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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/15/2014 12:20:11 AM

Destiny is a prime example we don't see original games with success anymore.

True story. Too many spoilt people who don't appreciate effort and small things and expect too much. COD = been the same since it began. No complaints Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.

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  • I don't hate it. Quite the opposite but I also see why people are upset over the story and terrible writing and dialogs. I just want the game to succeed as the next big franchise and for that a decent story can help if it keeps people interested in the universe and lore. Right now everyone loves the gameplay which is great but I don't see myself shooting waves upon waves of enemies and bullet sponge bosses for next 10 years. There needs to be a little bit more variety. Repetetiveness is fine but that doesn't mean it should avoid any variety. Sword of Costa was amazing , I hope they add more cool stuff like that. Maybe also some simple puzzle solving in coop. More personality and interesting NPCs etc..

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    6 Replies
    • This is where you're wrong, and you're missing the point of your own complaint.

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    • Lol this always happens when the hype is too much and people get butthurt because of it. All in all I've enjoyed the destiny experience so far myself.

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    • [quote]True story. Too many spoilt people who don't appreciate effort and small things and expect too much. COD = been the same since it began. No complaints Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.[/quote] Call of Duty has only been the same starting with MW2. Destiny is also not at all different or or of a kind. Borderlands, Dark Souls, WoW, and Planetside all do the same things much better.

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      1 Reply
      • Im not saying Destiny is a horrible piece of shit Im just saying its average.

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      • I stopped reading after I saw "COD: no complaints" OP clearly an ignoramus

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      • Destiny is a game I have been waiting years for. It makes me feel like a kid again and for that I am thankful. One of the beat games I have played I a long, long time.

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        2 Replies
        • Everything that's in Destiny has been done before. There's nothing original about it, it's a decent game, but for 5 years of work from Bungie you would and should have expected more.

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          3 Replies
          • Lol This post is so sad People have been hating COD for years now Destiny is not original They just rehashed some old mechanics together to call it a new game That and the fact that they failed to deliver on their promise is what led to the downfall of Destiny

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            19 Replies
            • [quote]Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.[/quote] It's not a "new" game. There isn't any "innovation" in this game. It's copy paste from hundreds of games. Even the AI just use the Halo AI.

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              2 Replies
              • Because %70 of people are uneducated and stupid as shit.

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                7 Replies
                • "People don't complain about cod" Wat

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                  2 Replies
                  • The sad truth

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                  • [quote]COD[/quote] [quote]No complaints[/quote] wat

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                    1 Reply
                    • The story was hardly original, the villain groups are basically just re-skinned versions of the aliens in Halo and they copied several plot points off of major sci-fi films and books. Hell the last boss is basically just a re-skinned version of an alien entity in a Tom Cruise movie, lol. The main issue with Destiny is the story is just awful and doesn't flow very well. It starts off well on Earth/Moon, but then has a rather lack luster finish. As a friend of mine put it, beating the game just feels like you beat the first 4-5 hour arc in a better game. Even with the Grimoire, the story of Destiny leaves you asking more questions and knowing less than you did before the game even came out.

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                      • It's called the vocal minority... very few people think destiny will die... maybe a couple thousand at most...

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                      • Better then saints row 4 in my opinion -_*

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                      • Kinda troll bait i was ready to come in here saying "Do you know how hard it is to come out with an original game these days? What with the crazy amount thats been done theres not much "original" anymore much like movies" but i do agree with what you said i LOVE this game but the RNG is not nice to me thats my problem :'(

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                      • I'd hardly call it 'original'. It just mashes a bunch of concepts from other games into one.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Go back to CoD dude. And you should edit your post a little bit, there is quite a bit of verbal diarrhea in it. Everyone hates it lol? Speak for yourself, and ONLY yourself.

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                          10 Replies
                          • Your right cod has this market by the balls with all its mlg and 8-14 year old kids who haven't played much else.

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