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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/15/2014 12:20:11 AM

Destiny is a prime example we don't see original games with success anymore.

True story. Too many spoilt people who don't appreciate effort and small things and expect too much. COD = been the same since it began. No complaints Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.

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  • Edited by Wolf Master SHI: 9/15/2014 10:05:11 PM
    If you think no one complains about cod you must be living under a rock. Don't get me wrong, Destiny is a solid C+ player right now, and of course I'm going to sink hours into just like many others since there is really nothing out right about now. But if this is the content you get up front with a 60$ purchase, something is seriously wrong with purchase. Also, justifying it with "more content will come later" is a sad excuse when I could easily name 50+ games on 360, ps3 and pc that game me over 50 hours of content before I even beat the "story." Matter of perspective I suppose, agree to disagree.

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  • Destinys a ball tear game, ur a wanker if u care if other people dont like it.

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  • Truth

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  • PVE portion isn't bad wish there was more. PVP is completely unbalanced and all modes are a form of tdm. What happened to ctf, odd ball, king of the hill ,and etc? Anything that is solely objective based. Everyone runs around with a shotty if I wanted that I would play gears.

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    • Everyone hates it because the story is terrible, you can get to the max level within 24 hours and the gameplay is repetitive.

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      • It's a good game...Not a perfect one. It's literally borderlands and halo put together like everyone thought it would be and I'm not complaining I enjoy this game. Let's face it guys...we all wanted a Bungie MMO :3

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        • Destiny is in no way "different". It's a collection of past ideas brought together as one. It's like... an iPhone. Apple didn't invent the smart phone, they just made it better. Also, you're wrong. If what you're trying to say here were true, there wouldn't be so many popular indie games on the market.

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        • "COD = been the same since it began. No complaints" = You have to have been living in a fridge, under a rock, on a planet, in the Andromeda Galaxy, in 1955 to not have seen any complaints about CoD...

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          • While I do love Destiny, I don't think it's one of a kind or different in any way. It's basically a mash up of old existing games (Borderlands, Halo, Diablo) mixed into one, with better graphics and polished mechanics with a pretty good PVP (even though the PVP is ridiculously unbalanced its still fun with great hit detection) There is nothing new or groundbreaking about Destiny. The missions are the same type of missions you find in every game. Go to location X and kill monster Y. Wait for your ghost to decode somethign while waves of enemies come in... rinse and repeat and you have pretty much every mission on the game. The only thing that will be unique to console is the fact that they will be doing weekly updates, and considering we haven't had one yet I'm not sure how much contect we'll get out of these updates but I'm very hopeful. The raids should be fun, and I'm looking forward to hopefully finally getting some good gear. (as the complete luck based drop system is retarded)

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          • And again to thousands of whiny posts... here you go. 1., Don't play it. Nobody is forcing you load up. The rest of us are enjoying what we got so far. 2., It JUST released. And how much content is already coming just through September? Plenty. Including new story advances. Want more of a story? Read the grimoires, lore, press. Don't base your Destiny "knowledge" off cutscenes. Think it's missing something? Patches and DLC. Bungie has long since proven itself, and the time and effort that have gone in to Destiny was just to get it launched. Now all that time and effort goes to improving what, to me, is already an amazing game, and an even more amazing platform to build on. I can almost guarantee future FPS HIGHLY mimick what destiny tried to achieve from launch day in the same manner Battlefield started to move to a COD feel.

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            8 Replies
            • Do you not agree all the strikes are the same? Boss with large amounts of health and waves of minions. There is no dimension to the fights. If raids are like this, the game will fail. People will get bored.

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              • Edited by Keeyop: 9/15/2014 8:33:38 PM
                [quote]Destiny is a prime example we don't see original games with success anymore.[/quote] Because its the most successful new IP launch of all time?

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              • Wrong, most people that hate it are the PvE players. There isn't a lot for PvE to do after they finished the story. You do a patrol but after 1 hour or less your doing the same thing all over again. This game is a first Shooter game with PvE tied into pvp aspect. If they added the city to the game play for PvE with multiple side missions and options to buy a home, meet the citizens of the last city etc. PvE is greatly lacking and I see the frustration from that crowd. But for me I'm a pvp person and love the game.

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              • Edited by Powehi: 9/15/2014 8:25:18 PM
                what copnos said lol :D

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              • Let's take a different standpoint on the character voicing: maybe the ghosts voice is dull because it's a ROBOT. Also, ever think people might talk differently in the future? I mean look at how people talked simply 200 years ago.

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                • To me it's as if the foundations of something great have been presented to is but it needs fleshing out. Deeper story, more interesting NPCs. Personally one thing that bothers me is being on patrol and us being the only people out there, the beacons make things so impersonal and if they just had a generic dead orbit peon stood there it would be far more engaging. And the story does make sense but it's so disjointed, like oh there's evil on this planet, we'd better do something about it. And you can make the grimoire argument but this feels like stuff the game should tell us. The opening sequence is a perfect example, on mars and whatever with astronauts and this big white ball appears, next thing you know you're being woken up and told to run for your life from some creatures you know nothing about. I don't mean to bash the game, the game play itself is solid and I've been playing a lot of it! I love it! But like I said, it feels like foundations more than a finished project. Again you can argue that they'll be regularly adding content but I make the argument that I shouldn't have to pay $60 for an unfinished product. It sounds like people like me are asking for a lot but when you see games like TES, or WoW which are huge worlds but also so full of life as well, it shouldn't be considered spoilt to ask for something equal to if not more than that, on a supposedly next gen game (yes it's made for 360 and PS3 but advertising seems to mark it as next gen and it's primarily marketed for PS4 so I'll use those words). But maybe designing for 360/PS3 has held the game back, I don't know. Ultimately though the worlds, as gorgeous as they are (I love the landscapes and overall aesthetic of the locations), feel a bit empty and a bit lifeless, all you see is about 20-25 different enemies throughout all 4 worlds, the same models enlarged for bosses and named mobs, no wildlife, no NPCs, outposts, anything like that. I like the game, I'd give an 8, for a first outing of a new IP it's brilliant, and I will be playing it a lot. But it's more potential than anything, and Bungie will really have to step it up in sequels to make it as big as I think they want it to be.

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                • Edited by Vangelion: 9/15/2014 7:53:47 PM
                  I'm enjoying Destiny but I do see some honesty in the complaints, me and my wife play together, have fun, take our time, and it's still fun for us so still $60 well spent..well $120 for 2 copies...but I see what people mean. I guess im on the fence, im happy for now....feel like theres a great foundation....ultimately depends on how Bungie plays it from here.

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                • Agreed.

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                • I think it s a great game...WHEN IT ACTUALLY DECIDES TO WORK!!!! FEEL TOTALLY RIPPED OFF!!!! Now I am sitting waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for it to go to an update screen that it just can't get to??????? Keeps recycling and telling me not connected to internet but my Xbox One "test connection" tells me I am!!! Just watched some content on Twitch so I know I am definitely connected, Bungie sort your house out!!

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                • Destiny isn't one of a kind, as it copies many things from many different games. And people hate it bc its shallow. There isn't much to do after Bungie promised a huge game.

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                • I hate destiny! Lol just kidding but I'm mad I can't get an exotic, but I do have 11 strange coin, got 6 yesterday from farming. I guess I'll just buy one :/

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                  2 Replies
                  • I'm enjoying game . I've already sunk at least 30+ hours into my hunter. My complaint if any would be the story as many have said. I kept waiting for that badass scene where my character would do something epic. (like halo 2 Master chief gives the Cubbies back their bomb). But the cut-scenes showing my character where just a few short dialogue sequences. Other than that I can't put the game down and cannot wait to try out the raid tomorrow.

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                  • Destiny is new; but it's not one-of-a-kind, different, or hated by everyone. Although the vox populi seems largely negative, that probably just means that the majority of people that like and support the game--in spite of its flaws--are too busy enjoying the game instead of ranting about it on the forums. When one has had enough experience in gaming for as long as many of us have, it's easy to see the elements of the games from which Destiny borrows, and improves on, in some cases. Destiny takes the flavors of many dishes and creates a new recipe out of it. But like all complex recipes, it'll continue to evolve into a taste many can appreciate, while others will simply not like it. Such is the nature of things.

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                    • Cod has no complaints? Go on any forum ever that talks about shooters and there is always someone complaining. Destiny didn't live up to the hype they created. That is their own fault and they should suffer for it.

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                    • I'm having fun just disappointed they lied about so much of the content. They said it would have an immersive story, well it must all be in the DLC's because there's none here. And don't say read the grimoire's because I have and I really don't need telling a gun is a gun and a sparrow is for driving around, that's not lore or story.

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                    • this is somewhat true till you called the customer spoiled. the customer typically pays for what he wants. not what some company thinks he wants. no company i know of can release a product that everyone wants. there is always gonna be someone thats says "thats not what i wanted" your post while inherently correct is putting the blame on the customer for lack of new ideas in products. what it really means is the company has to rethink what they think if their idea is correct or not. **note what i said is general politics in creating something new. I myself love destiny so far**

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