a strike. You'd be hard pressed to beat the raid a man down, if it's even possible. Idk what kinds of puzzles they have set up. So you'd end up with just as many people unable to play and even more frustrated than they are now.

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              11 Replies
              • I'm all for this. Coming from PC to PS4 I have almost no friends. So here I am almost at light level 27 and unable to even attempt this thing. At this point I log on do my dailies and log off. It's all quite sad to be honest.

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              • Agreed

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              • Edited by MadLadDad_: 9/16/2014 6:12:58 PM
                Matchmaking will be added for the simple reason that thousands of players like OP and I will quit the game once we get to the harder raids. The majority of gamers play solo and don't have the time to arrange a play date with five friends to take on things like Vault of Glass. Most of us have jobs and families to worry about. No, instead of progressing further in the game and buying DLC, we will just sell our copy and move on unless matchmaking gets added.

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                • Agreed and signed

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                • I'd be happy to break into some raids with random players if it only meant I could farm some upgrade materials.

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                • Edited by Ninebreaker: 9/18/2014 1:22:51 PM
                  For the love of god stop asking for matchmaking for raids! It simply will not work for them and there's plenty of posts in this thread detailing why. What we do need is an easier way to find people to group up with. So can we please start asking for that instead? You know, something that works better than mm and has a better chance of actually being implemented?

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                  30 Replies
                  • I think it would be really cool to have some smaller strike missions where fire teams race to complete the mission faster than the other team. Like make it 10 rooms or something and put a couple bosses in there and make it 3 member random or partied fire teams. Have a tracker that tells you what room your opponent team is in. It could be like a competitive strike option in the crucible or something. Just an idea for another style of missions. As we all have learned getting to level 20 is easy but after that we have to grind it out. These PVP strike missions would be a way to farm and have the competition at the same time. If your going to have to do a lot of farming in destiny why not make it fun. I would like to see everyone finish. Just give bonuses for finishing each room first and the final room first. It could be weighted to. The futher in the mission the bigger the bonus. Also missions could be level based. Limit it to a span of 3 levels in difference among players. Each room could be rather large. Like an arena. Terrain is based on location as usual. All members have to enter the portal to enter the next room. And have higher and higher difficulty pvp strikes on planets based on where you are in the storyline. It would also be a cool feature I think to make it benefitial to have 1 of each class of guardian. Make units succeptable and immune to abilities so the fireteams would have to be strategic to clear the rooms in as little time as possible and it would make for more comback victories and such. And make it automatic hot mic for the fireteam.

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                  • No

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                  • While Raid Finder works with most MMOs, and as much as I'd love it in this, it just wouldn't work. 1. Because 80% of players don't realise that this isn't just another run and gun shooter, and when a strike is too hard they just leave. Imagine trying to play a raid with those kinds of people. You can't. 2. Progress is saved to the Fireteam Leader. The raid was designed to be played over the course of a week. Yes, people did beat it on the day it launched, but those people literally spent the entire day playing. Most groups spent over 11 hours just on the final boss alone. How many people in matchmaking do you think are going to have that kind of time? Nearly zero. So you'll have to find the guy who was your fireteam leader every time you wanted to continue playing your raid instance, which is unlikely unless you all agree to meet up again at a certain time each day.

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                  • At least it can be a matchmaking within your clan.

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